Doctor Handsome

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Sep 10, 2020



A huge thanks to everyone who sent me emails in feedback from this story. It was read and appreciated.

Brace yourselves, its gonna be an emotional chapter. Hope y'all enjoy xx

My email as always is

Stay safe, Ryan


"Come on Daddy, just one more game!!"

"Kieran, for God's sake, it's been time for bed about thirty minutes ago! Calvin, really? You aren't gonna support me on this?"

I rolled my eyes as I regrettably took the Nintendo Switch from my son. He had a sheer look on his face like he couldn't actually believe even his dad was against him.

"You have school tomorrow, buddy. Come on. Let's get you in that bed before Mommy yells again," I said as softy as I could to which my lovable ten year old giggled at.

I didn't even feel any shame. Why should I? It was Candice wanting the boy to go sleep at the ridiculous hour of seven a clock in the evening.

When I was ten myself, my parents at least gave me an hour later, and even then, they weren't as controlling as she was. I could see it in his eyes, Kieran was upset. I don't think any of his buddies had to go to bed as early as he was now being forced to. And when I would finally give my own two cents worth of parenting, it was immediately squashed. So much for being his father.

Candice packed away the last of the dinner plates that she had just done in the dishwasher and dried her hands.

"Sleeping is so important for his development, Calvin. Please don't mess him up! You have to support me in things like this! Otherwise I'll end up being the nag, and you'll be his hero all the time. A little support. All I ask."

Ask...sounded more like a demand than a simple question.

Anyway, I sighed and walked with her into Kieran's bedroom, where I kissed my son goodnight and playfully ruffled his hair. He was my everything. I prayed every night for God to keep him safe, and before he was born, I wasn't even that religious. A kid changes your life. More than you'll realise.

I gently closed the door of Kieran's bedroom whilst I knew Candice was gonna be a while because my little monster loved her reading to him until he eventually fell asleep. Again, I felt that him being ten years of age, that reading to him might have been put to an end by now, but as it usually went in our house, she had gotten her way and I was way too tired most nights to argue with her.

Excitement blasted through me, unlike anything I have felt with Candice and not for the first I got my phone out and made myself comfortable inside the living-room.

I went into my WhatsApp account and saw that Dario, aka Doctor Handsome was online. I zoomed in on his profile picture...god, he was as sexy as he ever was...that dark black hair, that smouldering Portuguese features and his turquoise coloured eyes that could melt even the hardest of dark chocolate.

I caressed the picture with my thumb, all the while remembering what had happened two weeks ago in his rooms.

Before I had gotten there that afternoon to deliver his offer to purchase contract, being a realtor myself, his rooms had been vandalized by a thug wanting to have schedule seven meds, which of course Dario had refused to give it to him. The bastard tied Dario up and just, left him on the floor, when I found him.

It was also that afternoon when I had finally confessed to Dario that I felt something more than just mutual respect and friendship for him, and that we had a that he, reluctantly, at first, agreed that we had shared.

The kiss...oh my god, the powerful and loving kiss we had shared was unlike anything I have ever felt. Not even with Candice's brother Griff, who was my first ever love.

But as for Dario, I haven't seen him since that incredible afternoon. He had been busy with the move from their old place to where they were living now, a mere two streets from us. Not that we haven't talked and chatted relentlessly on social media, but it wasn't the same as actually seeing him face to face.

Which I was craving my fucking hormones out to do.

Funnily enough, I labelled his contact on my phone as "Doctor Handsome" because that's what he was, to me.

The most beautiful man I personally, ever had the fortune of seeing in a white overcoat. I heart was pounding, like it had diligently been doing every time this past few weeks I had spoken to him on my phone. I was giddy as hell, which was totally not like me. I didn't know what or why it was, and I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Hey. Can you chat?" I typed onto the keyboard and pressed send.

About a minute passed until a blue tick appeared next to my message, an indication that he had read it. The words "typing" appeared underneath his name as I not so patently wanted his reply.

"Have a few minutes. Janey in the bath. You good?"

You know that feeling you get when you do something that is forbidden or that is frowned upon...but you do it anyway because you can't help it? That was me. Yep...this stunningly sexy creature was under my skin like no one had been ever before.

"Candice is reading to Kieran. Missed you."

Again with the wait as he read and started to reply.

"Miss you too. Lots...hey, why is your son in bed at past seven in the evening?"

Yeah, you can bathe me if I knew.

"Wife's rules. Anyway, can we see each other sometime? It's been two whole weeks!"

My leg, for some reason couldn't keep still as I kept my foot bouncing up and down the living-room rug, waiting for my sexy man to reply.

