Do You Remember 68

By ku.oc.oohay@namelccu

Published on Jul 5, 2009


This is a story that involves sex between males. If such a story is offensive, or illegal for you to read where you live, then do not continue, go and surf elsewhere.

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Do you Remember '68? Chpt. 3

Once again we just lay there, side by side, not really doing anything; just being together. Occasionally we kissed, sometimes on the lips sometimes some other part of the body, never violently just affectionately; it was as if we needed to reassure ourselves of the reality of the presence and sentiments of the other. After one period of silence Vince cuddled up very close to my chest again and I could feel something wet and I realised that he was again crying.

"I'm sorry", he said, "I can't remember the last time I cried and I can't seem to stop now." It didn't need a degree in psychology to understand that these were healing tears, releasing him, and me, from that front we had put up during our years on adolescence. We didn't know what the future would hold, we certainly understood that there would be huge hurdles, but that was nothing new for either of us. We had however made a new start in our lives.

It was late afternoon when we got up but instead of showering we got towels and swimming kit, I had some spares, and we went to the college pool. We showered there and swam. He was a good swimmer and from his build I'd guessed that he did some swimming. The pool was pretty empty, so we were able to race I could beat him at freestyle and just stay ahead on my back but on the breaststroke he left me way behind.

Whilst there was that competitive edge between us that there always seems to be with guys I didn't really mind when he beat me I just enjoyed seeing the beauty of his body moving through the water. We were also able to laugh and play around in the water without causing any problems or provoking suspicion.

Showering again I found for the first time that although I did take a quick look at the other guys there it was so casual, I didn't need to be furtive for the first time in my life.

We decided to go and watch a film. "A Clockwork Orange" was showing nearby and I hadn't seen it. Getting to the cinema we realised just how hungry we were so we called into a snack bar before getting our tickets. Whilst we didn't share the feelings of violence in the film we did enjoy the music and the sense of rebelliousness it engendered.

We were rebels in a different way but we had a sense of entering into a revolutionary movement. When I hear some of the music even now, like the final movement of Beethoven's Ninth, I am twenty-one again and I have those same feelings of having the world at my feet. The cinema was quite empty and we sat at the back in a corner with a whole row to ourselves. In the darkness we could not be seen so we sat there for most of the film with our legs pressed together simply touching each other. I felt I had a permanent hard on the whole weekend! When we left we followed several couples out of the cinema but for the first time in my life I didn't mind. I had ceased to want what they had, to ask myself if I would ever know the emotions that they were so obviously displaying. Vince and I might not have been able to display our feelings in the same way, but I didn't care, not then.

We walked back to the college bar. We bought a coke each then sat down at a table, one each side! Being Saturday night there was a crowd in there and we felt quite self conscious but we soon realised that no one was actually watching us. Yes one or two people came over and spoke but we were just absorbed into the room. We talked about all kinds of things about ourselves, our stories, our families.

Vince came from a working class family, then the term meant something, aspiring working class the sociologists called it. What that meant was that the post-war generation parents worked damn hard to make sure that their children didn't have to get their hands dirty to earn a living. GCE's were the goal and if college were possible that was a bonus.

The late sixties growth in higher education meant that these things were increasingly possible. He had lived in the same town all his life and like me realised just how much his parents had devoted to him and that while there was no overt pressure that he should do anything in particular a "good job and settling down to have a family" were assumed as the norm. We agreed that a "good job" was on the agenda part B might be a problem, but for the moment that was nothing but a very distant cloud on the horizon. We talked so naturally and openly as we exchanged our stories, I felt like I was opening my soul up to him as I mixed up facts about my life with my thoughts and feeling, things which I had kept hidden very deep down. As we talked though I was aware of something else going on; I wanted, no needed, to draw near, physically to Vince. I was tempted to reach out to him, but somehow controlled myself. I stretched my leg out under the table to touch him.

At the touch of his leg my semi-hard cock sprang a full boner.

"Shall we go somewhere else?" he asked as casually as he could.

"Why not?" I replied trying to be equally nonchalant.

So we finished our drinks and as casually as possible and went back to my room.

Once in there we turned to each other and started to make love. Yes that's what we did. Our first encounters had been sex. Yes sex involving the other, aware of the other's presence. This time, however, we made love. We gently undressed one another and explored each other's body. It must have been about 11pm when we went back to the room but after that time disappeared. We completed this time by me fucking Vince. We lay side by side and I entered him from the rear. I managed to control myself to keep hard for a long time without going so fast as to shoot. I wanked Vince till he came whilst I stayed inside him. Then one short, final bout of frantic slamming and I came once again. Then holding on to each other we went to sleep.

