Dog Days Are Beginning

By Henry Wolf

Published on May 11, 2021


Dog Days Are Beginning Chapter 4: Training: Day 3 Henry Wolf

It's great to hear that so many are enjoying the story so far and have been coming back for each new chapter as the story evolves! If you would like to get in touch, you can email me at

Note: Warning: this chapter contains violent behaviour and explicit sexual scenes. The events in this story are purely fantasy. In real life, please show respect and practice safe and consensual sex.

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"Well, well, well," Master Strike exclaimed as if he were the cat that got the cream. He stared in through the metal bars of Steve and Kev's cell, gazing upon the pair wrapped up in each other.

The two cellmates hadn't heard the morning call as they had been so deep in sleep. Frankly, sleeping together had given them the best night's sleep they'd had since coming to the facility.

They both broke apart and jumped out of bed, standing at attention, presenting themselves to Master Strike. "Sorry, Sir," they both grovelled.

"Looks like we've got some love birds in here. Punishment will be fun this morning," Master Strike unlocked the cell and dragged the two men by the hair, out into the hall where the other applicants were eating their sub chow for breakfast. "No breakfast for these two," Master Strike told the other Doms as he dumped their food in the bin. "I found them all lovey-dovey with their mattresses pushed together."

Steve and Kev bowed their heads, ashamed of their actions, and sat on their haunches as the other applicants gave them sympathetic looks and continued with their breakfast. Truth be told, the two men were dreading their punishments but the comfort their comradery had given them was almost worth any punishment.

After their morning sub mantra, the Doms passed out the daily punishment. It was a quick affair for most of the applicants who had clocked up 10 or 20 flogs with little to no infringements. That was apart from Kev and Steve who had clocked up 50 flogs each: 10 mandatory, 10 for pushing their beds together, 10 for cuddling, 10 for missing the morning call, and 10 for wasting sub chow. Steve and Kev gritted their teeth as the whips beat off their backs. By the time they had made it to 50, their faces were dirty with tears, their backs were angry with red marks and welts, and their lungs were heaving with exhaustion. Even Kev wasn't his usual upbeat self.

"Let that be a lesson in disobedience to the rest of you," Master Strike announced to the other applicants. "This isn't a slumber party; you have no authority to go changing your bedding arrangements. It is a privilege for subs to be given anything to sleep on. And your bodies are not your own. We own them. Subs have no right to touch each other. And finally, it is a privilege for subs to be fed, not a right. Be thankful that we feed you at all."

As Steve caught his breath, working through the pain, he felt responsible for the group being given out to. His every move really was being watched in this place; there was no getting away from the Doms' preying eyes. He'd have to follow their rules to a T. Maybe this is what sub life is all about, Steve thought. Having no liberties or freedoms with every move you make being critiqued. If it weren't for his physical pain that he could concentrate on, his thoughts on how restrictive his existence currently was would have overwhelmed him.

Master Rick made his way to the centre of the room. "Well done applicants, you've made it to Day 3, we're almost halfway through our lessons! Doesn't time fly?" He waved his tattooed arms. The faces, designs, and symbols on his arms were tantalising, almost hypnotic. Steve had to shake his head to concentrate on his words.

"Today will be all about sexual submission. You will learn that sub's bodies are not their own. They are objects to be used for the pleasure of their owners. You will learn to give up your bodies to be used, whether that is orally, anally, or however else we see fit." Some of the other applicants shifted about uncomfortably at Master Rick's explicit language, particularly some of the straights.

"This is an important step in your journey to submission. It is about giving up control of your bodies sexually and placing all your thoughts on your owner's needs. You must learn to concentrate on their pleasure alone, as your own pleasure is no longer relevant. A happy Dom, Master, or owner, means a happy sub. Remember that."

"Before we begin, I reiterate what we have said before. Applicants are free to leave at any time. Sexual submission is not to be taken lightly. It takes immense strength to submit sexually and to be used freely. Some of you will have it in you to make this transition. Others, whether it is because you are stubborn, have too much pride, or deep down are not truly submissive, will break under the pressure. This is where we learn who the true submissives are. An important point to note: if you do not request to stop or quit, we will take this as your consent to engage in sexual acts with you. Does everyone understand?"