I was desperate. So bloody horny, I couldn't even function properly. Once Kieran had arrived ten years ago, all hopes of getting regular sex from Candice had been dashed forever. I loved my son, and I'll never hold anything against was all Candice.

She had point blank refused to have any more kids and therefore, complete with my refusal to get a vasectomy at thirty years of age, we had decided our sex life was dead and buried.

I craved Dario's hands on my body like y'all wouldn't believe.

There was something so incredibly masculine and animalistic about having a man make love to you...kiss you...his breath on yours, his lips on yours ...his tongue roving, seeking and finding yours...his hard, callused fingers spread across your back and pulling you towards him like you were the most precious thing on this earth to him...

Yeah...all dreams. All inside my head.

Never actually experienced any of that. Dario "Doctor Handsome" Conceicao was the first man I had ever kissed in my entire life and believe me, those few minutes was worth more than ten years spent with Candice.

My phone's beep confirmed that the sexy ass doctor had indeed replied.

"I have an idea. It's Ben's birthday next week. Wouldn't Kieran like to come? Then me and you know..."

I almost creamed my jeans.

Jesus...the man sounded damn well just as desperate as I was.

Being in the jobs we both had, him as a doctor on call nearly twenty-four hours of the day and with me being a realtor, there just was not enough hours in a day to get together.

Plus...what would we actually tell our wives, we were doing if we did see each other? As far as I knew, Dario adored Janey. They weren't fighting all the time like Candice and I was. However...we both knew we were into men...confirmed by the now, infamous kiss two weeks ago.

Well, if I could sell mansions to potential clients, then I could certainly sell the idea to Kieran of going to the birthday party of a boy he has never even met...right?

"I'm sure I can convince him. I really miss you, Doctor Handsome."

I could have said more but I didn't wanna freak Dario out. Like I said, he was happily married and for him to cheat, was going to be much, much harder than for me.

I heard Candice come out of Kieran's room as the little bugger had to finally be asleep. I saw that Dario was still typing, and I tried keeping my eye on Candice and my phone screen simultaneously.

"It's been hard, Calvin. I really want to see you again, but I feel guilty as hell every time I think about it. I enjoyed our kiss, you won't believe how much. You're hot, pal. You're easy to talk to. You're so fucking hot...sorry lol. Let's see what happens at the party, okay? Gotta go, sleep tight xx"

My eyes widened as I saw the two "xx" he had typed at the end of the message. We all knew what those two letters meant when written next to each other...and I wasn't sure if he had meant them in that context. If he did, I'd be astounded. Nah, he couldn't have seriously meant it.

In the kitchen, Candice started to throw a silent hissy fit over the mess Kieran had made whilst him and me had been playing video games.

I sighed...was it still a wonder why married men cheated?


Convincing Kieran to go to the Conceicao home for Ben's birthday was way easier than I had anticipated, once I had shown him photos of said home, and especially the pool and the big screen TV it had.

He didn't care one little bit that he didn't even know Ben from a bar of soap! Kids that age tended to be besties after ten minutes of meeting each other. Sadly, it didn't grow older with them.

As we arrived on Ben's big day that he would be turning eleven, Candice had nothing but good things to say about the stunningly beautiful house that I helped the Conceicao family move into.

I had also gotten a fat commission in doing so, and I looked at everything they did to make their house their own, with a huge amount of pride.

Janey was ran off her feet in trying to contain all the young boys that was attending the party and part of me wanted to chuckle that I was bringing her another one...she greeted me tiredly, and I then introduced her to Candice, and the two women amazingly seemed to immediately hit it off.

Which was totally what I was hoping for.

See, if the wives got along, then hopefully me and Dario could also go out for some guy time and not cause any suspicion.

My eyes glanced around the big two story house with speed and precision...where the hell was he? My entire body actually ached from wanting to see him so desperately, that I didn't even realise that Candice was talking to me.

"Sorry, hon, what?"

"I said, I'm gonna go inside with Janey, to help her with controlling the kids. Sorry, Janey for my husband's complete lack of hearing ability. He's apparently lost it," Candice said as sarcastic as she possibly could.

I was stunned. I've known Candice for years and the only reason she wanted to suddenly make a good impression on Janey Conceicao was this house. The stars in her eyes the moment she saw it, gave herself away. God...when did money become such an issue for her?

"Uhm...Janey? Any idea where Dario is?" I asked, what I hoped to god, was sounding as nonchalant as possible.

I felt at that moment like my entire face was spelling out the words "I have the hots for your husband".

