Doctor in the House

By smudgesmiff

Published on Feb 7, 2019


If sex with boys isn't your thing, you should not be here and, why are you here if that is the case? If you have come to read a nice story or two to get your high then read on and enjoy. Please do not copy this story and publish it as your own. It ain't nice. If you have really enjoyed this story please let me know. Please don't be a tit! (Believe me they are on here) and write to me and tell me to put my grammar right.

Now a message to; KELP2001 whoever he is. Well dear readers. If you know this cretin, have a word please. He has and is stealing my and no doubt other writers work, rewriting the stories by changing the characters names and the story content to his own phraseology.The extract below:and publishing it as his own work.

Well KELP2001 there is a saying: What goes around comes around. I hope you enjoy the seeds that you have just reaped from me. You will know it when it happens.

Mr. Walden's Bungalow - Part 1 This is my story; The Schoolboy Act. Reworked by this cretin. • Tuesday, February 05 2019 @ 10:18 AM CST • Contributed by: kelp2001 • Views: 346

Mr. Walden's bungalow was out in the suburbs, and near a large forest. John backed the van onto the drive and told me to get out. I then waited until John pulled away before ringing the doorbell.

I was nervous. I watched the van drive away as my finger pushed the doorbell. It was only seconds before the door opened, although it seemed like an age. Mr. Walden welcomed me inside. The fifty-something man was tall and burly, and dressed in a grey suit and black teacher's gown.

"Excellent uniform, boy," he said, as he looked me up and down.

I did look quite smart in my grey polo shirt, with its fictitious school badge on the breast. The shirt's hem just overlapped the waistband of my long trousers, which were black and straight cut. A little clip-flap above the four-button fly kept my trousers up; and two hip pockets, which curved over my tight little bum, completed the styling. White ankle-socks and black gym shoes finished off the schoolboy look.

Anyway here is a new storey for him to steal and for you to enjoy.

Doctor In The House Part One

I am Harry, I'm not going to bore you with my family details. I met Andy the same way that the other boys did and still do. There's no jealousy amongst us as we do well out of Andy. I am 13 years 3 months old, 98lbs and 5'1" tall. Black hair which is collar length, quite short around the back and sides. Today the long bit on the top is flopped over my forehead.

It was a large country house and our van must have looked really out of place as it steadily made its way up the long drive. Of to one side was a parking area. The only vehicle there was a white Range Rover 4x4. Andy had explained to me earlier that we may be seeing quite a bit of this house as the owner had created several 'Play rooms' which he rented out. He didn't go into detail about them but on this occasion we would be using the 'Doctors surgery' and it would be its first use.

I was dressed in my full school uniform as I was to play the part of the son of a middle aged couple who had booked their fantasy of taking their teenage son (me) to the doctors for a full medical at which they would both be present. Andy said that there would be a 'surprise element' but would not tell me. He can be a real arse at times. I did try to get it out of him but all I got was a smug grin.

Andy pulled the van up alongside the 4x4. He got out as did the couple from their vehicle. I did notice that he had a rolled up bag of something in his hand. I don't know what was said but the woman kept looking in my direction and smiling. She a big grin appeared on her face when Andy handed her the bag.

She looked quite retro in a long flowery summer dress, white shoes, white gloves and a yellow handbag. She had amazing long, wavy blonde hair. The man was short and stocky, slicked back dark hair, he also looked retro in his baggy grey suit with its broad lapels. He wore black shoes, white shirt and red tie.

Andy signalled for me to join them. I had been briefed to call them mother and father at the onset so to not kill their expectations. They both complemented me on my very smart appearance. It felt odd when she took me by the hand as we walked around to the rear of the house. She had called me Tom.

When we entered the building we were in the lower part of the basement. We walked along a darkened corridor illuminated my dim green lights. On either side there were evenly spaced wooden doors which were numbered but no clue as to what lay behind them. I swear I heard a boy, either shouting or screaming.

