Diving In

By Dylan Harris

Published on May 30, 2007


"What do you mean he's dead?!" James exclaimed as he looked at Kieran's lifeless body. James put down his lacrosse stick and knelt next to the body. He looked up at the other boy who was helping him. He didn't know his name, but he had seen him around the hallways. He noticed that the boy was good-looking, but at right now that was the last thing on his mind.

"I think it's self explanatory," the boy remarked. "Do you have a cell phone?" James reached into his pocket and handed the boy his phone. The boy scratched his dirty blonde hair as he dialed 911. "Hi this is Cameron Wright calling from West Springfield High School. A boy was hit by a car, and I think he's dead." James watched as the boy, who he now found out was named Cameron, combed his fingers through his hair. "Yes, okay. Thank you." He then turned to James and said, "They said an ambulance will be here in a couple minutes."

"Okay cool. Look, um, my sister is coming in a couple minutes to pick me up... so would you be able to handle everything or..." James asked. Cameron looked at him for a moment to see if he was serious or not.

"Wait, are you serious? There's a dead boy lying here, and you're wondering if you can go home?" Cameron questioned. James suddenly wanted to retract his previous statement. "No, you're staying." Cameron commanded. James fell silent, and suddenly felt embarrassed. He looked up at Cameron to try and apologize, but Cameron was gazing off into the distance. James studied Cameron's face and realized that he was very good looking. He had dirty blond hair, and dark brown eyes that were now staring right back at James. James quickly looked away, and pretended that he hadn't been checking him out. Silence filled the air for a few more minutes until the sound of a loud siren filled the air and James and Cameron looked up just as the ambulance was approaching.

In what seemed like a blur, a man and a woman jumped out of the ambulance, strapped Kieran's lifeless body onto a stretcher and carried him into the ambulance. James blankly stared as all of this transpired, and before he knew it Cameron was sitting in the ambulance staring at him. "You coming?" Cameron asked. James looked around for a moment then walked over to the open doors. As James began to climb in, Cameron offered his hand to help him in. As James' hand made contact with Cameron's, James got a tingly feeling all through his arm.

Laura Wright was often a forgetful woman. It wasn't that she was a bad mother, because she absolutely wasn't. She always was there for her only son Cameron whenever he needed her. However, this particular Wednesday night, she had been working on an advertisement for work and had completely forgotten to pick up her son who had stayed late. As soon as the phone rang, she remembered that she was supposed to pick up her son. She rushed to the phone, expecting an angry voice on the other line.

"Mom?" Cameron's voice was not as angry as she would've expected, but rather it sounded nervous.

"Cameron, sweetheart, I am so sorry. I was working on something for work and I just completely forgot. I'll come and pick you up right no-" Laura's rambling was suddenly interrupted by Cameron.

"No, Mom. I'm at the hospital," Cameron said. Laura suddenly felt a lot more nervous than she had before. "It's not what you think. A boy was hit by car right outside school. I went with him to the hospital."

"Oh my god! That's horrible! Is he okay?" Laura asked. Laura was one of those people that was genially concerned about the boy's well being. She had a quality that is very rare among people in today's society: empathy.

"No. He died. Look, I can't really talk. I'm on a pay phone, but can you come pick me up? I'll explain everything when you get here." Cameron said.

Laura took down the address then rushed out the door to meet Cameron. She left a note explaining to her husband, who had been working late, where she had gone. She quickly, but carefully, rushed over to the hospital to meet her son and find out what had happened.

Cameron hung up the phone then took a seat on the bench next to James. They both were silent, mostly because it was hard to say anything. What could be said? Someone had just died that neither of them really knew. Cameron noticed that James was relatively quiet, and Cameron began to change his opinion of James. He had seen James around the hallways, and had already put a stereotype on him. He assumed he was the guy who got with a different girl every weekend, played lacrosse, scratch that, lived lacrosse. He wouldn't be surprised if the girl thing was true, because James was attractive. He had curly brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and was well dressed. But Cameron saw a different side of James as he watched him with his head in his hands. He wasn't cocky or trying to impress anybody, but he was just showing emotion.

"Did you know him?" James asked, knocking Cameron out of his daze. For some reason, Cameron didn't understand what he was talking about at first, but then remembered that someone had just died.