Janey smiled and pointed towards the second story of the house.

"He's probably getting dressed, he got home very early this morning. He was called out for an emergency. Feel free to go up, he'll be happy for some male company's between all us moms. Candice, walk with me, I wanna show you my new kitchen..."

And the two women were off. Besties almost immediately. for me.

I'm about to go and see my man.


I heard noises coming from what had to be the main bedroom. Of course it was, since I had first hand knowledge of its interior, in helping to get it sold.

I knocked on the door, and I heard that velvety beautiful voice tell whoever it was to come inside. Lord knows...I'd love to come...inside something...just not inside the room. Haha!

And there he was.

It had been nearly two weeks since that fateful afternoon inside his consultation rooms. Two whole weeks since I had last seen him. His back was towards me, and he was shirtless. It looked like he had just gotten out of the shower, his hair still being damp and flopping around all over his forehead.

His back muscles were so ripped...I couldn't wait to see what his torso looked like.


"Paging Doctor Handsome..."

Dario flipped around, still in the middle of buttoning up his shirt, and the shit earing grin on his face as he saw me was as wide as the Sahara desert.

His eyes sparkled, and he allowed his arms to dangle next to him, his shirt still not fully tied up. Jesus...I knew he had to have a beautiful body underneath all that medical attire but I didn't expect him to have a six pack like he had. His chest was ripped...he clesrly spent a lot of time in the gym. This was the first time I had seen no much of him and I couldn't get nearly enough.

"You made it. Wow...dude ...I can't even..." he said, suddenly straightening out that gorgeous black hair, as if wanting to make a good impression which warned my heart so unexpectedly.

I walked closer to him, but not before closing the bedroom door.

The smile on his handsome dial reached even wider limits. He closed the distance between us, as quickly as he could...I was in aww as he was right here before me. He looked into my eyes as I looked inside his. Slowly, I reached up and touched his face, and I could have sworn he sighed softly.

The palm of my hand cupped his strong chin and caressed the soft skin...he closed his eyes and smiled that beautiful smile he had possessed. I felt his own hands reach around my neck and shoulders, and all of a sudden he pressed his forehead oh so strongly against my own.

"You're're actually here..." he whispered.

He had to have just brushed his teeth, because his breath smelled of peppermint toothpaste...his teeth was already as white as ivory...god in heaven, this man was perfect.

"You wanted me here. I came. I missed you. So much, Doctor Handsome," I whispered back as he howled at my, by now, familiar nickname for him.

He gently nuzzled my nose with him own ...before claiming my lips between his.

Jesus...the warmth...the suction, the complete and utter chaos that him kissing me had caused inside me, was like a volcano waiting to burst.

Blood pumped through my veins as I brought his face closer to mine, lovingly caressing the back of his hair, clutching it between my fingers as I returned this beautiful man's kiss with everything I had to give. His fingers pulled at the shirt I was wasn't buttoned like his...just a normal t-shirt...

I released him from the kiss and stood away. I gently took hold of the bottom of my shirt and took it completely off, exposing him to my upper body.

Dario's eyes widened as he saw me with my shirt in for the first time. He took a deep breath, before his left hand reached out, and he looked me in my eyes, as if to ask for permission.

Knowing what he wanted to say, I took hold of said hand, and placed it on my abs.

Dario's mouth opened slightly and his breathing was becoming more and more rapid forgot that this was also his first time with another man, not just for me. He got more ballsy as he felt me up, squeezing my pecks and gliding his fingers to feel every inch of my abdomen and upper chest that he could.

"Calvin...geez, man..." he whispered.

I took hold of his hand once more, and brought it up to my lips.

I turned it around so I was facing his palm and gently kissed the inside, all whilst looking directly at him. His eyes closed with a sheer current of electricity that streamed through us both. I had enough. I had to have him.

Within seconds I closed the gap and kissed him like my life depended on it. With a roar coming from inside his own throat, he held me close and gave me as good as he got. His body was like gravel, hard and solid. I probably went too far when I grabbed the sides of his expensive blue shirt and RIPPED it from his body.

For a second I was worried, but Dario took the ruined piece of clothing and threw it to one side, before once more taking me inside his arms.

He kissed me so roughly, so tenderly, all at the same time, I didn't know how the hell he could make me feel the way he did. He leaned down and started to kiss my neck, and my eyes rolled backwards in their sockets.

"See what you do to me..." he moaned inside the crook of my neck...which I replied to my caressing his hair...damn it felt was good...

"Dario! You up there?"

