Diving In

By Dylan Harris

Published on Jun 4, 2007


Chapter Four: Happy Accidents

Cameron's mother had always told him "Everything happens for a reason." Cameron always thought it was bullshit, and he still did, especially with his recent misfortune with James. He didn't really know what reason that had happened for, and although he wondered and wondered as he lied in bed the past week, nothing had come to him. However, on Thursday evening something came to him. He realized that he couldn't keep waiting for some guy to come to him; he needed to find a guy.

Cameron spent that night searching the Internet for a meeting place for gay teenagers near him. Finally, he found something that caught his eye. In the city, that coming Friday night there would be a Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual meeting at a local club that was rented out for the night just for that. Cameron couldn't believe his luck, and wrote down the address and began to make plans to meet there. He would tell his parents he was going to hang out with Travis, then take the train into the city. It seemed so easy, and he realized that the phrase his mother had told him actually seemed very appropriate.

He turned off his computer and got ready for bed. As he lay down on his mattress, he began to feel unsure of what he was doing. Cameron didn't do things like this. He loved the safety of his own environment and didn't like to go outside of his comfort zone. However, he was so sick of disappointment after disappointment with his crushes on straight guys that he decided he had to do it.

As he started to fall asleep he heard a knock on the door. His dad, Mike, poked his head threw the door. "Hey Cam, I hope I didn't wake you," He whispered. His dad worked a lot, but he wasn't one of those dads that work all the time and don't care about their kids. He was an amazing father, and although he was usually at work, he always made time to spend with his family.

"No, no. I just got into bed, what's up?" Cameron replied as he sat up in his bed, rubbing his eyes.

"Do you think you could get a ride to school tomorrow? I can't drive you, and mom says she has a meeting," He asked. Usually one of Cameron's parents drove him to school, but every now and then they had an early meeting or something and they weren't able to.

"Yeah, yeah. It's fine, I can get a ride from Travis." Cameron said. Travis was usually Cameron's go to guy for these types of things. Even though Travis was undependable, Cameron usually bribed him into helping him out.

"Alright, I love you, I'll see you tomorrow," His dad said, then left. Cameron then called Travis to arrange a ride to school, and then went to sleep, forcing himself to block all thoughts of James from his mind.

Travis woke up naked in his bathroom. This was not unusual for him on a Friday morning, or any morning for that matter. He liked that whenever he drank to much on a school night, he ended up in the bathroom the next morning so he could just walk right into the shower. Of the things that he did remember from the night before, he remembered that he had to pick up Cameron. He remembered this because Cameron threatened to tell Alex that he cheated on her with three girls, not two. He'd used that bribe on Travis before, but it was late and it was all he could think of. So, Travis only took a quick shower, threw some pants on, without underwear, and the same t-shirt he wore the night before, and he was out the door.

Travis swung by Cameron's house and honked the horn an unnecessary amount of times, making sure to wake up the neighbors. Cameron rushed out of the house, and Travis already started to drive, so Cameron had to jump in as the car was moving. He just rolled his eyes at Travis and rested his head against the window. They rode in silence for the majority of the ride, mostly because they were so tired, but towards the end of the ride Travis broke the silence.

"So I think I'm gonna go down and try to get with Alex again," Travis said. Cameron looked at him to check to see if he was serious. When Travis showed no sign that he was joking, Cameron began to get annoyed.

"I hope you're kidding," Cameron groaned. "Okay, look, I'm only saying this because I'm your friend. But seriously you gotta stop." Travis didn't understand where Cameron was coming from.

"Wait, why?" Travis asked. Cameron once again looked to see if Travis was joking, but once again Travis looked one-hundred-percent serious. This got Cameron even more perplexed.

"Okay, lets see. You cheated on her with her two, oh wait, three other girls. You didn't apologize. She told you, and correct me if I'm getting this wrong, to 'never even look at her again or she'd choke you with her bare hands'. Oh, and last time you tried to get with her, she sent her friend to beat you up." Cameron burst. Travis was surprised by Cameron's outburst, but he wasn't shocked. He fell silent for a few moments, and Cameron was glad that he had said what he said. Travis needed to hear that he wasn't as indestructible as he had once thought.

"I think I'll see her around eight." Travis said, and Cameron rolled his eyes and was silent for the rest of the car ride.

James had known he had made a mistake by sleeping with Megan O'Halloran on Friday night, but he hadn't really thought about the consequences. He didn't realize that Megan would literally be following him around all day. It didn't help that Cameron wasn't even talking to him. James had really felt a connection when they met and on the bleachers, but he guessed that connection was one way. Cameron hadn't even showed up to the party, when he had blatantly said he would come. James came to the sad realization that Cameron obviously wasn't interested in him.

