Doctor Jasper's Nut Creme

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Dec 7, 2005






By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



Pop would recite the entire lengthy title like it was a litany, like the very words were a benediction. As he moved about the house, as his pain from his swollen arthritic joints screamed pain at him, this was what he mumbled as he mangled himself to put out hay for the cows, to feed the horses and pigs, to gather the eggs, when the pain would strike, he would sing out the song of the medicine-show man who had once offered him surcease from his pain. Dr. Jasper Johnson was the medicine show man's name, and his show had come through town a couple of times every year. It would have some music, a few acts, and then his proffering of the magical benefits of his medicines.

Pop swore by his lotion for arthritis, he said he could rub in a small amount and his joints would stop hurting in only a couple of minutes and not ache him the rest of the day.

But something had happened to Dr. Jasper Johnson, nobody was sure what. He was elderly (I had seen him a couple of times), and maybe he had just passed away. If so, maybe the secret of his Super-Secret Nut Creme had died with him.

Yeah, I know a lot of these medicine show men sold fake patent medicines, and were more than a little crooked, but Pop really did seem to benefit from that creme he bought. And when Dr. Jasper Johnson stopped coming by...well, Pop wasn't the only one singing the medicine show's theme song mournfully as they fed chickens, worked in their gardens and suffered the pain of arthritis.

I had gone into town that day to pick up some provisions from the general store and maybe get a beer from the saloon. Sometimes the saloon had ice still in their ice cellar, and the beer would be cold...God, that would be great! I had a couple of dollars in my pocket, and it would be worth spending a dime for a cold beer. Warm beer was a nickel.

But when I got there, I goggled! There was the wagon! Dr. Jasper Johnson's wagon! He didn't have a show going, he wasn't doing anything but sitting on the ledge of his wagon, doling out bottles of medicine! But that was all he had to do to get Pop some of his special lotion! I had two dollars, that would be two bottles of Doctor Jasper Johnson's Fast-Acting, Pleasant-Feeling, Skin-Soothing, Joint-Penetrating, Arthritis Pain-Relieving, Super-Secret Nut Creme!

Dr. Jasper Johnson looked terrible! I knew then the reason he hadn't been around for a while, he'd had a major stroke or something. The entire left side of his face was slack and he mumbled rather than spoke.

I stepped up and said, "Hello, Dr. Jasper Johnson. I'd like two bottles of your Arthritis Pain-Relieving Nut Creme, sir."

"Out of it." he muttered. "No more."

"No more?" I stammered. "But...but you make it yourself. Can't you make some more?"

"Can't." he mumbled. "Can't make it no more. Out of the ingredients."

"But...but...can't you get some more?"

"Not for the creme, no." he murmured.

God, Pop would give up all hope if he learned of this! He had been sort of holding out, bearing the pain, knowing, hoping, some day that Dr. Jasper Johnson would return and he could buy some more skin-soothing, pain-relieving super-secret nut creme. Without that...Pop had had a light stroke the winter before, he could have one that would carry him off! I would inherit his farm, of course...but I wanted Pop more than his farm!

I said all this to Dr. Jasper Johnson the best I could, and he managed a one-sided smile up at me. "You're a good son, aren't you?"

I said I guessed so.

"Well, my boy, I'll give you a list of things to buy for me. You bring them by my campsite this evening and I'll teach you how to brew up my arthritis cure for yourself. Would you like that?"

"I sure would!"

"Then you just fetch me the fixings, along with two big, strong men to help you out, and we'll mix up a batch of it."

"Two men?" I said.

"Oh, you don't need to tell them how to make it. As long as they'll do their part in helping with the one special secret ingredient."

"Well...okay." I said. "What's the rest of the ingredients?"

He told me and I was somewhat surprised, everything was stuff I could get at the general store's drug shelves. I said this and he smiled at me in that one-sided way I began to realize was his usual friendly smile distorted by the paralysis of his stroke. "Of course they're the stuff you'd find anywhere. It's the mixing them together that gives them the power. Plus the addition of the secret ingredient."

"The secret ingredient isn't on this list?" I asked. "But you have it?" If I needed the secret ingredient to make it for myself, I had to know what it was!

