Dog Days Are Beginning

By Henry Wolf

Published on Apr 19, 2021


Dog Days Are Beginning Chapter 1: A New Path Henry Wolf

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Note: The events in this story are purely fantasy. In real life, please show respect and practice safe and consensual sex.

"Dammit," Steve shut his laptop and threw it onto the couch.

"Whoa, careful," Mark, Steve's husband, strolled into the room; the brown skin of his muscles glistening mid-workout. He stood in the doorway, reaching almost six foot with a well-built frame from working out. Steve sported a muscular enough build from his fair share of gym sessions and weight lighting, but would have been intimidated had he not known Mark, who was a few inches taller than Steve and had a way of commanding attention. His husband's bearded face looked concerned at the commotion. "What's up?"

"Another rejection. At this stage I'll reach retirement age before I even get a job." Steve had graduated six months ago and was still on the job hunt. He'd gotten a few interviews, but they hadn't led to anything, and the countless number of rejection emails was beginning to fill his inbox.

"Don't worry, you're only 24, you'll get something eventually." Mark sat down beside Steve and pulled his husband into a hug, his muscular arms wrapping around Steve.

"Easy for you to say, you got a company to practically beg you to come work for them even before you graduated. Three years later at 27 and now you're in a senior position at Goldman. You're obviously way more cut out for this than I am."

"It's really just luck and good timing. Plus it helps if you know the right people," Mark pulled away from Steve, waving his hand and trying to remain humble, but in fact anyone who met him knew he was a charmer and had the charisma to convince people to put their trust in him and follow his direction. It was a quality that whisked Steve off his feet when he had first met Mark when he was 19. And it was a quality he wished he had in himself.

Steve sighed. "Back to the drawing board I guess."

"Are you sure you don't want me to ask around at work? I know you hate nepotism but everyone's gotten a helping hand with trying to secure a job. There's no harm in putting in a good word." Both Mark and Steve had studied marketing in college and had similar career goals. With Mark's position at a top marketing firm, he was the best choice to get a foot in the door.

"I guess beggars can't be choosers. At this stage I'll take anything." Steve stared off into space and then came to a decision. "Fine, would you mind seeing if they have anything? But I don't want any special treatment; I still want to go through the normal application process."

Mark got up and smiled. "Say no more, I'll see what I can do," he said as he turned to leave to room.

"Hey," Steve got up and Mark turned back. Steve kissed Mark, "thank you, I appreciate it."

"No worries, babe," Mark beamed.

Mark shuffled in the front door. It had been a long day at the office and he was glad to be welcomed by the smell of a fragrant meal being cooked upon coming through the hallway.

"Heya," Steve was just putting the finishing touches to the dinner. He plated up the salmon with potatoes and side salad as Mark hung up his jacket.

"Heya, that smells lovely. I am starved."

"Just in time." Steve served up the dinner at the table and sat down. Both men tucked into the food. "Rough day?"

"Yeah, it was a long one. Project deadlines and all that jazz. Can't wait to see the back of this account."

Steve smiled. He knew working life could be rough, but the excitement of the office with projects and tasks sounded exhilarating to his unemployed self. "So... have you heard back from anyone about any open positions?" Steve asked coyly.

"Oh yeah," Mark swallowed a mouthful of salmon. "Forgot to say. So, unfortunately, there aren't any openings going at the moment for entry positions. Just senior positions."

"Ah well," Steve looked down at his food and moved bits of potato about the plate. "It was worth a try anyway!"

"However, they are actively recruiting for their internship programme."

"What? That's perfect, I can do that! It's something at least." Steve nearly jumped out of his chair.

"Only thing is..." Mark hesitated.

"Yes, what is it?"

"It's part of their sub employment programme."

"Oh..." Steve looked off into the distance.

"You have to be a sub to become part of the one year internship," Steve explained.

Normals (Norms) and submissives (subs) were a normal part of everyday society. Norms were first class citizens with full human rights and freedoms, whereas subs were second class citizens. They were owned by Norms, considered pets and had very little rights and freedoms. No one was forced into being a sub, it was a choice. Some did it because it was a part of their nature, their desire to submit to a more dominant person. Some did it because they enjoyed the aspect of being a pet, even going as far as amending their physical appearance. Others did it for financial reasons; the cost of living was less for a sub due to not having to wear as much clothes, having a more restricted diet, and being owned meant a Norm would be financially responsible for their wellbeing. In a way, it was liberating for those who couldn't handle the responsibilities and pressures of everyday life and needed a Norm to take care of them as their property.

In terms of employment, subs were well sought after: they were only paid a portion of what a Norm's salary would be so companies saved money while having their tasks completed, they mostly worked in menial jobs doing work Norms didn't want to, and they were often not treated with the same rights as Norms, which was completely legal given their second class citizenship. For subs looking for employment, this meant easy work and employment, albeit at a lower salary. But for those looking for experience, it meant a step in the door for future job security, with only a temporary position as a sub human being. Many people put up with the humiliation and degradation as a sub for a few months or a year and came out the other side with experience ready to be employed as a full Norm.

