Doctor in the House

By smudgesmiff

Published on Feb 19, 2019


If sex with boys isn't your thing, you should not be here and, why are you here if that is the case? If you have come to read a nice story or two to get your high then read on and enjoy. Please do not copy this story and publish it as your own. It ain't nice. If you have really enjoyed this story please let me know. Please don't be a tit! (Believe me they are on here) and write to me and tell me to put my grammar right.

Nifty do some great work so Pleeeeease Donate. Thank you Andy, Max and Tom and all (2) staff at Deviant TV oh, and Mistress Olga xx Donate to Nifty - HERE

To get the gist of this story you should read: Doctor in The House Part One Adult youth/Authoritarian

Prior to that read: The schoolboy act (Adult Youth) where you will find out who Andy is.

Doctor in The House Part two

The doctor apologised for the interruption. As he made to open the door he said "oh yes of course, we know who this will be don't we?" He was looking at my parent's delighted faces. When I saw who was standing at the door I could have gladly told Andy where to stick his job and the money that went with it. He knew I wouldn't though......the sick bastard!............continued

The doctor opened the door. "Good day viewers and welcome to another show from 'Deviant TV' now having achieved five hundred subscribers we are live at a doctors surgery which may be somewhere near you." The slick looking commentator was really laying on the big intro. Tom was cursing Andy under his breath. He would never forget the look on the faces of the doctor and his surrogate parents when the broadcast crew entered. He was now being broadcast live to a real audience. Seeing the camera pointing to him Tom tried to remain calm and not look as if the whole thing was staged. Which it wasn't, he had no idea that this had been arranged.

"Now dear contributor, we are watching thirteen year old Tom undergoing a full medical. His parents have invited us to witness their son go through the ordeal that all schoolboys hate. I am sure that you will find his medical not only thorough but it will also reveal his hidden side. Now we will stay silent and just broadcast to you live, enjoy the show."

Tom still stood in just his white vest with his white briefs around his ankles. "Now" began the doctor. "Please step out of your underpants and pass them to me." Tom stepped out of the small garment, picked it up and handed it to the doctor. The doctor picked up the two sex toys from the couch and discarded the already soiled briefs. Tom watched as the doctor turned his briefs inside out and laid them with the pouch upward, he then replaced the toys on them. Then the examination couch whirred as it was lowered until it was level with Tom's knee.

"Now Tom, I want you to face your parents (and of course the camera) place your right knee on the edge of the couch. Firstly I must" the doctor said approaching Tom, he gathered the hem of the boys vest, rolled it up his body and hooked it behind his head and neck. He then took Toms hands and placed them behind his neck telling him to interlock his fingers. Now for the first time the front of the boy's body was exposed to everyone. His body was very slim pert, firm little nipples, his ribs just visible and now his cock and balls openly visible which were crowned by a neatly trimmed crescent of short dark pubic hair. It is amazing just how big a boy's cock and balls can seem to look on a slender body.

"I am going to test your leg and groin strength. When I have done your right leg and lowered the couch I want you to turn around and do the same with your left knee. Do you understand?"....."Yes sir." The slight hum of the couch being raised could be heard. As it rose up Toms thighs parted, openly displaying his semi erect cock and smooth balls. The doctor stopped the couch then proceeded to grasp and rub and squeeze each inner thigh. Each time the hands worked up Toms thighs they would contact his balls. Tom just looked straight ahead pulling a concerned look on his face each time his balls were touched.

The couch then whirred and slowly lowered. As directed Tom turned around and placed his left knee on the couch. As it rose up again Tom could feel his leg being lifted up and out. When it stopped his legs were parted as were his small bum cheeks and now his small, pink sphincter was on full view as were his balls. Again the doctor's hands rubbed up and down his inner thighs and again kept hitting his balls. Tom was relieved when the couch was lowered and he had both feet on the floor and his hands by his sides. Unfortunately it was just the beginning of his utter humiliation.