When something bothered James, he usually tried not to think about it too much. It made going through tough times a lot easier. Instead, he distracted himself with the thought of something else, which right now was Mr. Reilly. This past week they hadn't been able to meet at all, because of James' lacrosse and Tom's work load. And it turned out that Tom couldn't meet after school today either. So, they had decided that for the first time ever, they were going to meet at Tom's apartment. Tom told James that his wife was going to visit her sister this weekend, which worked out perfectly.

James could barely keep his thoughts straight. He thought of what they would do together, and how much fun they would have. He was so busy thinking about it, that he didn't see another boy who was walking opposite him in the hallway and the bumped into each other. When James looked up, he saw Cameron Wright's face looking back at him, just as surprised as he was.

"Oh sorry," Cameron apologized as he leaned down to pick up his books off of the floor. James bent down to help him.

"No, it was my fault." James said. They both finished collecting and separating their respective books and stood up. James had done so much to clear Cameron from his mind that he was surprised when all of the feelings came rushing back. Cameron smiled and then started to walk away. "You couldn't make it Saturday, huh?" James blurted. Cameron stopped dead in his tracks and turned around.

"What?" He asked, "Oh yeah, sorry. I had to help my friend Travis. I heard you had fun though." James thought that last comment was odd, but he didn't get a chance to say anything because before he knew it Cameron was down the hallway. What did Cameron mean, "I heard you had fun"? James wondered if he had heard about him and Megan O'Halloran, but he doubted it. Before he could think about it any further, they second bell rang and James had to run to get to class.

Marissa Tampa left an hour early from school on Friday afternoon. She stopped off quickly at home, but was meeting someone at 2:00 so she had to rush. She hadn't told anyone about her meeting because none of her friends would understand. Ever since Mrs. Wilmer had told her that Kieran lied about Marissa being her girlfriend, she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt. Marissa had rarely experienced such a feeling, because she was used to laughing off everything and everyone.

As she pulled up to the Wilmer residence, she noticed that the house was a lot smaller than all houses her friends had. She hadn't realized that not everyone lived like her. She parked her car in the driveway, and walked up to the creaking steps of the undersized house, and just as she was about to knock, Mrs. Wilmer swung it open.

"Hi sweetheart, thank you so much for coming! Come in! Come in!" Mrs. Wilmer said as she gestured her into the house. Marissa saw that the inside was not much better than the outside. There were holes in the walls, stains on the carpet, and all of the furniture seemed to be broken. "Here, Kieran's room is upstairs." Marissa follow the lonely mother up the stairs and into a room that was extremely neat and did not match the tone of the rest of the house. Everything was organized and clean, and although it wasn't all new furniture, it all was clean and usable. Mrs. Wilmer leaned down near Kieran's bed and pulled out a scrapbook from under it. She stood up and handed the book to Marissa. "I found this the day after he died. He never let me into his room. If you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly the cleanest woman," She explained. "Well anyway, I just figured you were his girlfriend because he had all these pictures of you. Sorry about that"

"Oh, no. Don't even worry about it. I just came over to-" Marissa stopped talking as soon as she opened the book. The first page was covered with pictures of her from sixth grade. As she continued to flip through the pages, she saw that he had everything, from her sixth grade play to sophomore year semi-formal. Suddenly Kieran Wilmer became much more interesting to her.

Cameron paced back and forth a few blocks away from the club. He was about to make a big step that might change his life completely and that scared him. What if he wasn't making the right decision? What if none of the guys there thought he was attractive? Questions like these raced through his mind as he walked around. He then realized that he would rather all of the things happen then continue living like he was now. So, he started walking towards the club. He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. His heart was racing, but he tried not to think about what he was about to do. Thinking about it only made it worse.

As the club came into sight, his heart began racing even faster. He saw a bunch of girls and guys walking into the club, and they all seemed just as nervous as he was. That calmed him down a little bit. He finally reached the front entrance to the club, and receive a wristband. He entered a hallway where a bunch of teenagers were talking. He awkwardly walked passed them, and he started to hear music. He saw two big open doors which led to a big dance floor where everyone was dancing.

He saw so many things that he'd never seen before. Girls dancing with girls, boys dancing with boys, boys kissing boys, girls kissing girls. He was shocked because his hometown was relatively conservative, and he had never seen anything like this. He liked it.

Now was the hard part. He had to somehow introduce himself to a guy that he thought was cute. Cameron had talked to guys all the time, but this was different. He'd never had to hit on a guy that he'd never met before. He made his way over to a bar where they served drinks, and because all of the drinks were non-alcoholic, it wasn't as packed as the dance floor. He asked for a coke, and sat down in one of the bar seats.

While he waited for his drink, he saw an unattractive guy eyeing him from further down the bar. Cameron tried to avoid eye contact, but it was too late, the guy was already coming over to meet him. Cameron contemplated getting up, but before he could the guys was standing right next to him.

