Diving In

By Dylan Harris

Published on May 17, 2007


Cameron Wright looked at his reflection in the chlorine water and wondered if he would be able to jump in this time. For the past two gym classes, there had been mandatory swimming. Cameron had cut the first class, but was caught hiding in the bathroom. The second class, he told the gym teacher that he refused to go in the water. This time, he wanted to make an honest attempt, but as he looked into the water he doubted that he would.

Ever since Cameron was twelve he had a fear of the water, and now at the age of sixteen, that fear was still present. No one knew why Cameron was afraid of the water, not even his family. His parents knew that he could swim; in fact, he was the captain of the junior swim team when he was ten. However, ever since the age of twelve, he had an incredible fear of the water.

"Hey Wright! You want to give it a go?" Coach Jones shouted, awaking Cameron from his deep thought. Cameron looked up and Coach Jones, but then back at the water.

"Not today," Cameron sighed. He felt cowardly and embarrassed as he made his way back to the bench on which the other boys in his swim class were sitting. He wanted to dive in, he really did, but there was something holding him back. He sat down on the bench next to his friend Travis.

"What with that?" Travis bluntly stated. Travis had a habit of saying whatever came into his head whenever he thought it. It was Cameron's favorite and least favorite quality about Travis. Cameron and Travis met in their freshman year and had hit it off right away. The best way to describe Travis was "out there," meaning that he wasn't your average sixteen-year-old kid. He was a huge heavy metal fan and often spent most school nights out at a show, or just out in general. He wore tight jeans and usually a band's t-shirt with a flat brimmed hat. Now, however, he was wearing a red bathing suite looking at Cameron blankly.

"What with what?" Cameron asked.

"The stupid you not swimming thing." Travis said. Cameron looked at him, and then looked back at the water. When Travis realized he wasn't getting a response he changed the subject. "What are you doin' tonight?"

"It's Wednesday." Cameron smirked. He knew that it made no difference to Travis what day of the week it was, but he liked to remind him anyway. "I have to stay after and set up for the dance Friday anyway."

"What dance? People still go to dances?" Travis asked. "Whatever, I might see this chick Maura tonight. She's mad hot. She's got this sick tattoo pretty much covering the left side of her face."

"Sounds...hot" Cameron sarcastically stated. Cameron wasn't really interested in Maura, or other girls for that matter. Practically his whole life he had known he didn't like girls, but he had never told anyone. Well, that's not 100% true, but the one person he had told was gone now.

Kieran Wilmer ate quietly by himself in the cafeteria, as he did everyday. In fact, he not only ate by himself, but he walked through the hallways by himself, spent nights by himself, spent whole weekends by himself. He was what most people would call a loner. But Kieran had no problem with that. In fact, he preferred it that way. He never had to deal with the perils of high school drama, or have to worry about what he would be doing on a Saturday night. But there was one aspect of his life that he wanted to change. He looked up at that aspect. There she was, Marissa Tampa, gracefully chatting away with Kevin Trainer.

Kieran had a crush on Marissa ever since first grade when they were assigned as partners in art class. Kieran actually still had the painting in his closet and occasionally looked at it as a sign of hope that they were meant to be together. But that hope seemed meek with the fact that she hadn't spoke to him since. However, he still had a special folder on his computer with all the pictures he had found of her off of other peoples websites.

After lunch, Kieran would go to class and then wait until seven o'clock, as he did every day, until his mother would be able to pick him up from school. He would sit on the front steps of the school for four hours every day waiting. He was in no after school clubs, nor any sports. He would sit on the front steps because that was where he would watch Marissa at cheerleading practice from 3-6 every day.

James Winters sat smugly in the back of his English class as his best friend, Kevin Trainer, placed an "I'm Gay" sign into the boy sitting in front of them. As he let go of the sign, Kevin silently pumped his fist in victory. James gave Kevin an under the desk high five, and they both smiled at each other. This was a big week for them; Friday was their first lacrosse game of the season. The three starting midfield players were James, Kevin, and another boy Ricky. They had all been best friends since they knew how to hold a stick. They were all very good looking and had the pick of the litter amongst the cheerleaders. Kevin had long brown hair with brown eyes and a smile that would make girls faint. Ricky was tall, had blue eyes, and brown hair, and was very charming. James was different than Kevin and Ricky however. James was softer and less "macho," but still had many girls flocking to him. "Mr. Winters, may I ask what is so funny?" Mr. Reilly asked. The smile quickly disappeared from James' face as he looked up at his English teacher who did not find anything amusing. "Oh, no nothing. Sorry," James muttered. Mr. Reilly did not buy James' excuse and leaned against his desk with his arms folded. "I'll see you after school. Don't expect to be on time to practice." Mr. Reilly said. James opened his mouth to protest, but Mr. Reilly continued on with the lesson. James looked over at Kevin with his jaw still open.

Cameron arrived after school in the gym to only find Alex standing on a latter trying to hang a banner. Alex was gorgeous, and had Cameron not been gay, he totally would've gone after her. Well, that is if Alex would allow such a thing. You see, Alex wasn't the most social person. In fact, the last time Ricky Buchanan had hit on her, he'd ended up with a black eye. So, once again, Alex wasn't the social queen of the school. She really only hung out with Cameron and Travis. She met Cameron through Travis, because they used to date. However, Alex soon learned that Travis was incapable of having a relationship that lasted longer than a one night stand.

"Get your ass up here and help me, you dick!" Alex muttered as she tried to juggle the banner, a hammer, and a box of nails.

"That's what I like to hear!" Cameron joked as he jogged over and caught the box of nails just as she dropped them. He placed the box down on the floor and pulled two out and handed them up to Alex. "Are we the only two people coming?" Cameron inquired. He had expecting a small group, but not that small.