Tom was looking at the flushed faces of his parents who had just seen all of his intimate body areas when the doctor gave him his next instructions.

"Now Tom, have you ever had your prostate gland checked?"

"My pros....what sir?"

"Your prostate Tom, it's inside your body. I thought that you would have noticed it when you put your fingers inside your bum hole."

"Oh that sir, is that what makes a nice feeling in my balls and I cum sir."

"Exactly Tom, it needs to be checked every so often so kneel up on the couch now on your hands and knees facing the back wall, knees spread wide apart to the edges of the couch please." Tom once again had his bum cheeks spread open and again was displaying his most intimate area. Once he was settled the doctor moved to the head of the bed and pulled a cord. A curtain opened revealing a large mirror and ultimately Tom's reflection.

"Now Tom, keep your head up and look directly into the mirror." In doing so he could see his parents give the doctor a look of approval now they could see his little pink hole and hairless balls. The doctor put on a pair of tight fitting latex gloves. Toms little sigh when he heard them snap on was audible. "Let's get rid of this now" said the doctor pulling the vest off over Toms head and down his arms leaving him totally nude.

The cameraman had been following the doctors every move. Only seconds after zooming in on Toms pink sphincter the announcer whispered "one thousand followers." Now he was totally naked the camera passed up and down capturing every inch of bare boy flesh for the avid followers of Deviant TV.

"Now Tom" said the doctor coating the fingers of his right hand with water based lube. "I am going to start opening your anus up, the lube is water based so I will have to re-coat my fingers at times which will mean having to withdraw and reinsert my fingers inside you." The word 'fingers' struck a nerve with Tom which showed in the mirror, much to the delight of his parents. The little puckered hole tensed when the first finger made contact and Tom visibly shook and sucked air in. "Oooooooh!.....aaaaaaaaah!!" "That's a good boy, just moan and breath's only natural. I am just up to the first knuckle, just a little stretch now as the knuckle goes inside, here we go." "Ooooooooooooh!.....ooooooooooooh!. .shi.........oooooohhhhhhhh!"

Slowly but surely the doctor had his finger all the way into Toms anus, the air filled with his raspy sighs and moans. His parents both squirmed in their seats as they watched the doctor stretch and finger the boy hole working the little pink muscle like an elastic band. The camera focused on the reflection of Toms face in the mirror each time the doctor withdrew his finger to apply more lube which had now started running down and coating the boy balls below. When the second finger was inserted the doctor used a screwing rhythm while pushing and stretching all to the delight of the onlookers as they watched and listened to the boys discomfort.

Some ten minutes of intensive finger probing had passed and now Tom's body was coated with sheen of sweat, his hair now clung to his forehead and his face was visibly flushed. His cock had responded to the fingers stroking his prostate and fucking his boy hole. He was now hard and producing copious amounts of clear pre cum. Then suddenly the invading fingers were withdrawn from his body making him gasp and he naturally relaxed. He was also relieved when the doctor told him to lower his arms and rest his head on the couch. Although that only caused him to push his open and lube coated bum out and up.

"Doctor." His very red a flushed mother said. "Do you think that our son really has put that big rubber penis up his bottom?" The doctor just looked at her with a wry smile.

"Well." He picked the dildo up and ran his well lubricated gloves up and down its nine inch length making it glisten and highlight the veins running up its length. "I think from what you have just seen that his anus did stretch very well, not comfortable for him but comparing the thickness of this to how he stretched open I think there is every possibility after all, my two fingers are thicker together than the three inches of this rubber phallus"

"Well in which case doctor could we please try and maybe if you show me how to do it I can help him use it at home so he won't have to keep it a secret and of course maybe hurt himself"

"Well, I suppose so, I can't really see any harm in it. In fact I think it could be quite therapeutic for both you and the boy.......what do you think Tom?"

