Dog Days Are Beginning

By Henry Wolf

Published on May 2, 2021


Dog Days Are Beginning Chapter 3: Training: Day 2 Henry Wolf

Thank you again for all the positive feedback! It is lovely to hear that so many are enjoying it. If you would like to get in touch, you can email me at

Note: Warning: this chapter contains violent behaviour. The events in this story are purely fantasy. In real life, please show respect and practice safe and consensual sex.

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Steve awoke to the banging of cell bars.

"Morning applicants! Rise and shine for a brand new day of sub training," Master Joe chuckled as he gazed in at the occupants of each cell, unlocking the doors and opening them.

Steve groaned as he lifted himself from the mattress. His body was stiff. The thin mattress did very little as it felt as though he had slept on a hard concrete floor. It looked as though Kev felt the same. "How'd you sleep?" Steve asked him.

"Not too bad bro, I was out like a log," Kev stretched, loosening his joints and muscles. Steve saw Kev was sporting a morning wood. "I wonder if I could pull one out before we start training." Kev peered around, looking for Doms as he playfully stroked his dick. Steve was surprised by how unfazed he was at waking up to a naked man that wasn't his husband. Besides the cell bars, metal collar, and all-round dungeon vibe, it almost felt like waking up after a one-night stand. I guess this is the life of a sub, Steve thought.

"It's your funeral if you get caught," Steve almost laughed. He knew how stringent the Doms were for infractions. Kev would probably get a walloping for masturbating, but this frat bro was starting to grow on him. He had a sort of naïve charm to him that was hard to dislike.

"Quiet in there," Master Joe yelled at them. "Line up outside." The applicants lined up in a row outside their cells, some of them looking a bit worse for wear. They were led out to a hall where they were fed their sub chow and water in metal bowls. Everyone complied with their new norm. It's strange how fast you get used to being treated sub-par, Steve wondered as he ate his bland food from a bowl on the floor with the other applicants.

After their breakfast, the applicants recited the sub mantra. Steve remembered it for the most part, but stumbled over a few words. He bowed his head during these parts, hoping the Doms that surveyed them wouldn't spot. Steve noticed a few of the other applicants struggling too.

"Well done applicants. You have made it to Day 2," Master Bryce announced. "Today we will be learning about punishment. It is important to learn that a sub's body is not his own. They will be punished for indiscretions and misbehaviours. It is also important to note that owners have every right to punish subs without just cause as is their right, and subs should be grateful and privileged to be punished by their owners." Master Bryce smirked, his eye growing devilish.

"With that in mind, let's begin our first lesson in punishment." Master Rick said as he grabbed a flogger from a table; it had many faux leather straps hanging from it. The other Doms followed suit. Steve heard many of the applicants audibly gulp. "8, here, you'll be the first to receive their punishment," Master Rick pointed in front of him. 8 was a 22-year old white twink who looked terrified. Two of the helper Doms secured 8's hand's to leather cuffs dangling from the ceiling so his arms were secured above him; he had nowhere to run.

"Again, any applicant wishing to quit is free to do so," Master Rick reiterated. "You will all receive 10 flogs as part of your morning punishment. This is mandatory of course, and you will also receive extra flogs based on any errors. For example, 8 here pissed the bed last night, so he gets an extra 10 flogs." 8 hung his head in shame to which Master Rick grabbed his head. "Head up, eyes forward, remember your sub positions. That's another 10 flogs." 8 looked as though he might fall apart.

"He also stumbled on his words during the sub mantra, so gets another 10 added on, 40 in total. Ready, boy?" Master Rick walked around 8, surveying his naked body.

"Yes, Sir." 8 nodded.

Master Rick whipped the flogger off 8's back, leaving a sharp whack echo throughout the room. 8 shouted in pain, a red mark brightening itself on his lower back. "One." Master Rick went again and 8 yelped in pain. "Two." On and on Master Rick went, racking up the number of flogs and bringing 8 to tears as he struggled through. He was writhing in pain, his face red and dirty with tears but on he went until he had taken the full 40 whacks.

Master Rick came up close to 8, hugging him and rubbing his head. "Good boy, you did well. You took your punishment like a good sub. Now what do we say to your merciful Dom who took the time out to punish you and teach you your place?"

"Thank you, Sir." 8's voice broke, barely able to get the words out.

"You're welcome boy," Master Rick petted 8 as he was let down from the shackles and left to sit on the floor, catching his breath and working through the pain.