"Yes, Sir," the applicants replied. Steve confirmed too but his heart was beating hard. Sure, he had had many sexual escapades before Mark but they had all been on equal ground, where there was mutual pleasure for both parties. Being collared and naked while a domineering man in leather peered above you and used you like a piece of meat tended to tip the scales in another direction. Sure, some of the Doms were hot, and the dungeon vibe played into some of Steve's bedroom kinks, but giving his body up to a bunch of strange men who could have had any type of weird sexual fantasy, was a cause for some slight concern.

"Great! Well time for our first sex lesson. We've been thinking it over and we tried to come up with a way for you applicants to thank our wonderful Doms here for their hard work in training you all," Master Rick smiled at the Doms.

"What we agreed on was that as part of your morning routine, after your sub mantra and punishments, you'll give one of our Doms here an oral thank you. And by oral I don't mean verbally." The Doms all laughed at that one.

Steve groaned internally, I think we all know what you meant.

Master Rick clapped his hands, "Well Doms, pick a sub and enjoy." The Doms made their way to particular subs. Master Rick went for 1, Master Bryce went for 10, and Master Strike went for 16. Steve was afraid Master Joe would seek him out given his behaviour yesterday, but he was relieved to see him go for 23. A hairy and burly helper Dom named Will strode up to Steve, slapping him in the face to focus him on the Dom's crotch.

"It's important for you to learn what pleasures your Dom," Master Strike encouraged the applicants as they began pleasuring their Doms. Some wanted their boots licked, others wanted their armpits pleasured, others wanted their nipples sucked, while some went straight in for a blowjob.

"Lick my balls, boy," Dom Will commanded as he lowered his leather pants and underwear.

Steve could smell the musky scent off of him, but didn't hesitate. He had had enough punishment this morning. He pushed his face into Dom Will's hairy nut sack. It was humid with sweat but he licked the balls as best he could. Mark wasn't that into having his balls licked but Steve had slept with a few men in the past that had enjoyed it so he thought back to past experiences and applied them to the situation at hand. The skin was tender and the pubes tickled Steve's face, but Dom Will seemed to be enjoying himself so far as he was audibly groaning.

Steve stole a glance around at the other applicants as Dom Will seemed to be in heaven, his head thrown back. Kev was nibbling on his Dom's nipples, whose eyes were rolling back in pleasure. Paul, the straight guy who Steve had met on his first day here, had his face buried in his Dom's armpit. A few of the applicants Steve saw seemed to be animated, enjoying it as much if not more than their Doms. 7 and 17 were deep throating their Dom's cocks as if they contained the elixir of life.

"Pay attention, boy," Dom Will slapped Steve's face again.

"Sorry, Sir," he grovelled.

"Ok, work my dick, boy. Put it in your mouth."

Steve gulped, but placed the head of the cock on his tongue, tasting the meaty shaft. He closed his eyes as he continued to work down the shaft. It wasn't as big as Mark's dick but it was strange having another man's in his mouth. It curved at the end so Steve had to manoeuvre his head to get it all the way in his mouth. He concentrated on not gagging as the head hit the back of his throat. It was made slightly harder when Dom Will held the back of Steve's head and began pumping into his mouth.

"Your mouth feels so good, boy." Dom Will patted Steve's cheek.

Steve could feel himself slobbering as the saliva drooled from his mouth, down his chin and onto the ground.

"That's what I love to see," Dom Will groaned as he placed both hands on the back of Steve's head and began regularly pushing his cock back and forth, making a mess of Steve's face. His lips were red and dripping with saliva and precum.

The Doms carried on for the better part of an hour, some cumming more than once, others edging themselves, stopping, and then continuing again. Once they had cum, they commanded their applicants to swallow their cum, lick it off the floor if they had spilled any, or lick the sweat and cum from their Doms bodies.