We stopped outside of room nine. My 'father' knocked, after around ten seconds the door opened and the brightness of the lights made us squint. The 'doctor' if he was one (I discovered after that he was) shook my 'parents' hands and just wheeled me in by my shoulders placing me up to, and by the side of his desk. My parents sat down. The doctor was quite tall, grey wavy hair, moustache and sharp features. He wore brown corduroy trousers, white shirt, brown tie tucked into the front of his shirt.

He sat down and started asking me mundane questions. When I hadn't addressed the doctor as doctor or sir my 'father' told me to say sir when I answered. Having told him that my number one's and two's were regular, the last time I had a headache, had I fainted at all recently blah..blah...blah. "Yes sir, no sir three bags full sir!"

Behind him were some heavy curtains. He stood quickly and swished them open with a flurry to reveal his examination room. A high examination couch dominated the room, white cabinets around the walls, trolleys laden with all sorts of medical stuff, weighing scales, height measure. The two boxes of disposable white gloves definitely caught my eye. I had seen them used in 'real life'.

The most over used word spoken by a doctor is? "Pop!" Pop your shoes off, pop your shirt off, pop your jacket off I had to pop my shoes and socks off followed by my blazer. My father took the blazer from the doctor and laid it over his lap, he knew what was going to be happening. The doctor took over, talking while undressing me 'slowly'. First my tie. I swear he was trying to choke me when he used both hands to undo the top button of my new shirt. Eventually he unbuttoned it completely, as he drew it out from my trousers and handed it to my mother. Why had she sniffed it? Pervert! My white vest was a snug fit by design. Andy always insisted that our boy nipples were well emphasised and our bodies to be as slender as possible to the client/s.

We were also briefed to show as much embarrassment and humiliation as we could. The answers to questions were also given to us. After Andy compiled them (some with client input) he had a wicked imagination. Believe me, when you are a young boy being undressed or sometimes stripped completely naked and asked to answer some very, very personal questions In front of complete strangers you do not always have to act.

The doctor made a meal of unfastening my school trousers. I looked at my parents who were both transfixed on the doctors fingers and my trousers. They stole sly glimpses of my face to see my discomfort. The zipper went down and so did my trousers, slowly deliberately. Did this doctor know how to undress a boy evocatively or what? I stepped out of them, they were handed to my mother who held the warm open crotch of them to her face before placing them on her knees.

There I stood in just my white schoolboy style white vest and equally white briefs which, for the moment were partly concealed by the hem of my vest. I envisaged my white vest being the next item but no! The doctors hand went under the hem of my vest, gripped the sides of my briefs and drew them slowly down to my ankles where they stayed.

I was to remain like that as he asked me the more intimate questions for which Andy had given me the intimate answers. My full balls were on open view as was about two inches of my ever thickening four inch cock which was on its way to being its full six and a half inches. At present it was arching out over may balls with the head and slit visible as it poked out from my foreskin. The vest came down to just below half way down my little bum cheeks. I had to answer the questions exactly as Andy had dictated or a partial refund back to the client.

My slender bare legs trembled in true naughty schoolboy fashion which in turn caused my dick and balls to jiggle a little, just a teasing little.

"Now young Tom, please answer these questions truthfully. I know your parents are here and you are almost undressed in front of them which at thirteen can be an ordeal."

"Some fucking ordeal!" I thought to myself.

"How many times a day do you masturbate?"

"Um....three......sometimes four times a day sir."

"Do you use your left hand or right hand?"

"My left hand"

My father chimed in at that point. "My left hand sir! Don't you mean son?"

"Why father? He's a doctor not one of my school teachers" (Andy's words not mine)

Father leapt up out of his chair. The slap across my left cheek took me completely off guard. "I will show you why when we have finished up with the doctor here! Now you just do as your told!"

"Fuck you Andy!" I thought. I hoped I was getting a bonus on this one. I actually had real tears in my eyes, my face stung and my legs were shaking without any help from me.

"Where do you masturbate mostly, in bed, at school, in the bathroom or maybe outside?"

"All of them really sir but mainly in bed sir."

"What do you use to spill your cum into, tissues, a sock your underwear or something else?"

"I usually use tissues in bed or toilet roll."

