Doctor Handsome

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Sep 1, 2020



To every one who sent me an email of feedback on Chapter one...THANK YOU. Each one was read, and appreciated!!

As always, you can have a chat with me at

Stay safe, everyone. Ryan


"Do you know each other?"

I swallowed. Hard.

If I thought he was breathtakingly sexy before inside the hospital several weeks ago, he was absolutely stunning now.

His Mediterranean smouldering looks had not faded at all. Not one little bit.

He was wearing a simple white T-shirt complete with black jeans. From where I was standing, gawking nearly as it were, at this total and utter DILF, I mean...I could literally smell his aftershave and his cologne that he was wearing.

Manly. Raw. That boner hardening smell a man had when he had just taken a warm shower. Just...incredibly fresh and healthy came to mind.


I needed all my talents and my wit in order to sell houses how the fuck was I supposed to do just that, to a man who was so beautiful he actually made my teeth hurt?

His wife was waiting for an answer to her question, I nearly forgot.

Neither myself nor Dario seemed to notice her anyway as we kept staring into each other's eyes. I didn't know about him, but I couldn't help but stare.

His hair was perfectly styled. He looked like he had just jumped off the cover of Men's Health. All that was missing...was that warm smile of his that could melt a fucking ozone layer.

It was in fact Dario that got hold of his senses first and turned towards his wife, with a slight smirk...and there it was...his smile...blood pumped through my veins as I shivered with sexual desire for this man.

"Haha, no Honey, I was just surprised as anything to see him. He was that patient that I had given a ride home to weeks ago remember? He lives just in the next street, if I remember correctly. Hey, how's the ankle doing? Looks pretty healed to me!" He said in that rich, powerful voice, before extending his arm towards me and offering up the palm of his hand.

There wasn't a chance in the world that I would pass up the opportunity to touch him in whatsoever manner that I could.

I reached out my own hand in greeting and shook his tightly. We both felt it...I have never, ever experienced that so called sexual magnetism and electricity that shocks your human system as soon as you touched someone's skin, that you're very attracted to...but I thought I felt it weeks ago, when Doctor Handsome over here touched my shoulder...and I could certainly feel it now.

So did he. His face spoke volumes.

His hand felt warm and fuzzy...yet strong and masculine ...but also kind and tender in the same breath. Fuck sake ...look at me here blowing up a simple handshake between two men, mistaking it for sexual tension.

I mean...his wife was like, literally right there next to him.

Janey Conceicao smiled, but to the trained eye of being a realtor, it didn't quite reach her eyes. Her husband had such a weird reaction from seeing me again, that I wasn't surprised. Countering the fact that I, as the guy who was being paid to talk right now, was deadly silent, and she had every reason to be suspicious.

I needed this commission. Badly. Calvin White, get a fucking grip!


At long last I had regained my ability to speak and as professionally as I could, I showed them around the beautiful two story home.

Janey in particular was excited about the pool and the huge garden for their ten year old son, Ben, whilst Doctor Handsome himself, had numerous questions about the age of the house, as well as all the negatives. Sounded like they had, had tough luck with realtors in the past, but I didn't think anything of it.

The house was anyone's dream, that I knew, and I was quite confident that if I couldn't sell to the Conceicao family, that all was not lost.

Another family would snap this up in a second if they had enough brain matter between the ears, and therefore I played the classic FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) card several times, especially igniting a flame of it, in little Ben.

Having the kid go on and on about how cool the pool was and how it would be just perfect for his next birthday party,, stressing in particular how jealous his buddies would be of him should he live here, was classic Calvin White...Estate Agent.

On my fucking day, I could sell ice to a bloody Eskimo.

Ben eventually complained that he was hungry, and whilst I offered to dish up some of the homemade sandwiches I had ordered as well as fresh orange juice, Janey politely declined and took her son to the buffet table herself.

That meant, me and Dario was all of a sudden, alone for the very first time that afternoon, and suddenly it felt like we had fuck all to say to the other.

"Look, Doc, I'm sorry for not calling you in regards to how my ankle was doing. I was kinda thinking of it, me being your first case you ever had on your first shift at the hospital..."

"Don't worry about it. It was just a broken ankle right? Not exactly life threatening, now is it?" Dario said, cold at that, choosing to rather have his beautiful eyes gaze into the various ripples of water inside the pool, than at me.

I had to admit, I was totally confused as fuck right then.