"No. Did you?" Cameron responded.

"Yeah. He sat in front of me in homeroom. I think I said two words to him the past three years. Weird, huh?" He told. Cameron watched James as he wiped his face and then sat back, leaning against the wall.

"Yeah." Cameron muttered. He too leaned back and it began to settle that someone had died. It was hard to feel sad when he hadn't really known the kid, but he still did feel bad. The sadness of the situation hit him ten minutes later when the boy's mother came in bawling. She was escorted by a nurse, who brought her to the room where Kieran's body was. Cameron looked over at James and their eyes met. They both were feeling the same remorse and wanted to share those feelings with someone, which right now were each other. But before either of them could say anything, Cameron heard his mother calling him from down the hall.

James arrived home and after explaining what happened to his sister and parents, he went upstairs and lay down on his bed. He thought about Kieran and his poor mother, about the car accident, but mostly he thought about Cameron. Over the past couple hours he'd developed somewhat of a crush on him. James had had many crushes before, all of which had ended in the disappointing realization that all of them were straight, so he brushed the thought of Cameron aside. He already had something good going with Tom, even though he was significantly older than him, and married, and a teacher for that matter. But still, it was something, and James wouldn't sacrifice that for anything.

James' cell phone vibrated in his pocket. Without looking at who was calling, he turned his phone off. James wasn't in the mood for talking, but when he let his mind go, it always ran back to thinking of Kieran's dead body. James tried to shake the memory off his mind but it kept coming back. So James settled on another memory:

James had received his report card and only got one F. It was in English class, and no matter how hard he begged or how much his parents paid, Mr. Reilly would not pass him. So James started attending extra help sessions after school each day. At first, he was reluctant, but he soon found out that Mr. Reilly was a pretty cool guy.

Now, this particular day, Mr. Reilly was teaching James about Walt Whitman. They were sitting in two student desks right next to each other, and Mr. Reilly was holding James' textbook. "Walt Whitman was actually a homosexual," Mr. Reilly remarked. James snickered a little bit. "What's so funny?" asked Mr. Reilly.

"Nothing, nothing." James smirked. Mr. Reilly looked at James for a moment, then back at the book, but he did not continue. James looked at him, wondering what that problem was.

"Do you have a problem with homosexuality?" Mr. Reilly asked. James' face got bright red, and he felt his ears get hot. James knew he was gay, and he had somewhat accepted that fact. But he had hidden it from everyone else, and had no intention of bringing it up. He had dated multiple girls to try and hide his homosexuality, but this question made it resurface.

"No, no." James tried to brush off the question; he didn't want to discuss the issue. It made him feel like he was being interrogated.

"Wow things have really changed since I was a kid. When I was your age, we experimented all the time." Mr. Reilly said casually. James' already red face turned even redder. James couldn't believe that his teacher was saying this to him. Was he coming on to him or something? Mr. Reilly was quite attractive; all the girls had a crush on him. "I'm assuming you've never..." Mr. Reilly hinted. James didn't even know how to respond. His heart began to beat rapidly, and he felt sweat on his forehead.

"No, I..." James began but couldn't finish. His heart was pounding and his mind was racing. Could Mr. Reilly tell? What if he figured out that he was gay? Thoughts raced through his head, but those thoughts suddenly stopped when Mr. Reilly leaned forward. His lips pressed over James' and James closed his eyes and leaned into his teacher.

Mr. Reilly took James' hand and pressed it against his growing erection through his black dress pants. He guided James' hand back and forth and soon James got the idea and Mr. Reilly moved his hands to his zipper and unbuttoned his pants. He pushed down his boxer-brief's to reveal his throbbing erection. He then looked at James as if to say 'Go ahead.' James got the message and got down on his knees and began to do something he never would've expected to see himself doing at that extra help session. Mr. Reilly ran his fingers through James' hair as he moaned in-

James started to cum all over his own chest. He cleaned himself off and turned over to go to sleep. However, Cameron Wright was all that filled his brain as he drifted off to sleep.

Thank you very much for reading my story. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions feel free to email me at ryanwest25@yahoo.com. Thanks a lot!

Next: Chapter 3

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