Doctor Handsome

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Aug 27, 2020



It's your boy Ryan with a another story...this pandemic has me out of work so I have loads of time with just a cuppa coffee and my laptop...hope you enjoy my latest offering xx

Feedback would be welcome! My email is

Stay safe, y'all Ryan


"PASS IT!! Mooch, I'm open, pass it!"

The little sweet ass fucker just appeared to refuse to do what I had pleaded him to. I was supposedly team captain, but apparently that counted for jack shit.

My God, I was wide open! And just because he had a grudge against me, because I was chosen as captain, he'll full let the team lose just to spite me?

You bet your sweet ass he would. Today's not the first time this has happened.

Finally, as we had almost reached the goalpost, it looked like he had probably decided to be less of a prick and squared the ball perfectly over to me.

"Daddy! Shoot the ball!" I could hear my boy, the love of my life, my ten year old best buddy in the whole world, my son Kieran, scream from the side lines along with numerous other supporters...literally begging me not to miss this golden opportunity to score.

Mooch's pass was inch perfect, landing straight at my feet, but what I didn't gamble on, was that the opposing team's goalkeeper was going to come out and try to snatch the ball off me before I had even attempted any shot.

The big ass player he was, completely sliced my feet from underneath me, just as I got my left leg in position to kick, and the sheer velocity of his tackle completely caught me off my guard. I flew a fair few feet up in the air before making hard contact with the Astroturf we were playing on.

My ankle immediately told me that something was terribly, horribly wrong.

"Daddy!!!" I could hear from afar as darkness completely overtook me.


"Is he gonna be okay? Daddy!!"

I opened my eyes and immediately lifted my hands to shield my eyes against the bright torrent of light...I certainly wasn't on the soccer field anymore.

As I got my bearings, I realised that someone had to have brought me to hospital. I looked to my left and saw my son crying to his mother as she attempted and tried her best to try and make him understand that I wasn't dying, as he seemingly thought.


His eyes flew wide open and his neck almost caught whiplash as he turned himself around as my voice came back to life, and the sheer smile on his face as he saw that I was wide awake was almost worth all the pain I was feeling in my ankle.

Well, almost.

"Daddy, you're alive!" he screamed in childlike innocence, my wife Candice just shaking her head and walking slowly towards us.

"Of course he's okay, you little monster! Tell you what, go outside and buy Daddy a can of Coke from the vending machine. I'm sure he's thirsty from everything that happened. Okay?"

Kieran nodded enthusiastically, grabbed the money from Candice and sped off outside to where the vending machine with all its goodies was situated.

Candice smiled at our son and then she turned towards me the moment he was out of earshot.

"Calvin...Calvin, when are you going to start manning up and stop being like this? Acting like a teenager with the word at his feet? You're not at an age where you can just do what you want anymore! You could have seriously injured yourself today! And what was I supposed to say to Kieran, then? Daddy had a midlife crisis so he plays soccer to keep himself feeling young?"

I sighed.

I knew Candice wasn't happy with me playing soccer in my free time. It was actually just a bunch of us at work that had formed a club over the years and we had in fact gotten pretty good for thirty-something men. I was the youngest in the team, at thirty years of age, and although I loved playing the beautiful game, I knew it was perhaps time to stop.

"I dunno, baby. I guess I should quit the team some time, but I'm not hurting anyone, am I? Kieran loves coming to our matches and I know you've always made time to..."

"...the only thing I've made time for is to watch our son when you're playing! How are you gonna keep an eye on him when you're on the field!"

Candice took out a tissue and blew her nose, before she looked me straight in the eye.

"I don't wanna be difficult, Calvin, but I'm afraid you leave me no choice. Either quit being in this...desperate search for your gone youth and be a father to our son, or I'm seeing my lawyer. I don't wanna tell our son one more time that Daddy can't play with him because he got yet ANOTHER injury playing that disgusting and vulgar sport ..."

"Now wait just a minute here, Candice, I've never had to do that! Kieran knows I'm there for him! And that I'll always be! You can't tell me this, it's not true!"

Candice looked out the room door to see where Kieran was, and seeing that he was still waiting in line to purchase the Coke, she grabbed her handbag and swung it over her shoulder.

"I love you, Calvin. But you can be a real jerk sometimes..." she said as she left the room in a hurry.

I couldn't contemplate my life without being on that soccer team right now.

It brought me so much joy, and so much stress relief from all the shenanigans at work...that was my two hours of sanity per week away from home life. Don't get me wrong, I adored Kieran and I loved Candice with all my heart, but sometimes things just got too much...and a guy needed to be a amongst his own kind.

