Dog Days Are Beginning

By Henry Wolf

Published on Jun 23, 2021


Dog Days Are Beginning Chapter 7: Training: Day 6 Henry Wolf

Sorry about the delay with the new chapter! I've been a bit busy lately but thank you for everyone who checked in on me; it's nice to see there's so many people following the story. If you would like to get in touch, you can email me at

Note: Warning: this chapter contains violent behaviour and explicit sexual scenes. The events in this story are purely fantasy. In real life, please show respect and practice safe and consensual sex.

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The week was creeping closer to its conclusion and the final test loomed. Steve and the other applicants had learned a lot about becoming subservient and accepting their new identities as subs. They'd made it through many hardships and had overcome their fair share of trials. Day 6 was their last day of lessons before their mock test and then final test.

After their morning rituals, the applicants were herded upstairs this time. They had never been upstairs before. They were brought into a large room that was set up like a bedroom. There was a bed, wardrobe, desk, drawers, and an en-suite bathroom. It was a pretty normal looking bedroom, which made it contrast starkly to every other room in the training facility as it wasn't in any way BDSM-themed.

Master Strike announced that their final day of lessons would revolve around serving. "It's important for subs to learn their place as servants. You will all be at the beck and call of your Owners and any other Norms who are superior to you in status. That means you will need to fulfil any requests or daily duties that are required of you. As a house sub, that may involve cooking, cleaning, washing, laundry, or any other household duties. As an office sub, that may involve doing menial tasks or undertaking duties for the senior staff. Today, we will be going through some typical situations where a sub must carry out their duties to serve their Masters."

Master Strike climbed onto the bed, propping himself up by leaning on the headboard. He clicked his fingers, "30, over here. I'll use you to demonstrate how a sub should welcome his Master in the morning. On your knees beside the bed." 30 kneeled down beside the bed, his head bowed.

"Good, boy. This is the position you should all be in before your Master wakes up in the morning. You should ensure you are awake before your Master. In time you will learn to figure this out. It is important that you are ready to serve and not have your Master call to look for you. Now, coffee." Master Strike clicked his fingers again. 30 complied. He made some coffee in the machine on one of the tables and carried it over to Master Strike, presented it to him on his knees with his head bowed.

"Very good," Master Strike petted 30. "Some of your Owners will require their morning drink or breakfast to be cooked before they wake, while others will have you make it after they wake, but you'll find that out with your own Masters."

"The next step, I need to pee," Master Strike clambered off the bed and strode into the bathroom. He turned around as he noticed 30 hadn't followed him. He stalked back and slapped 30 across the face and the applicant yelped in surprise. "I said I needed to pee. A sub's role is to fulfil all of his Master's needs. Follow me into the bathroom now." 30 complied and crawled after Master Strike into the bathroom. The other applicants and Doms watched, transfixed. They all had a good view of the Dom and sub in the bathroom.

"Some Doms will use their subs as urinals," Master Strike explained to everyone outside the bathroom. "You never know, it may become part of your daily routines. And of course, it is a privilege for a sub to drink the piss of his Master. You should be grateful. Open, and don't spill a drop," he commanded. 30 was in shock as he physically shook but managed to open his mouth wide. Master Strike took his cock out of his trousers and began releasing a long stream of gold pee into 30's mouth.

Steve and some of the other applicants couldn't believe it. They'd never witnessed anything like this in person before. Some of the kinkier applicants gazed in envy at 30. The sub tried his best to swallow the large volume of piss without gagging, but he soon choked and spat some out onto the floor, spewing a puddle of piss across the tiled floor.

"Bad sub," Master Strike slapped 30 again. "Lick this all up, and then dry it off with some paper towels." 30 was almost on the verge of tears as he licked up the spilled piss and then dried the floor and his naked body of piss.

"Alright, next is the shower. Some of your Masters may wish for you to clean them in the morning. But remember, this is a duty, and a special privilege for you to touch your Masters. You must concentrate on cleaning them and not take any pleasure out of touching your Masters bodies. Because of course subs don't have the right to feel pleasure; it is all about the pleasure of your Owners."

