Dog Days Are Beginning

By Henry Wolf

Published on Nov 20, 2023


Dog Days Are Beginning Chapter 10: Induction Henry Wolf

I'm glad to hear so many of you have been looking forward to this continuing series. Thank you for all the kind messages. If you would like to get in touch, you can email me at

Note: Warning: this series contains violent behaviour and explicit sexual scenes. The events in this story are purely fantasy. In real life, please show respect and practice safe and consensual sex.

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"Right in here," an assistant ushered Steve into a meeting room to join the other interns. Steve and Mark had driven into work together, but they had departed waves once they had gotten to the office. Steve had to complete induction and get a tour of the office with the other interns. Mark gave him a quick kiss, wishing him luck on his first day before heading to his own office to start his work.

Filled with nervous excitement, Steve entered the meeting room, looking around at the other interns. There were 10 of them in total, all men. Steve noticed that everyone he had seen at the company appeared to be men. "Bit weird," Steve thought. "Hopefully this isn't a chauvinist company."

Steve sat down in one of the rows of chairs, greeting the guy next to him. Everyone was dressed smartly in suits. He was just about to spark up a conversation with the guy nearest him when he heard someone shout from across the room.

"Girl, look who it is," the femme voice called to Steve.

Steve turned and there standing in a powder blue suit looking like the cat that got the cream was Malik, his sub bro from training. "No way," Steve ran over and hugged his friend. "What are you doing here? I thought you were doing an internship at another company?" The other interns stared at the two men.

"Yeah, at Price Marketing. But, guess what, bitch? The two companies merged. It's now Goldman Price, and this is the main office. So, we'll be working together," Malik smiled. The two men sat themselves down, reacquainting with each other.

"I'm so happy to see you. Thank God I know someone else doing the internship."

"We're going straight to the top, girl."

"Have you heard from any of the others?" Steve asked.

"Ben's back at work. He's in complete sub mode as his boss's assistant and is loving the duties and pay rise. He said he's living out his fantasies. Last I heard Thiago was off travelling. You know what he's like, a new adventure every week. Haven't heard from any of the others. What about you, have you heard from anyone?"

"Yeah, I was messaging Kev. He's settling back into college life. His frat bros are proud of him. They can't get enough of hearing his stories from the training. As far as I know, he's just returned to his normal life."

"That's cool," Malik said. "I can't believe we're going to be at the same company. What are the chances?"

A long sigh came from one of the other interns. The conversation between the interns in the room fell.

Malik looked over at the intern who had made the audible noise. "Sorry, can we help you?"

"A bit of advice. You two chickens better stop clucking. There are no friends in a company like this. If you want to get to the top and secure yourself a permanent senior position, you better look out for yourself and forget about everyone else." The guy was a fresh-faced white twink in a dark blue suit and he couldn't have graduated college that long ago.

"Who are you, sis?" Malik asked. Steve had to smile at Malik's conviction and no-nonsense attitude.

"I'm not your sis, honey," the guy tilted his head.

Malik and Steve exchanged a look.

"The name's Stan. I plan on being the best here. And it doesn't look like I'll have a lot of competition," Stan made a face of disgust and looked around at everyone else.

Steve had to hold Malik back. "Hey, man. We're all just here to make a good impression and do well at the internship," Steve told Stan, trying to calm the mood.

"Well, I think I'll have a better chance at doing well here then the rest of you."

"What makes you think that?"

"Think about it. A young, smooth twink like me. Older men love younger men like that. And it looks like I'm the youngest one here at 23. It'll make my way to the top much easier," Stan winked.

Steve was confused by Stan's words. What did being popular with older men have to do with their internship? But before he could ask Stan, a man came into the meeting room.

"Good morning, interns. Welcome. Great to see you all. My name is Ryan and I will be your supervising your internship. Now, you may have heard that Goldman has just merged with another company Price so we're now Goldman Price. As such, we're putting the 5 interns from Goldman and 5 from Price and putting you all together here in the one office. As such, the heads of the company have made some changes to the traditional sub internship as a sort of new era for the merged company."

The interns sat eagerly awaiting to hear what Ryan had to say.

"Under your seats you'll find your contracts."

The interns took their information packs from beneath their seats and leafed through them as Ryan explained.