It was HE, that had the massive overreaction when he saw me earlier, not me. I was glad and surprised to see him, after all these weeks, of course I would be, I mean the guy was fucking gorgeous, but I sure as hell didn't deserve this kind of attitude.

Well...I needed the commission on this house. Kept repeating that in my head over and over until it sounded like a damaged CD.

Janey and Ben re-joined us and she asked more questions about the house and of course if this was safe neighbourhood and all.

"You see, Mr White..."

"...Calvin please."

"...okay, well, Calvin, the reason I'm asking if it is safe or at least, relatively safe to live around here, is because my husband suffered..."

"Oh! Hon...I completely forgot I have to be back at the hospital sooner than I thought. I'm really sorry, I really didn't notice how the time had flown since we've been here. Mr White, we'll be in touch about the sale. We still have more thinking to do before we decide," Dario sputtered out before taking his wife's hand inside his own.

"But, and Ben already think this is the ideal house, what's there more to think about?" came a question, that I would have also liked to know the answer to, from a very saddened Janey.

Even little Ben pulled a scowling face when he realised this wasn't a done deal as he had thought, staring longingly at the pool.

"Honey...this is only the what...the second house we've been to...?"

"Fifth actually..."

"Doesn't mean we have to settle for something that LOOKS good on the outside, does it? Like I said, Mr White, we'll be in touch."

What is happening...

I watched as if I was relieving one of my nightmares as Dario Conceicao did everything in his might to try and convince his wife and kid that there was other options, as he quite literally, dragged them out of the house.

I stood on the same spot I had since I had tried to make small talk with him, and watched as he near damn bundled his family into their car and sped off, the car actually leaving two black marks on the road from the burning rubber tyres.

"What...the fuck was that?" I whispered to myself, as I tried to make sense of what just happened. They looked like they were on the verge to sign the contracts and then suddenly me and Doctor Handsome gets left alone for like two minutes and he has THIS big a change of heart?

My chest actually tightened as I re-entered the home and began to clean up the food and drinks I had prepared. There was another family coming in about two hours and I didn't want them to have to smell stale bread and finger food.

Half way through making sure the buffet looked respectable, my chest was still congested. I actually had to put down the glasses I had just steamed and dried myself, before I dropped them. Because shattered glass in the hallway would REALLY be appealing to potential buyers...

I just couldn't fathom Dario's actions. He couldn't fucking get away from me fast enough!


About a week later I had a call from my head office and was told that the Conceicao family had indeed made an offer to purchase and it had been accepted by the precious owners.

Dario and his family was now officially the proud new owners of that stunningly beautiful home. Almost as stunningly beautiful as Dario himself...Calvin...behave.

I suppose I should contact him and tell him that his offer to buy had been granted, after all, I was the estate agent in charge of the sale, but after the previous incident, I didn't know if I wanted to be.

Sure, there probably...maybe...supposedly had been some undeniable sexual tension between us.

And the more I think about it, living so close to me with his family was probably the last thing Dario wanted. I wondered who had had, the final say in buying the house...smirking as I did.

Dario was the typical sort of man who would do anything to make his family happy, that was clear as day, and I had met them as a unit, only twice. A blind man could see how much they meant to him.

I figured being relatively late in the afternoon, that he would still be at the hospital, so I got into my car and drove over in record time. Once more, I felt that strange pain inside my chest...and in these few days that had passed, I had managed to figure out why that was.

If me and Dario had a full blown affair, and then told me, he didn't wanna continue, it would have been shit. Not heart-breaking, but shit none the less.

But the fact that NOTHING happened, being friendly as fuck when he drove me and my son Kieran home all those weeks ago after I suffered my ankle injury, the very same day we first go from THAT to basically going against his wife and kid's wishes just to get away from that hurt like a mother fucker.

Like you wouldn't believe.

I stopped at the hospital and parked my car, before I entered and asked the nurse at the desk if it was possible to speak to Doctor Handsome...I meant, Doctor Dario Conceicao. My bad. Lol.

I was in luck, he was in the middle of seeing his final patient of the day, and she said I was free to go up to the seventh floor, where his consultation rooms were. Before I turned around and walked to the elevator, she leaned forward and whispered to me...

"You're not the only one here who calls him Doctor Handsome!"

I could very well believe that.


The elevator opened on the seventh floor and I looked around. Nothing out of the ordinary...but on the other floors that said elevator had stopped before reaching this one, it was over crowded and full of people, even at five in the afternoon. It was almost as if it was...unusually quiet up here.

