Docking With Walter

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jul 8, 2008



Docking with Walter By Jack Santoro

Nick and I had been living together for almost as long as we'd worked together. We were structural engineers employed by an architectural firm, and as we'd discovered during a chance encounter in the men's room, we both still had our foreskins. This is rare among guys in their 30s in today's America, and we made the most of it because we were intimately familiar with the versatility of a penis that had not been trimmed but retained its natural configuration.

I'd escaped ritual mutilation because I'd been born in France while my parents were stationed there, and they don't circumcise newborn babies in French hospitals. Nick's parents had emigrated from Greece, and they clung to the old country custom of letting boys grow up natural, without having the tips of their dicks cut off. Because of this, Nick's little penis had escaped the savage bite of the Gomco circumcision clamp.

Nick and I were about the same height, six feet, but he was a bit more muscular than I. His blond hair contrasted with my brown hair, as his blue eyes contrasted with my brown ones. His jaw was pointed, while mine was square. Below the belt, we were well matched. His prick was a "shower," larger than mine when limp, but with erection it enlarged only slightly to six inches. Mine was a "grower," only about three inches limp, but the same six inches hard.

Our foreskins matched our pricks. Nick's covered his helmet completely, ending in a tight pucker beyond the glans, while mine had more length to accommodate the growth of my erection. Limp I had an inch long nipple beyond the glans, but when my prick swelled with excitement and swelled within its fleshy cover, I ended up with a pucker similar to Nick's in front of the head.

We both had large, helmet shaped heads that bulged prominently under our hoods. When we skinned back our glossy purple heads were on display, the high flaring rims larger than the shafts. My orifice was just a slit when my prick was soft, but when the glans swelled it pouted into a teardrop shape. Nick's slit was longer than mine, and always seemed to be gaping open, soft or hard. We thought our pricks were handsome, or at least better looking than average.

We'd often begin our lovemaking pulling gently at each other's foreskins, stretching the supple tissue out and putting tension on the nerve endings. Alternately, we'd rhythmically squeeze the head through the covering skin, producing a delicious throb in the cock-root with each compression and quickly making our pricks swell to full size. Sometimes we'd continue by stroking each other off, using long sensual strokes because we had such long foreskins to play with. We'd always time our orgasms so that we never came simultaneously, because then we'd miss the pleasure of witnessing the other's orgasm. We preferred to space them apart because Nick, like me, wanted a clear head when the other exploded. I always liked to feel the hot throbs in his prick as it responded to my strokes, and then skin him back to let the white streams erupt unimpeded by the foreskin, which I lightly bumped against his flaring rim to continue the stimulation as his

orgasm roared on.

When it was my turn to come, I lay back and let him work his magic on my rampant and excited prick. He'd slowly stroke me to the peak, skinning me back completely to put tension on my gee-string and make the head dip down toward my balls, and then bringing my long fleshy hood all the way up to encase the glans completely. I relaxed as he worked on building up my excitement, and as orgasm approached my eyes would close as I withdrew into myself because now my entire world was in my prick, the center of my sensations. As the powerful throbs began deep inside the root of my prick, I'd moan and then cry out in agonized joy as the spasms overwhelmed my consciousness.

"You usually shoot harder than I do," I'd often tell him afterward. "I just gush."

"You make up in volume what you lack in pressure," he'd observe. "You pour out twice as much cream as I do."

"Yeah, but yours is more spectacular to watch," I'd counter. "I've seen you shoot across the room." This was why I always had a towel handy, to catch his hot streams before they soaked the furniture or carpet.

For variety we had oral sex, and I always enjoyed pushing my tongue inside his hood, probing for his orifice and then working back to his flaring corona, tasting the muskiness of moist helmet as I worked him up to greater excitement. I'd probe the deep groove behind the rim, where more nerve endings waited for stimulation and then work back tickling his frenulum. Lapping his gee-string would always make his prick throb, which I felt through my fingers encircling his shaft. Meanwhile, he'd be doing the same to me, with occasional variation. Sometimes I'd feel his tongue-tip drilling into my orifice, and other times he'd grasp the skin of my tightening scrotum and stretch it out away from my body.