"Usually, we have the interns act as assistants to more senior members of staff and you grow into the role and gradually become fully integrated employees with full benefits and with the Norm status. This will continue, as usual, but we will be making more use of your sub status."

Steve gulped. He didn't like where this was going.

"Firstly, we will be including an incentive system to..." Ryan stroked his beard "encourage productivity and dedication to the company. This will be based on you working your way up through our three sub statuses: bronze, silver, and gold, with bronze being where you start and as you prove yourself you move up to silver then gold and gain extra benefits."

There were gasps from some of the interns who were reading the leaflets.

"Ah, some of you may have found some of the details concerning the various sub statuses. Let me explain. With the bronze status, your uniform is this," Ryan held up a black jockstrap and a bronze-coloured collar.

There was silence in the room.

"Hang on, that's all we wear? This is a marketing firm, not a strip club," one of the interns said. Steve had learned his name was Bill. He was a white guy in his late 40s and changing career paths.

Ryan strolled over to Bill and smacked him across the face. "Did you forget what you are? You're subs, so you better start acting like it. You refer to your seniors as "Sir" and you do not talk unless you are given permission. Got it, boy?"

"Yes, Sir, sorry, Sir," Bill looked down.

Steve was taken aback. This was like the sub training all over again. He thought he had finished with that, but now everything he had been through at training was bleeding its way into reality.

"To answer your question. This is an internship, not an enslavement. You are free to leave at any time. But if you want to do well here, these are the hoops you must jump through. But work hard, and you will be rewarded," Ryan petted Bill on the head, smiling around the room. The fact that he was at least 10 years Bill's junior added to the humiliation. There was silence in the room. Steve could hear his heart thump through his chest.

"As I was saying. The heads of the company thought a reward system would encourage you to work hard. Once you prove yourself to be promoted to a silver sub, you get to wear a shirts, socks, and a silver collar. Finally, if you are promoted to a gold sub, you get to wear a full suit: blazer, shirt, tie, trousers, shoes, and the coveted gold collar. Do well and you'll be fully clothed in no time. And another reason why they wanted to use these uniforms is that all the senior men in the company have a certain taste for the male form" Ryan smiled, gazing at the interns.

"I can see a lot of handsome men in this room. The senior members will be very happy indeed. That's also why you'll find only men are employed here. The masculine energy makes for a very... enticing workplace."

The interns couldn't believe it. They'd have to be part of an office where they strolled around and worked in nothing but a jockstrap. In the training facility, Steve hadn't minded it, but this was real life. He'd be surrounded by co-workers who were supposed to respect him. Instead, he'd be a mere sub, but worse than that, he'd be barely clothed and also collared.

"In terms of your work duties, not much has changed. To begin with, you''' be doing a lot of the grunt work: grabbing coffee, doing paperwork, filing, photocopying, printing, assisting meetings, doing admin."

That calmed Steve. He could deal with that. Hopefully, he could hide away in some cubicle and do his work, avoiding his co-workers until he gained the right to his clothes.

"One other stipulation," Ryan noted. "As I mentioned, the senior members of the office enjoy male bodies. That's why we hired you as part of the sub internship programme. They realised that they wanted to revamp the programme to make the best use out of you. As you will know, being a sub means being obedient, following orders, and putting your owners' pleasure above your own," Ryan let that last part sit in the air.

"As sub interns, along with assisting with duties, you will be there to keep the senior members calm and relaxed. Sometimes that relaxation comes from pleasure... sexual pleasure."

Steve and Malik exchanged a look. Malik placed a hand on Steve's leg and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Steve knew what that meant. He and Malik knew what each other had been through during sub training, they knew what they had had to do in terms of sexually pleasing the masters and being sexually submissive. It was enough to have to do that as part of their training, but know they had to do it at work. This was taking their sub status to the extreme.

"Sometimes a senior member may want to pet you or stroke you, they may want oral pleasure or may want to use you anally. That's up to them. We also have clients and partners from other companies who like to be shown a good time, and here at this company, we take care of our clients, so you will be there to impress our guests and take care of them. You are representing our company, and thus you will show them that we are the best."

This was too much for Steve. It was training all over again but now as part of his full-time job. He thought he was going to be sick.