I placed the papers and documents for the house that he needed to sign down on the front desk and placed my hands inside my trousers' pockets as I decided to wait.

I really wanted to see Dario, but I really wasn't in the mood to drive back home now in sheer peak traffic either. The nurse downstairs said that he was busy with his final patient of the day. It look me a good ten or so minutes to reach the seventh floor, with all the people getting in and out...he must surely have finished by now?

Restlessly I walked around the office.

Damn. If this was a doctor who looked like shit, I wouldn't have still be waiting. And quite frankly, I could literally just scan the papers and email them to him.

It's your own fault Calvin...I berated myself. You are the one hunting after him, a handsome married man, like a bitch on heat, not the other way round.

I did feel guilty as heck over my wife, Candice, every time I had urges for Dario...but in the end, I was gay. I made the choice to marry Candice even though I was...well, gay. It's all on me. I had to live with it. Sad as it was.

A noise startled me, since there was no one seemingly on the entire floor.

It sounded like sort of shuffle ... a scurry if you will. It got louder and louder and louder by the second, until I heard the crystal-clear sound of something shattering on the cold, hard tiles.

My eyes caught a door in the middle of the offices. I walked closer, very, very carefully. The noises were coming from the inside. I stopped as I was a foot or so away from said door...and I could see movement through the tinted windows.

Curiosity got the best of me, and slowly, with shaking fingers, I reached out and opened the door.

"Jesus! Dario!"


Doctor Handsome himself was laying face down on the cold floor of his consultation room. His hands were tired with what looked lile a very strong type of rope. His eyes were frantic and his voice was like petrol behind the amount of insulation tape someone had used to tape his mouth ll and truly shut.

As I looked around his rooms, there was several bottles of pills scattered all around his person, pages of his prescription pad was all over the place and several more open needles than I was comfortable with, was randomly laying in wait to be picked up and sterilised.

The sheer noise that he made when he saw a shadow behind him, broke my heart. He was scared. Scared beyond belief! I knelt next to him, which was difficult since he wouldn't stop wriggling around in order to somehow get loose.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, but by now, he was near damn violent. His eyes were bloodshot and his chest heaved with the excess energy being used. I jumped down and laid on the floor next to him.

"Dario! Look at me! Look at me! Its me, Calvin! I'm not gonna hurt you! Dude, you gottta calm down, it's me, you're safe! I wont ever hurt you!"

A slight little more melodramatic that I should have been but that was the fucking last thing on my mind right then.

It worked, however.

Dario turned towards me, and after a few seconds, recognition seemed to register inside his brain...his breathing started to slow down, his body stopped moving around so rapidly, and his eyes narrowed down to a more gentler colour. Within a solid five or six minutes, he had managed to calm down with me next to him on the floor.

"Dario, I'm gonna try and untie you, okay? Do you have scissors here somewhere?"

Dario breathed, in and out, for one last time, calming himself, before he gently, slowly, nodded. His eyes flooded towards his desk, and the back to me.

Message received and understood.

I found said scissors relatively easily and knelt once more next to him. The very moment I touched both of his wrists which was tied behind his back, I felt another shiver rock through his body.

"Dario...listen to my voice. It's only me. It's Calvin. You treated my broken ankle, remember? You bought one of the houses I showed you last week, remember? It's only me, and I'll never hurt you. Okay? Do you trust me?"

Although I couldn't now see his eyes from my new position, his body seemed to relax visibly. I meant every word. I'll never hurt him. My heart fluttered as I saw his scared features once more, he nodded slowly.

This time, when I took hold of his wrists, he didn't shudder or even move. With a swift snip here and there, the knots were cut and he finally could stretch out his fingers.

My long has he been up here like this? I also cut loose the ropes that was holding his legs and feet together as well in quick succession.

Finally, I gently placed my hand behind in his back, with the other holding his legs to the ground. Inch by inch, I helped him upwards, until he was sitting on the tiled floor, normally. His eyes were still a little red and his forehead was see sweaty as anything I have ever seen.

"I'm gonna take the tape off your mouth now. I'll try my best not to hurt you. Just...stay still, okay?" I whispered, this time, seeing his beautiful turquoise eyes bright and beautiful before me.

Once more, he nodded, and weirdly, he also didn't take his eyes off mine.


Once the tape had been removed from his mouth, I helped him stand up, and he nearly buckled under pressure. I grabbed him around his waist and shoulders and helped him, but he still managed to trip over his dead legs, from being in the same position for hours, and I had to think quick to keep us both from falling.

