Doctor Feels Great

By Sub Boy

Published on May 29, 2023


Man I hated to go to the doctor. I mean, I guess we all do but I avoided it as much as possible and since my old doctor retired a few years ago, I hadn't been at all. I was getting a new job that required a physical so found a new doctor and bit the bullet and when in.

I knew the doctor was younger (I didn't want another one to retire on me) but the whole staff seemed in their 20s and all beautiful. I immediately felt out of place but they were all super nice to me even though I had 20 years on them. After the basics with the incredibly nice and stunning nurse, I was waiting on the doctor when the door opened -- no knock or anything. My jaw dropped open at the sight of this man: dark sexy hair, a devilishly handsome smile, and a body that exuded power and sex. His dark eyes locked with mine and I felt drawn to him immediately, while also waiting for him to look away so I could see more of him!!

He turned to set down my folder and I caught sight of his tight ass -- he was wearing a short sleeved collared shirt and tight pants that showed off a perfect ass and strong legs. I realized he was talking and had to ask him to repeat what he was saying, excusing the awkwardness by saying I was daydreaming. He turned to look me full in the eyes again, his power boring into me but a friendly smile on his face. I melted inside but focused on his lips as we started talking about why I was there, medical history etc. My eyes kept wanting to check out his chest and abs and bulge but I'd be beyond busted so I really focused.

"Ok, it's time for the physical part of the physical", he drawled in a low sexy voice -- unhurried and in control, "so go ahead and disrobe." I looked around quickly and didn't see any robe or anything, so thought fine, I'll strip to my underwear. His eyes followed my movements like a predator, assessing how much stronger he was, and I realized with deep shame that my cock had been leaking in my briefs just from looking at him and hearing his voice. I was embarrassed and turned away to drop my pants, then tried to man up and turned to look at him. I realized I was shivering a bit in reaction to the stress of standing in front of this god wearing only my briefs with a large pre-cum stain.

His eyes locked to mine then he slowly took in my body, his lips smirking a bit when he got to my crotch. "A lot of people have an issue with pre-ejaculate, don't worry about it," he said. "I leak like a faucet sometimes." I really don't know if that helped or not but it took my horniness up several notches and my dick which had been half hard was heading to full hard (which was pretty unimpressive at about 5"). I wondered just how big he was and once again had to bring my mind back to the business at hand.

I realized he was reaching towards me and all of a sudden his warm hand was on my chest. "Hope it's not too chilly in here -- I see you are shivering -- it's warm to me though." I mumbled something that no one on this planet could understand and he just gave me another of those sexy smiles that melted my insides. "At least my hands will feel warm on you!" he grinned and said "go ahead and drop your underwear so we can do the cancer screenings." That was the last thing I wanted to do but I complied and shucked them off -- big wet spot at all -- and hung them next to the rest of my clothes. He assessed me fully, nodded as if in understanding, then suddenly asked if I was sexually active. NOT what I wanted to talk about standing in front of a god, me naked and all. Again I mumbled out something and he told me to repeat what I had said so I mustered a "I guess, I'm not dating anyone or anything but I do like sex, doctor..." He nodded again and said "you can call me Doctor Al, or a lot of people just call me sir."

Unbidden, I said "yes sir" and his grin lit up the room. "Ok now, I'll check for hernias and testicle cancer" he said and as much as I dreaded it, my cock apparently was excited because just then a big glob of precum leaked out and strung down to the floor. He chuckled and started feeling my junk, manipulating it and rubbing my sac. I couldn't help it and moaned silently -- I thought -- but a quick glance from him told me that it was probably obvious since my package was in his hands. "OK go ahead and turn around and put your hands on the table" he told me and as I did, I guess because he was so close, my thigh brushed his crotch and I felt a big tube rubbing me. I was so flustered -- was he hard?! - that I almost fell against the table. He put one hand on my ass cheek and said "relax, I'll go easy on you this time." This time? What the?

His hot hand was removed and I realized he was gloving up and getting the lube. God I hated this part! Even though I liked to bottom on the rare occasion I did hook up, this was totally different but with hot doc here I couldn't resolve those feelings. I shivered even more as I felt him closing in towards me again. His hand came back to my ass cheek and he said "It's ok, take it easy, I'll let you take it your speed this time." 'this time' again?! That was not helping. I felt his finger zero in on my hole and just stop.