We were especially careful not to come together when we had each other's pricks in our mouths because we were afraid of biting, which would certainly ruin our day. Sometimes I'd let Nick go first, and he'd remove his mouth from my prick as I sucked harder on his engorged glans and rotated by head to give him that delicious circular friction around the rim that unfailingly produced a rapid orgasm. Usually, I'd cup his balls, lightly pressing a fingertip into the urethra behind his scrotum so that I'd feel the throbs in the root of his prick. When I felt the first hard pulse in his tube, his hot hard helmet would throb against my tongue and palate, and an instant later I'd feel the hot torrent of sperm gushing into my mouth. His moans would fill the air as his body convulsed in the throes of orgasm, and stream after stream would fill my throat, forcing me to swallow frantically. The chlorine aroma of his sperm would fill my nostrils, and I'd

inhale the odor with each breath. After the last throb had subsided, I'd gently milk his shaft to force out the last drops, avidly lapping up the salty residue. As a final step I'd pull his hood forward to cover his shrunken helmet.

After a couple of minutes he'd recover enough to resume working on my waiting prick. By this time my erection had softened somewhat, but he'd pump it up quickly by aggressive tongue work around my teardrop slit, gee-string, and corona. Often he'd grip the base of my shaft tightly to constrict the veins and reduce return blood flow. This would make my prick harden even more quickly, and I'd feel the engorgement most in my hard bloated helmet.

My breathing increased rapidly once I was on my way, punctuated by deep sighs as my sensations mounted. Nick's invading tongue caressed the hard, nerve-studded surface of my helmet while distending my foreskin and stretching the many nerve endings within the supple skin. Once I began moaning lightly, Nick would increase the pace.

I'd feel his strong fingers pulled back on my fleshy hood, exposing the hard purple helmet, and I'd feel his hot breath on its sensitive surface. Now my hood was stretched back tightly behind the rim, but Nick would pull even more to expose the deep groove behind my flaring rim. He'd lip-lock my helmet, his lips plunging into the groove and apply suction as his tongue lapped at the contours of my now naked glans. He knew that what turned him on had an equal effect on me, and now he'd being rotating his head to deliver that hot circular friction that aroused us both.

That's when the gentle tickle would begin in my rim, and I'd moan more loudly at this point. We both knew that my glans was in its final swelling, and aching for the relief of orgasm. Nick would tighten his lips, increasing the friction and compressing my corona, and I'd feel the hot tingle begin in the rim and spread quickly all over my superheated helmet. By this time my eyes had closed and my awareness of the world outside my body was nil because all my attention was locked on my prick.

Now the hot tingle would shoot down my shaft and I'd feel the heavy pounding of orgasm begin deep inside me. Nick heard me cry out in agonized ecstasy as the first hot jet burned its way up my tube and poured into his mouth. I'd throw my head back as I cried out helplessly with each torrent of sperm that gushed from my prick. Gradually my streams weakened, and when they'd slowed down to a dribble, I'd feel his mouth suctioning the residue from my softening prick.

"I'm glad you don't get too sensitive while you're coming," he said to me one time after my climax. "I don't have to stop immediately with the first drop." I knew what he meant, and I said:

"You mean like Walter. If I'm stroking or sucking him I have to let go of his prick the second it starts to throb. He's almost in pain otherwise." Walter also worked for the firm, but for the last several years he'd been working out of our Chicago office and we hadn't seen him during that time. He was also uncut, and we'd had him over to our house for a three-way on several occasions.

"I bet he never skinned back as a kid," Nick conjectured. "That's why his tip is so super-sensitive."

"Well," I said, "Walter was brought up in a very strict Catholic family, and they probably taught him that even touching his pee-pee was a mortal sin." I'd also been brought up Catholic, but not as strictly.

"We'll have to ask him about that next time we see him," Nick shot back. "Maybe he'll tell us."

Nick and I knew that our pricks were significantly more sensitive than circumcised ones, partly because the hoods kept our tips moist and sensitive, and partly because our foreskins themselves were rich in nerve endings. We'd had enough experience with cut guys to learn that not only were they slower to come, but often they needed excessive friction and pressure to bring them to climax. One cut sex partner we'd had took 45 minutes of hard stroking to bring his orgasm. Circumcised pricks also required artificial lubrication, while natural ones had self-lubricating foreskins.