His face was right within reach. He was inside my personal space. I could have damn well kissed him if I wanted to.

"You're're gonna be okay. I'm here. No one is gonna hurt you..." I whispered over and over, whilst I held him in my arms.

To my utter and complete surprise, I felt wetness sliding down my hand. I looked up to him in sheer confusion...oh my god...he was crying!

It felt like I had known this man...this sexy, beautiful man for decades...when in reality I had only seen him face to face three times.

One of those, he walked out with his family on my behalf. He refused to look at me and I could see something behind his eyes wasn't quite normal. It was as if he was relieving a memory, or a dream, or something horrific from his past.

Whatever if was, I bet it was triggered from what had happened in here. Poor guy.

My mind flashed back to last week, when Dario's wife was so adamant so know if that area was safe...and how Dario stopped her as she was about to explain why. Something dark must have happened in his past. And whatever it was, it had to be pretty terrible.

I did the only thing that felt natural. And safe.

I hugged him to me.

My arms encircled his back and I held him. I didn't give a damn right then who saw us. Where had everyone been when Dario needed saving? Imagine I had sent him copies of the contract via email instead of coming over! Geez!

The shock on my face as I felt his arms desperately hurl across my own back as well...he was still sniffing and shaking like crazy, and he held me really tightly in his arms.

Together, in unison, we stood there like we didn't have a care in the world. It was only us...Calvin and Dario that existed.

We were there for each other, how insane that sounded...again, I didn't care.


"I'm sorry..."

The first words that he spoke since I had entered his rooms. He still held on to me, as I did him. Didn't know about Dario, but I wasn't ready to let go, just yet.

"What the fuck happened...?" I whispered back him.

He finally pulled back from me, slowly, so I could once more look into his eyes. It felt like he was bearing his entire soul to me...he cleared his throat.

"Damn...I shouldn't have...when I saw him sitting in the waiting room I had my suspicions, but Calvin, I'm a doctor. I have to tend to patients who come in here for help. Fucking piece of shit wasn't in here for two minutes before he attacked me and grabbed all the Schedule 7 drugs and pills I had inside my safe. He forced me to give him the pass code, saying he would kill my wife and son if I didn't...all I can think is, he had to have been watching me...for some time, I guess, I dunno. He knew about Janey and Ben, even their names...I had no choice. After the piece of trash took what he wanted he tied me up, with a gun held to my head. I had to be in here for over three hours. Thank god I didn't have to piss, right?"

I had to stop myself from cracking a smile thinking it totally wasn't the right time... but when I saw his lips move, I couldn't help it. Within seconds both of us were laughing our asses off. It was like we couldn't stop. Just when we thought the laughter was over, we'd look at one another and start all over again.

Eventually, he reached out and grabbed my shoulder.

"Dude...I dunno how to say thanks. You literally saved me. No, I mean it. I...what are you doing here anyway?"

"I brought your contracts for you and Janey to sign. Your offer to purchase has been accepted."

Dario smiled.

He nodded, and slowly removed his hand from my shoulder.

Suddenly there was utter silence. And it was an damn awkward silence to boot. No man, fuck this shit. A minute ago we were laughing like stooges and now we didn't know what to say to the other?

Well, this stopped now.


"Dario, what is wrong? You've been...strange with me. I know we dunno each other well, but we're not exactly strangers either. We got along so well that day you bought me and Kieran home from the hospital, and then at your new house, you acted like I had the plague. And now, like minutes ago, we were shooting the shit and again, I dare say something, and you withdraw like a cow's backside. Should I just go? I don't deserve this, really I don't. I didn't do anything to you."

Wow... it wasn't until I had said the words, that I realised just how much his attitude had hurt me. That everything had to come out in spades right was like I had swallowed a dictionary. I couldn't stop.

"Don't tell me you didn't feel the connection between us. Because then, you would ne lying. I saw you. When we shook hands weeks ago at my house, when we did it again last know there's something, Dario."

My chest was aching. And he wasn't even looking at me.

"Dario? Dario, say something. Please."

No movement. At all. He continued to just...stand there, his eyes on the same floor that he had been laying on for hours before I had rescued him.


"What do you want me to say? I'm married! Happily married! With a kid! And so are you! So whatever we both felt, or feel...just stuff all of it in a box and put it away, will you? I can't...I won't deal with this!" Dario suddenly got life inside his seemingly dead limbs, as he shouted those despicable words to me.