Tom had been busy recovering and only half listening to the mumbled voices. He wished the damn cameraman would keep out his face.

"Tom! Are you listening?"

"Sir, sorry sir I wasn't listening to everything."

"Well, we were just discussing how you use this big rubber toy and your mother wants to see if you really do put it in your bottom and would like to help you to do it at home if I show her how to do it, what do you think?" Without thinking it through he had quietly answered no.

"Sorry Tom" said the doctor. "Was that a" Tom then gathered his thoughts, "refund of part of the fee, always answer with yes if the question is off plan or vague. Fuck I have to say yes, what!?"

"Err, yes sir.....I guess so sir if you think it would be good for me sir."

"That's a good boy. I think it would be very good if your mother helped out, it would make it easier for you as well. What about the little toy or would you prefer the big one?"

"Oh....sir the big one sir." He knew the vibrator would be too much at this stage. The last thing he wanted was to spill his cum for the camera and his parents. He did not see the salacious look on her face when she took a hold of the dildo then running her hands along its length. The doctor applied a copious amount of lube to the first five inches as she held it with intent. Tom stayed in position; he let out a sigh when he felt fingers applying the fresh, cold lube to his tormented hole. She had almost pushed half of the bulbous head of the rubber cock into Tom when he cried out.

"No... Stop." The doctor said with some urgency. "You have to be slow and gentle, watch." She watched as the doctor slowly offered the cock head to the pink hole and manipulated and twisted it slowly until the little muscle began to open and eventually received four inches of the toy. Tom was moaning softly and no doubt cursing Andy. As if having to put up with the doctor demonstrating the technique to his mother was not enough, when she took back control she removed the cock completely and began inserting it again. As she continued to slowly push and twist Tom was forced back fully onto his hands and knees. His natural instinct was to rock back and forth on the nine inch invader as more and more entered him.

Tom did not see the doctor encourage his father to participate. The first time he realised the man was involved was when he looked back between his spread legs and saw the man pick up his white briefs. Tom gasped when the doctor grasped his rigid cock and drew the foreskin back. All sorts of sensations shot through his young body when the briefs were wrapped around his cock and the hand started to masturbate him.

"Oooooooh...pleeeeease! Oooooooooooo!....noooooooooah! "The feel of the material scratching the tender skin behind the glans of his throbbing cock made him buck and wriggle against it. His brain was in turmoil. The throbbing of his stretching hole and the irritation of cloth against his tender cock flesh was driving him crazy, sexually crazy! The camera was getting it all. Finally all nine inches of rubber were deep inside him; it poked and poked at his little prostate over and over, each contact eliciting a sob from him. She was twisting and turning it, several times she withdrew it completely then opened him up again with her fingers before reinserting the imitation cock. The doctor showed her the switch on its base which she flipped on. Once again the full nine inches were inside the boy then the large vibrating rubber balls began powering into Toms own balls. "Oooooooh...pleeeeease! Oooooooooooo!....noooooooooah! "He managed to withstand the sexual torture for five more minutes. His father had kept up a slow rhythm, gently wanking the hard boy cock encased in the white briefs. The cameraman read what was about to happen and focused on the boys reflection in the mirror. Tom thrust his hips down and forward as he let out an almost animal like scream as his cum rose up and out of him.

The wanking and the fucking of his boy hole continued. The camera enjoyed the close up it was doing of his tortured face, not his reflection now but his actual tormented face dripping with sweat. No matter how he moved his hips he could not get his throbbing cock away from the hand. Then the doctor intervened by grasping the man's hand indicating for him to stop. The mother gave one more defiant push to the fully inserted phallus before returning to her seat.

Still breathing heavily Tom gave one more sigh when the doctor switched off the pulsating balls then slowly, very slowly withdrew the object from his boy hole, all nine inches carefully observed by the intruding camera.