Another variant Nick and I enjoyed was intra-crural sex, or "Princeton." This meant slipping the penis between the partner's thighs and pumping until orgasm arrived. This offered the added excitement of coital thrusting, which enhanced the orgasm. Nick and I took turns at this. When it was my turn, I'd slip on a condom to prevent hair burns and he'd lie of his left side and raise his leg. Once I was in the saddle I'd begin thrusting gently, reaching over his body for his prick.

I'd stroke Nick's ample foreskin as I thrust between his thighs, matching my strokes to my thrusts. Our excitement built up slowly because we liked it to last. The sensitivity of our pricks didn't mean that we inevitably came quickly, but that we could use slower and lighter strokes to build up our excitement. As I thrust forward, I gently stripped Nick's hood back behind his flaring purple corona, giving an extra little tug that stretched the nerve endings in his gee-string and caused the big helmet to dip down slightly. Looking over his shoulder, I saw a drop of clear fluid part the lips of his long slit, and on the upstroke I rolled the foreskin fully forward to capture the drop. Keeping the hood lubricated softened the sensations somewhat and avoided too quick a climax.

Although my prick didn't secrete lubrication as copiously as Nick's I'd squirted a few drops of Astroglide into the condom before rolling it onto my penis, and I was sliding smoothly inside the thin latex sheath. My foreskin was fully drawn back, locked behind my high ridge, keeping the head bared for maximum sensations.

Nick moaned, and I felt his thigh muscles contracting to grip my prick more tightly. I thrust forward, feeling my helmet bump against his tightly contracted scrotum, and then pulled back several inches in preparation for another long thrust. My balls had pulled tightly against my body as well, a sure sign of my mounting excitement.

"Faster," Nick whispered. The pressure was building up inside him, and I knew that he ached for relief. I increased the pace and saw the head of his prick turn darker purple as it swelled and hardened even more under my fingers. I knew that mine was also in its final swelling, fully distended with the blood that filled it. The surface was hard, offering increased resistance to the pressure of his thighs because it compressed the nerve endings just under the surface, thereby increasing my sensations. I sighed deeply as waves of pleasure washed over me, knowing that within seconds I'd be overwhelmed by the violence of my orgasm.

Now I was pumping Nick's foreskin quickly, knowing that he yearned for the explosion of release, and within a few more seconds I heard him groan loudly as he poised on the brink. I felt his finger snaking between his thighs, pressing into the underside of my prick, probing the triangular groove under my glans to put pressure on my taut frenulum and trigger my orgasm. Nick yelped as his prick throbbed hard between my tightly encircling fingers, and I saw a long stream jet from his dark purple tip onto the folded towel I'd placed in front of him. A second later a hot tingle filled my glans and shot down my shaft to release my first torrent. The hot cream burned its way up my urethra, slamming against the lips of my orifice as it poured out of my prick into the condom. The hot fluid swirled around my swollen, throbbing helmet, adding to my sensations, as another hard contraction gripped the root of my prick. Nick's hardness throbbed again in my hand

as he shot another long stream of thick white cream.

Our pricks pumped their loads for many long seconds as our bodies strained against each other in the throes of orgasm. Our cries of joy filled the air until we were drained, and then our bodies relaxed, sinking into the torpor that follows release. After a couple of dazed minutes, we untangled ourselves and turned to face each other on the bed. We milked each other's pricks, forcing out the last drops, and Nick pulled the condom from my limp penis. Then we got up to shower, letting the hot water trigger our sphincters as we peed to clear our plumbing of any creamy residue.

One thing Nick and I were never able to manage was docking, inserting the glans into the other's foreskin. We'd heard of docking, and had even logged onto a web site devoted to docking. There we'd seen that among the hundreds of members only a few had actually managed to dock another's prick. The rest just seemed to be content to discuss docking and look at photos and videos depicting it. Although we both had ample foreskins, once we were erect with the glans fully swollen there simply wasn't enough room for another adult-size helmet inside our hoods.