Dom Will took an annoyingly long time to cum. Mark could hold back from orgasming if needed so could last pretty long but if he and Steve wanted a quickie, he could turn it out and cum on command. So Steve's jaw wasn't used to this amount of oral work and had begun aching the past 15 minutes. He was relieved when Dom Will groaned and came into Steve's mouth. He tasted the salty liquid hit his tongue and his throat. He swallowed it as fast as he could, luckily it wasn't viscous so it went down easy.

"Good, boy," Dom Will lightly slapped Steve's cheek. "You've got a good mouth for a blow job." Dom Will smiled and left Steve to regain his breath. He moved his tongue around his mouth and swallowed, trying to rid the taste of cum.

It was hard to believe Steve had just consented to spending the best part of an hour with a perfect stranger's cock in his mouth, forced to work his tongue around the head and push the shaft as far as it could go down his throat, and then swallow that man's cum. He felt like an object, like a toy used and then tossed aside. It had been completely different to any blowjob he had given before where at least then he had been seen as a person and at least there had been some form of reciprocation.

His own pleasure hadn't been given a second thought in this situation; it had all been about pleasuring the Dom. He had concentrated on what Dom Will had wanted; it had filled up his mind until he stopped thinking about himself as a person with his own pleasures, but instead on how he could adapt his body to please Dom Will. It was transformative moment in his journey into submission. Steve had previously thought this week would be about struggling through and making it to the other side unscathed. But now, he realised it was changing him. Whether he liked it or not.

The applicants were given a break for some recreation in the yard. Steve was chatting with Kev and his clique. They had been sharing gossip about their lesson this morning. 4 and 10 had been cut from the programme. Their gag reflexes had let them down and hadn't been able to fulfil their oral duties. They were both straight, which wasn't a surprise. The group was now down to 18 applicants.

1, whose name was Greg and who Steve remembered from day 1 when the pale, gangly, red-head had smiled at being collared, was expressing his love of their first lesson in sexual submission. "I mean I'm straight, but being dominated like that and forced to pleasure a man's body... whew, I was in heaven."

"How does that work? I'm gay as fuck so my dick has been hard this whole time from being around all these gorgeous men, but like how does it work if you're straight being dominated by a man?" 7, real name Ben, the South East Asian man asked. He had loved every second of their sex lesson. Steve recalled him being hard when he had first seen him on his first day, and somehow he was still hard now as he chatted with the other men.

"Well, we all know you're gagging for it, honey," 16, Malik, a pansexual Arab laughed. "That's why you're hard as a rock all the time," he lightly tapped Ben's dick.

"You know it," Ben made a faux coy face and the group laughed.

"I'm definitely just attracted to women," Greg explained, "and female Doms would be my preference, but being dominated by anyone is a turn on, so I won't complain."

More than anything this week, Steve had been learning lot about different sexual preferences and kinks. Everyone seemed to have their own preferences and were willing to share with others. Ironically, for a programme about restriction and limitations, it was quite liberating to meet all these different people and hear about their own interests. Steve hadn't explored his own in that much depth, but he was learning a lot about himself through this experience.

"How about you, Paul? How did you find today?" Thiago, a 29 gay Latino asked. He was probably the most chilled out of any applicant Steve had seen or spoken to. He had an air about him that made it seem like he was always stoned. He was a calm free-spirited type and had probably taken some funky things in his time. He'd professed earlier that he was "enjoying the ride" and "liked being a bit sub and a bit Dom." To him, the week was like a "journey through the desert to find himself." He was a bit of mystery to Steve, but he liked the guy.

"Living the dream, son. Living the dream," Paul, the 48-year old Steve had chatted to during orientation. "This is what I've always wanted, and I can't wait to be a fully registered sub. And then I can return to my one and only love, my wife, or my Mistress as she'll soon be."

The whole group "Awwwwed" and lightly jostled Paul for being the romantic. It was nice to see the programme being undertaken for love.

"This morning was fine, once we got past the punishment," Steve chipped in. "It's weird being sexually involved with someone who isn't your husband, but the blowjob didn't bother me." He hadn't been in heaven like the other guys. Sure, sucking a dick was fun, and he had enjoyed part of the experience, but he hadn't been in utter bliss. But at least he knew he had done a lot better than some of the other applicants who had hated the experience and barely passed the lesson.