Mother interrupted: "I'm sorry doctor but that is not completely true." She unrolled the bag Andy had given her and took out a pair of boys white briefs. "These are what he uses, I am always finding them in the linen basket."

The doctor took them from her and held them up for all to see. I just didn't know where to look. My cock was trying to have a peek though. He turned the skimpy garment inside out to reveal to all, a large moist patch of some white gooey substance in the pouch and at the back. He spread them open on the couch. He Thanked mother for her input and returned to me.

"Well Tom, we know that all boys masturbate but you should use tissues unless of course you have a wet dream but then do you wear briefs in bed?"

"No sir, I am not allowed to wear my underwear to bed, I sleep in the nude, mother says it is more healthy.....sir..sorry sir." I gave father a 'there, I said sir' look which he picked up on with a 'wait till after' look. I was overdoing the acting a bit.

"Do you play with your nipples and stroke your balls while you masturbate?"

"Yes sir always when I wank sir! Oh fuck! The back of my left thigh got it this time, fuck he hits hard my father. And "fuck you Andy!"

"How dare you use that word in front of your mother! You are just another typical rude boy, you just wait."

"Now Tom, have you ever licked your fingers, you know, after you have finished cumming or have you ever eaten your cum?"

"Yes sir, I started just licking my fingers at first and then I tried eating it. Is it ok for me to eat my own cum sir?"

"Yes Tom it's perfectly normal. I don't think there are many boys who have not at least tried eating their own cum, some like it some don't."

"Please answer honestly as this is very important. You have probably put your fingers in your bottom hole when you have masturbated (my mother was hanging on his every word) have you ever put anything else I you know your bum hole.?"

I was to act all hesitant and extra nervous before answering this one. Mother had now lent more forward waiting for my answer. What had Andy come up with for this one?

" sir....I have not. I have only put my finger in my bum hole twice and didn't like it sir."

Mother frightened the life out of me. " Tom! Doctor I think that you should see what I found hidden in his wardrobe."

She produced the bag again, opened it, reached in and retracted a knobbly looking vibrator. Some seven inches long, about an inch and a half around and curved. She handed it to the doctor. He ran his fingers up and down it like he was wanking it. It burst into life when he twisted it at the base. I whirled and buzzed. I smiled inwardly "me your honour, never seen it before in my life your honour."

"Errrm" said the doctor turning the little bum intruder off and placing it on 'my' soiled briefs. "It's not unusual for boys and, of course girls to use such things." Mother delved in the bag again."

"And doctor there is also this!"

"Andy! You nasty bastard!" I screamed inside my head. She handed the doctor a huge lifelike rubber cock! Saying that it to was also concealed in my wardrobe. It was a good nine inches long, easily three inches or more in circumference with a bulbous head and glans and everything, it even had big red coloured veins running its length also adding to its thickness. Oddly the big balls were designed to hang low. He put the balls in his palm, moved a little switch on the battery cover and the balls danced on his open hand.

"Well...well....well Tom now this is different." Different alright and Andy had told me that if a question was complicated or had no obvious answer then I was to answer in the affirmative, in other words "yes sir." "Have you actually used these items on yourself and put them inside you bum hole?.............."Yes sir".........(I had mumbled)....."sorry Tom, I don't think your parents could hear you." He cupped a hand to his ear.................."Yes sir" I said sheepishly but louder. If I'd had that up my bum I certainly would have remembered it! He turned off the vibrating balls and it joined the other toy on my soiled briefs. The doctor was just about to speak again when there was a knock on the door. The doctor apologised for the interruption. As he made to open the door he said "oh yes of course, we know who this will be don't we?" He was looking at my parents delighted faces. When I saw who was standing at the door I could have gladly told Andy where to stick his nod and the money that went with it. He knew I wouldn't though......the sick bastard!............

To Be Continued.

Sorry to,leave you hangin!... Not really.


Nifty do some great work so Pleeeeease Donate. Thank you Andy, Max and Tom xx

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My Other current stories:

The schoolboy act: Adult Youth Section All Aboard The Train: Adult Youth Section

Next: Chapter 2

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