"You'll see it. Just get me those two strong men to do their part. You'll do for the third man. It takes three."

"All right." I said. He told me where he was camped and I went to go find the men.

The saloon was the place for that. Plenty of cowhands came in to cut the dust from their throats. Or to kill time if they were between jobs.

Inside were Jim and Brent, some hands off of the Square G, old man Garrison's ranch. He had nearly a score of them, they kept coming and going. Jim and Brent, when I inquired, were still hired by him, but not the least averse to earning a half-dollar each to help me for the evening. We three made it to Dr. Jasper Johnson's campsite an hour before sundown.

Dr. Jasper Johnson was there. "Let me look at these men you have brought." he said to me.

First, he regarded Jim. "A fine specimen. How old are you?" he asked Jim.

"Twenty-three, sir." Jim said.

"The prime of life." he said, that twisted smile was beaming. "And let me feel your arm, young sir. You must be strong for the medicine to have proper effect."

"Must take a lot of stirring." Jim said, but he proffered his arm to the doctor. "I know lotions take a good deal of work to blend it right."

"Blend?" the doctor blinked. "Oh, no, that's not why I need three strong men. I don't need your strength to stir the mixture. I need your magnetism."


"The body's magnetism changes as one gets older, it weakens, with the weakness building at first in the joints. When that happens, we call it arthritis. We must restore the magnetism to the joints, which is what we do with my special creme. Now, let me continue."

He felt Brent's pecs as well, and gave a harumph of satisfaction. "Now let me see the rest of you." he said. He required all three of us to remove our shirts. My own body was smaller than these two sturdy cowhands, but I was healthy enough to have the "magnetism" this doctor required.

But still, I looked at Jim and Brent and felt smaller than I was. While I stood at five foot six inches tall, the size of most men, Jim was six foot two and Brent six foot even. Their bodies were massive mounds of muscular arms, chests, backs, stomachs, all were adorned with their bulges of flesh that rippled and swelled with every movement.

"So, doc," Brent said. "What do you need us to do to put this here magnetism we got into your potion?"

"Why, that's what the bowl is for." the doctor indicated the bowl on the large block that stood nearby. "You'll put it in there."

"So, how do we put magnetism in that there bowl?" Jim asked.

"I ain't a-cuttin' my wrists and bleeding in there for you." Brent declared.

"We need your vitality in its purest form." the doctor said. "Your blood is vital, but it's not the purest form of vitality."

Jim and Brent looked at each other, then at me, and that was when I got it. "You want us to shoot our spunk in this bowl?" I said incredulously.

"He wants us to what?" Jim asked, surprised.

Brent thought it was funny. "Nut creme! Haw! I get it!" He roared out.

"Doctor, are you poking fun at us?" I stammered. "We can't do that!"

"We must restore the essential human magnetism in the joints to relieve the pain of arthritis." the doctor declared. "Without it, your father's body will continue to torment him. Certainly a dutiful son doesn't shirk the giving of some of his vitality to relieve his father's pain?"

"Uh." I looked at Jim and Brent. "I didn't know this is why he wanted you here." I said. "I mean, I hired you two because you were strong, that's what he asked me to bring him, two strong men."

"So why three of us?" Jim wondered. "I mean, if all you need is some, uh, nut creme to fix your lotion, why not just young Huntley here? Ain't he enough?"

"I need the three of you to get a sufficient supply for the recipe." the doctor said. "We must mix the ingredients while the magnetism is still strong, and before it dissipates."

"Well..." I said as I looked at the two sturdy, stupified cowhands. Brent was still chuckling about it, Jim seemed more nervous. Me, I was just dumfounded. "I need this creme for my Pa. He's hurting so bad. I'll...I'll do anything to get him some of this for his arthritis. He needs it, guys. He needs it so bad."

"Well." Brent tipped his hat back with one forefinger and that smirk of his was friendly enough. "I reckon if your pa needs me to pump some of my magnetism into that there bowl for him, it seems like the neighborly thing all right."

I looked over at Jim. "What about you?"

"Well..." Jim said, he seemed to take strength from Brent and mine's decision to go through with it. "You did pay us to help you out here. You didn't say just what we had to do."