"Ok, go ahead and push back onto my finger." I was surprised but grateful and began to push back as his finger breached my hole and slid in deeper. "I'll need to be deep enough to check your prostate thoroughly, but I think you'll feel that," he said, his voice huskier -- or was it just my imagination? As I pushed back just a bit more I realized my ass was now against the side of his crotch and I had to push back just a little more until his finger found my prostate. God it felt good, and I just shivered on the end of his finger. "Boy does that feel good" he said or asked -- it was either a statement or a question addressed to 'boy' -- but I was twice his age! I was so confused and made the mistake of looking in the mirror.

There I was, fully naked, bent at the knees, ass out, with this sexy man behind me, pushed against me, his eyes intently studying me. I could see the long strand of precum leaking from my hard little cock all the way to the floor as he quietly ordered, "Now move around so I can check your prostate" and I did: I gyrated my hips like a whore in heat, getting his finger rubbed all over my little nub. He kept staring and I kept going, rising higher and higher. I couldn't stop staring at him in the mirror as he growled "pull off and back on so I can make sure it's ok" and then I was gyrating, fucking myself on his finger, and breathing heavier and heavier, feeling his big bulge every time I pushed back. I was pushing back harder and harder, dripping more and more -- when suddenly his finger was ripped out of my hole and I almost collapsed in frustration, realizing I was right at the edge of cumming!

The doctor was breathing hard as well but locked eyes with me in the mirror and said, "that's enough for now...we have to keep this 'professional'" and his smirk was so sexy I moaned and even more precum came gushing out. Fuck, I was so on edge and focused on his huge bulge and sexy lithe muscles and I just wanted....I don't even know what I wanted except HIM.

He recovered much quicker than I did and nonchalantly said "that needs to be cleaned up" indicating the puddle of precum I had produced and looking at my pile of discarded clothes. I was so embarrassed and grabbed my briefs, fully bending over to clean up the precum and popping open my ass, my hole aimed right at him -- even I don't know if it was on purpose or not. He didn't make a comment which made me feel lower than ever, and I straightened up to face him. His eyes were unreadable but that damn sexy smirk left me feeling more exposed than when I was bent over. Damn him and his sexiness!

"We'll just need a urine sample and then I'll send you on your way. Everything looks pretty good so far but it would help if you lost a few pounds and toned up. What kind of exercise do you do?" My brain did not want to cooperate but I parsed his words and croaked out "nothing really, I used to run and lift but not anymore." He nodded sagely and commented "Flexibility is one of the first things to go, then strength and stamina. I do personal training on the side if you'd ever like to be trained." I mumbled something about thinking about it as he was reaching for a sample cup. It was much larger than what I was used to and he noticed my stare saying "Some guys find it more comfortable to provide their sample here so they aren't walking down the hall with any...embarrassment" - here he looked right at my crotch, hard cock still throbbing and leaking - "and since there isn't a urinal it makes sense to have a bigger sample cup. Are you ready?" with the implied question of could I piss in this state?

I was beyond flustered and sounded like I was having a problem speaking English. He just chuckled and said "it's no big deal, here I'll show you" and with that he unzipped his zipper. WHAT?! He reached in, eyes locked to mine (which were locked to his crotch of course!) and when I looked up started hauling out his big ol cock. I was mesmerized -- it just kept coming and coming -- I couldn't believe it! 10 inches -- twice mine -- and more than twice as thick too, with a very wet head! Just as my mind started to wonder if he was fully hard he commented, "I'm not quite as hard as you are but you just aim and....shoot!" he said as he pointed his giant schlong into the cup and let loose a huge load of piss. It steamed and swirled and I couldn't stop looking. I had never considered piss to be sexy (except for the chance to check out a stud at the urinals!) but he was pulsing his cock and the piss was flying and I was having a hard time staying on my feet.