The doctor had one more test to carry out which his mother had requested. Tom was instructed to face his parents, kneeling while sat back on his haunches with his knees spread wide open. His abused and reddened, cum coated cock and balls fully on display again.

"Now Tom, I want you to put the palms of your hands on the front of your thighs and keep them there. Your mother wants to know if boy's nipples really are connected to their penis and balls. I have to do a demonstration to show her. Please do not grab for any of the equipment I will be using."

"Where are his cummy underpants doctor." The mother asked matter of factually. The doctor picked the boys briefs up from the couch and handed them to her. "Oh look, there is a lot of nice boy cum inside the pouch. I understand there is a lot of protein in sperm doctor." He was about to answer her when she said. "It all came out of him so it won't hurt to go back in, he should eat it doctor, feed it to him please.....all of it, feed him with your fingers, thank you...then we can get on with the nipple test."

Tom was no stranger to eating his own or even another boy's cum. "Fuck! This lady is one bitch" he thought to himself. The best the doctor could offer was a sympathetic shrug of his shoulders. Tom opened his mouth to take the first scoop of his fortunately still warm cum, "Don't waste any Tommy dear." She said "Make sure to lick it all off the doctor's fingers." She sat back and observed her husband as he viewed the goings on with not too much interest, strange?

Tom made a show of licking and sucking the doctors gloved fingers. He even went to the extent of taking the briefs from the doctor and licking the pouch clean before placing his hands back on his thighs waiting for the next humiliating test.

The doctor opened a cabinet drawer and removed a small red plastic box then placed it on the couch between Toms parted knees. The lid flipped open to reveal a coil of thin red and black wires. When unrolled the ends of the wires had been connected to small medical grade crocodile clips with little red rubber caps on their tips. At the other end both thin wires had been connected inside a thin steel tube approximately 8 inches (180mm) long and half an inch (13mm) in circumference, at its tip was what looked like a slightly larger ball bearing. At the other end was a two inch black plastic sleeve which insulated it from he user. Halfway along the length of the two cables they entered and exited a small black box with a tiny antenna. The last item in the box was a small remote control with a slide switch. The remote was a little larger than the AAA battery that it held.

Tom recognized the nipple clamps and was pleased to see that they were rubber tipped. What was disturbing was the way the thin steel tube vibrated when the doctor briefly touch him on his thigh.

"That is full power boy, I will probably only need to use half, and these" he said picking up the two crocodile clips "are not strong, they are medical grade." They did have little serrated teeth which were revealed when the doctor removed the red protectors.

"Do they have to come off sir?" Tom asked with some concern in his voice.

"Of course, they won ´t conduct the small current when it is switched on. The rubber tips protect them from shorting out by accident. Now take a little deep breath while I clip them onto your nipples." While attaching the clips the doctor gave each of the boys' nubs a twist causing him to let out a little sigh as each one was attached. He sucked air in through his teeth when the clips were given an extra pinch to ensure that the little teeth gripped each little nipple properly. He also noticed that his cock also acknowledged their attachment.

"When you are ready doctor, time is running short, we have to get the boy home and deal with his impudence toward you." Tom did not look impressed with her outburst toward him.

""Oooooooh...pleeeeeeease! Oooooooooooo!. ...pleeeeeeease! its Ooooooooooo tooooo.. strong." He had gone to grab the metal rod when the doctor touched his balls with it.

"I am sorry Tom, you must not touch it or you may cause your heart to beat irregularly, now you must clasp your hands behind your head, I cannot take that chance." Tom reluctantly obeyed and sat back on his heels but his cock was now rigid, with the foreskin stripped back exposing the tender glans area.

When the doctor touched the probe to his balls again he felt a slight pulsing through his cock and balls with a slight burning sensation in his nipples. The doctor slowly drew the steel ball tip up and down the underside and around the glans sending ripples of torturous pleasure through the boy. The doctor massaging over the little creases of skin over his taught belly in an effort to comfort him was not helping. Tom was looking at the lustful, approving look on mothers face.