With that, Master Strike stripped naked and stepped into the shower, turning on the hot water. The bathroom soon became steaming but everyone outside the bathroom had a clear view of the scene. 30 began lathering up the shower gel and caressing it over Master Strike's hairy, muscular body. They could smell the musky scent of cedar wood as it passed over them. 30's hands passed over his large calves and thighs, his cut abs, his muscular, biceps and forearms, across his broad shoulders, down his back, around his plump butt cheeks, and along his long cock. The applicants and even some of the Doms gazed at the scene with thirst, their mouth slack-jawed in awe. Even Steve had to admit his hard cock was growing uncomfortable in his cage as it pressed against the hard material.

When Master Strike had washed off all the suds, he climbed out of the shower and 30 tried him off with a towel, ensuring every part of Master Strike's gleaming, built body was dry. "Well done, boy," he petted 30 on the head. "Now, next Dom and sub." One by one, each of the Doms and subs had their turn doing the same morning routine.

When it came to Steve, he found the piss drinking difficult too and earned himself a few slaps across the face. Similarly, he had choked and spat some pee on the floor and had to lick it up. The pee had tasted vile and warm, but he licked it all up as best he could. When it came to cleaning his Dom, Will, Steve was also quite turned on by the fact that he could caress his burly hairy Dom and feel his muscles. He bit his cheek as his hard cock was uncomfortably trapped within its cage. Master Will was particularly randy. He made Steve lick his armpits clean, lick his nipples and then wash his cock orally. They then started French-kissing, deeply enthralled in each other's arms. That was until Master Strike yelled at them for taking too long.

Steve was surprised by his own behaviour. He hadn't been this turned on since before he had gotten to the training facility. Was it because he hadn't cum in three days since being fucked by Master Joe and was dying to orgasm? Was it because of being around all the hot naked men being caressed in a steamy room? Maybe it was a culmination of both? He knew that becoming a sub was about restriction one's own pleasure in favour of your Master. Was being pent up sexually a normal part of being a sub? Was this frustration the new norm? All he knew was making out with Master Will had turned him on so badly and all he wanted was to cum. He missed his husband Mark a lot, and so wanted to be sexual with a man. He hoped this didn't seem like cheating, but then he reminded himself that he was just obeying the Doms. Plus, he didn't have to tell Mark everything that had gone on during his time here, Steve smirked devilishly.

During their afternoon break, the applicants discussed how they had found the day's lessons. The group had done reasonably well. Apart from a few missteps, everyone had done well. Paul was excited about the house sub duties. He had done a lot of house tasks as a sub already with his wife, but was looking forward to putting to use what he had learned today in a certified sub capacity.

Both Ben and Malik were looking forward to the office duties lesson as they wanted to explore being an office sub in an employed capacity. Steve explained about his upcoming internship programme and wondered whether any of what he would learn today would come up again in his job should he pass the training.

After the break, the applicants were brought to the hall where a large line of tables were set up like a boardroom meeting. There were chairs lined out along the tables. The Doms had changed outfits. They were all sharply dressed in suits as they sat themselves down at intervals along the long line of tables. It strange to have a bunch of naked, collared men at the beck and call of a bunch of suited, seated men. It really added to the contrast and power dynamic between the Doms and subs

"Your next lesson in serving will be for an office environment," Master Rick explained. "Some of you may find yourselves in an employed role where you will be a sub. In that role, it is important for a sub to carry out tasks for Norms who are superior to you and who will give you tasks to complete. Whether it's a bank, tech firm, or graphic design company, subs are a big part of any taskforce. You are there to carry out menial jobs and perform tasks for your superiors. Obviously, we can't go too much into detail as all companies are different, but meetings are a typical day to day affair across all fields. Now, line up around the room." The applicants moved in a row around the room.

"Stand with your back to the wall behind a Dom. You are each to concentrate on the needs of your particular Dom as if you were in a boardroom meeting filled with superiors and your supervisor was sitting at the table in front. Eyes forward, back straight, and hands clasped behind your back." The applicants followed the instructions. The Doms soon started into a conversation about the business of the training facility: the number of people who were applying for the programme, statistics about the pass/fail rate of applicants, and future projections for expansion. The talk got a bit arduous and Steve zoned out. He could tell others had too because one of the Doms got out of his chair, rushed toward the sub standing at the wall behind him and smacked him across the face.

