Dog Days Are Beginning

By Henry Wolf

Published on May 28, 2021


Dog Days Are Beginning Chapter 6: Training: Day 5 Henry Wolf

Thank you to everyone who has gotten in touch and who is enjoying the story so far. If you would like to get in touch, you can email me at

Note: Warning: this chapter contains violent behaviour and explicit sexual scenes. The events in this story are purely fantasy. In real life, please show respect and practice safe and consensual sex.

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Day 5 of training began like the others. Steve's body felt a bit stiff from the restraints: the collar, butt plug, gag, chains, and cock cage made various parts of his body ache. The applicants were given breakfast, taken to the shower and bathroom, and then led to the main hall. The gags, plugs, and chains had been removed to facilitate their morning routine.

Master Bryce kicked things off. He seemed to have pep in his step this morning. "Day 5, applicants. You know what that means? Pet training, my favourite day!" Master Bryce rubbed his hands together with a smile. "As you may be aware, Doms, Masters, or Owners sometimes like to treat their subs as pets. Some you may be kept as human pets and treated like dogs or pups. It's a natural part of being a sub. Today you will learn to get into the headspace of a pup, act like pups, and think of yourself as pets." Steve had never seen pup play in person. He'd seen videos and photos of people doing pup play online, but he'd never really delved into it. Today would be another day of new experiences.

"Alright pups, let's get you into puppy mode. First we'll get you into gear. Down on all fours," Master Bryce commanded. "Pups shouldn't be on two feet, you're not humans when you're pets." The applicants and dropped onto their hands and knees, positioning themselves like dogs.

The Doms gathered some pup gear from the tables and made their way to the applicants. First, they placed pup hoods on the applicants head. They were leather and had a muzzle that stuck out in front, spiked ears at the top, two holes to see through, and a hinged jaw. Steve felt the tight leather secure around his head. It felt like a Halloween mask except kinkier. He turned his head from side to side, following the muzzle in his eye-sight. It was strange being able to see it in front of his face. This must be what dogs see, he mused.

The Doms then placed leather mitts on the applicants so they wouldn't have any use of their hands. Their hands now acted as paws and made it a bit easier to walk around on all fours due to their slight cushioning effect. Steve felt his hands trapped within the mitts and began thinking of them more as paws then hands.

Finally, the Doms lubed up some dog tail butt plugs. They had a rounded bulb that extended to a flexible rubber tail. Steve felt the plug being inserted into him. It filled his hole. Luckily, the plug from yesterday had loosened him up. He could feel the tail slap off his ass cheeks as he moved around.

"Wow, well don't we have some handsome looking pups?" Master Strike smiled. "You all look the part, but you're going to have to get into the mind set up dogs and behave like them too. First, I want to hear some barks from you, pups." Master Strike commanded but the applicants were silent. Then they screamed as they all felt a jolt of electricity from their collars.

"I forgot to mention, as part of your pup training, we're using electrical shocks for disobedience. We want to give you that authentic pet training." Master Strike explained as the explained groaned, recovering from the shocks they'd just received. "Now, let's here you bark, or you'll be getting a stronger shock." The applicants are replied with a half-hearted "woof."

"You can do better than that," Master Strike yelled and the applicants felt a stronger ripple of electricity from their collars. Steve fell to the ground from his position on all fours, grinding his head into the concrete in agony. He could see many of the other writhing in pain.

"This time, I want to hear an enthusiastic bark from you all," Master Strike commanded at which point all the applicant loudly barked.

"Goooood. Much better; now you're learning pups," Master Strike petted Paul's head, who was closest to him. Paul shook slightly, still recovering from the two bolts of electricity. Steve didn't blame him; he was trying hard to keep steady on all fours himself.

"Now pups, let's hear a whimper," Master Rick commanded. The applicants were quick to respond this time, looking to avoid another painful shock. "Very good, pups," Master Rick cooed and the Doms petted the applicants nearest to them. Steve felt a slight bit of pride with being rewarded with a pet on his head and being told he was a good pup. He didn't know if was just the fact that it was first bit of praise he had received over the past few days instead of punishment or if it had something to do with pet play itself that was enthralling him. Either way, he was enjoying the affection.