It was a long five minutes of pleasure and torment before the doctor stopped. Toms cock was not only solid but was now dripping with pre cum. mother told him to scoop it up and lick it from his finger, then directed her next question to the doctor.

"Doctor, that little rod looks familiar, was it originally designed to be put inside the penis?"

"Weeel..err...yes, it is known as a sound but this one has been adapted for the test you wanted me to do on your son."

"I want you to put it in his cock." The doctor raised an eyebrow, first at her then at Tom who had a look of dread on his face.

"Well if you insist."

"I do doctor, I do insist." Her demeanor was changing; the husband said nothing to try and prevent what was about to happen to his son. She also had the camera crew leave, telling the two men to wait outside. "Now doctor, get that little rod down inside my boys cock."

Tom clutched his hands hard behind his neck. At least the doctor knew what he was doing and applied lube to the ball and whole length of the rod. One thing was certain and that was that the rod would not have to negotiate any bends. Toms cock was absolutely stretched taught with a string of his pre cum flicking around like a whip at its tip. The doctor pinched the tip of the cock to open it up then slowly worked the ball tip in. Gently it started entering and in the doctors expert hands slowly but surely with little in and out movements worked its way halfway down.

"Ooooooh, doctor please, that's far enough..phew!..ooooooooh!"

"All the way doctor please, right down inside his little balls,...right inside." She was adamant.

Toms cock was almost a solid six inches. He and the doctor knew that it would go no further. She was not happy with the fact that it was all the way in but insisted that it was withdrawn, had more lube applied and reinserted. The doctor had resorted to stroking Toms back to try and afford him some comfort.

His mother stood up and walked to the side of the couch. Toms eyes met hers as he wondered what her next move was to be.

"I think that Tom here should have a lay down doctor don ´t you think? Come along Tommy dear lay down and have a little rest. The doctor helped the boy to get from his knees to lying down on his back. She had insisted that he keep his hands behind his head. "Oh Tommy you look so nice laying there all naked for mummy and with such a nice erection. Now, you tell me when you are ready to have a nice cum."

She took the little remote control from the doctor. Cupped and gently massaged Toms balls with her left hand and turned on the power to the rod in his cock, she then delighted in the way it twitched and Tom had sighed. "Now, don't forget to tell, mummy when you are about to cum. She increased the intensity to get a response.

"Yes! Oooooooh yeeeees I willlll arrrgh!"

As she watched his face contort she took hold of and began to massage his hard cock, then his balls then the head of his cock. Almost two long minutes had passed

I ´m going to cum please stop arrrgh I ´m ooohhh aaarrrggh!" the machine stopped suddenly, the burning stopped in his little nipples and the pulsing in his balls the pressure to cum also subsided.

Throwing the remote onto the couch she picked up the lube and filled her palm with it. She started masturbating him, the sound of the wet lube made a slurping noise as her hand moved up and down his cock, pinching the bulb at its tip, twiddling the rod as she pulled and pushed it in and out of his boy sized cock.

Her timing was perfect. Tom bucked his hips toward the ceiling and as he reached orgasm she pulled the rod straight out. The pressure in him was so intense that his first stream of cum flew above the doctors height landing on Toms nose, the second volley landed on one of the clips on his nipple a third on his belly button. Tom squirmed, drawing his hands tight behind his head while drawing his knees up towards his chest. He begged her to stop wanking his cock. Only when Tom began openly sobbing from the intense pleasurable pain did she slow down and eventually stop.

"Thank you doctor, that was excellent. And so were you young man" she said, as she scooped up the cum from the distraught boys body and wiped it over his puffy lips before pushing her cummy fingers into his mouth. "Now, get your school uniform on and be sure wear your cummy underpants, be outside in three minutes, I believe we have some unfinished business at home."