Malik rubbed Steve's back and whispered. "You can do it, sub bro," Malik smiled. Steve remembered what he had been through. He knew the struggled, but he knew he was well able for it. He had gotten through the hardships by keeping his composure and looking towards the future. He knew that what he needed to do now. Keep his eyes on the prize of becoming a fully employed Norm. Plus, he had Malik with him for support.

"Thanks," he whispered at Malik.

Filipe, a Brazilian guy in his late 20s stood up.

"Ah, I see we have an early leaver. You're free to go if you wish, but you'll be losing out on an amazing opportunity. Work at a company like this and you'll get a job anywhere."

Filipe sat down again, deciding to stay.

"Good, boy," Ryan stroked Filipe's blushing face. "Now, if you've read through the contacts, sign them, making sure to note that signing them means giving complete consent to sexual activity. You are, of course, free to terminate your contract at any time without penalty. You are not forced to work here or do anything you do not wish. Now, when ready, put on your uniforms, and join me outside. We'll start the tour."

The interns read through the contracts, signed them and returned them to the top desk. They then undressed, placing the jockstraps and collars on. Steve noticed that the bronze collar was indented with, "Property of Goldman and Price" and also had his name stamped onto it. So, he was the property of the company, like a piece of furniture or a computer. He felt that sense of objectification he had learned during training. He felt like a piece of meat, it flared up his feelings of being a sub.

Steve stood looking around at the other interns. They were adjusting their jockstraps and collars. There was mixture of body types, shapes, sizes, and colours. Everyone was slightly awkward but looked like they were used to being in this position having completed sub training at one time or another. The uniforms were very tight, hugging their genitals and butt cheeks, and the collars were rigid against their necks. Steve could feel the weight of it around his neck. The interns placed their clothes in lockers.

Malik gave Steve a reassuring hug. It was like they were back at the training facility. It was all too familiar.

The interns made their way out of the meeting room to begin the tour. Ryan led them through various parts of the office. "You will be assisting other members of staff so as subs you won't have an office or cubicle, but you can use the meeting room we came from for any work assigned to you."

Steve followed the line of men clad in jockstraps. He felt self-conscious walking around in a jockstrap and collar among clothed men.

"This is where the junior members of staff work. They're a step above you and would've been sub interns previously," Ryan led the interns past rows of cubicles with smartly dressed men working away at computers. The men checked out the interns as they walked by, whistling and cat-calling to them.

Ryan laughed. "Easy boys. This is fresh meat; you'll get your turn with them."

Steve kept his eyes straight-ahead, trying to ignore the hungry gazes of the men he passed.

Ryan showed them the toilet facilities, the canteen, the photocopying room, board rooms, meeting rooms, and other departments. He then led them to the offices of the senior staff. They had their own enclosed offices. "You won't be around this part of the office much until you become gold subs, but it's good to know where they are if you need to make an errand."

The offices were mostly closed behind wooden doors, the senior members working away themselves. The interns passed some men in suits in the hallway who were busy in conversation, and barely glanced at the subs in jockstraps. It was as though they had grown used to the sight of barely dressed men. It made Steve feel like little more than a piece of meat. They really were just the property of the company now.

The interns turned a corner and stopped at a small foyer with a door that led to a large office. The name on the door was emblazoned in gold, "CEO Mr Goldman." Ryan knocked on the door, going in for a few moments. Steve could hear distant talking beyond the door.

Ryan came back out and introduced the interns to their boss, Mr Goldman. He was a tall man in a dark suit. He had grey hair and a beard, early 50s, and had a muscular body that filled out his suit. Another man in a suit came through the door. He had probably been chatting to Mr Goldman before the interruption.

Steve's stomach sank at the sight of the man -- it was Mark. Steve moved behind some of the others, keeping his gaze down so as to avoid possible eye contact with Mark.

Mr Goldman smiled at the interns. "Ah, great to see this year's recruits. Welcome to you all to the company. I hope you're enjoying the tour. We are delighted to have you as part of the family here. I'm very much looking forward to seeing you all grow into your positions and become permanent members here."

At this point Mr Goldman strolled around, eyeing the interns. "I'm very impressed with the uniforms, aren't you, Ryan?" Mr Goldman stroked one of the intern's jockstraps. It was Alf, a black guy in his mid-20s.

"They're perfect, Sir," Ryan smiled.