We'd read of the experiences of the few members who had actually docked another prick inside their hoods. The successful ones had very long, stretchy foreskins that dangled two or three inches beyond the glans when they were limp. Although Nick and I had generous foreskins, we didn't quite have enough for that. In addition, mine was rather tight. I was able to move it freely over my engorged glans no matter how hard my erection, but it wouldn't stretch to accommodate another head the size of Nick's or mine. Nick's was looser but not quite as long as mine, limiting his ability to dock.

One aspect of docking that fascinated us was the rare instance of the two pricks being head to head inside the foreskin, their orifices perfectly aligned, so that when one partner shot his hot stream poured down the other's urethra in an erotic sort of enema. This guaranteed that the one receiving the hot juice into his prick would instantly join his partner in orgasm. We both found it thrilling to think of one partner's boiling cream triggering the other's release.

One expedient we did use was a "buddy sleeve," a thin flexible plastic tube the diameter of our pricks that allowed us to go head to head inside it. We'd insert our hard pricks from each end and meet in the center. For maximum effect we skinned back, making sure our bunched-up foreskins were lodged behind our flaring rims. As our helmets were the same size and shape, our orifices were held in perfect alignment. Our excitement mounted as we stroked the sleeve over our pricks, and soon we were approaching orgasm.

"We'll try to come together but one of us is bound to start first," Nick commented as your hard, engorged helmets pressed and bumped against each other.

"Both our slits open up when we're hard," I said. "Maybe we'll be able to shoot into each other's slits." Nick's orifice gaped, and mine pouted in a perfect teardrop shape that Nick thought was cute. Esthetics aside, this would give us a better chance of success than if our slits remained tightly closed.

"Here I go!" Nick shouted as I felt his hot hard helmet throb powerfully against mine. The dome of his prick pressed into mine as he shot, and I felt his burning hot lava stream force its way several inches down my urethra. I yelped as this instantly triggered my orgasm, and My stream shot up my tube, pushing his out. Nick cried out loudly as the hot cream gushed from my pouting orifice, and I wondered if I'd shot into his tube. We were too caught up in the fury of our orgasms to talk, and we thrust and gasped as the rest of our discharges poured from our bodies, the hot fluid swirling around our trapped helmets and enhancing our sensations. At the end, we were too dazed to speak for several minutes, but when we revived I anxiously asked:

"Did I?" Nick knew exactly what I meant, because he replied:

"Yeah, I felt it go right down, just as I was letting go another load."

"Your first load went deep into me," I assured him. "It really felt like a delicious hot enema in my prick."

"You came a split-second after I did," he said. "I guess that did it for you."

"Your hot cream shooting down my tube triggered mine. Once you shot into me, there was no holding back," I told him. Nick leaned over and kissed me tenderly on the lips. I hugged him close to me and we waited until our pricks were completely shrunken so that they slipped easily from the buddy sleeve.

Next day at work we ran into Walter, who was back for a couple of days to meet with the executive committee. It seemed they had a new assignment for him, and we were glad to hear the news, as this would result in more money for him.

"I guess you're staying at a hotel for the time being, but you could just as easily stay with us," Nick offered. Walter's face lit up and he said:

"I thought you'd never ask. I'd love to." I gave him our address and shortly after six that evening he parked his rental car in our driveway. After a quick meal of hamburgers on the grill we went into the master bedroom and stripped down. Walter was an inch or two shorter than we were, slender like me, and with a thin face and brown hair and eyes. What attracted our attention the most, though, was the long thin penis hanging down n front of an ample ball-bag. It looked like a worm, tapering from his abdomen to a puckered end, where his foreskin ended in a tight fleshy knot. Its smooth lines were unbroken from base to tip, without even a hint of a glans or corona bulge.

"You guys have big bulges inside those skins," Walter commented as he noticed our staring. "I like those heavy-ended cocks, so different from mine."

"Looks kinda tight," Nick said. "Can you still skin it back?" Without a word, Walter grasped his prick with both hands and pulled his long tapering foreskin firmly back to reveal a deep red, narrow, and pointy glans, so different from our purple blunt-nosed models.