"Sweetheart, you can do better than `Didn't bother me,'" Malik gave Steve a look. "These are prime beefy Dom men here. You gotta take advantage of that. You're here for their pleasure but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it too. Leave your body, enter that subspace, and let them use you like an object. Just let go and feel the pleasure wash through you. Best feeling in the world." The others in the group nodded in approval.

"Wow, there's so much to learn," Steve was perplexed.

"Don't worry," Ben patted Steve. "You'll be a sub in bliss in no time."

"How about you Kev, you're awful quiet today?" Thiago observed.

It was true: Kev wasn't his usual peppy self. "Yeah I'm ok, dudes. Thanks for asking," Kev tried to put on a brave face but he seemed bummed.

"What's up?" Greg asked.

"The punishment was a bit tough this morning, and then sucking cock for the first time. I gagged a few times, but I got through it."

"She's never sucked a dick before today?" Malik looked around, shocked.

"Your first time going down on a guy was as part of a submission training programme? Wow, that's impressive." Ben clapped Kev on the back.

"Sucking dick your first time is hard, excuse the pun, but when it's forced down your throat, that's a challenge. Well done, man," Greg was in awe. The others praised him too.

"Thanks guys," Kev looked down.

"It's my fault," Steve rubbed Kev's back. "I had it a bit tough yesterday, and Kev was comforting me last night. That's why we got the punishment this morning. I'm sorry Kev."

"Don't apologise. I wanted to help, and I'd take any punishment for you. Besides you'd do it for me."

"Of course, buddy," Steve hugged Kev.

"You shouldn't feel bad for having each other's backs," Thiago said. "Getting caught mightn't have been so prudent but helping your fellow man... that's some powerful stuff."

"You're right. I guess it's just a lot and I'm just missing my bros back home. They're there for me when I need support," Kev sighed.

"Hey. We'll be your sub bros, Kev," Malik grabbed the others' shoulders, placing his arms around Ben and Kev's necks and formed the seven applicants into a huddle.

"Probably the first time you've ever been referred to as a bro, Malik," Ben teased.

"Bitch," Malik lightly smacked Ben and laughed. "But seriously, we're here for each other," Malik looked each of the other applicants in the eyes. "I want to see you all here on graduation day with your accreditations, got it?"

"Yeah!" The group cheered, but not too loudly as to gain an infraction from the Doms.

Kev perked up a bit. Steve could see the sense of comradery was Kev's kind of thing. The makeshift brotherhood was just the support he had needed.

After the break, the applicants were led back inside, but instead of the usual hall, they were led down a flight of stairs to the basement. They air here was noticeably colder. The naked applicants found a bite to the atmosphere on their goose pimpled skin. The Doms brought them through a set of heavy double doors into what appeared to be sex dungeon of sorts. The large dark room was offset with red and black walls and filled with various sorts of sex contraptions and paraphernalia. To Steve it looked like a dungeon from the set of a professional porn film. There were sex swings, benches, stocks, crosses, flogs, whips, cages, ropes, chains, and various other contraptions meant to cause maximum restraint. Steve wasn't the only one with his jaw dropped in astonishment.

"Welcome to our dungeon," Master Strike gestured to the room. "Well done to all of you who have made it this far and get to enjoy our wonderful set up here. This is where we get to explore the most extreme forms of domination and submission. As you can see, we have ensured the best equipment in order to give you the most authentic experience as part of your submissive training. Some of you may go on to frequent venues with similar set ups so it is important for you as potential subs to become familiar with these types of BDSM interiors."

"This morning," Master Strike continued, "you learned that your mouth is an instrument used to pleasure your superiors, and you were all very successful objects of pleasure in that regard. But we mustn't forget that subs have more than one hole that can provide pleasure to Doms." The Doms all smiled at this. "In your second sex lesson, you will learn to provide pleasure by giving up your asshole for use by your Doms, Owners, or Masters."

Some of the applicants were giddy with excitement while others were visibly nervous. Steve gulped. Sure, he loved a good dick in his butt, but he was nervous about who was attached to that dick. It wasn't going to be his husband, that's for sure, so how would he feel about another man entering him?