"Shit, my wife!" Dario shrieked as he pulled away from making love to my neck, but he didn't let me go. The door was locked, he seemingly remembered, so it wasn't like she could just come inside and see all this.

"Hey...calm's all okay..." I whispered, trying to relax him by rubbing his chest slowly...I could actually feel his strong heart beating underneath my fingers.

For a while, I kept it right there, refusing to lift my palm from where his heart was pumping blood to his organs.

The gesture seemed to bring tears to his eyes. It wasn't that big a deal, but it seemingly was to him. He visibly relaxed and held my face between his own hands.

"I have to go down. It looks weird me not being at my son's party..." He croaked out, his eyes never leaving mine.

I held his midriff and pulled him ever so closer. He smiled...and I smiled back.

"Suppose I have to check if Kieran is doing okay too," I mumbled, unwilling as hell to leave him, to leave this.

I saw his lips leaning in for what felt like the millionth time, and he softly kissed me. He lingered as he released my lips...caressing my face...

"Go, Calvin. You go out first. Please...if you don't go know I can't be held responsible...go, please..."

Fucking hell, he was hurting! He was actually sad!

How did we go from being loved up and kissing the crap out if each other to him being on the verge of tears?


"Calvin, look, I don't regret this. Not at all. And I wanna see you again. But being here with can't work! Were both married..."

"Now you listen to me, Doctor. And listen good."

Dario was stunned at my sudden bossy attitude. I put my shirt back on, and he sank down on to their bed, whilst I chose to keep standing.

"Neither of us asked to feel like this. I've been gay since I had brains. Now, you've never actually said it, but I get the feeling you might be into guys too. If that making love to my neck was anything to go with."

Dario puffed out some air, looking sad as anything.

"I had...a bad experience several years ago. I had always been attracted to dudes, boys when I was younger, then teens in high school, and finally college kids when I went to study. Look, Calvin, only my wife knows about his, and she accepted it whole heartedly...which is why cheating in her is so damn difficult..."

Tears were beginning to stream out of his eyes as he spoke. I knelt before him and solemnly, without asking, took both of his hands in mine.

Dario took two more deep breaths, before he continued.

"You probably know by now my family is from Portugal. Our entire family has been Catholics for hundreds of years. Now, I was fully prepared, and everything to come out as gay to my family, until I confided in one of my distant cousins. He had also had feelings for guys in his lifetime, but, difference is, he forced himself to live a lie because he believes that's what God would want. He warned me...if I continued with, that I would be punished."

His hands were trembling inside my own. All I could do was caress his knuckles, as that seemed to calm him. His chest was heaving. This had to be hard, telling me his family history.

"The day before I planned to come out before my parents and other family members, at their thirtieth wedding anniversary, I was...I was...damn...I was raped by two men inside an alley way. To this day I have no idea why I had decided to walk through that deserted park to get home...but I did, and I paid the price. That's why...I've never ever given in to temptation. Why I married Janey. Why I'm living the biggest lie known to man kind. Gay, yearning for a man's body in my arms, but too afraid..."


It all made sense now. Why he had been so adamant to know if there was crime in this residential area. Why he stopped Janey when she wanted to tell me before at the house showing...why being held up for drugs inside his consultation rooms affected a grown ass man, THAT much.

And finally...why he nearly got violent and mental when he said we couldn't do anything about being attracted to one another, weeks ago.

"You're scared that if we continue this, something similar might happen?" I asked softly, to which he nodded furiously.

Wow. Was that it? It has hardly gotten started!

"I'm sorry..." he croaked, still in the bed, wiping his eyes.

In all fairness, I really wanted to say a lot of things to him at that point but this wasn't as if he was dumping me for no reason. A blind man could see how this issue had affected him.

"No sweat. We gave it a good go, didn't we? Can't lie and say I'm happy. You're the most beautiful man I've ever met, Doctor Handsome."

He chuckled softly at my words, and stood up. He surprised me as he reached down and held my hand inside his. He softly squeezed it. His eyes were wet from crying. His voice was hoarse. But what he said, came from the heart.

"Take a look in the mirror, Calvin. You're...really good looking. Be happy, my friend. I'll never forget this. What we had."

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get outta there.

Why my heart was aching like it did...I had no idea.


Breathing in fresh air as I finally got some much needed oxygen when I ran outside in sheer desperation. Wow...this was supposed to be just a simple casual fling...when did it start to hurt? And thus much?

Later, we all sang happy birthday to Ben, who was surrounded by both his doting parents as they smiled and posed for the phone cameras that was busy taking pictures and other family members taking videos on their tablets and so on. Ben looked happier than I had ever seen him.