"8 did an exemplary job there," Master Strike explained. "He took his punishment like every good sub should, he learned his place, and was thankful for the punishment he was rewarded. You should all take note of this. It is an important step in breaking you from what you were which was a Norm to what you truly wish to be which is a sub."

The punishments continued as the various Doms each took individual applicants to flog. 13 racked up 60 for improper sub positioning, chatting, failing to finish his sub chow, not knowing the sub mantra, and talking back to a Dom. He only made it halfway and screamed to be let go, and was thus cut from the programme. Similarly, 2, 15, 19, and 29 received high numbers of flogs and couldn't make it through the punishments; they were all cut from the programme.

"Punishment Day always weeds out the most applicants," Steve heard one of the helper Doms comment as he readied Steve for his punishment. He received 30 flogs: 10 plus 10 for chatting with Kev and 10 for not knowing parts of the mantra. He had to process his punishment. He thought it unfair for being punished for just talking or forgetting a mantra that he had only learned yesterday, but he knew it would be easier just to accept it. He knew it was the best way to learn so as to avoid future indiscretions. He was nervous but slightly relieved that he hadn't racked up as much as the others.

The Dom who punished him flogged his chest and stomach. The first few weren't that bad but as they went on, his skin became more and more sensitive with repeated hits so they became unbearable. Steve concentrated on his breathing, moving to a place mentally where he could put everything else out of his mind and just focus on his punishment. I deserve this, just accept it and move on, he told himself over and over again so he could power through it. If he stole the punishment of its power, it was easier to take.

There were tears streaming down his face as the flogs went on. He drowned out the sound of the Dom counting each one. And then it was over. He had made it through the 30. He nearly collapsed to the floor as he was unshackled from the overheard constraints. Steve was surprised he had made it through. It was over like a flash. That place he had gone in his mind had helped him through the physical pain. He had accepted his punishment. He had focused on the reality of his submission and pushed through. Was that the sub space he had heard about? He pondered over these thoughts as Kev was brought up for his punishment.

Kev was given 30: 10 plus extra for stroking his cock and chatting. He made it through them no bother and yelled victoriously once he had completed them. For that he was given an extra 10, which only seemed to spur him on further. What a champ; well done, Steve thought, smiling at his cellmate.

In the afternoon, the applicants were given some free time at ease where they could let their guard down and relax. They were let outside into the yard for some recreation. Luckily it was warm outside, as they were all still completely naked. The compound was in an isolated rural location so there was no fear of any outsiders spotting a bunch of naked collared men roaming around. The yard had a high chain link fence around its perimeter. The applicants could leave any time, but I guess the fence added to the aesthetic of submission and restriction.

Steve saw applicants bathing in the sunlight like they were on holiday, others strolled on the grass. There were a few working out or running around the track. The scene was almost comical. Steve chatted with Kev and a group of applicants who were all surprisingly upbeat. They had loved the lessons so far and were excited about the ones to come. Some of them were living out their submissive fantasies and were taking in every moment. For Kev and one or two of the others it was the challenge of the training that they found rewarding, like an intense boot camp that Mark had mentioned before.

Steve caught himself. He had barely thought of Mark since the training had begun. He wondered what Mark would think of all this? Seeing his husband naked and collared, being led around like a piece of men, being whipped and punished for wrong-doings. Being treated like a true sub. Would he beam with pride? Would he be upset or disgusted? All Steve knew was that he missed him and couldn't wait to see him. Keep it together, he told himself.

Steve excused himself from Kev and the others. He smiled. It was interesting how cliques had already begun to form. Steve walked around the grass, surveying different groups. There was Kev and his group of positive people who were excited about the training. Then there was group of older applicants; a group of younger applicants in their 20s; a group filled with people consoling each other (they seemed to be the antithesis of Kev and Co.). And, of course, there were the loose stragglers, who stuck to themselves. All in all, they had lost a good number of applicants already. They were down to 22 from 30 after 1 and a half days. Who knew how many would make it to the end?

After their break, the applicants were led back into the facility to practise their sub positions. They were all doing well until the Doms added an extra element to the lesson. They walked around and whipped them with a riding crop to add stress to the situation. They would give them a short smack on their back, thighs, abs, chest, or arms and were expected to remain completely composed.

"Focus, applicants," Master Bryce told them. "Subs should remain calm and collected even under stress. You must maintain your posture even when being smacked. It is a sign of a true sub when he can maintain his composure, eyes looking forward, and body still."