"Now, let's hear a yelp," Master Bryce winked at the other Doms and they all slapped the butts of the nearest applicants, who yelped in response. "Good pups," Master Bryce laughed. "Looks like you've got your pup sounds covered. After all, pups don't talk, so if anyone of you speaks in pup mode, you'll get another shock through your collars."

Steve gulped. He'd have to adjust his thinking to that of a dog both in terms of behaviour but also with verbal responses. He didn't feel like getting any more shocks.

"Alright, why don't we have a bit of fun," Master Bryce nodded to the other Doms who each gathered up a chewy dog toy. Each Dom took an applicant and started playing fetch with them. Steve's Dom threw a white bone toy across the room for him to fetch. He crawled over on his paws. It was slow going. He wasn't used to crawling on the ground, and mitts made it so he couldn't grip; he'd have to just use the mitts to push forward as best he could. He lowered his head and opened his mouth, getting the muzzle unhinged so he could bite the bone. It took him a few attempts as the muzzle kept getting in the way. Finally, he bit down on the chewy plastic and made his way back to his Dom.

"Too slow, pup, faster this time, I want to see you run and get it back to me quickly," the Dom slapped him hard on the ass and then threw the bone further than before.

Steve sighed. He turned and crawled faster. He tried to emulate the run of a dog, raising his knees up as he ran but still remaining on all fours. He bumped into a few of the other pups as they ran to fetch their toys. It was chaotic as the room was filled with the sounds of squeaky toys, pups yelping and gasping as they bumped into one another, ran across the floor, and were reprimanded or praised by their Doms.

Steve managed to get the bone into his mouth faster this time but as he was returning it he knocked into another pup and it fell from his mouth. His Dom gave him five slaps on the ass this time. "Come on, pup. It's a dog's duty to take care of its owner's property. You should be holding on to that bone for dear life. Again," he threw the bone, "and don't be so clumsy this time."

On and on they practised. The Doms threw the toys and the pups fetched them. Steve was getting tired but felt exhilarated at the challenge of trying to return the toy faster than the previous attempt. It preoccupied his mind so he didn't have time to think of anything else. It was all about making his Dom happy and being a good pup. It was only when Master Strike clapped for them to cease playing fetch, Steve had realised that the time had flown. He'd actually enjoyed pretending to be a dog, playing fetch and getting praise from the Dom. He was surprised. He'd never did pup play before, but the past few hours had been quite enjoyable, besides the electric shocks. He felt himself becoming more comfortable on all fours, and the pup gear was beginning to feel more of an extension of him.

Is this a new kink I'm into, Steve pondered. It was like some dormant secret within him had been switched on and it excited him. He looked down and could see his was dripping precum through his cage. Maybe I like being a pup, Steve smiled. This week really was allowing him to learn more about himself and opening up all kinds of kinky doors.

The pups spent some time outdoors during their afternoon break. They were still verbally restricted so they couldn't have their usual afternoon gossip session. Instead, they practised communicating in dog speech, barking happily, yelping in surprise, or whining if they disapproved or were sad about anything.

Some of the pups spooned lazily with each other in the sun, tired from fetching the toys from earlier. Others bounced with energy as they jostled and wrestled each other, playing like real dogs. Steve saw a few pups practising their running as they made their way up and the down the grass. It was a wonder how quickly everyone had taken to pup mode. Sure, most of the pups looked clumsy since many were new to pup play, but their enthusiasm made up for that.

Steve pondered over these thoughts. The training facility had planned the week well. The first few days involved breaking the applicants down through harsh punishments, mental readjustments, and physical exhaustion. Once the weaker applicants had been weeded out, those remaining had been moulded into more susceptible subs-in-training, eager to please and willing to obey. They'd accept anything they were told. Then, today, they were transformed into human pups with very little resistance. It was amazing how going from days of brutality to being praised as a "good pup" or being petted could win over a bunch of submissive men.

Steve had to take his hat off to the Doms. Their methods were effective. The results were clear to see as 16 men who had once been seen as Norms were now voluntarily naked, collared, in chastity, plugged, and in pup gear in the clear of day enjoying their time in the sun.