All of a sudden he finished up, his big cock still waving proudly, grabbed my little dick and pointed it at another specimen cup. I tensed up, very concerned I couldn't piss if my life depended on it, when he said "I want you to piss now. Boy, you need to piss." I was hypnotized, his words relaxing me, not even considering how he seemed to be calling me 'boy', and the piss started flowing. As my stream started slowing down, he stroked up and down just a bit, causing me to moan and throw my head back, still on edge. "You've got enough wetness problems as it is," he said, causing my eyes to fly open to see if he was joking or not. His face was again inscrutable but his eyes danced in mischief. I was melting.

"Ok go ahead and get us zipped up while I take care of this," he said as he released my little dick and began gathering the cup lid and a marker. I hesitated, definitely wanting to grab his huge man meat but unsure if I had heard him right -- I didn't trust my brain wasn't running away on me. "NOW, boy" he ordered and I turned off all inhibitions and grabbed that thick tube and began ushering it back into his pants and underwear. It was so heavy! I had never felt anything like it, I was sweating and shivering and afraid of what I was feeling. He had the lid on the sample and was marking my info when he looked at me just standing there stupidly with my hand inside his pants, barely room in there with his huge cock, and said "get dressed -- you need to learn to listen, boy."

I gasped and jumped back, hurrying to get dressed -- me a puddle of emotions, him cool and collected and definitely in control. "You gonna have me train you?" he asked as he waited for me to finish dressing. I hesitated, so many emotions in my befuzzled head, and he just grunted and said "I recommend it. I'll be in touch. We should have your results back in a day or two," and with that he was out the door. I had barely recovered when an incredibly handsome nurse walked in, smirked at me and grunted "come" then walked me out. I couldn't help but check out his backside as he strolled in front of me, imagining tonguing that sexy ass, especially with the doctor watching.... Oh crap, what was happening to me?!

I sat in my car for a few minutes trying to calm down -- I'd be a wreck and cause a wreck in this state. But my mind couldn't stop going back to Doctor Al (Sir!) and the hot session we'd just had. I drove home in a daze and tried to relax, but I kept thinking about his big dick and warm piss and control and.... Instead of checking emails and Facebook, I searched online for images and stories about big cocks and piss and cum. I knew I shouldn't but damn I was so turned on and needy and.....

My phone pinged and I glanced at it even though I was getting close. I frowned when I didn't recognize the number and opened my phone with my dry hand (my other being wet with precum from stroking my now-aching cock). The message was straightforward: "This is Doctor Al. You do need training and need to be free tonight. Rest up because you'll need your energy -- I think you know what I mean. 7:00." Wow! I stopped stroking, so close, knowing what he meant. Was he really doing this to me? I parsed every word, my mind whirling. My first reaction was this had gone too far, and I actually had typed a 'thanks, no thanks' message. Then deleted it. Then wrote a long message asking all kinds of questions about pricing and timing and location. Then deleted it and relaxed a minute, imaging him standing in front of me. "Yes sir, where?" seemed like the best response so I typed it and sent before I had a chance to reconsider. I realized it was an iMessage so he could see (if he was looking) how many attempts it had taken me. I was embarrassed but based on my leaking dick, turned on.

I decided to put my focus elsewhere while waiting for a response. I got together some workout clothes, found a bag for them, and showered and got ready. 6:15 and no response. I thought about texting again, even typing an apology for asking again, but restrained myself and sat fidgeting in the kitchen, ready to go. At 6:55 my phone pinged and said "your place" and I jerked in surprise until I realized of course he had my address from the paperwork. My little condo seemed a strange place to work out but all this seemed strange so I tried to clean the place up a bit and calm my racing nerves.

At exactly 7 there was a knock on the door, and knees shaking I went to open the door. He was standing there, gorgeous, smirking but with open, friendly eyes. I couldn't help but look at his body -- a tank top showed off his powerful biceps and shoulders, and his shorts were short enough to show off his built, hairy, sexy legs. My mind tried to wrap around how short the shorts were and if his big dick would tumble out. I had to get myself under control!