"Is it as sensitive as ever?" I asked.

"Very much so," Walter informed us. I can't touch the tip with my fingers, and when I jack off I just move the skin over it. After I start coming, I've got to stop stroking completely because it gets too sensitive." He demonstrated by slowly bringing his hood forward to envelope his pointed tip and then moving it back again to behind his thin flat corona. He let go, and the hood slid quickly forward to hide the glans. Walter's prick was a "shower," like Nick's, and did not gain much in length as it stiffened. We were also stroking our pricks and within seconds we all had full erections. Nick and I pulled our hoods all the way back to lock behind our rims, displaying our blunt purple helmets for Walter.

"I can't do what you guys do," he confessed. "As soon as I let go the skin slides down again." He reached down to draw his hood back again. I saw that he had a small tight slit, and from having watched him come during previous encounters, I knew that the narrow slit caused his streams to eject under high pressure. Actually, Walter could shoot his jets farther than Nick.

"One thing we did yesterday was use a buddy sleeve," I told him. I went on to explain the buddy sleeve and its application, and Walter seemed fascinated by the technique, especially the way Nick's hot jet shot down my urethra to launch my climax.

"It's our substitute for docking," Nick told him. "We really wanted to dock, but there's no way we can fit our big heads inside the other's hood."

"Well, you'd never get those big heads inside mine, either," Walter replied. "Mine's barely big enough to hold my tip, and you see how small it is compared to yours." I reached out to grasp Walter's penis and began massaging his glans with the covering skin.

"I think it would work the other way," I suggested. "Your tip's narrow enough to fit inside my hood, and if it fits inside mine it's a sure thing it'll fit inside Nick's because his is looser than mine."

"I see what you mean, Jack. My head would slip in next to yours alongside it instead of tip to tip."

"Now I know you're super-sensitive, and I can't touch your tender tip with my bare finger, but the inside of my foreskin's smooth, like yours, and so is my helmet," I explained.

"Let's try it now," Walter said, sitting on the edge of the bed. I crawled onto the bed and lay on my left side, facing him, and he eased himself down to face me. With thumb and index fingers of both hands, I grasped the leading edge of my foreskin and spread it. Holding his foreskin back tightly, Walter pushed his slender glans into the orifice. I wrapped my fingers around my hood once his glans was safely inside and began stroking back and forth gently.

Walter's glans did not make much of a bulge in my foreskin, which now was stretched to the limit. I felt its hardness slide along the topside of my helmet, probing deeply to touch my flaring rim deep inside. As I stroked, Walter began thrusting slowly, tentatively, and I knew he was really enjoying the new sensation. For my part, finally having another man's glans inside my hood was extremely exciting.

"You know I'm not going to be able to shoot into your urethra," Walter said. "Our tips are side by side, not hole to hole."

"That's all right, Walt. I'll be happy with whatever happens," I replied. Walter's breathing was increasing rapidly and I saw his face was flushed. Nick, who was sitting at the top of the bed next to our heads, commented on this:

"Walt, you're really sensitive and you're getting there fast." As he spoke he was slowly stroking his hard prick, drawing the ample foreskin all the way down to expose the rim and groove, and then easing it upward to cover the big helmet once more. I saw that he was leaking clear fluid copiously as a result of the erotic show he was watching and his caresses on his prick.

"Yeah, I'm really getting hot with my tip inside Jack's hood," Walter agreed as he began thrusting harder and faster. "I can't hold out for long." I was glad he was so excited because this meant that I wouldn't have to wait long to feel those hot hard streams shooting inside my foreskin.

"You close, Jack?" Nick asked me as he shifted on the bed and reached down to cup Walter's ample ball sac.

"No, but I don't know what I'll do when Walter explodes," I answered. Walter was breathing hard now, gasping with each inhalation and moaning as he exhaled, and I knew that his orgasm would start any second.

Walter cried out loudly and his hips bucked as I felt his hot hard head throb powerfully against mine. I felt a powerful jet shooting past my corona to fill the groove behind it, the hot fluid swirling around my rim. Walter grunted loudly and thrust again and another hot jet erupted from his throbbing tip to fill my foreskin with liquid bliss. I almost came right then because the sensation was so new and overpowering, but I'd had a hot blasting orgasm the night before and my need wasn't as urgent. Otherwise I might have shot my load right then.

