Diving In

By Dylan Harris

Published on Nov 23, 2007


Chapter 11: That Experience

Cameron had a new outlook on Monday morning. On Sunday, he had found himself depressed about the incident that occurred on Saturday with James, but he soon realized that things were going to work out for the best. He suddenly found himself feeling stronger and stronger for Matt and not thinking about James at all. Every time he caught himself thinking of James, he quickly thought of Matt.

Monday morning, he waited patiently by Matt's locker. He needed to find Matt a date to junior prom, which was coming up in two weeks. Cameron and Alex had decided to go together, which worked out perfectly, but Matt was dateless and Alex didn't exactly have many girlfriends.

Cameron was ecstatic that he could now talk to someone about his relationships problems. He had felt guilty not telling Alex he was gay, so now a big weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Now, he only had to tell Travis and his parents, neither of which he was looking forward to. Cameron and Travis hadn't spoken that much lately, and even when they did it was very brief. Travis was now dating Marissa Tampa and only hung out with her.

"Hey you," Matt smirked as he approached his locker. "Stalking me?"

"Hey," Cameron smiled back. "Of course,"

"Any luck on finding me a date to junior prom?" Matt asked as he started to enter the combination to his locker.

"Nope," Cameron frowned. "But, I did talk to my parents about going to your vacation house for the summer."

"And?" Matt looked up in anticipation.

"Well, they said they'd want to visit a lot, but yes." Cameron said. Matt's face lit up as he opened his locker.

"Fantastic," Matt grinned. "By the way, do you have any plans for Friday?"

"It's Monday..." Cameron laughed. "Why would have plans already?"

"Shut up," Matt joked. "Anyway, my parents are going away for the weekend, I thought maybe we could hang out..." Cameron felt himself uncontrollably blushing.

"Um, okay." Cameron said. "Yeah, definitely."

"Okay, cool." Matt smiled.

"I'm gonna head over to my first class. I'll see you later." Cameron waved and then headed off down the hallway. Everything was going well. He was excited to spend the night alone, but a little bit nervous as to what Matt expected. They had fooled around a little bit, but they had never had sex. Cameron was scared of the idea of having anything shoved up his ass. He didn't think it looked very comfortable. But he trusted Matt, and he was sure that...

Before Cameron could even finish his thought, he was pushed into the bathroom by a 180-pound force. Cameron looked up to see Max Greco locking the door to the bathroom. Cameron hadn't seen Max since their awkward encounter the Saturday morning when Cameron found Max and James in bed together. Cameron wasn't sure what to make of Max Greco. He seemed as straight as an arrow, but apparently he wasn't. He was famous for being a huge asshole, and he had actually tripped Cameron a couple times in the hallway in freshman year.

Max quickly looked under all the stalls in the bathroom to make sure no one was there, and then turned to Cameron. "I'm not a fag." He simply said.

"I never said you were," Cameron shrugged. Max was standing awkwardly close to Cameron's face.

"I don't know what you saw, but me and James were just hanging out after practice and we got drunk and passed out," Max explained. Cameron figured that Max had been thinking of an explanation all weekend.

"Okay," Cameron said.

"Don't fuckin' tell anyone what you saw, or I'll fucking kill you," Max threatened.

"I thought you said you weren't doing anything..." Cameron said but then realized he should've kept his mouth shut.

"We weren't! Just...just keep your mouth shut!" Max finally said and then barged out of the bathroom. Cameron wasn't really sure what to make of the encounter that had just transpired, but decided to just get to class because he was already running late.

Cameron arrived at class at the exact same time as James Winters, and they nearly bumped into each other as they both tried to squeeze through the door. James grabbed Cameron's wrist, and said " Cameron, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah, whats up?" Cameron pretended nothing was bothering him. James pulled Cameron out into the hallway.

"Look, about the other morning..." James started.

"Hey, it's your personal business what you do. You don't have to explain it to me," Cameron shrugged.

"I know...I just wanted to apologize..." James said.

"You don't have to apologize," Cameron forced a smile. "Really, what you do and who you do it with has nothing to do with me." Cameron walked into the classroom, leaving James to think about what had just happened. ....................................................................

Kevin Trainer had become increasingly more and more interested with Alexis Lucas ever since she stopped talking to him. Part of it was that he had never been rejected by a girl, but it was mostly that he found himself missing her. Her attitude was completely different than most girls, and he wanted more. So, when he saw her studying in the library on Monday afternoon, he kept his head up and sauntered over to her table casually.

"Hey," He smiled. Alexis looked up at him, and then back at her books. "Still not talking to me?"

"I knew you were smart," shed mumbled.

"Okay, look, whatever Ricky said to you...don't believe it. He's an asshole who will do anything to get in a girls pants." Kevin tried to explain.