"Com...come in" I stammered. He strutted in, a gym bag over one shoulder, and dropped it next to the door before settling on the couch comfortably. I looked to sit down in the chair across from him, maybe getting a sneak glance up his shorts, but he shook his head slightly. He stretched his arms along the back of the sofa on either side, showing off his powerful triceps and sexy hairy armpits. Fuck! "You'll stand during training unless told to be in another position. Clear?" My mind once again raced to catch up and I managed a "yes sir" as he continued to coolly regard me. "Any questions before we start?" Um, I had a million questions but knew I should trust him so merely asked "Can I get you anything?" which made him grin.

He stood up suddenly, telling me "Today we'll work on strength, balance and flexibility. You can make me dinner after," and his grin didn't tell me if he was kidding or not but his eyes hardened telling me h was dead serious. "There are a couple of basic positions you may or may not know, but we'll keep going back to those so let's practice. First off: kneel." I was confused but moved to my knees but even before I got there he was shaking his head. "Sorry, I should have told you: you need to be in proper workout gear. I need to be able to see all of you to know you're in the right positions, getting the most of your training, but I also know you're modest. Strip down to your underwear." I quickly complied, knowing full well the giant wet spot in my briefs and being exposed before his perfect form would humiliate me again. And I liked it.

I stood before him, embarrassed of course, as he looked me over front and back. "That won't do really, I need to see all your muscles and ass muscles are one of the biggest and most important." My heart sank, not wanting to be naked in front of him again, but he walked over and rooted in his bag, pulling out a basic classic black Bike jockstrap. "Here" he said tossing it to me. I managed to catch it but stood there looking stupidly at him until I realized I was supposed to change right then and there. I turned ninety degrees to hide some of my shame, changing as quickly as possible. I had never worn a jockstrap before and the air on my bare ass had me tingling. He stood there looking at me and told me to kneel again. I couldn't get to my knees quick enough.

"No. Straight back, shoulders back, gaze straight ahead, one line from head to knees boy," he barked. I complied as best I could but he still adjusted me and told me to hold the pose perfectly. He sat on the couch again which gave him a side view of me and I was embarrassed at my body and started to slouch again to hide some of my shame. He was up and on me immediately, straightening me again -- not gently at all -- and telling me to hold the pose. He stood close enough to me that I could feel his heat and smell him. Fuck. He smelled amazing, and I was quivering in position. "You can't be tired already," he said and I mumbled "sorry sir, I just am reacting," keeping it vague. His grin told me he knew exactly the power he had over me.

"OK, 'display' is the next position boy. Hands behind your head, elbows out," and he manipulated me into a kneeling, spread-armed mess -- I felt very exposed and vulnerable. When he asked me how I felt I told him exactly that, sensing he knew exactly what I was feeling. "Is it the jockstrap?" he asked and I nodded sheepishly -- it was clearly more than that -- and he immediately removed his shirt and shorts, throwing them over my face. "That makes us more even," he chuckled but it didn't -- not at all! I could SMELL him, smell his scent, imagine him standing there in a jockstrap I barely saw before my face was covered (how could that little pouch restrain his huge meat?!) and I could still feel the heat off his body. I moaned and his foot came up and tapped my balls -- just hard enough to get my attention. "Display! No slouching! Use your abs and ass and legs boy!"

I was kept in that position a long time but it really flew by smelling his odor. At the same time I desperately wanted to see him in as little clothing as possible. Suddenly his clothes were thrown on the couch and he sat on them, stretching out his legs, and said "pushup position." I fell forward and tried to get a really good form to please him but he barked "Up!" and I jumped up, turning to look at him.

"We're going to do this very slow, it must be done perfectly. Kneel!" I dropped to my knees and quickly tried for perfect form. From there he talked me through every little motion and adjustment until I felt like I was floating perfectly still in a plank position. The biggest problem was his feet -- why did I find them sexy? - were directly under my face. I could see his ankles and strong calves and tried to clear my mind but knowing they were attached to him was causing me problems. "Very -- very -- slowly, take it down to the lower pushup position, counting to 10," he said. I realized how difficult that was as my arms started shaking and my face got closer to his foot. I knew he had planned it as I was forced to count down out loud and my face lowered right onto his foot at '10' and he chuckled again. He made me stay there breathing his foot scent (it was absolutely intoxicating -- how could he smell so manly?!) as my arms and body started to shake. "Up!" he barked and I shot back to starting plank position, trembling. He repeated the sequence over and over, my strength waning and wanting my mouth on his foot not helping!