"Hi, I'm Marvin." He held out his hand for Cameron to shake, and Cameron shook it hesitantly. Cameron really wasn't sure how to deal with the situation. He hadn't expected to have to deal with someone hitting on him.

"Hi...I'm Cameron." Cameron said. Marvin smiled at him, with what he thought was a seductive smile, but Cameron saw it as extremely creepy. Cameron turned away facing the other end of the bar. Apparently Marvin didn't get the message.

"Have you ever been to one of these before?" Marvin asked. Cameron turned around to face Marvin. He really just wished that this Marvin guy would leave him alone. Cameron worried that by talking to him, he wouldn't get a chance to talk to any other guys. He shook his head at Marvin. "Oh really? I've been to a couple. It's usually where I meet my boyfriends." Marvin smiled at Cameron. Marvin slid his hand down to Cameron's back. Oh no, Cameron thought.

Before Cameron could say anything more, a tall blond boy came out of nowhere and kissed Cameron right on the lips. It wasn't exactly a light kiss either. The boy moved his tongue into Cameron's mouth, and Cameron didn't exactly resist. The boy then pulled away and Cameron was happy to see an attractive boy staring right back at him.

"Hey baby," the boy said to Cameron. "Sorry I'm late, I had to finish my homework before coming. Who's your friend?" Cameron was somewhat confused, but he decided to play along. He'd much rather be with this boy then Marvin the creep.

"Hey...um, this is Marvin," Cameron said. Marvin, annoyed, shook the boys hand and then got the message and walked away. Now this left Cameron to figure out who this boy way.

"Sorry about that. I saw him hitting on you and I felt bad, so I decided to help you out. He hit on me the last time I came here, and I ended up dancing with him for twenty minutes." The boy explained. "I'm Matt by the way."

"I'm Cameron," Cameron smiled back at Matt. Matt actually looked very familiar, but Cameron couldn't really place where from. It didn't matter though, Cameron had just had his first kiss, and although that was the only kiss that happened throughout the rest of the night, he did end up dancing with Matt for a long time. He was happy, and for the first time James almost completely disappeared from his mind. Almost.

James arrived at Tom's apartment at 8:00, just as Tom had told him to. Tom swung open the door, and let James in. James had been looking forward to this all week. He couldn't wait to spend the majority of the weekend with Tom. He wondered if they would have dinner together, and if they would watch a movie. He didn't really know, he did know that there would be a lot of time spent in the bedroom.

"Come on in." Tom said. James followed Tom into the apartment. Tom went immediately toward the bedroom. James' stomach filled with excitement as he saw Tom removing his shirt. Tom walked over to James and placed his hand on his hips and slowly began kissing him. He took off James' t-shirt and finished removing his own. He then pushed James onto the bed and began to suck on his neck. James moaned in ecstasy.

Tom moved his hand up James' shorts and began to rub his muscular thigh. He then reached into the top of James' shorts and began rubbing his erection. James softly moaned. Tom pulled James' shorts and boxers off and began to suck James off. Suddenly James elevated his hips and came in Tom's mouth.

With James still panting, he turned him over. He reached into his nightstand drawer and pulled out a condom and put it on himself. He applied lube to James' hole, and then slowly inserted himself in. James let out a soft moan. Tom moved in and out of James quickly. He wasn't careful or delicate, and James gripped onto the mattress to try and endure it. Tom moved slower and then stopped as he came inside of James. He collapsed on James' back, panting.

After ten minutes of lying there catching there breath, Tom got up and put his boxer-briefs on. He started to walk towards the bathroom, but then stopped when he reached the doorway and turned around. "I'm going to take a shower, but um, I have to meet my brother so you can't stay." James shrank in disappointment as Tom closed the door and went in the shower. James suddenly felt empty inside.

Cameron woke up Monday morning and got ready for school with a new attitude. He had found hope in just the thought of seeing Matt again. After dancing with Matt for the rest of the night, he had forgotten to get his phone number, which was very frustrating for Cameron. He was hoping that maybe he'd see him in a month when they rented out the club again. Even a month seemed a long way off; Cameron felt it was better than waiting for someone that wasn't even gay.

Cameron's mom drove him to school, and made sure that Cameron remembered to get his history test back. He hopped out of the car, and got into school just as the first bell rang. He had to rush to get to his locker, get his books, and run to class. However, just as he reached his classroom, he saw someone he had not expected to see walking in the hallway. He was looking at Matt, and Matt was looking back at him, and they both were in shock.

Thank you so much for reading and please e-mail me at ryanwest25@yahoo.com with questions, comments and suggestions. Thanks again, and I hope you continue reading.

Next: Chapter 5

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