"You will learn to accept having a dick in your hole on command at all times as it is the natural state of being for a Dom to enter his sub whenever he wishes. A Dom's dick's home is in the hole of a sub. It is important for you to learn your place as a hole to be entered, as an object to be used at any time. In order to get you into this mind-set and provide you with a fully Dom-sub experience, you will each be secured in different restraints while a Dom uses your hole for pleasure. Once again, I reiterate, you must be vocal about stopping or we assume consent." And with that Master Strike clapped his hands and the Doms each took an applicant to a different piece of equipment to be restrained and fucked.

A young spritely Dom took a very excited Ben to the stocks to be restrained. Malik happily went with an older hairy Dom to a sex swing.

Steve saw a nervous looking Kev being secured into some overhead restraints hanging from the ceiling. Master Bryce was locking his wrists and ankles above him so he was hanging from his limbs, parallel to the floor, his wide legs opened for business.

Steve was in a daze looking around at the various Doms and applicants that he nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt arms wrap around him from behind into a tight hug. "You didn't think I forgot you, did you?" Steve knew it was the wicked teasing voice of Master Joe without even seeing him. He felt the full strength of the burly man squeeze him. Steve knew this morning was too good to be true. Master Joe had been waiting for this lesson to truly brutalise Steve.

"Why don't we go over here?" Master Joe carried Steve, legs dangling mid-air, over to a bench that looked like a pommel horse that gymnasts used. Steve could feel himself blushing with embarrassment. He thought he had been rid of Master Joe but now the Dom was carrying him around like a ragdoll. "We're going to have loads of fun," Master Joe laughed as he through Steve onto the bench.

"Arms and legs to the side, and position yourself on all fours," Master Joe commanded. There was a raised centre partition with two long supports below on the side for Steve's arms and legs to rest on. He repositioned himself so it was like he was on all fours like a dog. "That's what I like to see: my bitch on all fours, ass in the air, ready to be fucked by my dick," Master Joe taunted and smacked Steve on the ass cheek, leaving a reddening hand print. Steve yelped both from surprise and anticipation of Master Joe's cruelty.

"I can't wait to fuck that juicy butt," Master Joe smiled as he shook Steve's butt cheeks so they wiggled. "But not until we tie you down boy," Master Joe came around to the side of the bench and grabbed Steve's left wrist. He took the leather restraints attached to the bench and secured Steve's left wrist in place so he couldn't move it. He did the same with Steve's other wrist and both his ankles so essentially he was tied down to the bench.

"Now, much better. Nowhere to run, boy." Master Joe chuckled and petted Steve's head like a dog. Steve tested the restraints and sure enough he was going nowhere any time soon; Master Joe could do whatever he wanted with him. Steve gritted his teeth. He couldn't let Master Joe see his frustration; it would only fuel the manipulative, sadistic Dom.

"Let's get you ready," Master Joe squeezed some lube other his fingers and teased Steve's hole. He slowly slipped two fingers inside. Steve gasped both from the cold lube and also the intrusion. "Come on, let Daddy inside." Steve took some deep breaths in and out to calm himself. He felt his anus relaxing and he let Master Joe's thick fingers inside him. He could feel Master Joe wiggling them around, caressing his insides.

Master Joe moved them in and out, and soon Steve could feel Master Joe pressing them against his prostate. "That's my good bitch, let Daddy take care of you," he said in a teasing voice, as if playing with a real puppy.

Steve let out a moan and he could feel the precum dripping from his own cock. "Open up that boy pussy for Daddy. Let's get it ripe and wet; ready for me to go in there," Master Joe seemed to know exactly what to do. Steve blushed from the instinctual pleasure; it almost felt like his body was betraying him. He didn't want to be pleasured by Master Joe, and more importantly he didn't want to let Master Joe he was enjoying it.

Steve felt Master Joe pull his fingers out of Steve's hole. "Ok, that's enough preparation, boy. It's Daddy's turn from some pleasure." Master Joe lowered his leather pants and underwear, his cock springing free. Steve could hear Master Joe lowering a condom down his shaft and lubing it up. He felt Master Joe slapping the hard cock across Steve's cheeks.