Did I wanna be the person to break up that family? Did I wanna be the person responsible from removing that giant smile on Ben's face?

No. Not in a million years.

Maybe Dario was right. Maybe this was for the best.

Didn't stop this from hurting like a damn mother, though.


Several months had passed, and in that time, the horrible and uncontrollable Coronavirus was busy sweeping through pretty much every country on this globe.

Candice and I immediately removed Kieran from his middle school, and she stopped working in her entirety as well.

For a couple of months, this unspeakable germ had managed to rip its way through South Africa like a hot knife through butter, shutting down everything in sight as of the 19th of March 2020.

We as a family had relatively enough money to keep us going, however it wasn't gonna last forever, and with the future this uncertain, it was messing with us both.

The virus brought out the ugliest sides to both me and Candice, as we fought like cat and mouse over the smallest things. Poor Kieran went to sleep crying several nights as he couldn't understand what was happening.

Where her little niggles here and there had always irritated me, it was borderline torture in these times, and I'm sure she felt the same about me.

In August, South Africa as a country were doing well enough with recoveries to allow us to eventually move into Level 2, meaning all businesses apart from tourism, and theatres were allowed to open.

Funnily enough, Dario was a doctor, but I didn't think of him ONCE during these times.

I dunno, perhaps my body was on auto pilot in trying to keep myself, Candice and Kieran safe, that I simply...forgot about him. About us. What could have been.

It was at the beginning of September that I had just finished showing a house, when my cell phone rang. I took my mask off, being on my own and breathing in my own air, and saw it was Candice.

"I'll be home soon, just gotta finish some paper work..." I rumbled on, but I was swiftly stopped in my tracks.

"We're at the hospital, Calvin. Don't panic...but they think Kieran might have caught Covid 19..."


I didn't even give Candice a chance to finish. I dropped my phone, so hard and sudden that it smashed onto the tiles, shattering into several pieces.

Knowing that kids Kieran's age generally had the best chance in surviving this fucking virus, I forced myself not to panic, but god...this was my son! How could I not?

I got into my car and sped off in the direction of the hospital. My first and foremost thoughts was to get to Kieran and make sure that Candice was okay.

As I arrived, I saw Candice sitting in a room, with people wearing those space like suits, surrounding her. Horror, pure and simple horror was etched on her face as they swabbed her mouth and nose. What the fuck was going on...


I swung around...lord almighty...

"Dario! Oh thank god...what's Candice in there...what's happened?"

Dario slowly walked towards me, but stopped at about two meters away. The look on my face had to say everything I was thinking...and realising right then.

"Kieran has it, so now me and Candice can have it too?" I whispered so softly that I didn't know how he heard me, but he nodded.

"Calvin, I promise you. I'm not gonna let anything happen to Kieran. He is Ben's best friend. And I know how you always managed to get out of our family visits when it was still safe out there ...I know I broke things off, but...damn you. Damn you, for staying away! Do you, Calvin, do you have any idea how much I wanna touch you right now? Hold you? How much...I wanna kiss you? But I can't!"

His eyes were as bloodshot red as the day we had last seen each other.

"Wait a minute. YOU broke it off! What was I supposed to do? Watch you and Janey all loved up when Candice invited you over?" I hissed at him.

For a second, his eyes glanced at Candice, inside the room. They were still busy questioning her about having possible symptoms. He hesitated, before stepping back a few feet, and finally, removing his mask.

His handsome face was tired, distraught what, with all the things he had to have seen ever since Covid started. He looked right at me.

"I made the biggest the mistake of my life. And this mask, I'm not gonna talk to you with this thing on my face. I didn't wanna end things, Calvin. God...I had to. And now...all that time wasted. When we could have been together, we both knew it was far from being casual! Now...we're not allowed to touch. Or hug. Or even kiss. And I can't stop blaming myself. I love Janey...but I loved you more."


"Doctor Conceicao to the ER, Doctor Conceicao to the ER immediately..."

Dario sighed and out his mask back on. All I could see of his beautiful face now, was his turquoise coloured eyes.

"Stay here, they'll be done soon. You have to get tested," he said, before turning away from me, and walking away.

My mind was blank, and I was frozen to the spot.

Not just liked me...he loved me?

God...what have we done?



Told ya it was gonna be emotional.

I felt with Dario being a doctor, that I could somehow make something good come from this horrible virus, at least in my story. It brought them together, once more.

Dario loves what happens now?

I'd love to hear some feedback!! And I really hope you enjoyed it.

Stay safe out there xx

Next: Chapter 4

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