"Very good," he told them as various Doms tested them with the riding crop off of various parts of their bodies.

It was all going well until they had to stay in the crouching position while being cropped on their thighs, along their sides, and even in their armpits. Steve managed to stay upright, biting his tongue to offset their sharp pain from the crop.

12 and 18 weren't so successful. They fell, unable to stay still from their writhing. The tried again a number of times but couldn't stay on the balls of their feet while feeling the crop smack off their back. They both exited the programme.

The remaining applicants breathed a sigh of relief as they were led away for their dinner.

After they had eaten, the applicants were taken to the bathroom were they had to relieve themselves communally. There were holes in the ground for them to relieve themselves, all in front of one another. If they didn't empty out their bowels, they would not be given a chance until the following morning. They soon learned to adjust their bodies like clockwork and lose any sense of shame from doing it in front of others.

They were then given generic soap and shampoo to clean themselves off in the open showers. They had five minutes to get under the lukewarm water and wash themselves off. They quickly learned how to be efficient. The applicants then had to dry off naturally as towels were an expense too great for future subs.

After they had dried off, the subs were led to the hall instead of the cages. They looked around in confusion.

Master Joe explained. "From today onwards, you will receive punishments as standard. This morning, you received 10 mandatory flogs as is normal for a sub. Punishments without cause are an effective way in teaching subs their place and to expect punishments at the will of their Masters. It teaches objectification. You are objects to be used as we see fit. But we'll learn more about that on Day 4. For now, what that means is that you will be given bedtime spanking just before we send you off to the cages, just to keep you in check." He smiled.

"You, 27, here," Master Joe pointed before him. That's me, Steve thought. He jumped to attention and quickly made his way over to Master Joe. "Always be ready, boy," Master Joe stared at Steve, his blue eyes were even more wild and wicked up close.

"Yes, sir, sorry, Sir," Steve stammered and bowed his head.

Master Joe got a chair, sat himself down and grabbed a wooden paddle. "Alright, boy, come here. Lie down on my lap."

Steve hesitated. "Uhhh," he stammered.

"What are you waiting for?" Master Joe asked, furrowing his brows.

"Sorry, Sir," Steve hurried over to lie on the other man's lap.

Master Joe held up a hand, "Stop. I asked you a question. What were you waiting for after I told you to lie on my lap?"

Steve stammered. "I just wasn't sure, Sir."

"You weren't sure? Did I stammer?"

Oh, this one is a real prick, Steve thought. He's not going to let this go.

"No, Sir."

"Was anything I said unclear?"

"No, Sir."

"Then why did you hesitate?" Master Joe asked, slowly enunciating every word.

"I was scared, Sir," Steve said.

"Scared? Well if you're scared, then why don't you leave?"

"I don't want to leave, Sir."

"Why don't you want to leave, boy?"

"I want to complete the programme, Sir."

"I don't know; you don't seem very sure. You'll have to prove to me you want to continue."

Steve wracked his brain for a way to get Master Joe end this confrontation. Steve was blushing as all the other applicants and Doms were fixated on him. "Please Sir," Steve couldn't believe he was going to say this, "can you spank me?"

"I don't know. Only good subs get the reward of a spank." Master Joe lilted his voice and was about to put away the paddle.

Steve bit his cheek. This mother fucker. He was a real piece of work. Steve fought hard to hide the annoyance from his face and voice as he spoke up. "Please Sir, I'm begging you. I want you to spank me, please. Teach me how to be a good sub."

Master Joe grinned. He was lapping up every second of this. "Ok," he sighed, "because I'm such a generous and caring Dom, I'll spank you." He patted his lap.

Steve lowered himself down onto the man's legs. He could feel Master Joe's boner prodding against his stomach as he lay down. Master Joe really is a sadistic bastard, Steve thought.

Master Joe explained, "So you're getting 20 paddles as standard, 10 for hesitating when I called your name, and I'm going to give an extra 20 for disobeying me. 50 in total." Steve was about to protest but he thought better of it given how sadistic Master Joe was being already.

"Have something to say, boy?" Master Joe asked.

"No, Sir," Steve lowered his head, concentrating on a spot on the floor.

"Good boy," Master Joe rubbed Steve's head, "You'll soon learn your place." This was the most emasculated Steve had felt during the training programme. He was beet red. "I'm also going to use a special paddle just for you." Master Joe showed Steve a wooden paddle that had the word "BITCH" embossed in it. Steve's jaw dropped but didn't protest; he just looked away and readied himself for the punishment.