After their break, the Doms took the pups on a walk outside the compound. It was the first time since they'd arrived at the facility that they'd been beyond the fence. The pups were leashed by their collars and made to walk on all fours beside their Doms. Master Bryce led Steve by the leash through small forested area behind the compound and up the hill beyond. Steve did his best to keep up pace with Master Bryce. It was made more difficult as loose stones and twigs scratched his legs and arms as he crawled. Steve could hear some of the other Doms giving out to their pups and slapping them as they dawdled behind. Ben was up ahead of Steve and was bounding forward, pulling his Dom up the trail like an excited puppy. Steve smiled through his panting. Ben was really at home with everything he'd been put through this week. It was nice to see someone so full of life and happy with their lot.

When they got to the top of the hill, the Doms settled down on the grass with their pups, chatting with each other as they enjoyed the view of the rolling green countryside below. Steve was dumbstruck by the wide expanse. It was a stark change from the enclosed walls and cages he had been imprisoned in for the past few days. His eyes could barely adjust to the hills and valleys that stretched to the horizon. He was so enthralled he didn't notice Master Bryce pulling at his collar follow the Dom to a spot away from the other Doms. He followed him over.

"Dom John, could you bring 7 over here. You can leave the pup with me and go chat with the others." Dom John brought Ben over and left him with Master Bryce. Steve wondered what Master Bryce wanted with Ben and him as Dom John handed over the leash and retreated to the other Doms.

Master Bryce sat himself down on the grass. "Here pups, lie down on my lap," Master Bryce patted his lap. Steve and Ben both lay their heads on the Dom's lap. Steve was surprised by the Doms sudden gentleness as Master Bryce caressed the pups as if they were actual dogs.

"I wanted to have a chat with both of you. As you know, pet play is my thing," Master Bryce chuckled. "I'm an expert at training human pups, so I know talent when I see it. I can tell pup 7 here is experienced at being a pup. Isn't that right pup," he asked Ben.

Ben confirmed by barking and wiggling in Master Bryce's lap.

"Good boy, I knew it, you could tell it a mile away that you've been a pup before," Master Bryce smiled and petted Ben's head. "As for you, pup 27, you're newer to this, I bet?"

Steve barked, nodding his head.

"It was apparent from today you hadn't done this before, but I was watching you playing fetch with your Dom and you were clearly dedicated at being a pup. I could tell you were fully in pup mode, it showed in your enthusiasm that you just let go. It was like seeing an actual dog playing," Master Bryce rubbed Steve's stomach. Steve happily wagged his butt in reply.

"The reason why I pulled you two aside is that you both stood out to me as natural pups. Whatever happens after this week, whether you pass or fail the sub training, I think both of you have a future as human pups. I love to see men realise their true inner pup natures, it makes for happy pups, and I could see how happy both of you were in pup mode. Sure, some of the others have potential but both of you struck me as having the right temperament. I would highly recommend you both peruse pup play, whether it's full time or just as a side kink. I run a human pup training programme as a side hustle. I also host a monthly pup social event at a gay bar in town. I'll include the details to your owners when the week finishes. I'd love to see you at either of those if it's something you'd like to pursue." Master Bryce smiled down at the pups, rubbing them.

It was a lot for Steve to process. Before today, pup play hadn't really crossed his mind. Now, here he was in full pup gear, lying down with another pup in the lap of a Dom being told he was a natural pup and was being encouraged to pursue pup play. He had to admit, the day spent as a pup had been very enjoyable. He had unlocked something within him and it was taking hold of him, like an alter ego in dog form. It would be a shame not to explore it, given how well he'd taken to it and given the praise Master Bryce, a pup play expert, had showered on him. Maybe he would mention it to Mark when he got back home. He didn't know whether his husband would be into becoming the owner of a human pet, but after everything that had happened so far this week, anything was possible.

Steve and Ben lazed about in Master Bryce's lap, gazing across the beautiful valley below as the sun made its way across the horizon and listening to Master Bryce tell them more about his interest in pups while petting them and calling them "good boys." It was the most relaxed Steve had been all week. It sure was a welcome change from the intensity of the past few days. Being in pup mode in a beautiful spot like this in the arms of a caring Dom was paradise. He almost drifted off to sleep, but it was soon time to head back to the facility for their night time routine.

Looks like Steve is learning a lot about himself, and the other applicants are enjoying being pups! But how will they get on as their training continues on Day 6 and their test day looms closer? Find out next time!

Next: Chapter 7

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