Steve rested his chin on the bench and looked down. He used his breathing to calm himself. It's just a dick, he told himself. You've taken many of them before, this is nothing different. Don't think of it as Master Joe's dick. Steve wasn't afraid of getting a dick stuck into him, but the fact he hadn't seen the size of Master Joe's dick yet added to his nervous anticipation.

"Alright, here we go, boy," Master Joe pressed the head of his dick against Steve's quivering hole. Steve was loosened up but naturally clenching for fear of the intrusion. "Come on, open back up for me."

Steve could feel the thick head pressing against his entryway. He could already tell the cock was a hefty size by the pressure it was exerting trying to make its way into him. After calming himself down with some long breaths, his rectum unclenched and Master Joe pushed his way inside. Steve gasped as the full head made it in. It was definitely thick; bigger than any cock Steve had had before. He groaned as Master Joe slowly pushed the shaft in deeper.

"That tight hole feels so good, boy," Master Joe. "Squeeze that pussy for me." Steve didn't need to squeeze his muscles at all. His rectum was thin enough that his insides were already caressing Master Joe's wide girth as he moved his way further inside Steve.

Steve groaned as the Master Joe slowly pushed his dick in and out, going deeper each time. Steve was surprised by how far Master Joe was going. Surely, the bastard should have ran out of shaft at this stage, Steve thought as he breathed deeply, trying to calm himself and distract from the pain.

"You're mine bitch, I own you," Master Joe said as he pressed his weight down onto Steve. He could feel the burly man's stomach on top of him. Steve couldn't help from grunting from the exertion and pain. "I love seeing bitches in pain taking my big Dom dick," Master Joe laughed as he pumped harder and deeper in Steve.

Steve's face was damp with sweat. He could tell his face was beet red. There was nowhere to hide; he knew Master Joe was getting his nut from seeing Steve in this humiliating inescapable position.

Master Joe's dick was ploughing into Steve now as far as he could go, hitting off his lower colon and bladder. Steve could feel his dick leaking; whether it was precum or urine, or a mixture of both, Steve didn't know. He was trying hard on distracting himself from the pain, not shitting himself, and also not pissing himself.

"Come on, I want to see you cry, bitch. That's when I know my boys have truly been broken," Master Joe laid his full body down horizontally onto Steve, his arms wrapping around Steve's neck, his face beside Steve's. "You're going to break like all the others," Master Joe yelled in Steve's ear. "You're going to be another one of Master Joe's bitches. Another one added to my list of owned holes."

Steve was surrounded by the Dom. His body pressed down on his, his arms locked around him, his dick was filling up his insides as it pushed in and out of him. Master Joe's voice was filling his head; the anger and dominance of his voice right in his ear.

Steve could feel the tears coming. He was being pushed to the very edge of exertion as the pressure built up and up. He thought he would explode from the intrusion and total loss of control. There was nowhere he could go or escape to.

"That's it, boy. You want to quit don't you? I can see the pain in your face. It's too much for you. You're not made for this. You're not good enough. Say it, say you want to quit," Master Joe taunted. The Dom was right. Steve felt like telling Master Joe to stop. It was too much for him. The pain from the dick pounding into him was increasing. His head was hot. The frustration was getting to him. Steve opened his mouth, grunts escaping him as he tried to speak.

That was when he had a moment of clarity. He remembered the advice his sub bros had given him earlier. They had mentioned about just letting go, leaving your body, and entering the subspace. Steve gave it a go. He concentrated on letting go, but it didn't seem to be working. The physical and mental pressures around him were too much. That was until he realised he was doing it all wrong. He didn't need to concentrate or focus; he needed to do the exact opposite. He had to clear his mind.

Steve drowned out everything else in the dungeon. He breathed deeply, letting his mind go blank, not thinking of anything. He didn't pay attention to any of the other Doms or applicants. He didn't think about Master Joe fucking him. Then, suddenly, there was nothing in the room, just him. It was as if there were no Doms or other applicants in the room. His mental stress and anxieties melted away.