Walter stopped thrusting, and I knew this was because his tip had become super-sensitive, too much so to tolerate even the light friction inside my foreskin, softened as it was by a coat of thick viscous fluid that covered everything inside. His tip continued to throb powerfully against my helmet as he released several more jets, less powerful than the first two. My hood bulged with the pressure and his cream began leaking out of my distended orifice onto the folded towel that Nick had placed there only seconds before.

Walter sighed deeply as his body relaxed, and I knew that his orgasm was over, except for a few dribbles that would leak out over the next minute. Knowing how overly sensitive his penis was, I didn't try to milk him down or even pull back, as the slightest touch or friction would cause him discomfort. He lay very still, dazed by the overwhelming fury of his orgasm, but after a couple of minutes he stirred as his penis lost its rigidity and he began pulling back slowly. His cream had been oozing from the end of my foreskin, but as he withdrew and broke the connection it poured out in a gush onto the towel. He reached down and began milking his urethra, starting behind his scrotum and working forward to expel every last drop.

My prick was still hard, with the foreskin covering the head right to the end. My gaping orifice contracted to its usual tight pucker, and I wondered how much of his thick discharge still coated my glans and the inside of my hood.

"I guess I missed all the fun," Nick said as he grinned at me. I nodded and he continued:

"I didn't miss all of it. While I was cupping his balls my fingertips felt the throb when he started to come, and I felt every throb afterward, even the little throbs that continued when he'd stopped shooting. He really had a good one."

"Devastating," Walter agreed weakly. "That really shook me and it took a lot out of me. I'd never docked before."

"How did it feel?" I asked, very curious because he'd released his loads inside my foreskin.

"It was really warm inside your skin," he explained. "It was very smooth, and I felt the pressure of your fingers through the skin as your stroked me. It really built up fast, and for a few seconds I felt like I was going to pee. I couldn't help thrusting at the end, because my body was operating on automatic, and then I felt the explosion deep inside. It felt like all of my insides were pouring out through my penis, and then it got super sensitive and I had to stop moving. I kept shooting though, and each shot felt like hot lave burning up my urethra. How was it for you?"

"I felt your tip throbbing hard against mine when you started to come," I said, satisfying his curiosity. "Your jets were so hard and so hot, they shot right into the groove behind the head and then began filling my hood. The heat was all over my helmet, and I almost came right then. You were really terrific."

"I see you're still hard," he said. "I think you need relief right now, and Nick too."

"I guess we do," Nick agreed. "What do you think, Jack, should we jack each other?"

"I've got a better idea," Walter brought out before I could reply. "You guys lie down facing each other and I'll make you both come, tip to tip."

Nick and I silently agreed with him and we placed ourselves on the bed, the ends of our pricks touching. Walter sat between our legs and grasped my prick in his left hand and Nick's in his right. He slipped back my foreskin, revealing a helmet coated in thick white cream, and locked my bunched-up foreskin behind my rim. I saw him slide Nick's hood back, exposing his glossy purple helmet, until Nick's foreskin locked behind his high flaring rim. I eased forward until the front dome of my helmet pressed firmly against Nick's.

"Now I'll hold your tips together and massage them until you come. This won't take long, the way you're both turned on.. I know you told me how you enjoyed feeling each other's juice shooting down our tubes, so I'll try to keep the tips together so it happens. The way your slits pout should make it easier." He began a twisting motion over our engorged helmets, caressing the rims and the gee-strings, and we sighed in delight.

"Good thing you guys aren't as sensitive as my tip is," he observed as he continued his erotic caresses. "I wouldn't be able to do this if you were."

"That feels great," Nick told him. "Keep it up and you'll have my load."

"No, Jack'll have your load if this works right," Walter corrected him. He didn't increase his pace but kept up the steady twisting rhythm, heightening our excitement inexorably, bringing us closer to the megic moment when we'd find out if his idea was workable. Even if we missed each other's orifices, we'd enjoy the hot cream coating our helmets and increasing the intensity of the sensations.