"We decided on these uniforms as part of the merger. Mr Price has a slight kinky side and came up with the idea. It gives a sense hierarchy about the place, encourages commitment to the company as you'll be our property while completing the internship, and makes for some eye candy. Plus, it gives some potential for personal pleasure. We do work so hard around here and are always in need of some relaxation." Mr Goldman drew a finger along Stan's collar.

Stan smiled at Mr Goldman, giving him doe eyes beneath his long lashes.

Mr Goldman was impressed by Stan's coy behaviour, and gently stroked the twink's face. "I think some of you will do quite well here."

Some of the other interns shifted on their feet, already pissed off at Stan's ass-licking. Stan would probably lick a literal asshole if it got him ahead of the others.

Mr Goldman finished his survey and was about to depart before he remembered, "Oh, yes, Mark, didn't you say your husband was interning? Which one is yours?"

Mark had been quiet up until now, not really looking at the group of interns.

Steve's heart was beating hard in his chest. He had hoped he could get through the interaction without drawing attention to himself or without Mark seeing him dressed as he was in nothing but underwear and a collar. It was ok during training as Mark hadn't seen him but this was reality and Steve didn't want his husband to see him like this. Now he was being called out. Worse still, he was being referred to as Mark's property, and his husband was being asked to point him out like he was a goldfish in a fish tank.

"S-Steve," Mark stuttered, clearing his throat. Steve could tell Mark was uncomfortable. His husband's skin was drained of its brown complexion.

Steve had no choice. There was nowhere to hide. He moved past the others, standing in front and presenting himself as he had been thought at training. He stared straight ahead, his hands at his sides, his back straight.

"Very handsome indeed," Mr Goldman bellowed. "Great to have you on board, Steve," he patted Steve on the head.

"Thank you, Sir," Steve replied in a measured tone, remembering his training.

"Good looking and has manners. You have a well-trained boy here, Mark," Mr Goldman slapped Mark on the back. "You'll have to hook me up with where you got him," he laughed.

"He's a prize catch for sure," Mark bantered with Mr Goldman, but Steve could tell he was forcing it.

Steve bit his tongue, making sure to keep his composure and not pay any attention to how he was being spoken about. He could feel his face growing red. Being a certified sub was one thing, but being flaunted in public as his husband's boy, a mere possession that he had bought, was humiliating.

"Well, great to meet you all. Stay dedicated to the company and you'll do well here," Mr Goldman told them as they left to finish the tour.

Steve didn't look at Mark as he left.

After the tour, the interns were assigned to other members of staff to assist them with their work. Steve spent the rest of the day in the photocopying room printing and photocopying sheets of figures. He was glad as he was away from the prying eyes of the other men, and the man he was assisting was too busy with his own work in his cubicle to ogle at him.

When the end of the day came, Steve got dressed and removed the collar. He wished the other interns well. Everyone seemed drained from their day and were looking forward to going home.

The car ride home with Mark was quite heated.

"What the fuck, Mark?" Steve shouted, trying to keep his eyes on the road as he drove.

"I swear I had no idea," Mark held his hands up.

"Jockstraps and collars. Are they joking?"

"It wasn't like this before. They've only brought this in this year. They used to just have interns helping out, fully clothed."

"Well, that's great for me, isn't it? It's humiliating, walking around in my underwear like I'm some stripper." Steve was getting a dull ache in his temples.

"I'm really sorry, if I had known I wouldn't have suggested the internship. It was a last-minute change because of the merger."

"I feel like a piece of meat being paraded around. And what was with you talking about me like that with Mr Goldman. Like you bought me at some auction or something."

"It was work bullshit talk. I didn't mean any of it. It's just something you have to do to stay in good standing with the boss. Hey, can you slow down?" Mark was gripping the seat.

Steve took a few deep breaths, raising his foot off the accelerator. "What am I supposed to do now? I need this job, but being a sub in public like this, I don't know what to do."

"I know it's not ideal. I hate that you have to do it, but you've been through the training and you know you are well capable. Plus, I'll be there to support you. All you need to do is work your way up through the ranks and you'll soon get to wear clothes. Before you know it, you'll be promoted from sub to Norm."

Steve remained silent, working through what had happened during induction and processing what his next move would be.

A tough reality for our interns. Will Steve continue with the internship? Find out next time!

Next: Chapter 11

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