Dog Days Are Beginning

By Henry Wolf

Published on Jan 17, 2023


Dog Days Are Beginning Chapter 15: The Little Dom that Could Henry Wolf

Happy New Year. I hope everyone had an enjoyable festive season and your 2022 is going well. We are back in business with this series. I know you are all looking forward to where the story is going. We have some interesting storylines ahead for Steve and Mark! If you would like to get in touch, find me on Twitter @PupWolf12 or you can also email me at

Note: Warning: this series contains violent behaviour and explicit sexual scenes. The events in this story are purely fantasy. All characters are 21+ years old. In real life, please show respect and practise safe and consensual sex.

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The new year was going well for Steve. He was doing well at work, getting into the stride of being a silver sub. His work tasks and deliverables were on time, he was efficient, obedient, and submissive, to the joy of his seniors. Meetings became a regular part of his week as the senior staff had him as their first preference to assist. He carried out his duties with a high level of professionalism, and his sexual talents were put to good use. The men couldn't get enough of him, both in meetings and in their own offices. He spent a lot of his day making out with the other men or providing oral pleasure, giving them stress relief during the day. Naturally, this made him quite popular, and his trajectory to rising to gold sub was looking promising. No one else had been promoted to gold yet, it took that special something to be given that reward, but Steve was feeling positive about his chances.

Conversely, as they say, when one part of your life is going well another part goes to shit. Work was on the up; Steve couldn't have been happier with his performance, but at home things were shaky. Mark had been withdrawing into himself. He had taken on the role of Dom as it had been thrust into his hands, but it was seemingly a lot more to handle that he had envisaged. It all came to a blow one night after they had finished dinner and were sitting in the living room.

"Boy, we need to have a serious discussion," Mark was visibly wound up.

"Yes, Sir. What's wrong?" Steve could see the tension in his Master's broad shoulders as he looked up at him from the floor.

"Can we just switch off from the Dom/sub stuff for a minute? I need to talk to you without all that stuff."

"Sure, what's up?" Steve was thrown a bit off kilter by not having to use respectful pleasantries. He didn't expect a break from their Dom/sub dynamic as it had been proving quite fruitful for him at work. Their Christmas break had been a once off so it was strange for a recurrence.

"It's just... I'm finding this Dom thing really difficult. I know it seemed like I was on board giving you orders and I know you've had it much more difficult being in the sub role, but it's a lot harder than I thought," Mark stared at the floor.

"In what ways?" Steve reached out his hand and took Mark's, caressing his fingers and squeezing it with reassurance.

"I'm half-assing a lot of what I'm supposed to be doing as a Dom," Mark pulled his hand away and gripped his head.

Steve rose from the floor and sat on the couch next to his husband. He hadn't been on furniture in a long time as per the rules but he didn't care, he wanted to be near Mark in his time of need. "That's ok. This is still new for you, and you never had any training," Steve rubbed Mark's back. "We never focussed on you in all this. It's all been about my being a sub, we forgot to think about your being a Dom. It's not surprising you're feeling like this, and you should be allowed to feel everything you are right now. This isn't an easy process, and it'll be messy, and there will be times when you'll need help. But you're doing amazingly so far."

"I just don't know what I'm doing."

"Are you having doubts about this? Are you thinking of packing it in?"

"Well... I know it's not fair considering all you have been through; I just didn't expect it to be this hard."

"Which parts in particular are you having trouble with and we can talk them through."

"Well, you know, hearing about you sexually pleasing the other men at work bothers me. Its hard hearing about my husband with other men."

"But I had to do it for training?"

"I know it was part of training, but I thought that would be the end of it. Now, knowing you could be sucking off a guy in the room beside me, it's a hard pill to swallow."

"That's what subs do though. They're there to please. I don't mean to be blunt about it," Steve caressed Mark's arm.

"I get it. You're a sub," Mark sighed. "But you're my husband too. I just want you to be with me."

"I am with you, always," Steve smiled. "This is just part of work. It's part of the process to climb the ladder, get the experience, and become a Norm so that we can have even bigger and better opportunities. It's tough having to see me do this, believe me, I understand, but this is just the shitty stuff we have to wade through."

"I guess."

"You're completely valid in what you're thinking, and I'll give up the internship if it's really bothering you this much, but think of what this will do for us, not just me. You're getting so much praise from your bosses about how well your sub is doing. They're impressed and it makes you look even better. It puts you in a better standing at work too. Think of what we could accomplish together once employers see I completed the internship?"