"Looks like it. Oh and I need to leave at five, I'm meeting my Mom to get the rest of my stuff." Alex had recently gotten legal separation from her parents. She never really talked about any of it, but Cameron knew that she was moving into an apartment by herself.

"You're really going through with it?" Cameron asked. He knew that Alex hated her parents, but this seemed a little drastic. I mean, aren't all teenagers supposed to hate their parents?

"Well there's no going back now," She smiled. "Anyway, I already booked a job at the Downtown which will give me free tickets and everything." The Downtown was a club that hosted some independent rock bands to play and get recognition. Some of the bands were amazing; others were not so good. After a few more moments of silence she asked, "Have you seen Travis today?"

"Yeah he's meeting this girl Maura or something tonight." Cameron informed. Cameron always told Alex what Travis was doing, and always told Travis what Alex was doing. They both cared about each other, but they were both too stubborn to admit it. So Cameron just indulged them.

"Oh that's cool, that's cool." Alex muttered. They both continued to decorate the gym in silence until Alex finally spoke up. "I'm gonna start seeing that guy, you know. He's pretty cool, he works at the Downtown and he knows this guy I used to date. Ken! You met Ken right? Yeah, so...yeah"

"Good for you." That was all Cameron could say. It was sad for him, seeing his two best friends do this to themselves. But every time he hinted that they still had feeling for each other, they denied. And hell, Cameron didn't feel too bad; he'd never even had his first kiss yet.

James reported to Mr. Reilly's room on time for detention, but Mr. Reilly was nowhere to be found. So he took a seat in the front of the classroom and waited. He waited for another ten minutes then began to wonder if Mr. Reilly was going to show up at all. But finally, a minute later, he did show up.

"Sorry I was late," Mr. Reilly apologized as he entered the room. He closed the door behind him and locked it. "I was held up at a parent teacher meeting."

"It's okay," James said as he stood up from his desk. He approached the teachers' desk, just as Mr. Reilly put down his suitcase on the floor. "I've been waiting for this all day, Tom, a couple extra minutes didn't hurt" James put his hand on his teachers face and kissed him passionately. He broke the kiss off for a second to look into his teachers' eyes, but then quickly kissed him again.

Thomas Reilly knew that student teacher relationships were illegal, but that didn't stop him from pursuing one with James. He had met James in the beginning of the year, and after one late night extra help session, they entered a sexual relationship. Thomas was actually had a pregnant wife at home, that James did not know about, but Thomas did not care for her the way he felt for James. James was young, and still learning about sex, and Tom had no problem teaching him.

Tom moaned as James finished unbuttoning his shirt revealing Tom's hairy chest. James then removed his own t-shirt, and then moved down onto his knees. He took off Tom's belt buckle and unzipped his pants, revealing Tom's large erection. James began to suck on it, up and down. Tom moaned in ecstasy as James sucked him off. He ran his fingers through James' soft curly hair. James clutched Tom's butt cheeks harder as he sucked deeper and deeper. Suddenly, Tom pulled James' head away from him.

"Get on the desk" Tom ordered. James did as he was told, and Tom wasted no time as he grabbed onto James' hips and began to suck on his collarbone. He moved his lips lower and lower, until he reached James' lacrosse shorts, which he slowly moved down. He grabbed James' erection and began to jerk him off. He then stopped momentarily and reached into his desk, pulling out a condom wrapper. He applied the condom onto his erection, and then lifted James' legs so he could get to his bubble butt. He inserted himself into James and began to move in and out of him. James silently moaned and held onto the back of Tom's neck. This continued until Tom exploded inside of James and then fell onto James' smooth hairless chest, panting.

"I gotta get going." Tom stated after a few moments. He moved off of James and began to get dressed. He looked at his watched, and then began to quicken his pace.

"Yeah me too, I have practice." James said as he lifted himself off of the desk. "Big game on Friday..." James said to no reply. Tom was too busy putting his clothes back on. "I thought maybe you could stop by. Or not, you don't have to or anything, I just thought maybe you might want to..."

"Yeah, I don't know. I got a lot to do on Friday. But yeah, maybe." Tom muttered. He looked around the room for his briefcase, and grabbed it as soon as he saw it under the desk. He kissed James on the cheek. "I'll see you later," He said as he hopped out of the door.

"Yeah. See ya," James muttered. He put the rest of his clothes on, realizing that he was late for practice. That would probably mean he would have to stay an hour later than everyone else.

Kieran Wilmer paced back and forth on the empty street in front of the high school, looking at his watch. His mother was supposed to meet him at exactly seven o'clock as she did every day. However, it was already seven thirty and there was no sign of her.

Kieran looked around him. On the steps fifty feet away was a boy he believed was named Cameron. He didn't really know him, but knew his name because he was part of the student council. He often made speeches during assemblies and ceremonies. About forty feet on the other side was James Winters. They were in the same homeroom, but that was all they really shared. James was the typical asshole jock in Kieran's eyes. Kieran had often seen him flirting with Marissa and had hated him for it.

Before Kieran could finish his next thought, he saw a pair of headlights coming at him. He squinted up to see if it was his mom, but the next thing he saw was blackness.

Cameron looked from his watch just in time to see the boy get hit by the car. The only words he that could escape his mouth were "Holy Shit," which seemed like a proper response. He sprinted towards the boys' body just as the car sped away. He made it to his body just as another boy, James, made it there.

"Holy shit did you see that!" James exclaimed.

"Yeah, I think I saw it" Cameron said as he knelt down to the boy's body. The boy's eyes were closed and he wasn't moving. Cameron put his fingers to the boy's neck and searched for a pulse. When he couldn't find one, he looked up at James and said, "He's dead."

Next: Chapter 2

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