There was also only so many things you could talk about with your wife and needed that guy bonding time.

I didn't have many guy friends as it was.

Only those from work really, and they only counted as soccer buddies and colleagues. Although still friends, technically, we weren't the type who was going out for beers and such. Or even having dinner at each other's homes. Like true friends do.

I saw Kieran grabbing the Coke can and wanting to come my way to give it to me but Candice shook her head and took the Coke from him, placing it inside her handbag.

Kieran looked crestfallen as anything. I closed my eyes...sometimes Candice had a type of mean streak in her which I really didn't like. It worried me. I wasn't as successful as her in my own job. Oh no. As an estate agent, I was lucky if I sold two houses per year.

Although my 10% total commission on each house sold was more than enough to last a few months at best, I wasn't top of my profession like Candice was, being saleswoman of the year for two years running now...sigh. I wish sometimes she wasn't so career driven. Maybe it was my fault, for not giving her everything I could have over the years ...

Don't judge me...I am gay.


Long story short, I dated Candice after college because I had this huge unrequited crush on her brother.

I fully convinced myself that I had serious feelings for Griffin, until he had gotten engaged at Candice's birthday party.

We were always close, Griff and I. We went out partying, clubbing, we smoked pot and shot the shit more than I actually did with Candice.

I led myself to believe that something could in fact happen between Griff and me. I knew he was dating Michelle, but none of us, Candice included, thought for one minute that it was serious.

The announcement of the engagement hurt. It hurt bad. It was like his knife had pierced my back in half without him even realising it. He did nothing wrong...he had met a girl and fell in love and asked her to marry him. I couldn't be angry at him. I even hugged him tightly to me and wished him nothing but the best in his married life.

If only I had kept track of the number of beers I had consumed at that party, I wouldn't have slept with Candice for the first time that night and she wouldn't have gotten pregnant.

My own dad was a sell out, a total dead beat who didn't care about anyone in the world apart from himself, never mind his kids...and there was no way I was gonna put my child in that kinda position.

Me and Candice, as well as Griff and Michelle ended up having a double wedding, and Kieran was born eight months later.

I haven't looked back since. Griff and Michelle had moved away to Pretoria from Cape Town years ago...and although Kieran was my everything, I couldn't help to wonder what my life would have been like if I had just had the guts to come out and be who I really was.


When a nurse had FINALLY checked on me and made me comfortable inside my bed, waiting for the result of my X-rays, I asked her how long will it be for the doctor to make an appearance, because my wife and young ten year old son was waiting outside for news for a long time now.

In typical arrogant fashion that most nurses had possessed in the rat race that was the medical profession these days, she told me, that there was a new doctor on call, one that started today and he'd get to me whenever he could.

I had to actually bite my lip to avoid saying something to her which could potentially have me up for a law suit. God. And for this I paid my taxes and my medical aid. Go figure.

A knock on the door startled the shit outta me.

"Mr White? Calvin?"

I saw the white overcoat first before he came into my full line of view.

My mouth was struggling to keep closed.

My eyes fully appreciated what they saw.

My God. Who ever said men can't be described as "beautiful" was lying through their fucking teeth.

"Yes, I'm Calvin are?"

The man gave me a friendly smile, which totally lit up his already damning handsome facial features, and also allowed the afternoon sunlight to sweep across his short black hair. first sight...he could very well be either, skinny as hell, or skinny and muscled underneath all that medical attire. He looked down on his file and closed it up before once more, looking straight at me.

"I'm Doctor Conceicao and I have the results of your X-rays. Great to meet you. Today's actually my first day...been crazy so far!"

Conceicao...weird last name. Latin or Mediterranean heritage perhaps?

It was only then, that I had a good enough look and noticed that his skin wasn't exactly as Caucasian of colour as mine was, but a sort of meeting in the middle between white and brown. Not dark, not overly white skinned, just perfectly tanned.

My cock trembled underneath my soccer shorts.

"And? Will I lose my leg, or...?"

Excuse my feeble attempt at making a joke with a hot ass doctor I had just met.

Dr Conceicao smirked, and looked me over.

"Fraid not, Mr White. That ankle is going to have to rest for at least six weeks. You have quite a serious fracture and it needs time to heal. Tell me, are you a soccer player for one of the PSL (Premier Soccer League) teams? I personally support Kaizer Chiefs."

Now, if there was one thing my wife detested more about soccer, it was sport all together.