"You're close, guys," Walter observed. "Your balls are tight against your bodies, and I can feel your tips getting harder. They're also getting darker. I felt the final engorgement creep into my helmet as he spoke, and my eyes confirmed that our tips had become a shade darker purple.

"Even though I think uncut cocks are the greatest," Walter continued, "I really like to skin them back so I can see the heads get darker. I can feel the throbs better without the skin in the way. I also like to watch the naked heads shooting. Especially beautiful helmet type heads like yours." As he spoke I felt a tickle begin in my corona, where his fingers seemed to be focusing their effort, and I felt Nick's front dome pressing harder against mine was it engorged and hardened. Nick was lagging slightly behind me because I'd been very aroused by Walter's prick shooting off inside my foreskin, and I was breathing faster than he was when the tickle in my rim suddenly changed to a hot tingle that told me I was right on the brink. My eyes closed.

"AAAAHHHH!" I cried out as the heavy pounding began deep inside me, and I felt the rush of hot lava coursing its way up my urethra toward my straining glans. My prick throbbed wildly in Walter's trembling encircling fingers as the hot jet shot from my urethra, and I heard Nick cry out helplessly.

I felt his hot hard glans throb against mine and an instant later I felt a heavy spurt of hot juice slamming through the lips of my slit as it forced its way down my tube to meet my second load rushing up from deep inside me. The pressure of my juice forced the cream out of my orifice and into Nick's, just as he his second load came shooting out. The viscous liquid spread over our front domes and onto Walter's encircling fingers, and then spread over our throbbing tips, bringing an extra sensation of heat to the tingling nerve endings.

Nick and I were grunting, gasping, and thrusting as the overwhelming sensations washed over our bodies, inducing a state of mindless bliss. We shot again, the streams bringing fresh heat to our straining tips, and we continued to moan with undiluted joy at the sweet agony of our orgasms. Now our discharges were weaker, but our pricks continued to throb pleasurably until our spasms subsided and we sank into the daze that follows climax.

A couple of minutes later, as I came back to full consciousness, I realized that our pricks were almost limp and that Walter was still holding them. I opened my eyes to see that he had moved the towel to catch our drips, and now I saw him slide our hoods forward to cover the shrinking helmets.

"You guys were really into it," he commented as he looked down at us. "I've seen you come before, but this one was a real rip-roarer." He was right. I knew it had been an unusually powerful orgasm for me because it had been enhanced by feeling Nick's hot juice shooting down my urethra, and I guessed it had been the same for him.

"Man, you guys were noisy," he kidded us. "I thought you were going to have epileptic fits." I nodded as I smiled weakly at him.

That was terrific," Nick contributed. "That was like the buddy sleeve except those were warm human hands stroking us, not plastic. That made it even hotter."

"You shot into me," I told him. "I'm pretty sure my load went down your prick."

"It did, Jack. I felt your tip throb and then this load of hot juice shot right down my tube. That's what set me off. It was like docking."

"Well, we didn't exactly dock but it felt like it," I assured him. "For me, it was even better than last night." I glanced at Walter, and saw that he had an erection again.

"Holding your cocks and watching them coming was a real turn-on for me," he explained. "I was helping you, and your cocks were throbbing in my fingers while the cream poured out." Nicks had been milking down his prick as Walter spoke, and now he looked up.

"Give me a sec to finish up here and I'll take care of you," he said. Nick wiped the residue from his helmet and eased the foreskin forward to cover it. I gave mine a quick wipe with a tissue and pulled my foreskin forward too.

"I think Walter won't be able to take the usual friction," I said. "How about the vibrator?" Walter nodded at this and I pulled the big Hitachi vibrator from the bedside table.

"This runs on 100 volts," Nick explained as he plugged in the power cord. "It's pretty powerful and should make you come within seconds without making you uncomfortable. Just lie down and we'll take care of you." I grasped Walter's prick around the base and pushed the button on the Hitachi. The vibrating head began humming loudly and I touched it to Walter's foreskin covered tip. Walter's body jumped as the hot vibrations penetrated his tissues instantly, the erotic sensations stabbing deeply into his aroused flesh.