"Yeah, they have been pretty jovial with me at work. Plus, the clients seem a lot more enamoured with me because of you, babe," Mark had perked up a bit from hearing the positives of their journey.

"See? It's already doing wonders for both of us at work. It's ok to feel doubtful, no one is denying that, but you need to look how far we've come."

"Ok, it helps to think about it like that. But, what about all the Dom stuff. I'm hopeless."

"You're doing well so far. I just need you to step it up a bit in your role. You haven't been trained to be a Dom so no one expects you to be a tyrant. I know what methods the Doms used at training to I can guide you through it. This is meant to be a two-way street where we're both learning. Just ask if you need a moment to step out of the Dom mental space or if you need any tips. I'll help you through it, babe."

"You're the best, Steve. I can't believe you were willing to give everything up, everything you've been through just for me. Sometimes I think you're too good for me," Mark looked up at Steve, tears in his eyes.

"I know. I'm amazing. But this isn't just about me, it's about us. We both have to be comfortable with this. If that means me finding something else and not being a sub anymore, I'm willing to give it a try. We're a team. You and me, babe," Steve leaned in and kissed Mark, seeking his tongue. It felt good to have a romantic moment with his big brooding muscular man.

"You've been through so much. I don't want to mess that up for you," Mark looked into Steve's eyes. "I'll do my best, I promise."

"Ok, Sir. Feeling better?" Steve held Mark's chin and tickled his beard.

"Yes, boy, thanks for listening to me go on. I'm feeling a lot better after talking about it," Mark wiped away his tears.

"Aww, I'm glad to hear it, my little Dom-in-training," Steve pulled Mark into a big hug, holding his Master and petting his head. Even Doms need to be held sometimes.

Upon their meaningful conversation, Mark and Steve knew Steve's submission needed to be upped. It would help with his greater transformation into a sub, which would enable him to become more compliant, obedient, and amenable at work. Mark had come up with some clever restrictions to amend Steve's freedoms.

"I was thinking maybe we could make some changes to your uniform, boy?" Mark had asked one even.

"Yes, Sir, and if I may, a Dom should be more decisive in their decisions. You don't need to ask a subs permission to make changes. Try using language that is more of a directive, like an order. If there's anything that goes too far, I'll say it, so don't worry," Steve had been respectfully correcting Mark's language and behaviour in order to align it more to that of a Dom. Obviously, they both were consenting to anything that was happening and if anything was off limits, they would call for a time out. This new directive was helping Mark step into his role more, but, naturally, he was still finding his feet.

"Ok, thanks, boy," Mark nodded, understanding the correction. He started again. "Boy, I've got some new additions to your uniform. Get over here," Mark pointed at the floor in front of him.

"Good, Sir," Steve smiled reassuringly, and crawled over to Mark, who tried to remain stoic but couldn't help but smile, proud of his corrected dominance. Steve kneeled before his Master.

"You'll be naked from now on, so lose the jockstrap."

Steve removed the jockstrap. All he had on now was the collar.

"First, we'll put these on you," Mark looped metal wrist and ankle restraints onto Steve. He then clipped a short chain between the two wrist restraints and another short chain between the two ankle restraints. Steve could only pull his hands so far apart until the chain grew taut. If he wanted to reach for something, he'd have to use both hands. With his feet, he could only take short strides, having to penguin walk if he wanted to walk fast. "This'll restrict your movements. After all, movement is a privilege only given to Norms. A subs life is restricted; thus, their movements should reflect this. These stay on while you are at home. You can remove them while you are at work."

"Thank you, Sir," Steve played around with the chains. The were pretty heavy duty. There was no breaking through these. He was impressed. Mark was stepping it up.

"You're welcome, boy," Mark was a bit nervous, but he was doing well. "Next, is this butt plug," Mark held up a cone shaped plug with a wide base. "This will be in you at all times, even at work. I want people to know my sub is full at all times. You will need my permission to remove it, even when you need to do your business. If another man wants to fuck my property, they will have to go through me. Otherwise, no one goes in that hole. Got it?"

"Yes, Sir?" Steve gulped at the size of it. It was pretty big. He lubed up the plug and slowly pushed it inside his hole. It took a few minutes of grunting and relaxing his sphincter to get it inside. He gasped when it finally passed through, feeling the large object press against his walls.

"Next is this," Mark presented a plastic see-through cock cage. Steve pulled his cock into it. He wasn't big but even he had trouble squeezing his member into it. Truth be told, all these new restrictions and Mark's newfound dominance were a turn on. Eventually, he was able to lock it in place. Mark took the key. "This symbolises the fact that the only important cock in our relationship is mine. Of course, I own your cock and can use it whenever I like, but from now on, you will be focusing on my sexual pleasure through my cock. Any sexual pleasure you gain will be incidental. Who knows, you might develop pleasure from me fucking your pussy," Mark laughed.