"You weren't paying attention," he yelled. "I lifted my glass, not once, not twice, but three times! My glass is empty and I was indicating I wanted more water. That means you fill it up. I shouldn't need to tell a sub, you should know my needs and fulfil them." The sub, 24, looked shaken.

"Sorry, Sir," he ran to the jug on the table and filled up the empty glass with water. Steve snapped to attention from that point forward, like many of the others. He made sure to concentrate on his Dom, who was Master Bryce, and any gestures or body language he may use.

Kev's Dom indicated he wanted him to take notes for him. He did so on his knees beside is Dom. Thiago was made to be a footstool underneath the table in front of his Dom.

Master Bryce clicked his fingers and pointed beside him. Steve followed instructions and knelt beside the Dom, making sure to lower his gaze so as not to meet the eyes of any of his superiors at the desk but also ensuring he could see Master Bryce's hands in case he gestured for anything else. Master Bryce had summoned him so he could pet his head as if he were a dog kneeling beside him. The Dom absentmindedly caressed Steve's head, face, and back as he spoke to the other Doms, occasionally whispering good boy to Steve. It was an odd feeling to Steve. It was like he was a pet. Kneeling naked beside a clothed man in a full suit and tie in the seat above you was a clear contrast in power dynamics. It was a symbol of being owned. He was the sub, serving the other man, kneeling on the floor, stripped naked, collared, with his body being caressed and controlled, and Master Bruce was the Dom, there to be served, allowed to sit on furniture, and allowed to be fully clothed, with full access and control over Steve's body. He had to admit, he felt a bit of humiliation at being in this lower position. If it hadn't been for the past week of adjusting of thinking, he'd find it even more difficult. Still, it didn't make the humiliation any easier.

The meeting soon came to an end and the Doms all decided to celebrate the end of the final lesson with cigars. They puffed away as the applicants made sure the Doms' needs were met.

"Of course, we can't let the applicants go without rewarding them for finishing their last lesson," Master Rick said. "As a treat for finishing the week, you get to pleasure your Dom with a nice long blowjob," the Doms laughed and cheered as they clinked their glasses, now flowing with whiskey and ice. The applicants all climbed under the long table and kneeled in between their Doms' legs, opening their trousers' flies and taking the cocks into their mouths.

If Steve hadn't felt humiliated before, he sure did now. It was like he was just an object being used. He knelt there, in the darkness below the table with the other applicants as he thrust his head back and forth, sliding Master Bryce's hard dick in and out of his mouth, the saliva and precum slobbering onto his lips and face. The Doms were all engaged in conversation above, laughing, jostling each other as they drank their drinks and smoked their cigars. They didn't pay any attention to the applicants who knelt below them, pleasuring their cocks.

Steve had never been ignored or used like this before. Whatever about being fucked and tormented, at least he had been acknowledged. Now he wasn't even a person worthy of being looked at while giving a blowjob. He wasn't even in the light of day or clothed. Instead, he was just an object being used for pleasure under a dark table, naked and collared. It was like two different worlds: one above the table and one below. He wondered would this be his life now? He knew subs were treated differently but he didn't know it involved being ignored and used as an object when your Owner needed it. He hoped Mark wouldn't treat him like this. Sure, being subservient and obedient was ok, but having his humanity taken from him and treated like a common object was degrading. Was that what he was now? A common sex toy for the use of his superiors? He had to stop thinking about it or he'd get depressed.

The blowjobs went on for another hour, the Doms slowly edging to completion, some cumming more than once. Steve's jaw was aching by the time Master Bryce had cum the third time.

After their nightly routine, the applicants were led back to their cages. Steve was wrecked. Tomorrow would be their mock test and the following day their final test. He had managed to get through all the lessons. Now it was time to see if he had it in him to become a certified sub. He was confident about the test itself. Once he had gotten over the initial hesitations, he had gone fully in and embraced the trials.

But, today had made him reluctant. Sure, he felt as though he could pass the test, but what happened after that? He hadn't really thought of his life as a sub. He had only thought of how it could get him a job. But what did it mean for him and Mark. Would he treat him differently? Would he just be an object to Mark? How would he be treated in his job? It was all new to him, and something he needed to consider when he was back with Mark. But, for now, he needed rest.

The applicants have made it to the end. Who will pass their final test? Who will fail? What will happen after that? Who knows? Find out here next time!

Next: Chapter 8

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