"Display!" he barked and I hopped up stiffly, repositioning to the display pose and trying to steady my weakened limbs and core. His smirk and told me he was enjoying this and I chanced a peek at his package -- which indeed was stretching the very wet jockstrap! My concentration broken, I slouched a bit and got a stiff smack across the face. That got my attention! "Up!" he shouted and I shot to my feet. He got up, stretched (showing off his armpits and incredibly sexy body), and then laid down on the floor saying "Pay attention. Perfect line from head to toe, all in alignment, shoulders back." He laid down looking sexy as fuck and then I was ordered to do the same next to him. I could feel the heat from him washing over me and was ordered to watch as he began stretching his legs, hips and shoulders. Most of the stretches made his huge bulge move and I wasn't following along very well. He reached over quickly and grabbed my nipple, twisting it painfully and telling me to pay attention. My cock throbbed painfully in time with my sore nip but it worked because soon I was following along with him, feeling the stretches and appreciating the training.

"Up" he barked and I struggled to my feet. "You know how to do a squat properly?" I knew it wouldn't be perfect so asked for advice. He lay there with his arms spread wide, hands under his head, sexy armpits showing, and directed me exactly on foot placement and the mechanics of the squat very slowly -- which made it infinitely harder. "You'll need to get your ass down to this level to count," he said as he bent his elbow closest to me so his fist was up in the air right under my ass! I knew I wasn't that low and was supposed to be looking forward but I was having a hard time concentrating and not falling!

"Lower slowly boy," he purred, and as I moved down a few inches I felt his finger at my hole! I almost fell onto him as memories of the hot session earlier took over. "Up!" he barked and I pushed to standing as he started counting again for me to slide down to his finger again. "Up! Hold!" he ordered and I stood there quivering and he raised his hard to my jockstrap pouch and ran his finger over my cockhead covered in soaked fabric. I moaned so hard and my knees almost buckled but he kept going, ordering me straight, until I thought I might cum. Then his hand was back in position, his finger gleaming with my precum: "down slowly boy!"

This time when my little hole connected with his finger, it started sliding in. I lost track of how many times he had me go up and then down slowly, my legs shaking and me sliding further and further onto his finger. My prostate was getting more attention and I was getting close yet again. I vaguely wondered what would happen if my legs gave out because they were definitely close! "Rest!" he proclaimed and I fell heaving to the floor next to him. He didn't move far but his precum covered finger from my ass was over my face and he said "clean it boy" and I did without thinking, sucking on his strong wet finger like I would on his huge cock. He sawed it in and out of my mouth and we both moaned a bit. "You good at that boy?" he asked as he withdrew the finger. I was confused but said "I try sir," and knew he was talking about sucking on more than his finger. "With training you'll do great I think," he said. "What's for dinner?"

He totally caught me off guard -- my muscles wiped, my body shaking with fatigue and my cock straining and throbbing. "Um, I don't really have much here sir" I muttered and he looked upset. "In the future you'll cook for me as partial payment for training. Tonight you have your choice: go to the store quick for groceries and cook for me or order delivery. You'll keep working out if you order delivery." I considered, and really couldn't decide. "What would you like sir?" I asked breathlessly. "Good boy. Normally you'll cook but you can order out tonight since you haven't learned to cook healthy." He grabbed his phone and sent me a link where I ordered all steamed veggies and grilled meat from a local place I never knew was there. "Tip well" he ordered, even though the total was almost $70 for the two of us. I complied of course and told him it would be 45 minutes. He grinned devilishly.

