Dog Days Are Beginning

By Henry Wolf

Published on May 19, 2021


Dog Days Are Beginning Chapter 5: Training: Day 4 Henry Wolf

Thank you to everyone who has gotten in touch. Your positive feedback is so kind and much appreciated. I'm enjoying the discussions and hearing about everyone's own interests. If you would like to get in touch, you can email me at

Note: Warning: this chapter contains violent behaviour and explicit sexual scenes. The events in this story are purely fantasy. In real life, please show respect and practice safe and consensual sex.

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Steve awoke feeling quite relaxed. The high from yesterday had gone but the afterglow was still lingering in his body, and the night's sleep had been aided snuggled up with Kev. He had purposely woken up early in order to drag his mattress to the other side of the cage. He hoped that this would allow Kev and him to avoid extra infractions from the Doms.

He lay in bed staring at the ceiling. It was surprising to think he had gotten halfway through the training week. It was Day 4. It didn't seem like a long time on paper but being at home with Mark seemed like a lifetime ago. He had learned so much since Day 1 about being submissive, giving up preconceived notions of himself, and handing over control to someone else. He had also learned a lot about his own sexuality and certain things that he now found pleasurable. Even after only 3 days, he was definitely a changed man. How would Mark think of him when he got home? Would he treat him any differently? Steve was glad he could have a these quiet moments to ponder over his thoughts. During training, there wasn't a lot of private time to think things over.

The applicants were brought on their morning routine; they were well used to it by now. Breakfast in bowls on the floor was followed by their communal toilet break and shower. They were then brought into the hall to recite the sub mantra, provide their Doms with blowjobs, and receive their morning punishments. Thankfully, the Doms hadn't noticed that Steve had comforted Kev all night so they both only received their standard 10 flogs. Most of the other applicants had only received 10 or 20 flogs. It looked like the remaining 16 applicants were well drilled in the rules and expectations of sub instructions.

Steve noticed that Master Joe wasn't in the hall amongst the other Doms. He also hadn't been there to wake the applicants, bring them to breakfast or watch them as they showered. Steve and the other applicants had been chatting during breakfast. He explained to them what had happened yesterday during Master Joe's attempts to break Steve. They were shocked with how Steve had entered a place of paradise and how Master Joe had sulked off in embarrassment. The others had suggested that maybe that's why Master Joe was a no show.

Steve was taken aback. Was that the reason why? Had Steve broken Master Joe's confidence and now he was gone? If he had caused Master Joe to quit, then there was a power in Steve's submission. It was an interesting thought and it gave Steve a mixture of different emotions and feelings. It was confusing and he would need to work through them to figure them out. Submission was about giving up control so you were under the jurisdiction of another. But yesterday, his submission had given him power. He had gotten what he had wanted: pleasure and control over Master Joe, causing the Dom to quit in embarrassment. After all, what's the point of a Dom that can't be dominant, Steve thought wickedly. There was definitely something there in Steve's submission that he could utilise. He could use his submission to get what he wanted. The tactical cogs were turning in his brain, but he would have to ponder over that later as a new day of training was getting underway.

"Well done applicants for getting to Day 4," Master Strike began. "We've lost almost half of our original group, which was expected, but that just means we get to focus on those who are destined for lives as subs. But don't count your eggs before they hatch. You all still have more lessons to learn before you become fully-formed subs. Today you will be learning about objectification and becoming objects owned by your Masters. But before we begin, you may have noticed, Master Joe is no longer with us. He has had to take some unexpected time off, but don't worry, the other Doms and I will ensure that your training will continue as normal."

Steve exchanged glances with the other applicants who gave him knowing looks and nods of approval. It was true. Steve had caused the Dom to quit. He smiled to himself. Got him, he thought. He felt an ember of power surge a lot stronger within him. Knowing he could take a manipulative, sadistic Dom in his hole and make crumble was everything.

"Today will be all about becoming objects," Master Bryce explained. "Subs are property. They are to be used by their owners in any way they see fit and can conversely be locked up while not in use. Your human urges and freedoms are longer relevant and will thus be restricted. The first of those human urges is your dicks, or should I say your owners dicks; subs don't own their own bodies as you are the property of your owners so no longer have the right to refer to your own dicks as your own. The best way for you to learn this is by having them locked up." Master Bryce clicked his fingers and the other Doms picked some oddly shaped objects from the tables and each strode to an applicant.

Steve saw a Dom stroll up to him carrying a plastic object. He realised as he came closer that it was a cock cage. The Dom grabbed Steve's cocked. Steve gasped at how forceful the Dom was as he pulled Steve's cock into the transparent cage. It wasn't exactly spacious so Steve whimpered into pain as the Dom manoeuvred his cock in.