Steve mulled this over. "So I'd have to be sub for a whole year?"

"Yeah, it's a big lifestyle change. You'd have to be submissive in the job."

"I dunno..."

"I mean, sometimes you like to roleplay and be submissive in the bedroom," Mark chucked.

Steve gave Mark a look. "But this is different, it'll be in public, around other people in the job. I mean, that's... a lot to deal with. It could mentally mess a person up."

"It's always an option. It's totally up to you. It is only for a year at an amazing company and then you can get any job you want with that reference. But if you decide it isn't for you in the meantime, you can always quit it. You have my support either way. Think about it," Mark smiled and ruffled Steve's hair. Steve had a lot to think about.

A week later, Steve had mulled over his options. He had been scrolling through recruitment websites and job sites; the pickings were slim. He hadn't heard back from anywhere else he had applied to so he decided to bite the bullet and try out the sub programme. What was the harm in trying it out? He had nothing to lose. He and Mark were sitting on the couch with the laptop open in front of them.

"So you'll have to do the training programme to become a legalised sub, you can't just tell people you are and expect them to believe you. Luckily, the company will sponsor the cost of the training programme and then if you pass the test at the end, they'll accept you into their internship programme," Mark explained as he went through the steps outlined on the sub training website.

"What does the training entail?" Steve asked.

"Let's see here," Mark read through the summary of the training programme. "The sub training programme is a one-week intensive crash course in deprogramming an individual from a Norm and mentally shaping them into a sub. This involves breaking their spirit, objectification, punishment, both mental and physical, and degradation." Steve gulped as Mark continued, "The individual will be taught their place as an owned object to be used by superiors and learn that their bodies are no longer their own. They will be punished for misgivings and misbehaviours. They will be normalised into their role as a sub: naked, collared, restricted, and owned. They will become naturalised in restrictive environments, such as in sleeping in cages, sitting on the floor, being chained, and standing and serving at the behest of their superiors. They will become pets, learn to mentally adapt as animal hybrids, and will thus have their bodies shaped by their superiors' will. Finally, they will learn that their bodies are no longer their own to use sexually. They will surrender any sexual freedom and will instead become sexual objects for their superiors to use at all times. The individuals will learn that the pleasure and wellbeing of their superiors is of utmost importance, and their own needs and desires are no longer relevant. Upon completion of the training programme, individuals must pass a test to graduate and become full legal subs. They will then thus lose their own individuality and become an extension of their superiors, masters, bosses, and/or owners."

They were both silent for a moment. "Jesus, sounds intense," Steve tried to take all of it in. It was overwhelming to hear such brutal language. He'd never thought he'd sign himself away to what sounded like slavery.

"It's rigorous, but I think you'll be able to handle it. You're stronger than you think," Mark patted Steve on the shoulder. "What are you thinking?"

"Used sexually... punished both physically and mentally? It's like asking to be tormented."

"Why not think of it as one of those intense boot camps that some people go on where they have to battle through obstacle courses in the rain and mud. This is like that except it's being obedient and... carrying out sexual favours?"

Steve sighed, "I guess it's just one week. And once I've toughed it out, I'll be accredited and can finally get a job at Goldman."

Mark rubbed Steve's back, "Of course, it's not like life will be like that after the training week. We'll just be the same us we've been before, and the company isn't as intense as the training week. Promise!"

Steve smiled. "Ok, let's do it!" The two men went through the forms, laughing and chatting as they filled out the application details. They were both excited about Steve's new chapter in his life.

"How do you feel about tomorrow?" Mark asked. Tomorrow, Monday, Steve was off to start his sub training programme. He had to stay in the training facility for a week until his (hopeful) graduation at the end of the week. He and Mark were cuddling in bed. Mark's large arms held Steve as he laid his head on his husband's wide chest.

"Bit nervous, to be honest. It's hard to know what to expect."

"I get you. It's natural to feel nervous about it. But they're there to teach you, it'll be a learning process for everyone. They won't expect you to be experts straight in the door."

"I think it's going to be a lot to process, you know?"

"Of course. Just take it one day at a time, and before you know it, the week will be up and you'll be a qualified sub," Mark smiled and kissed Steve on the forehead. "My sweet sub, all mine," Mark laughed as he caressed Steve's chest.

Steve thought about his husband's words. He'd be owned by Mark when (or if) he passed the training. Would that pose a change to their relationship? Would there be a shift in their dynamic? Mark was never the outrageously possessive type. He was all round positive person; he'd do anything for Steve and fight for their marriage, but ownership? Domination? Punishment? Those qualities seemed foreign to their relationship. Hopefully they could continue how they were now. He didn't want anything to spoil what they had.