She simply didn't understand the dynamic of full grown men and women trying to outdo the other in a sportive competition. At least in business, she always said, you can see the result of your battles...where as in sports, you receive medals, and that's it.

"No Doc, I'm part of a amateur soccer club I helped create. Just some of us guys at work, taking on teams from other realtor companies for fun and to get out of the house. Nothing major."

The doctor nodded and pointed towards my ankle.

"I wouldn't call that, nothing major, Mr White. You have a long and painful recovery ahead of you. Now, I've prescribed pain medication for up to six weeks, and if after that your ankle is not better, come and see me immediately. Okay?"

Damn, I'd fucking love to.

"I'll organise a wheelchair for you, do you have someone who can come and pick you up?"

Candice and Kieron should still be waiting out front. I nodded and he seemed pleased.

Pity I'd probably never see him again after I leave the hospital. Such a shame. Being married to a woman does not make your gay feelings toward other men disappear. Not by a fucking long shot.

I sneakily glanced at my cock which was nearly bursting out of its seems inside my shorts. I crossed my legs just in time as Doctor Handsome himself re-entered my room and placed a state of the art wheelchair in front of me.

"Do I really have to get on this thing?" I sighed, never wanting to ever, EVER be inside one of these things and certainly not at age thirty, when us guys really started to miss our teenage years that was seemingly not so long ago. And yet...

Dr Conceicao smiled that brilliantly beautiful smile of his and pushed the wheelchair even more towards me.

"Get on, guy. I'll even give you a free ride to the waiting room. No charge, guaranteed."

Damn, I liked this guy.

Somehow I willed my dick to go down as he inch by mere inch helped me into said wheelchair. He even knelt down to help support my ankle and to keep it as elevated as much as possible in the chair, before he gently released it and stood behind me.

"Ready, Mr White?" he asked, a twinkle in his eye.

"Yo, Doc I was born ready," I played along before he pushed me all the way to where, rather surprisingly, only my son was waiting for me amongst all the visitors.

"Kieran? Where's Mommy?" I asked, looking around the waiting room as the Doctor completed his promised ride.

"She had to go to work. She said I should wait for you, and then maybe you'll get us a cab," Kieran said, his child, boyish eyes clearly admiring the cast on my ankle and the smart ass wheelchair I was sitting in.

I clenched my teeth, remembering that the doctor was behind me, and if I said something vicious about Candice, he would hear it...actually why was I so worried about what a guy thought whom I just met?

Weird much...

"It's nearly five a clock, I can take you guys home, if you don't mind, and if its not too far form here?"

Did he just say what I thought he said?

"Doctor, thanks a million, but we're fine. We'll just get a cab and...damn..."

Dr Conceicao smiled as he saw the penny drop inside my exactly was I gonna get inside a cab with crutches and complete with a wheelchair AND not to mention an ankle inside a cast AND with a ten year old boy all in tow...

"Tell me buddy, how far do you and your grump of a dad live from here?" he asked Kieran as he knelt down so he was face to face with my son.

"Not far, do you know where the primary school is? Its just across the street from there. I always walk to school in the morning by myself!" Kieran boasted, clearly wanting to show off his ten year old skills in front of the handsome doctor.

"Kieran...Doc...wait a second everything is going way too fast. Okay, I can't call us a cab, but lemme try your mom at least. Doc, thanks and all, but it's really not necessary..."

"Oh well, I suppose I tried. Go well, Mr White. Stay awesome, Kieran!" Conceicao said as he waved to my son, before placing his hand inside his overcoat and walking off.

"Daddy, why didn't you want him to give us a lift home?" Kieran asked, his hands worryingly near the cast on my ankle.

"Buddy, we don't know him, he's a stranger! What have we taught you about talking to those kind of people? Come on, push me out and then I'll call uncle Mooch or someone to come and fetch us. Slowly, Kieran!" I hissed as the little monster he was, grabbed the handlebars and tried to play F1 racing with my wheelchair...complete with me inside it.


"Mooch, come on! It's not like I'm asking you for money, here? We're stuck at the hospital and Candice is working. No...a cab won't work, you dumb ass. Urgh, okay, I get it. Don't ask me anything again, ever!"

I was tempted much to throw the phone onto the gravel concrete in sheer frustration.

How many times did I have to bail Mooch out at work and even in his personal life when he had his whores over after soccer matches when his wife was till at work.

I always, always covered for him and now he can't do one thing for me in return?

A certain loud voice had me and Kieran look up in immediate recognition.