Steve had never worn a cage before so the feeling of plastic against his shaft was very strange. He was glad when the Dom had secured it onto Steve and locked it in place. It hung down, pulling his dick lower. The restrictive hard plastic made Steve go softer than usual, making his dick seem smaller. It was another step in his submission; another step towards giving himself over to someone else. He was less in control of his body, and owned less of it too. It was a big part of him, and represented his sexuality. I guess that means I'm losing my sense of sexuality as sub, Steve thought. He sighed. It really was an objectifying piece of equipment. He had become less man and more object in a matter of seconds.

Steve looked around the others. Some of them were chill, looking as if they were getting a suit fitted for tailoring. Others were having some trouble getting soft so the cages could fit around their cocks. Hilariously, Ben was rock hard as usual. He was enjoying the experience a bit too much. It took his Dom a good 15 minutes to get Ben soft enough to cage his cage.

"This is the normal state of being for a sub," Master Strike told them. "Your owner may decide to unlock you. Otherwise, owners like to keep their property looked and secure, even from the subs themselves," he smiled.

"Next, your holes will be secured." Master Strike nodded and the Doms moved to the applicants with what looked like gags and butt plugs. A Dom moved around Steve and secured a ball gag in his mouth. The gag pulled his lips back and squashed his tongue back so he couldn't speak. Then, the Dom lubed up Steve's ass. He slowly inserted the cold steel plug into Steve's hole. Once it was in, the Dom turned a switch at the base so the part of the plug inside Steve spread open like a flower blooming, becoming wider and pressing against the lining of his insides. It filled him up so he had no way of removing it. The Dom finished by securing a padlock to the switch at the base of the plug.

Steve could feel the plug as a constant presence inside him, symbolising that his hole was under control by the Doms and not his own. He was at their discretion to excrete. It was a strange feeling to have both his holes filled. Some of the others were moving awkwardly, not used to having to move about with a plug in them.

"The last step will be to keep your movements restricted," Master Bruno said. "Subs don't have the same freedoms of movement as Norms and should thus be reminded of those restrictions." The Doms now gathered chains and brought them over to the applicants. Steve's Dom secured wrist and ankle restraints around him and attached chains to each along with a chain attached to his collar. Steve had to stoop over as the chains weren't long enough to support his height.

"Now, try to walk around," Master Bruno commanded. The applicants did so. They were all bent over and had to use half strides as the short chains connecting both ankles only allowed for restricted movements. The Doms laughed at the sound of the clinking chains and the sight of the applicants struggling to move.

Steve felt as though he were a slave back in the Roman Empire. Each restrictive item on him reminded him of his descent into submission and his loss of self-control: the collar representing ownership, the cock cage robbing him of his sexuality, the gag silencing him, the butt plug taking control of his excretion and hole for use, and the chains restricting his movement. He never felt more like an object.

Their afternoon recreation was awkward as they shuffled around the yard for a bit or just sat on the grass in silence, giving each other looks as they weren't able to chat. After their time outside, they were brought into a recreation room for the Doms. It was filled with couches, TVs, fridges, table tennis equipment, foosball tables, pool tables, and a bar.

The applicants were taught to remain stoic while the Doms enjoyed themselves. This was their next lesson in objectification. Subs were nothing more than furniture to be used by Norms. They didn't get to enjoy leisurely activities. They merely had to wait while their Doms needed them next. They were also not allowed on furniture as chairs, sofas, couches, and other seating were only for Norms.

Steve saw how the others were being used. Paul was being used as a table to hold the Doms drinks. He laid on all fours as the glasses balanced on his back. He was surprisingly still.

Malik had a gag in his mouth which attached to an ashtray. He had spilled a bit due to fatigue from holding his head still for so long. He got a slap for that and had to sweep up the ash with his hands.

Kev was a ball boy for one of the table tennis matches, crawling back and forth along the ground, retrieving the ball as it bounced away. It was a struggle due to the light, bouncy ball plus the fact that his movements were restricted by the chains. He would get a smack on the ass if he took too long.

Steve was a footstool for one of the Doms who was watching TV. His boots rested on his back. More than anything, Steve was bored. It wasn't that physically tiring. He remembered to enter the subspace to pass the time. He didn't feel the same pleasure as he had when Master Joe was fucking him, but clearing his mind did make the time go a bit faster.

After their time in the recreation room, the applicants were fed, brought to the communal bathroom, and then given their nightly spanking. Today had been one of the easier days of training. Becoming objectified was more of a mental challenge than a physical one, and all the applicants had gotten to this point through mental endurance so they were all made of tough stuff. For the first day since the beginning, none of the applicants had quit.

Steve couldn't have his usual night time chat with Kev. Luckily, Kev was in a much better place going to sleep tonight. He had recovered from his previous experiences. The cellmates hugged each other, tried to smile through their gags, which they both chuckled about, and turned in.

Looks like the applicants did well on Day 5! How will they fare on Day 5? Find out next time.

Next: Chapter 6

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