Steve felt the whack on his left butt cheek. He yelped at the sting.

"One, what do you say?"

"Thank you, Sir," Steve replied.

"Two." Master Joe switched to his right butt cheek.

"Thank you, Sir." Steve just stared at a spot on the floor, trying to enter to subspace again. It was harder this time as he was filled with humiliation from being the centre of attention and from the sadistic manipulation of Master Joe. He was also pulsing with frustration from the Dom's derision.

On and on Master Joe spanked him; a print of the word BITCH began to show up on both his butt cheeks. Steve cried from a mixture of the pain and humiliation. Master Joe held Steve's body in place as he writhed in pain. He gripped the back of Steve's head like a vice. When he had given Steve the 50 paddles, Master Joe rubbed Steve's butt. It was sensitive so Steve yelled in pain.

"Good, boy, well done. Doesn't that feel better? It's rewarding to be given a punishment. Especially when you've been so disobedient."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir." Steve answered in a small voice.

"You're welcome boy," Master Joe kissed Steve's butt, planting his lips on each cheek. Steve felt the other man's beard tickle the raw skin. "Such a plump, fat ass. Mmmmm," Master Joe groaned. He leaned down to Steve's ear. "I can't wait to go in there," Master Joe whispered and shoved a finger in Steve's hole. Steve yelled in pain at the intrusion, trying to escape Master Joe's iron grip but to no avail.

"Master Joe," Master Strike yelled. "Stop. That's not until tomorrow."

Master Joe pulled his finger out of Steve to his relief. "I was just playing with my bitch." Master Joe smiled. He leaned down to Steve's ear again and whispered, "You're mine, bitch." He let go of Steve who returned to the other applicants.

Steve remained in a daze as the bed time spanking continued with the others. He didn't once look at Master Joe but he could feel his eyes on him. What was tomorrow, Steve thought. He tried to process the spanking, the humiliation, the sadistic behaviour of Master Joe, the assault on his hole. These thoughts swam through his mind and before he knew it, he and the other applicants were being led off to bed.

There were a lot more groans and cries from the cages tonight. People were nursing not only their physical wounds but also their mental ones. There was a lot to work through in terms of being broken from their old selves to accepting the punishments of their new selves.

Steve was overwhelmed. The start of the day had had its own challenges, but the final punishment had really taken its toll on him. He lay in bed crying. At this point, he didn't know if he could make it through the week. More instances like that with Master Joe would surely force him to quit the programme. Did he have it in him to go through punishments like that on a daily basis? Could he stomach that type of humiliation? He really didn't know.

Steve mulled over these thoughts as he sobbed. He felt something behind him. Or rather: someone. Kev had pulled over his mattress and blanket and climbed in behind Steve. He wrapped his arms around Steve and pressed his body against him. Steve could feel the warmth from the other man.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked.

"I'm not gay, bro, just so you know. But I can see you're upset. Master Joe really took it out on you huh?"

"Yeah, the humiliation and spanking got too much up there. I was fine up until then, it just overwhelmed me in the moment," Steve sobbed.

"I'm here for you, bro. We're all feeling it. No one's judging you here. You're actually one of the strongest applicants here."

"What? Really?" Steve stopped crying.

"Sure. And I'm not just saying it because I like you, or because you're nice to talk to, or because you make a good roommate, well cellmate," Kev laughed. "You're still here aren't you?"


"You haven't messed up until today, right?"


"So you're clearly one of the strong ones. I can see people cracking and you're definitely not one of them."

"I guess." Steve tried to make sense of what Kev was saying.

Kev playfully rubbed Steve's chest. "You'll have to be a bit more certain than that. We'll both make it to the end, right?"

"Right," Steve wiped his tears.

"I'll have your back if you have mine, right bro?"

Steve smiled. "Sure thing."

"No worries, bro," Kev hugged Steve. "You're strong. You can do it. For Mark. For yourself."

"Thanks Kev. Your friends are really lucky to have you."

"I know," Kev laughed, "I'm the best."

Steve laughed too. Kev burrowed his face into the back of Steve's neck. Steve could feel his soft warm breath on his neck. Kev's body comforted Steve as he held him. Obviously, it wasn't the same as being back home in bed with Mark, but the presence of another kind man holding him steady was enough for now. Steve soon calmed himself down and fell asleep.

Training Day 3 beckons. Will an overwhelmed Steve manage to hang in there? Find out next time.

Next: Chapter 4

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