Doctor Handsome.

Otherwise known as Dario Conceicao, set on his nametag that he didn't have on earlier.

I looked at my watch...fucking hell, we have we been here over an hour in trying to find someone to come and pick us up?

My son decided right then and there to betray his father's pride...

"Daddy has called everyone and no one can help us!"

"Thanks, Kieran..." I said bluntly.

"Pleasure, Daddy."

The little shit.

"Well, my offer still stands. Oh come on, Calvin White, are you THAT desperate that you'll sleep here tonight with a little boy? Let me take you guys home. It's literally no trouble!"

I gotta admit...he was making a VERY tempting case for himself here.

He was out of his white lab overcoat and he was wearing a dark blue buttoned shirt with white trousers to match. His name tag shone in the sunlight, along with his short, spiky hair and glimmering smile he had possessed.

At that moment, Kieran was looking at me with a feature on his face that resembled something between neediness and pleading...poor kid.

He had a hell of an afternoon at the match seeing his dad get injured and having to wait all on his own for me to eventually finish up, after Candice had left. I owed him, I guess.

"Okay. Okay! Doc, just help me inside your car, because god knows, my kid can't handle my weight," I hissed, finally giving up on taking his offer.

Dario, or should I day, Doctor Handsome, smiled his killer smile once more having gotten his way, and got behind the wheelchair and gently pushed it forward.

I had to admit, this was much better than the racing game that Kieran wanted to play with said wheelchair earlier.

As we finally got to his expensive looking BMW, he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I shuddered, and I knew he had to feel it too. I couldn't help it...

All these years of having to suppress my feelings and my fantasies towards other men and now...the most sexiest man I had seen in a long time goes and gets all touchy feely...

"Leave it all to me," Dario said, his smile ever lasting.


Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we were home.

"Seriously though Calvin, how would you and Kieran have coped in getting you inside if you had ordered a cab? You could have damaged your ankle even more!" Dario said as he got out and grabbed the wheelchair from his boot.

"I dunno. I guess I didn't wanna bother a guy I had just met with all of this," I replied, as he successfully helped me in getting back into the chair.

"I know it's my first day, but I'm happy I could help. Stuff like this is why I became a doctor," he said, and I could see he was proud of himself. I could honestly listen to that voice all day.

As expected, Candice wasn't home yet. Kieran unlocked the security gate and the front door, before sprinting inside as fast as his ten year old legs could carry him.

He had long complained of having to pee for about thirty minutes now. Guess he REALLY had to go.

"Beautiful home you have here," Dario said as he parked my wheelchair inside our living-room.

That's not all that beautiful in here...I thought but I rather kept quiet.

"This your wife?" he asked, looking at a photo of Candice and Kieran.

"Sure is. You probably saw her there, at the hospital, but like Kieran said, she had to go to work. Look, Doc, I can't thank you enough for getting us safely home. I didn't wanna burden you with..."

"...Calvin, please. I wanted to. I have a wife and a kid of my own, so I know how it must have felt being there alone with Kieran and no one to take you guys home. See it as my good deed for the day."

Oh. That changes things.

" you're married...and with kids?"

Dario turned to me and once more, those beautiful white teeth looked like they had been carved from solid ivory.

"Yep. Sure do. Been married twelve years now. My little boy, Ben, is the same age as Kieran."

My eyes nearly fell out of their sockets.

"Doc, how old are you?"

"Turning thirty-three in two months, why?"

Holy fucking shit.

The guy looked about ten years YOUNGER than me when in reality it turns out he was a full three years OLDER.

"It's sure as hell don't look thirty-three..." I tried to cover my astonishment.

"I'll take that as a compliment, shall I?" Dario laughed before his phone rang. He reached for his pocket and answered it.

"Janey? I'm at a patient's house. Yes, he's on crutches, so I brought him home. I'll be there soon. Give Ben a kiss? Bye, I love you," he said before placing his phone back and kneeling before me.

"The wife. I better get home. Apparently there's lasagne on the menu tonight," he said, before placing his hand on my knee.

"You sure you and Kieran will be okay until your wife gets here? I can stay until she does, I'm more than happy to." badly I wanted to say yes.

But if there was anything I've discovered from today, and especially after meeting Doctor Dario Conceicao, aka Doctor Handsome, it was that I had to stay away and distance myself from men, and in particular, men who looked anything like him.

It wasn't meant to be, with any man. I had a wife and a kid to think of. I loved Candice. I couldn't just forget about that. I looked at him, straight in his turquoise coloured eyes, and slowly nodded.