"Oh, and you're so different..." Alex sarcastically stated.

"Okay, look, normally I'm not different. I like getting ass, sue me," Kevin admitted. "But look, you are different than these stupid high school bimbo's. I can't stop thinking about you."

"Really? That's the best you could come up with? Common Kevin, I expected better then that." Alex smiled at the thought that Kevin thought he was being romantic. She closed her books and started to move to another table.

"See, any other girl would fall for that!" Kevin said. "But you, you're smart, and funny, and cool." "Common Trainer, you're gonna have to do better than that," Alex said as she walked around trying to get rid of him. "What else do you want from me? I feel like I didn't really do anything wrong." Kevin said. "Exactly Kevin," Alex explained. "It's because you don't know what you did. That's exactly why I have to stop seeing you. You don't get it. You and your friends are the reason I hated growing up in this town. You guys think that everyone wants to be you, but everyone fucking hates you, you rich prick.""Woah, jeez Alexis..." Kevin muttered. "It's Alex, my name's Alex," she corrected him."Okay Alex, I'm sorry for whatever it is I've done. Look, I want you to be my date to prom." Alex stopped in her tracks. He was asking her to prom? She couldn't believe it. Maybe he was serious. Then her mind reminded her that it was Kevin Trainer, the boy who broke her heart weeks before.

"I already have a date," Alex told him.

"What?" Kevin was shocked that she was rejecting him for another guy. "Who?"

"Cameron Wright," She smiled and then walked away........................................

"Who the fuck is Cameron Wright?" Kevin exclaimed in the locker room after school on Monday. They had just finished up practice for the day, and were just getting out of the showers. The boys had towels wrapped around their waste's while they were opening up their lockers.

James hadn't spoken to Max since Saturday morning, and it was obvious to James that Max was freaked out by the whole experience. However, with the mention of Cameron, both boys made eye contact, yet both remained silent.

"I don't know," Ricky Buchanan said as he slipped on his boxers.

"Well he's taking Alexis to fuckin' prom," Kevin muttered.

"You're still hung up on her dude?" Ricky moaned. "How many times do I have to tell you she's fucking crazy. She punched me in the face."

"That's cause you're sketchy," Kevin answered. "Thanks for fucking up my chances with her, asshole." "Sorry dude, I didn't know you were that serious about her," Ricky shrugged. James had been watching Max this entire time, noticing that he had been dressing awfully quickly. He was already putting on his shirt, while James was still in his towel. Trying to catch up, James quickly put his boxers on and quickened his pace. "Hey Max, what's up your ass?" Ricky asked. Max quickly turned, realizing that the phrasing of the question was not meant in an accusatory way. "What? Nothing, I'm just tired, man." Max sighed. "Whatever dude, don't let it get to you on Friday," Kevin reminded. Friday was the first game of the play off's. Max was a key player in this game, and the team needed him in order to do well. "It won't," Max mumbled then shut his locker. He quickly hurried out of the locker room. James rushed to finish getting dressed and go talk to him. By the time he caught up with him, Max was a few blocks way, walking home on the sidewalk. "Max! Wait up!" James called. Max turned around to see James, then kept walking. James ran up next to him. "Max. I've been calling your name...""I know," Max mumbled. "What's your problem, man?" James asked. "Look, you fucking queer, I don't know how much you gave me to drink to make me wake up next to you, but I don't ever want to see your faggot face again," Max roared. "Max, what are you talking about?" James was confused by Max's fake ignorance of what had occurred. Max kept walking. James grabbed at his wrist. "Max!""Don't touch me queer!" Max pushed James back. James was left feeling confused, and alone once again. .......................................................

Marissa Tampa was pissed. She was usually a very even-tempered person, but today she was not. It might have had something to do with the fact that she was on her period, but mainly she was pissed at Travis. He had driven her to and from school everyday for the past month, and today when she went to go by his car it wasn't there and Marissa had to walk home. So, Marissa was pissed.

Her phone vibrated and she jumped at it, she had been waiting for a call from Travis to see what had happened.

"Hello?" Marissa answered.

"Hey," Travis mumbled. "What are you doing?" Marissa was shocked that he didn't even acknowledge the incident.

"Uh, waiting for an apology..." Marissa muttered.

"For what?" Travis asked. "Oh for not driving you home? Sorry about that, I needed to take care of something."

"Take care of what?" She inquired.

"Just some stuff, did you eat dinner yet?" He quickly moved on from the issue, which annoyed Marissa even more.

"What stuff?" Marissa continued to pry.

"Marissa, don't worry about it. I'm sorry I didn't pick you up, can we drop it now?" Travis got a little defensive.

"Yeah, I guess..." She said, but her thoughts continued to wonder.

" Thank you, did you eat dinner yet?" Travis repeated.