"It will be hard being away from you for a week," Steve said. They hadn't been away from each other for more than a few days in years, and that was only when Mark would be out of town for a work conference. "I know one thing I will miss," Steve moved his hand down to Mark's crotch and stroked his husband's cock.

"Oh really? Well I know something I'll miss too," Mark repositioned himself and moved his head down to Steve's crotch. His meaty thighs surrounded Steve's head. He enveloped his husband's cock in his mouth, licking the head. It wasn't long coming to attention and Mark moved his head back and forth, feeling the shaft move further into his mouth.

Steve groaned, feeling his cock brush against the soft inside of Mark's mouth. His husband had positioned himself into a 69 formation and his cock was dangling in front of him so he took it into his own mouth and reciprocated the oral pleasure. He could feel Mark's hung cock growing in his mouth as he moved his tongue around the shaft; it started to hit the back of his throat and he had to fight against his gag reflex. Mark began to pump harder into Steve's throat, the long strokes growing in intensity.

Steve could feel himself edging closer. He pulled his mouth free of Mark's cock, "wait, I'm nearly there." Mark stopped sucking Steve. "I want to get a bit of your ass before I'm away from you for the week. Sit on my dick." Mark turned around and positioned himself into a crouching position, his hands resting on the bed for support. They were both clean and on PrEP so didn't use any condoms.

After applying some lube onto his fingers and into his hole, Mark lowered himself slowly onto Steve's shaft, feeling that he was ready for Steve's shaft. He had initially been a total top when Steve had met him. Through some long debates and many a sex toy, Mark had come around to the idea of bottoming, and now loved the feel of something hitting his prostate. The idea of turning a "total" top was a big turn on for Steve; it was something he relished in achieving.

Once Mark confirmed he had moved past the initial pain, Steve began moving deeper into Mark. His husband's face grew from that of agony into pleasure as his sphincter relaxed and let Steve's cock inside. Steve quickened his pace, hitting Mark's prostate and feeling pleasure around his own cock. He was edging himself ever closer with each pump. His husband's muscular body was tensing as he took Steve's cock. Sweat developed on his cut abs.

"You like that baby?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, keep going," Mark moaned as he could feel his prostrate being hit again and again.

"Uh, I'm coming," Steve groaned as he released inside of Mark's hole. He pushed inside of him as deep as he could go as the hot cum shot inside. He breathed heavily as the streams of cum emptied into Mark. Lowering himself out of his husband, he smiled as the high from the climax washed over him. He could feel the stream of cum drip out of Mark's hole and onto his stomach as Mark climbed off his cock.

Mark pulled Steve into a kiss. "Now my turn." He flipped Steve over onto his stomach and pressed his weight onto him. There was no hesitation with Mark. He squirted some lube onto his dick and pressed his cock head against Steve's hole and was soon inside him. Steve gasped in pain but it was short lived as it soon moved to pleasure.

Mark's large muscular frame pressed down onto Steve, who could feel the weight of his husband's larger body. His meaty thighs slapped against Steve's with every pump, his torso caressed Steve's back, his big arms circled Steve's neck, holding him in a tight grip, not enough to choke him but enough to hold him where he lay. His face was beside Steve's, nibbling his ears, pecking him on his cheek, kissing him on the mouth. Steve felt enveloped by his husband as every part of him was covered or being entered by Mark.

"I love you babe," Mark groaned in Steve's ear as he ploughed into him. His long shaft rapidly pulling out and back into Steve's hole. The repeated sound of pounding filled the bedroom as Steve moaned with each pump. "I love your body, I love being inside you," Mark managed to gather speed and pump even faster; it was almost like a mechanical piston. "Do you like me inside you babe?"

"I love it babe," Steve could barely get out the words he was writhing in waves of pleasure. He thought his insides might collapse from the force of Mark's pounding.

Mark pounded even harder at the sound of Steve's moans and began groaning. He slammed one last time and spewed streams of cum inside Steve. He exhaled a large breath as he expelled his heavy load. He slowly pulled out of Steve, the cum dripping out of his husband. The two men collapsed onto each other's back, out of breath as they embraced and shared a post-coital kiss. They both rode their climaxes, fully content and full of cum.

The two men looked into each other's eyes; it would be the last time for a while. Steve took in every feature of his husband's face, applying it to his memory. He'd need to remember it to get through the week. Mark's dark brown, almond-shaped eyes were sincere. His powerful bearded jaw line was set. His lips were wet and red.

"I'm going to miss you," Steve said.

"I'm going to miss you too," Mark replied.

"I know I can do this for you."

"No, you're doing this for us; we're a team, remember?" Both men smiled, kissed, and spooned. They soon drifted off to sleep.


How does Steve fair at the training facility? Find out in the next chapter!

Next: Chapter 2

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