"I'll be fine, me. Made of strong stuff."

Dario stood up and patted me on my back. Before I could say anything else, he handed me what looked like a business card.

"That's my number at work. Call me if that ankle is not healing after six weeks, you hear? In your line of work, selling houses, you can't be in a wheelchair for. I mean it, call me. Oh...I'll just..."

He withdrew his card from my already numb fingers and wrote something at the back, before handing it back to me, yet again.

"That's if you need some medical assistance out of work hours. That's know...personal number, at home. "

For the first time in some time, I was quite speechless.

Here was in all probability, a fucking hot guy, regardless of him being my doctor and he was actually telling me to phone him on his personal line.

A moment of silence filled the room before Kieran appeared from seemingly no where.

"Daddy what's for dinner? I'm hungry!"

"And that's my queue to leave. Take care, both of you," Dario said with a final smile, before turning around, and with big strides, leaving the house as quick as he possibly could.

Was he feeling the sexual tension just like I was? I'd also wanted to get the fuck out of his home, if the roles has been reversed. Being that close to a man, after all these years, scared the living shit outta me.


Seven weeks had passed, since that fateful afternoon on which I had met the most gorgeous, most handsome, most everything man I had ever seen in my thirty years on this green earth.

And before you wonder and ask, no...I never phoned him.

There were times, make no mistake...especially in those incidents where Candice and I fought like cat and dog over trivial stuff like me buying Kieran unhealthy takeaways, or Candice coming home too late and Kieran refusing to sleep if she's not home.

And on, and on, and on.

Those times I'd lock myself in our bedroom, as she would be at work and Kieran would be at school, and I'd take out the business card Dario gave me, and I'd me crazy...stare at it.

What would I even say? Even if he answered?

I was so incredibly attracted to him, it was the joke of the decade. In this healing process of my ankle, there hasn't been a day I haven't at least once, thought about him.

In the end, I just didn't face up to actually call him, and perhaps if I had, who knows what would have happened.

The dude was married with a kid, just like me. What were the chances he was into other men?

And even if he was what would be the odds that he was interested in ME personally?

All in all, I had literally too much to lose.

I have to admit that a couple of tomes when I was alone in the house, I would jerk off my rock hard seven inch cock thinking about Dario.

What he looked like with his shirt big his penis it would feel inside my mouth and even better, inside my virgin ass...

Call me crazy, but the loads I had shot and still do, to this day in thinking about him, seemed WAY bigger and much more potent than when I had sex with Candice.

And was much more satisfying.

My ankle was all healed up, but I still made sure I took it easy when it came to actually walking.

I had a client at two who was interested in buying a newly renovated house just in the next street from where I lived, and I thanked my stars for that because I didn't have to hurry anywhere.

I had everything ready for the potential clients to make them feel at home and even more, I looked forward to the potential commission I would be getting if I succeeded in selling this enormous place.

It came with a fire place, three bedrooms, a sauna and a pool. Not to mention a huge indoor barbeque and loads of space outside for any children they could potentially have.

I rubbed my hands together as the car pulled up outside. I was in the zone, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

A little boy of about Kieran's age and a beautiful blond woman walked in after a few minutes, and gasped as they saw the inside with huge smiles on their faces.

Play your cards right, Calvin might be making some serious money here ...

"Afternoon! Calvin White, estate agent. Welcome! Feel free to look around and have some refreshments before I officially show you around," I said in my most charming, most dashing attitude.

I knew I looked good. And smelled good. Not arrogant, when it's the truth. Lol.

The woman smiled and held her hand out to me, keeping the boy on a leash in her other.

"It's a beautiful place! My husband was so adamant we come and check it out. Oh by the way, my name is Janey. Janey Conceicao. And this little creep is our son, Ben!"


Nuh uh.

It can't be.

But many people walked around here with THAT particular last name... ?

My suspicions was confirmed the moment out eyes met. For the first time in a sheer eight week wait.

"So hon, what do you think?" Janey asked as she grabbed her husband's arm and continued to gush over their potential new home.

Her husband fleetingly smiled at her but it was feeble. His eyes was totally on me.

As handsome, as the day I had met him. Even more so, if possible.

"Calvin..." Dario whispered, in sheer disbelief.

"Hon? you two know each other?" his wife asked, her eyes narrowing, by the second.



Setting the scene up as always in chapter know I wanna know from YOU guys you wanna read more??

Lemme know xx

Next: Chapter 2

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