"Yoga time!" he smiled and I relaxed, thinking it would be easy. How many times would I be wrong in one day?! He had me on all 4s, prone, spread, stretched, twisted and sweating in minutes and kept at it. He did all the poses and movements with me so I could mirror him, and was soon glistening with sweat also. We ended in a pose kneeling with our knees spread, ass out, arms far forward, stretching. I was glad he wasn't behind me because I was so exposed yet again. He met my eyes and said "you can please me until dinner gets here. Get behind me on all 4s boy." I quickly complied, his perfect ass spread and looking delicious. I waited to see if I'd get orders or was supposed to proceed, and sure enough he said "work your tongue into my hole boy." I couldn't be happier and moved to worship his hole -- I couldn't believe I was allowed to! We both shivered in pleasure as I tasted the most manly, intoxicating hole ever. He moaned and pushed back while I moaned and tore deeper! His legs started shaking, masses of muscles showing every little contour. He slowly straightened out into fully laying out and told me to massage him. I did everything I could to please him, his moans and groans making me wet.

After a few minutes I was told to work his feet and then ordered to use my mouth and tongue. I had NEVER done anything like this before but the seeds had been planted earlier and I went full out with gusto, massaging, sucking, licking and worshiping his feet in every way I could. (I had gotten Chinese foot massages before so knew a few tricks.) His moaning escalated and then he flipped over for me to continue, sucking each toe and licking between which had his hips bucking. I chanced a look at his body and stopped cold -- he was incredible! His hips thrust forward a GIANT bulge wet with precum while all his fluid muscles contracted and strained in pleasure. He smacked my face hard with his palm when I stopped and I went back to work but was tiring after the long day. "Massage me" he breathed and I started massaging up his sexy legs, cut tight abs and big lightly hairy chest then to his strong arms.

"May I sir?" I asked and he knew exactly what I meant. "Yeah boy" he said and I reached for his big cock! I moved the soaked fabric aside and that big tube jumped, wetly smacking my face. I licked and sucked and massaged and loved on his big dick as he squirmed and moaned. We were going at it so hard that I barely heard the knock at the door. I immediately stopped but he shoved me face back onto his cock and yelled "Come in!" I was shocked but the door opened and this sexy young guy stuck his head in, freezing when he saw the tableau. I couldn't look at him properly with my face impaled on the giant cock but was glad the delivery guy couldn't see my face fully either!

"Set it anywhere," the doctor said and the delivery guy immediately said "Yes Alpha!" as I heard the food set down. "May I watch Alpha?" he then asked and the doctor said "yeah but we're gonna eat to be honest. Sit on the couch." And then my mouth was pulled off the giant cock and he locked eyes with me. "Go get a plate and silverware boy." I sorely and sadly got up -- I wanted, no needed his cum! - and went to do as told. I brought back two place settings and he was already up chatting with the delivery guy (apparently named Kevin; they knew each other). He looked disapprovingly at me and said "we'll only need one boy." I was confused but returned the other plate and silverware to the kitchen. As soon as I returned he barked "display!" and I immediately knelt, hands behind my head and elbows out in front of these two sexy men (half my age!). Kevin asked how long he had been training me and Doctor Al replied this was our first session. Kevin was visibly hard in his shorts and had to adjust more than once as the doctor told me to dish up some food and bring it to him. He sat next to Kevin shooting the shit and I handed him the plate and silverware.

"Kneel," he said conversationally and I got on my knees again. "You can remove Kevin's shoes and socks and worship all four of our feet while we relax and I eat. Offer Kevin a drink," he ordered. I had one of his socks and shoes off and looked into startling green eyes and offered Kevin a drink. He said he'd love a beer and I almost tripped in my rush to go get it for him, sinking back to my knees to continue removing his other shoe and sock before starting to lick, suck and massage his feet and the doctor's. I was starving and tired and sore but my god I was in heaven! They moaned a bit, relaxing a lot, and I was told to work their calves and thighs too. I wasn't sure how far up Kevin's shorts I should move when Doctor Al stopped eating and handed me the plate. "Set it there, boy" he said as he pointed about two feet behind me. I turned around and set the half eaten plate down while he said "enjoy your meal boy" and laughed. I had no silverware and my ass was exposed for them but I was so hungry, I licked it all up. How did this happen? Kevin was asking the doctor if I were a virgin and he replied that I was super tight but had probably taken cock before. Kevin and laughed and said with a cock like his, everyone was pretty much a virgin! I hadn't had it in me yet but knew he was right. Their feet were resting on my lower back and they were taking turns pushing their big toes against my hole!