"It's just sometimes, I feel like you have a completely different part of your life that you aren't sharing with me. I don't know, I just find it weird that you just disappear sometimes and don't answer your phone, or anything." Marissa ignored Travis.

"Jesus, can't I get any privacy..." Travis muttered.

"Privacy's fine, its just all the secrecy. I mean, why haven't you invited me over to meet your mom? I invited you to meet my parents..." Marissa continued.

"Okay, so just because I went to your house for dinner, means you have to come to mine? God, you're so..." Travis was cut off.

"Forget it, Travis. No, I didn't eat yet." Marissa mumbled

"Okay, I'll come pick you up." Travis said then hung up, leaving Marissa to feel defeated. .............................

The week came and went, and before Cameron knew it, it was Friday afternoon and he had still not found a prom date for Matt. However, there were more important things on his mind, like his and Matt's evening plans. When the final bell rang, Cameron didn't even here it because he was so lost in thought.

He left his classroom a few minutes after his classmates, and slowly walked to his locker, only thinking about the pressure the night held for him. He didn't even hear James calling his name from down the hallway. James finally caught up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Can we please talk for a second?" James asked.

"Yeah, what's up?" Cameron blankly asked.

"Not here, let's go to the courtyard." James suggested and Cameron just nodded and followed right behind him. When they reached the courtyard, Cameron realized that they would be alone together, and how uncomfortable this would be. It was raining out, so they stood under an awning.

"What did you want to talk about?" Cameron asked.

"I...I don't know, I feel like things are awkward between us. You're the one person I can talk to...about everything...and I don't know, I just want to get the air clean between us so we can go back to the way things were." James quickly stammered.

"Things are the same," Cameron lied.

" Are you sure?" James saw right through Cameron and knew that everything was not okay between them.

"Yeah," Cameron nodded unconvincingly.

"Okay," James sighed. "How's everything with Matt?"

"Good," Cameron hesitated before speaking again. "I mean...I've never...I've never had sex before. I'd never really done anything before Matt, and...well, he wants to have...sex and I just, I'm not really sure how I feel about that."

"What makes you think he wants to have sex?" James asked. He was happy that Cameron was talking to him.

"I don't know," Cameron shrugged. "He just told me his parents weren't home and invited me over."

"Hm, that probably means sex." James thought aloud

"I mean, have you ever..." Cameron asked.

"Um...yeah..." James blushed.

"With Mr. Reilly?" Cameron assumed. It was weird for James to think that only a few months ago he was having sex with a teacher.

"Yeah," James said.

"And...Max?" Cameron felt awkward about bringing it up, but decided to do it anyway.

"Yeah," James ashamedly admitted.

"Cool, cool." Cameron shrugged then avoided eye contact with James. "Does it hurt? Sex, I mean."

"Uh, the first time it did, but it really depends on the person." James explained. "It can be a great experience, or so I hear. I think it just has to be with the right person, and I haven't had a chance to do that."

Cameron nodded, but didn't say anything as he contemplated if Matt was the right person or not.

"I have to get to my game, but, um, I'm glad everything's okay between us." James got up and left Cameron with his thoughts. ........................

Marissa arrived at Travis' car after school, happy that it was there, but Travis however was nowhere to be found. She was beginning to wonder where he'd been going. She wondered if he was buying drugs or dealing, or something. She was also beginning to wonder if Travis was the guy for her. After about twenty minutes, Marissa was about to leave when Travis suddenly appeared off in the distance. She started to walk over to him and they met half way.

"What took so long?" Marissa asked.

"Sorry, I had to meet someone," Travis said.

"Meet who?" She pried.

" Just some guy," He shrugged. "Can we go back to your house?"

"Yeah," Marissa was getting used to Travis' secrecy, but she still didn't like it. "I just wish you'd be open with me."

"What?" Travis asked as climbed in the driver's seat.

"Open with me. Your so...mysterious, I guess would be the word to describe it, but not in a good way. You always are off..." Marissa began.

"Jesus, fine!" Travis exploded. "You want to know what I was doing?! I was fucking tracking down my dad who I haven't seen since I was two and who my mom won't tell me anything about! You fucking happy, now?" Marissa was silent for a few moments.

"I'm sorry I pried." Marissa managed to get out.

"It's fine, Marissa. I just don't like talking about this shit, it's fucking depressing," Travis started up the car.

"You can talk to me, you know that right?" Marissa wondered.

"Yeah, I know that. I just am not used to the whole relationship sharing thing yet. I'll get used to it, just give me some time." Travis calmed Marissa's fears and she felt one-hundred percent sure again that Travis was the guy for her. ................

Max Greco should've been happy. He should've been jumping up and down with the rest of the team over their first playoff victory. But all he could think about was what had happened the weekend before with James. He was freaked out by the memory's that were still in his head, he shuttered at the thought of his cock entering James' ass, he cringed when he thought of the hicky that was still on his neck, but more importantly part of him wanted to do it again and that's what really frightened him.