"Okay." I said, swallowed hard. "Let's get to work, then. Pa's a-waiting for me to come home afore nightfall."

We formed a sort of three-man ring around the bowl, which was quite empty. I fumbled with my pants buttons, but Brent was quicker about the entire thing. He reached into his pants with a sort of squat-and-hitch of his crotch and his hand came out along with a sizeable length of soft dong. "What do you think, Matthew?" He asked me. "Think I got enough magnetism in here to help out your pa?" His hand worked at his pud and it swelled and poked out its head like an eager turtle.

"It...certainly looks like you got plenty of magnetism in there." I said.

"So get yours on out." Brent urged me.

His easy confidence about this group jerk was enough to give me the courage to get mine on out. Trouble was, my pants went down around my ankles when I got them undone (that top button had broken off earlier in the day, I hadn't even noticed. Jim and Brent laughed at that, and I started to pick up, then straightened back up. "Not worth the trouble until we're done." I judged.

"You got that right." Brent said. "Come on, Jim, show us that little pants puppy of yours."

Jim flushed a bit, but got his out. I could see why he was embarrassed, he had a hell of a hard-on already in there! "It's kind of hard already."

"Well, that's the idea isn't it?" Brent said. "You can hardly jerk on it if'n it's all soft, now, can you?" He was unabashedly pumping on his cock. "So come on, join in the fun."

"I don't know." Jim said, hesitating.

Brent gave a grunt of exasperation and his other hand reached over and grabbed hold of Jim's steel-hard prong. Jim gave up hesitating at that, he just closed his eyes and groaned! "Aw, hell, yeah, do it for me, do it for me!"

His hand reached toward Brent's, but I beat him to it. "This one's mine." I declared, and Brent chuckled.

"Yeah, kid, give me a good whacking." he said. "Come on, Jim, the kid needs some help here.

Jim's hand was tentative, but when he got hold of me, I gave him a moan of appreciation. His hand did feel awful good.

I had half-forgotten Dr. Jasper in this circle of man-cocks, but he said, "Now, you three whip me up a good batch of that and I'll get to work on getting the rest of it ready." He paused. "It's been years since I've fixed this. Used to have my strong man and my jugglers to help me mix it up. They were such good boys. I hated to let them go when I had my stroke."

"Aw, ah, ah!" I groaned as Jim pumped on my dick. "Don't worry, Dr. Jasper." I said. "I'll take good care of this recipe."

"And Jim and me can keep him supplied with the nut-lotion he'll need." Brent affirmed. "God, kid, you keep this up and I'll give you enough for a fresh batch every damned day. How about you, Jim? You like this little bit of medicine fixing, do you?"

"Ah, yeah, yeah!" Jim moaned. "God, I'm going to shoot it real soon!"

"You must keep it together." the doctor warned us. "If the sperm sits in the bowl unattended for more than a moment or so, the magnetism wanes. The mix must be done as quickly as possible."

"Ah, ah, ah!" Jim grunted.

"Don't worry, doc, I got a trick or two." Brent said. His hand froze with his hand holding the foreskin far forward and he held it like that, trapping Jim's dong deep inside itself. "There now, you jest cool down until Matt and I can join you, pardner."

"Aw, aw, man!" Jim gasped. "Hurry up, I'm going to explode here!"

"So get to pumping Matt." Brent warned. "Me, I'm loaded for bear meself, I'm just waiting on our boss here."

Jim's reaction was to move his hand like fury upon my pud, I was suddenly in the midst of a tornado of sensation that whipped at my senses from all directions at once, and I was hard-put to keep my feet, and to work Brent's cock as well. I could feel his strength, Brent's prick was hot as hell and ready to explode.

Come on, I told my body, come on, give it to them, we got these two ready to burst and I gotta join them, come on, do it for my Pa, do it for Pa!

I was gratified when my climax began to assail my senses, threatening to burst my brains out from within. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" I moaned out. "Now, now, I'm coming now!"

"Okay, Jim, come on and shoot yours, give it hell!" Brent said, his voice blurry with lust. "Shoot that cowboy spunk right into this here bowl, come on, shoot it for me!"