"All right Kev, have a good night." Doctor Al was dismissing him and I instinctively hurried over to put his socks and shoes on for him. They both laughed and the doctor said "You good?" to which Kevin replied "Yeah Alpha thank you, just need to take a piss before I go. You mind if I use your urinal?" I was kneeling there confused even more as Doctor Al said "Nah just use the restroom -- he needs more training first." "Sure thing Sir" Kevin said as he went to get up.

"Do you want a treat boy? Want to see the young stud piss?" "Oh god yes please but I'd rather see you piss sir" was my response. They laughed and the doctor waved his hand, "go for it, I'm sure you'll both enjoy it. You'll be on your knees of course."

I followed Kevin to the restroom and he looked at me until I knelt right next to the urinal and unzipped his shorts, hauling out a really nice 8 incher that was pretty damn hard still. It took him a second to aim and start pissing but I was mesmerized -- so much so that I didn't realize Alpha (Doctor Al!) had walked in still in his jockstrap. "Work it boy," he said as he pulled out his rock hard dick and stood rubbing Kevin's sexy body. Kevin returned to the favor while still pissing and I started working Alpha's big big dick. His breathing intensified and I knew he was getting close -- I wanted it so bad and was close to passing out of exhaustion. All of a sudden Kevin was kneeling next to me, his dick still hanging out, looking up at Alpha. "May I sir? Please?" Alpha gasped, so close, and pushed me aside, feeding Kevin his huge cock. I felt so worthless, having worked hours to get his cock and then denied his cum. I was almost in tears and Alpha said, "you haven't earned it yet but this is a great tip for Kev!" and began pumping his load into Kevin's mouth! Kevin swallowed all he could, some dribbling onto the floor, as Kevin shot all over my bathroom floor.

They recovered slowly, Alpha pulling his dick out and back into the pouch, Kevin sliding his back in his shorts and zipping up. Kevin looked up at Alpha thanking him and opening his mouth. Alpha spit right in his mouth and rubbed the bit on his chin into his mouth with his thumb. Kevin sucked on his thumb and they both moaned. "Get out of here stud," Alpha said affectionately and Kevin said "so long fag" to me ('fag'?! I wasn't gay...or had thought I was bi until today!) as he strolled out the door. I heard the front door close as I was still kneeling in front of Alpha (hasn't he been Doctor Al just an hour ago?!) and he said, "Alright that felt good." I didn't want him to leave. "Now shut up and nod or shake your head boy. Do you want me to train you more?" I nodded my head vigorously up and down! "Do you want to taste Kevin's cum?" I again nodded just as quickly. "Lick it up, fag!" and I did. I tasted it and looked up at Alpha but he shook his head and I went back to clean up every drop. It was a little gross because it wasn't hot out of a cock but I imagined Kevin and Alpha of course while I licked it all up. "Display!" shocked me to the proper position and he said "open" so I stuck out my tongue, mouth wide. He spit a huge glob down in my mouth, a trail of spit following, and treated me to the same method of using his thumb to get it all in my faggot mouth, letting me suck it.

He walked out and I followed, him starting to get dressed. Without being told I sunk back to display position and he grinned, tousled my hair and said "Good first training." He looked at his phone and said "It's 11pm, you got 4 hours. It's $150 an hour so you can do that math." My mouth dropped open stupidly and I struggled to tell him I was between jobs and wasn't prepared for that kind of expense. Before I could start he laughed and said "I'll put it on your tab, boy. I like pulling your chain. Speaking of which..." and he reached into his gym bag, pulling out a black dog collar. "Do you want to wear this for your alpha?"


He made to hand it to me and I entreated him, "Please sir will you put it on me? Please? Mark your territory!" He was well pleased and put the collar on me then quickly but deeply kissed me open mouthed right on the lips. I almost passed out! He straightened and said "You are allowed to jack off if you need to. You won't usually have that option so you might want to take advantage of it. As a matter of fact...." and he shucked off his shorts and jockstrap, pulling back up the shorts with no underwear. He held up the soaked jockstrap -- I could smell him on it -- and I opened my fag mouth. He laughed one last time, put the jockstrap in my mouth, and strolled out the door.

Next: Chapter 2

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