Steve smiled. Mark had never talked about him like that before. He was doing well. It was turning Steve on big time, which made him gasp in pain as his boner squeezed against his plastic cage. "Good, Sir."

"Thanks, boy," Mark was loving hearing that he was doing a good job. "Finally, this gag," Mark held up a gag, pushing it into Steve's mouth and securing the strap around Steve's head. The plastic insert pushed down on Steve's tongue and against his teeth. He couldn't move his mouth at all, preventing him from speaking. "Speech is another privilege given to Norms. Of course, I want to have conversations with you and hear you speak, but only when I have given you that freedom."

"All these objects should remind you of your master and that your master is present at all times on or in your body even if he is not around you: the weight of the collar, the restrictions of the chains, the fullness of the plug inside you reminding you of your masters dick inside your hole, the cock cage denying you of the cock that is no longer yours, the gag that prevents you from speaking and symbolising a cock in your mouth. They are constant reminders that your body is not your own and then you are owned property. They will help establish the hierarchy in this relationship. What do you think, boy?"

"Thank you, Sir," Steve tried to say but it only came out in intelligible mumbles given the gag.

Mark laughed. "I'm assuming you're happy with everything?"

Steve nodded in response.

"Good, boy," Mark reached over, rubbing Steve's head. "You're a very sexy sub all locked up and restricted like this." Mark held Steve's head, his large biceps circling him. "I'm proud of you accepting your identity as my property."

Steve held onto Mark; he could only grab his waist instead of reaching around his back due to the chains. He lay his head against Mark's chest, feeling surrounding and filled by Mark, both by his body and his objects: the collar around his neck, the gag in his mouth, the cage around his dick, the plug inside him, the chains restricting him, and even the thoughts filling his head. All he could think of was how proud he was of Mark taking on the role of Dom, and how proud he was to be Mark's husband, his sub, his prized possession, his property. He sighed in blissful pleasure.

Steve soon felt more in the sub space with the extra restrictions in place. Not only did the chains make it more difficult to move from room to room, but the clinking of them were also a constant reminder of his submission. He had to waddle as he moved around the house, going up or down the stairs was a trek, and when he sat on the floor, he had to manoeuvre his legs in such a way that the chains would allow comfort. The wrist restrictions meant he had to grab things with both hands. His chores were a lot more cumbersome with chains: hoovering, laundry, doing the dishes, cooking all took extra concentration, which helped Steve develop his discipline, making him sharper and more attentive at work.

The butt plug eliminated unnecessary journeys to the bathroom. He planned his bathroom breaks to the morning and night so he wouldn't have to pester his Master to gain permission to use the bathroom. His Master felt it was important to be efficient and not waste time on trivial restroom breaks. This helped Steve manage his time better.

The gag forced him to concentrate more on what Mark was saying as his ability to speak was taken from him at home. He lost the ability to comment and relied solely on his body language to convey meaning. This made him more adaptable at work as he found the need for idle chit chat decreased, only concentrating on the matter at hand and on his seniors' directions.

Lastly, he couldn't jerk off or touch himself anymore given his cage, which meant he concentrated only on pleasuring others. It was difficult at first, as he was horny all the time and had no way of relinquishing his pent-up energy. But he soon learned to take pleasure in pleasuring others like his Master or the other men at work. This allowed him to mentally shift his own pleasure in favour of others, which made them appreciate his eagerness, putting him in greater standing amongst the senior staff. It also drove his desire to bottom for either his Master or the other men at work through the roof as it was the only way he could release the build up of cum inside his balls. The shafts penetrating him and hitting his prostate sent shockwaves of pleasure through him and every time he ended up cumming through his cock cage hands-free. Mark had been right: his hole was now a pseudo pussy made for his pleasure.

Through Steve's ingenuity and his training of Mark into a greater Dom, he had transformed himself into a sharper, more impressive, ever-obedient and pleasing sub.

I hope you liked the new chapter! Some of you have said you enjoy the Mark/Steve chapters more than the office chapters. I hope this was enjoyable. I wanted to add a bit of intimacy between them, especially as this is as much Mark's journey as it is Steve's. Mark, even though he's a Dom, is human too after all and has as much vulnerabilities and insecurities as Steve. We'll have more office chapters too so fret not. See you next time!

Next: Chapter 16

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