It was late Sunday morning when I woke to a weak winter sun coming in at the window. I went out to piss then came back to lie down next to Vince. He didn't seem to have moved, but I could see that he had a raging hard on. I dozed and mustn't have noticed when Vince got up to go to the bathroom; but sometime later I was awaked as I felt something pushing at my ass, and realised that a lubed cock was targeting my chute. I moved to make it easier and was delighted to feel Vince slip in. I was already getting used to this. It was much easier, I was certainly more relaxed.

He started slowly but a night's rest had obviously left him refreshed and eager. The pace soon picked up and he slammed away until I felt him pause for an instant as he grew even larger inside me and again I had that sensation of his cum being fired into my guts. He pulled out and pushed me onto my back and went down on me. I wasn't expecting that and as I was in such a high state of excitement anyway he very quickly brought me to a climax again, swallowing my offering. I brought his face up to mine and we kissed passionately, as we did this I could taste me on him.

Eventually we got up. We did not want to but knew that we should make some sort of effort. I went out again in my pants to make toast and coffee and came back with it offering some to Vince.

He ate it eagerly, my lover had used up a lot of energy over the last few hours I wanted him to regain his strength. I'd slipped of my pants when returning so that we could just be in each other's presence completely open.

As we sat there after I took in the beauty of my man. He was about 5ft. 10in. quite slim, as I said, with very little bodily hair though with a trail of fine blond hair leading down to a fertile pubic area. His cock was not cut and was about 5in. flaccid growing to a very nice 7 I suppose when hard. I didn't know these measurements, I don't now really, it was not the size that drew me but the beauty. His cock just lay there on top of his balls and the sight of it roused me again, which in turn produced its effect on him. I went over to him and took him in my mouth until I too had tasted his elixir.

We decided we had better clear up; we showered, tidied the bed and removed the evidence of our activities and opened a window to air the place. I didn't expect my roommate, Pete, back till later but he had every right to come back and I didn't want to spoil anything by him finding us in a compromising position. We needed to eat. College Sundays were pretty relaxed about food so we were able to get something even thought it was gone midday. As we were eating a kind of silence fell between us. Not an awkward silence but a sense that something else was revealing itself, something we needed to discuss.

In a short time Vince would have to go home, and Pete would be back, and things would return to normality. Or at least that was the way I expressed it. What we had experienced over the previous few hours didn't seem like something that could continue. We were used to a different life, a life to which we would have to go back. We had discovered something and we had discovered each other but it couldn't last. As Vince expressed his thoughts I could see the shadow of his depression hovering around him and for the first time in my life I feared that it could envelop me too. I saw only a life of disappointment ahead of me; I almost felt that I would spend the rest of my life paying for that weekend of self discovery and pleasure. We fell into silence; the blackness around us was palpable. I had known loneliness before but the prospect of my future loneliness seemed bleaker than ever. My life had changed that weekend, no our lives had changed.

Then Vince almost shouted, "No! It won't be like that" "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Do you want it to end like this?" He said.

"No, of course I don't".

Then over the next few minutes I saw a new Vince emerging. That black cloud was about to go. Whatever he might have to face in the future, however difficult it may be, that dark, dark depression was not going to take hold. He asked me what I wanted; I said that I didn't know. I was enough of a realist not so say that I wanted to stay in bed with him for the rest of my life but I knew that I wanted him to be part of my life. So he said that we should forget the long term future, we both had our studies, nothing had changed our enthusiasm for those, we should just take each day, each week as it came along. It seemed so obvious, why had we so nearly been overtaken by a sense of the impossible.

He would go home that evening, and we would see each other each day. We would be able to spend time together, to talk and plan and we were confident that we would be able to find time for each other. Being gay was so unexpected by most people that two guys spending time together would not be seen as a problem, we would be just good mates. We were both into swimming, we both got on well with other students, and we would make sure we spent time with others as well. So we made our first tentative plans. We had moved to the Junior Common room whilst talking and while there in walked Pete, earlier than expected, so I was glad that we had sorted the room out. He headed straight towards us. As they didn't know each that well I introduced them, but Pete seemed rather distracted, not his usual cheerful self. I was rather puzzled, he stayed around for a while and then asked if I were doing anything in the evening and would I like a drink. I answered that I would go later at which he went off. I was hoping that he hadn't picked up some clue as to what Vince and I had been doing, but his reaction was not anger or mocking there was something else. I would have to wait.

Feeling more positive about our future, Vince gathered his things together and we said goodbye. We managed a few moments in private to give each other a kiss and then he was gone. I felt deflated yet with an inner positive sense. I didn't have much time to think when Pete came up again, "I'm sorry mate, but can I talk to you, I'm really in it" He had been very open with me and it seemed that now he wanted a shoulder to cry on.

We headed off to the bar, I don't think I'd ever spent so much time in a bar and drunk so little!

Next: Chapter 4

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