"Damn, that's intense," Walter said, gritting his teeth.

"Yeah, it's intense but can you stand it?" I asked.

"Just barely," he replied. His head was rocking from side to side as he screwed his eyes shut in response to the sensations and began moaning.

"Just hang on," Nick said as he cupped Walter's rapidly tightening scrotum. "Just a few seconds more and you'll be on your way." I switched the vibrator to "HIGH" and Walter's moans became increasingly high pitched as the sensations in his prick intensified. His eyes closed and his entire body tensed as it responded to the irresistible vibrations that permeated his prick. The veins stood out on the shaft as the blood pressure in his penis increased with the rising excitement.

"HAHHH!" Burst from his lips as his prick throbbed hard in my fingers. A long thin jet of white cream burst through the tight orifice of his foreskin and arced high into the air, surprising me. I'd never seen an ejaculation that had not been deflected by an obstructing foreskin, but the pressure of Walter's jet was so powerful it blasted right through. Now I removed the vibrator, knowing that this might be too much for him, and knowing that once launched, his orgasm would continue right to the end. Walter's hot hard prick jerked again in my hand as it spit another load into the air. His cries of joyful agony filled the air.

"I can feel his urethra throb underneath," Nick commented as he continued to cup Walter's balls. I knew his fingertips were against Walter's perineum, where he'd feel every throb of the ejaculations. Walter's hips bucked as his prick gave another hard throb and released another jet. Nick's hand against his scrotum didn't seem to cause him any discomfort. I let his penis down onto his abdomen and removed my hand just to be sure, as I knew his penis became very sensitive.

Now Walter's ejaculations were less forceful, and the semen just drooled from the puckered orifice of his foreskin, forming a white pool centered around his navel. The orgasm tapered off an Walter's body relaxed. Nick and I sat on the bed next to him, holding hands as we watched him slowly recover from the tempest that had wracked his body.

Walter opened his eyes. His prick was limp now, and I thought the excessive sensitivity was fading.

"How was it?" I asked.

"Oh, I never felt a vibrator on my cock before. That was so intense, no friction, and yet it felt like friction was going down through my entire cock, if you know what I mean."

"We know what you mean, Walter," Nick assured him. "The vibrations penetrate, and go through your entire cock. That's why a vibrator brings on orgasm so fast. It hits never endings so deep you didn't know you had them."

"Works the same way with us," I added. "How's your sensitivity now?" I asked.

"Less sensitive now," he answered. "That's always a problem with me, too much sensitivity. I've got to be careful, even when I masturbate."

"You seem to have adapted well," I told him. "I think you can handle it."

Thanks to you guys," Walter said. "You understand and you're careful handling my cock." He paused. "You know, when I was younger I wished that I'd been circumcised so my cock wouldn't be so sensitive."

"That would have been a mistake," Nick said.

"I know that now, but when I was 21 I almost went to a doctor to have a circumcision. I only stopped because I couldn't stand the thought of someone taking a knife to my cock. I was just scared."

"Good thing you were," I said. "As you get older you'll appreciate that sensitivity. Older circumcised guys who can't get it up anymore wish they had more sensitivity." I felt a pressure in my bladder.

"Let's get into the bathroom and shower," I suggested. "I've gotta pee, too, and probably you guys have to drain the lizard too." We trooped into the bathroom, which had a shower stall large enough to accommodate the three of us comfortably. Inside, we enjoyed the warm water sluicing down our bodies, and I skinned back, my foreskin locking behind the ridge to leave my helmet completely exposed to the warm stream. Nick did the same, and a moment later Walter pulled back on his foreskin, holding it in place with his fingers as it would not stay back by itself.

The warm water had an immediate effect, releasing our sphincters so that our yellow streams arced down to the shower floor. Nick and I had broad streams, but Walter's was thin and tight because of his smaller meatus. He took half a minute longer to drain his bladder, flushing out the creamy residue of two ejaculations. Then we soaped each other, removing the sweat of our exertions. We carefully rinsed our pricks to remove all traces of soap, which could be irritating to our delicate tissues, and then dried ourselves. Finally, we climbed into the large king size bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.

The end

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