Tom was left to put his school uniform back on. The cum stained, wet pouch of his white briefs was uncomfortable. He managed to get some kind of shape into his hair without comb. He left the examination room and the doctor.

Outside, the woman who had been his mother and the three men were waiting. She took Tom by the hand leading him along the dimly lit corridor with the three men following. They had passed several doors when she produced a key. The number on the key fob corresponded to that of the door.

"Home at last she sighed." She ushered Tom inside. "You three spineless apologies for men get in there and strip naked! Then take up the position!"

"Yes Mistress Olga!" all three said in unison.

The room could have been a living room in any home. Carpets, sofas, coffee table, large television. She took the camera and removed the memory card and placed it into the card slot of the television.

Not a broadcast boy. Nobody was watching. This is just a private film for my archive. I will be sending Andy his own copy but I am sure he will enjoy you telling him what happened to you while he fucks that little hole of yours:" He did not like the way she was looking at him. "Talking of holes" She and Tom now observed three naked men kneeling on the floor, hands behind heads, knees spread displaying their totally hairless cocks and balls all enclosed in chastity devices.

"Can you imagine lovely boy what these three worthless cretins have just gone through watching what was happening to you. Each one of them would have given anything to have swopped places with you. Just imagine how hard they were getting inside those little cages they are wearing for their mistress. Their big balls must be full of hot cum....Now Tommy why don't you get naked for us once again?"

Tom saw the three men looking at him.

"Better still, I think I will let them strip you, and then you are going to kneel on that nice coffee table and let them take turns in licking your nice boy hole while they use your sweet mouth as a cunt. I won't allow them to fuck you because I am sure Andy is all ready to do that. Now don't disappoint me, I don't want to see any of that nice man cum running out of your mouth. It may please you to know that they are all going to visit the doctors tomorrow, well he is a kind of doctor....he is a vet and he has some nice doggies that are desperate for the company of some bitches." With that she tossed three keys onto the floor, the three subservient men hurriedly unlocked and removed their cock cages. Tom could not believe how such thick, drooling cocks could have been so confined with their full balls in such small cock cages. He felt himself unceremoniously lifted up and carried toward the coffee table area.

Stripped naked and kneeling on the coffee table Tom had his `father's ¨ thick cock down his throat, a tongue was being forced up inside his boy hole while the third man was lapping at his cock and balls with his tongue. Directly in front of him the dominatrix Miss Olga now sat naked, legs apart playing with and stretching open her very wet, very hairy cunt. Just after the first man had cum in the boys' mouth when he moved away she came into his vision.

Looking straight into his face, his lips coated with man cum, she said. "And when they have finished with you, you can crawl over here and put that little tongue of yours to good use. Gay boy or no gay boy a tongue is a tongue! A slave is a slave. You have potential, maybe you will come to me in five years time Yes!

"Yes Mistress!" He had just managed to get the words out before the next and even thicker cock pushed past his already cum coated lips.

Eventually and having fulfilled his obligations Harry (Tom) left the big house by himself. Andy had parked the van beside the Range Rover as he had just two hours prior. To Harry it had seemed like four.

"Fuck me Harry! What is that? Is that cum all around your mouth?"

"No Andy, its fuckin ice-cream!" Here is a copy of the video and, I hope you have got the mattress in the back because when I start telling you what happened in there you're going to have to find a quiet parking spot....because you aren't going to crash this van with me in it!"

Andy looked flabbergasted.

"And, one other thing" Harry said, looking Andy straight in the eyes.

"You're a cunt!...........Now let's find somewhere to park up."

Thank you for all the great emails and encouragement.

My other stories this year:

The Schoolboy Act: Adult youth

All aboard the Train part one: Adult youth. Part Two on the way!

Doctor in The House Part One Adult youth/Authoritarian

Nifty do some great work so Pleeeeease Donate. Thank you! Andy, Max and Tom and all (2) staff at Deviant TV oh, and Mistress Olga xx Donate to Nifty - HERE

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