Then Steve's body relaxed, his muscles went from tense to at ease. He could feel his body relax under Master Joe. It was like his body was made of jelly. He could feel his body go limp. The muscles in his rectum lost their tension; they expanded and widened, loosening around Master Joe's dick. The pain Steve had felt suddenly switched to pleasure. All Steve could feel were pulsations of pleasure as Master Joe's cock rubbed against Steve's prostrate. It was just him alone with the pure blissful pleasure he was feeling. He didn't even register Master Joe in the room who was only a few feet away pounding Steve's butt, ploughing in and out of his hole.

The pleasure Steve was feeling was transcendental. It filled every fibre of his being. He was both within and without his body; inside and outside the room. He had never had a feeling of pleasure this orgasmic; it was pure ecstasy. He smiled in joyful pleasure as he was going through it.

Steve didn't even hear Master Joe yelling at him, urging him to "cry" or "break." Master Joe was growing further and further frustrated at seeing Steve in pure bliss. The Dom wanted to prove his own dominance by seeing an applicant in absolute agony. He had succeeded with most of his past conquests, but Steve wasn't showing any sign of breaking or even any negative feeling. The sight of Steve in pure bliss urged Master Joe on. The Dom pumped faster and faster into Steve, who only grow deeper into his pleasure high from Master Joe's cock massaging his prostrate, sending waves of pleasure through Steve with each pump.

Master Joe was now the one beet red and sweaty, his breathing heavy and his body exhausted. He was struggling to continue fucking Steve. He tried as best he could until finally he came. It was not a satisfactory orgasm for Master Joe. His fantasies of brutalising applicants hadn't been met so when he had finally cum it was purely his body's way of saying enough was enough. He pulled out and climbed off Steve with a disgruntled look on his face.

"I'm fucking done with you," Master Joe stalked away, throwing the condom across the floor, not looking back once. He left Steve to his blissful high.

Steve hadn't noticed Master Joe leave him. He was still in the subspace riding the high from the pleasure he had felt. He had cum a long time ago but had been so spaced out his orgasm had continued for longer than he had every experienced. Entering that sub space had saved him. If he hadn't spaced out he would have probably broken down, cried, and asked to quit. Treating himself like an object and leaving his body had allowed him to continue in the programme, and gave him the right mechanisms to deal with dominance, escape brutality, and enter a space of pleasure. It was an enrichening lesson and one he'd take into the future.

With that Steve had won. He'd beaten Master Joe at his own game of Dom and sub. The Dom hadn't been able to break him. He hadn't been able to exert control over every aspect of him mentally and physically, and now the Dom didn't want anything to do with him anymore because of the humiliation and emasculation.

The rest of the day was a blur for Steve. He barely registered eating dinner or the bedtime spanking session, he was still riding the waves of pleasure from the session. It was like he was high on some wonderful drug.

Steve only came back to awareness when he was lying in bed after the applicants had been brought to their cages at night. Kev was quietly sobbing in his bed. The day had been tough for him. His ass was red and raw from the brutal fucking he had received from Master Bryce. It had been the first time he had bottomed, and first time he had even had anything up his ass so Steve wasn't surprised to see Kev so upset.

But Kev had gotten through it. He had almost yelled to quit like 5 and 22 had, but he had bit his cheek and struggled through. Now they were down to only 16 applicants.

Steve crawled over to Kev, pushing their beds together again.

"What are you doing?" Kev sobbed.

"Comforting you like you did for me last night," Steve's voice sounded like Thiago; calm and spacey. He had to concentrate on not laughing at the comparison. Maybe he really was high, he thought.

"But we'll get extra beatings again."

"I don't care. I'll take them all for you," Steve cuddled in behind Kev, wrapping his arms around the other man and pressing himself up against him for warmth. If he hadn't been still high from the pleasure of earlier, Steve didn't know if he would have done this for Kev. But he really didn't care about the consequences. He just wanted to be there for his friend.

"Thank you," Kev said in a small voice and they soon fell asleep.

There we go! A tough day for the applicants but they've made it through half of their lessons. What lies in store for them on Day 4? Find out next time!

Next: Chapter 5

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