As the team poured into the locker room, he looked around for James. Max finally found him getting undressed by his locker. Max felt completely conflicted, on one hand he wanted to go over to James and just kiss him, but on the other hand he wanted to run in the other direction. He couldn't help but let his eyes drift to James' waste band when he removed his jersey and gear. Sweat lingered on James' chest, and dirt from the game covered his arms. Max was so caught in the trance that he didn't realize that James was looking at him. Max quickly averted his eyes in another direction.

Coach Jones stormed into the locker room. He had already given them a congratulatory speech, so Max didn't understand why he had come back.

"Hey Greco! It's your turn to put away the stands! Why aren't you out there?" Coach Jones yelled. "Just because you won, don't forget your still a member of this team!"

"Oh, sorry Coach" Max mumbled.

" It's muddy out there today, pick someone to help you." Coach ordered. None of the other players said anything when Max looked around.

"I'll help," James begrudgingly offered. .........................

Cameron sat on Matt's bed awkwardly wondering what the rest of the night would entail. Matt had left to make a couple mixed drinks, which left Cameron anxious. Cameron reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He text messaged James, "I'm nervous."

As he waited for a response, he started to pace around the room, thinking of how much it would hurt and how it would feel. He wondered if Matt was the right person to do this with. He really did care about Matt, but shouldn't he be in love first? Did he love Matt? He wasn't sure. While he was thinking, Matt opened the door holding two cups and a plastic bag.

"Two Screwdrivers," Matt smiled.

"Thank you barkeep," Cameron laughed. Matt sat down next to him and handed him the drink. Cameron took a swig. "Wow, this is strong."

"Want me to add more orange juice?" Matt asked.

"No, no. It's fine." Cameron smiled.

"So what do you want to do tonight?" Matt asked. Cameron spit out some of his drink back into the cup.

"Um, I don't know. I don't...uh...do you have anything in mind?" Cameron stuttered.

"Um, well I rented 'What About Bob?' which is one of my favorites, we could always watch that, or see if something's on T.V." Matt suggested.

"What?" Cameron was surprised.

"What? Do you not want to do that?" Matt asked.

"No...no, I do....I just...I just thought that..." Cameron tried to get his thoughts together. "I thought that you wanted to have sex."

"What?" Matt laughed.

"I don't know, I thought that's what you wanted." Cameron shrugged.

"Do you want that?" Matt asked.

"No...yes, no. I don't know. Part of me does, but part of me doesn't feel at all ready yet." Cameron explained.

"Hey, we're not going to do anything you don't want to Cam," Matt smiled. "Let's see what's on T.V." Matt clicked on the television, while Cameron reached into his pocket and saw that he didn't receive a text message back. ......................

James was incredibly tired after putting all those bleachers away, and he was definitely regretting it. Max had not spoken to him the entire time, and James just wanted to shower up and get home. He stumbled into the empty locker room next to Max then they both didn't look at each other as they quickly undressed and put a towel around their respective waste's.

H stepped into the open shower room, and picked a showerhead on the far end of the room. He took off his towel and turned on the hot water. The water felt good and he loved the feeling of the sweat dirt dripping off his body. He heard Max come in and take a showerhead diagonally behind him. They both were completely ignoring each other.

He was almost done, when he felt heavy breathing on his back. He turned his head as he felt Max reach down and place a hand on his arm. James turned around to face Max. Neither one of them said anything, but just looked at each other for a moment. Suddenly, Max forcefully pressed his lips up against James'. James opened up his mouth and kissed him back.

Max grabbed James' ass and pulled him closer as they kissed. He then began to suck on James' neck while slowly massaging his cock. Max worked his way down James body, slowly kneeling until he was looking and James' seven-inch erection. He grabbed it with his right hand and shoved it in his mouth, deep throating it. James let out a moan. Max grasped at James' ass and James leaned against the shower wall for support.

"I'm about to..." James managed to get out before he came into Max's mouth. James gripped at Max's hair while he quietly moaned as he came. Max stood up and looked at an exhausted James.

"Turn around," Max whispered to James. James obeyed.

Max thrusted himself right into James' ass forcefully. James grabbed at the wall trying to take all of Max in. Max put his hands on James' hips as he pulled himself in and out of James. He moved his left hand to stroke James' chest and stomach.

"Oo yeah," Max said things like this into James' ear as he pushed in and out. James felt when Max came and pulled out of him. They both fell to the floor, panting, their flaccid dicks touching the floor.

Max said nothing, just got up and went into the locker room, and James realized that this was definitely not the experience he had spoken to Cameron about earlier.

Next: Chapter 12

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