I was far from done, myself.

"I'm gay, Doctor Handsome! Yeah, you heard correctly. I married Candice because she was pregnant with Kieran. And don't get me wrong, I love my son. He's my everything, as I'm sure Ben is to you. But're like the most sexiest, most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life, and oh my god, I can't believe I'm actually telling you this..."

Dario finally looked up just as I stopped mouthing off.

His eyes, those soulful turquoise coloured eyes lost. So sad. So incredibly...sad and alone.

He shrugged his shoulders after letting out a long sigh.

"We...we made choices, Calvin. Years ago. I'm married. I have a child. I just bought a house. What do you want me to say?"

Oh mama...

"So you DO feel the same! I knew it! Come on, admit it! There has been something between us ever since we met!"


I stood away from a furious Dario.

He was more angry than I had ever seen him. Both his hands were balled up into sheer fists. He turned around, and took a few seconds to calm himself, before he walked towards the door and held it open for me.

"I'm sorry. I love Janey. I love her with my entire soul. Please don't make things worse," he pleaded with me, his voice hoarse with emotion.

If the pain inside my chest was bad before, it was a bloody avalanche now.

"You know're right. I'll just go. I'll also request a transfer for the sale of the house. Another realtor will assist you from now on. Don't you worry. You'll never have to see me again..." I said and wiped away a irritating tear that had somehow managed to make its way out of the corner of my eye.

As I neared the door it was suddenly slammed shut without question.

I looked at Dario, in anger. He was in so much emotional pain, it was written all over his face.

He came ever so closer...and he tenderly dared touched my chin with his fingers. He didn't take his eyes off me for a second.


His own face came ever closer.

His fingers moved from my chin towards my cheek, where he held the side of my face inside his palm and with a slightly open mouth, licking his lips in anticipation, he softly caressed it. On internal instinct, I literally pushed the side of my face into said hand palm...god, he felt so incredibly raw and tender...

The feeling of his lips on mine was a train crash.

Everything just spilled over in such a velocity that I couldn't tell who did what anymore. His kiss was firm, and tender. A roar escaped from his throat as he felt me kissing him back.

I grabbed the back of his head, running my fingers lovingly through his hair, as I held him in place, and kept engaging him in the best kiss any two men couldn't ever give the other.

He released my lips with a sigh. I looked up nervously into his eyes...and fully expected to see massive sorrow and regret...

...but there was nothing but sheer happiness flowing, damn well, blasting throughout his beautiful face.

"So long...I dreamt of this...for so long..." he whispered dreamily as he pressed his tired forehead against mine.

In return, I caressed his face one more time, and nuzzled my nose against his.

"Waited so long to kiss me...or just another man?" I teased, knowing the answer fully well.

This was also my first time kissing a man...after wishing for it to happen my whole fucking teen and adult life.

He smiled into my face at the same time that I did...and he gave me one more kiss, so powerful and manly it made my toes curl.

We held each other in nothing but harmony, before his cell phone rang.

I was facing the phone, he wasn't. And therefore, I saw the caller ID.

"Back to reality buddy...that's your wife calling..." I whispered, still admiring his beauty.

"I gotta get that. It's been hours, as you know. She'll be worried," Dario said, but neither of us made a move to separate.

I have honestly never felt this close to another human being, never mind another man.

Not towards Candice...and certainly not towards her brother Griffin, who was my first gay love, and also the sole reason why I had gotten drunk ten long years ago and slept with Candice...directly resulting in Kieran's conception.


It nearly broke me when he answered his phone. Poor sod, he was nervous, and it showed. Janey must have noticed the slight tremble in his voice, and had cornered him if something was wrong because he kept assuring her that it wasn't.

In the end...she was his wife.

Candice was mine.

We both had young boys waiting for their father's back at our homes.

Was I nuts here?

Dario ended the call, and for a moment, things were awkward again.

"I really have to get home. Janey...she's ..."

"...worried about you, I know," I completed his sentence.

Both of us seemed to be at a standstill.

Dario was the one, who walked over back to where I was, and he initiated another warm hug. Not gonna lie, I felt at home in his arms, as I buried my face inside the crook of his neck.

"What happens now?" I could hear him whisper, caressing my back and shoulders.

I hugged his frame closer to me, and I smiled when I felt him do the exact same thing.

"Now...we keep dancing..." I replied.



Please be so kind as to continue with any feedback? I need to know you guys are enjoying it xx

Next: Chapter 3

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