"AH, OH, OH, GOD, OHHHH!" I crooned and I squirted my jizz. Brent kept my cock aimed at the bowl, otherwise, I would have creamed all over that broad chest of his!

"That's it, Matt, God, yes, OH, AH, HUH-GUHHH!" Brent yodeled and his wads creamed into the bowl along with mine.

"OH, YEAH, YEAH, UH, UH, HNNNKKKHH!" Jim grimaced and his teeth ground out the syllables as he jetted his load in to mix with ours. We were three guys pumping our jizz into a large wooden bowl, filling this container with hot male jizz, giving this medicine our own vital magnetism! Plenty of magnetism in that encounter, I hadn't felt like this in any of my own solitary workings of my dong, having Jim pound on mine while I whacked Brent's prick was something very special, and when I leaned forward in my exhaustion, I wasn't surprised that it was a meeting of our three bodies over the bowl, our shoulders touching, our free arms reaching up to form a tripod of spent male lust.

"Hoo-boy!" Brent gasped out. "That was one darned good whacking we done went and did."

"Yeah." I agreed. "You guys earned your four-bits all right."

"Hardly seems fair to take the payment." Jim demurred. "Seeing how the pleasure was all ours."

"A man ought to enjoy his work." Brent said. "And I'll take my money with pleasure." And he guffawed with empty lungs at his joke.

"Okay, now, son, here's what you do with the rest of it." the doctor said. I forced myself to pay attention, though a part of me couldn't help but watch two studly cowhands get on their horses and ride off.

I learned the secret to Doctor Jasper Johnson's Fast-Acting, Pleasant-Feeling, Skin-Soothing, Joint-Penetrating, Arthritis Pain-Relieving, Super-Secret Nut Creme that night. The doctor showed me how to mix these ingredients into the bowl of jizz, and when we were done, I had some two dozen small bottles of the good doctor's cure for arthritis, each bottle holding a good four ounces of the special creamy mixture. I offered to pay for the bottles, but the doctor refused. "I'm just glad this is one secret that isn't going to die with me." the doctor said. "You can take over my old circuit if you want to."

"Thanks, but I just want to take these bottles back to my Pa and see him get all spritely once again." I said.

Pa was just as pleased as he could be with the bottles. He promptly went to work and rubbed nearly an entire bottle over his body. And when he was done, he sighed with relief. "That's the good stuff, all right." he said happily. "I got enough here to last me until the doctor comes back through town for sure."

I then explained that Dr. Jasper Johnson had given me the recipe. Pa was extra happy about that.

The next day, he rode into town early. He came back about mid-afternoon with a beaming grin. "Sold ever darned one of them." He said. "And got orders for twelve dozen more. The storekeeper wants to carry them in his store and he's sending letters to the other stores around the territory. Son, we done got us a business going here." And the back of his wagon was loaded with small bottles, near on to forty or fifty dozen of them.

"You sold all the medicine?" I said, surprised. "But, but Pa, what about your arthritis?"

"Oh, I kept a bottle back for myself." Pa said. "But you'd better get to work on another batch of that right now. Plenty of people are going to come knocking at our door from now on, wanting to buy the genuine, authentic, Doctor Jasper Johnson's Fast-Acting, Pleasant-Feeling, Skin-Soothing, Joint-Penetrating, Arthritis Pain-Relieving, Super-Secret Nut Creme. You are now the keeper of a miracle, my boy, and you owe a duty to the suffering citizens to keep them supplied."

"Oh." I said. "Well, I'm going to need some help, then. Mind if I hire us a couple of hands to help with the farm while I mix up the medicine?"

"We ought to do that." Pa agreed. "You got anyone in mind."

"A couple hands over at the Square G." I said. "I think I can convince them to come work for us."

"Don't offer them too much money." Pa warned. "Old Garrison don't pay his hands that much, so you can get them for cheap. And make sure they're willing to work hard, and willing to help you turn out the medicine, too."

I grinned. "Don't worry, Pa. I promise to squeeze Jim and Brent for every last ounce they got."

And with fifty dozen bottles to fill with medicine, I was going to be squeezed pretty dry myself!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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