Divine Intervention

By Mac Rountree

Published on Apr 10, 2020


Weekend Get-Aways

Mark found himself calling Dan off and on throughout the day. He needed to hear Dan's voice. They were very quick calls as Dan moved from patient room to patient room. Most often, Mark would get Dan's voice mail, leave a message, and then sit at his desk, twiddling his pencil, until Dan called him back. When Dan's telephone number would pop up on Mark's telephone, he would start smiling. It was an involuntary reaction.

Dan became a regular visitor at the Mill House. On Wednesdays, Mark and Dan would eat dinner at the Brodhead Center, which was a three-story dining establishment on the Duke campus near the Chapel. Mark would find them a table while Dan chose what they would eat. Mark was surprised at the international offerings in food choices, and he became quite enamored with Indian cuisine. Burgers and fries were no longer his go-to food choice. Every week they tried a different nationality's cuisine. Per usual, there would be one plate of food that was shared. Mark's idea of what constituted dining was rapidly changing.

Dan and Mark naturally took each other's hand while they were walking on campus. The choir members quickly realized that they were now a couple, and were thrilled at the love they saw in these two young men. On nights when Mark had class, Dan would automatically appear and walk Dan to class. He would then appear at the end of class and walk Mark to his truck where they would spend some time snogging before Mark would beg off and say he had to go home. Mark couldn't wait to talk with Dan again, and it was the norm for there to be a telephone call before the truck turned on Route 70. Mark took the slow route home so the two of them would have more time to talk.

This concept of dating was new to Mark. He had a girlfriend in high school and they broke up when she decided to head to California for college. Mark had refused to consider going to college so far from home. In college, he met Linda and they started dating and they quickly became a couple. Sure, he had wooed her and then they both worked hard to maintain their love. He had not dated since Linda had died.

Mark felt like a schoolboy in love. He was amazed at how silly he could be. Thomas and Joe noticed Mark's distracted nature and marked it down to puppy love. They didn't know how to describe it except that it was perfect. Joe wondered about Mark's attraction to men, but Thomas said he thought it was his sole attraction to Dan. Dan was handsome in the same way Linda was beautiful, yet it was completely different. They were both fit and athletic, were both surgeons and brilliant, and they both had an unerring sense of love and sensuality. Mark would let out a sigh when he thought of Mark's attractiveness.

Clay had been discharged from the hospital and moved into the house with Joe and Thomas. He became a younger brother to Robert and Belinda. Joe enrolled him in a daycare program because the young boy had not been socialized with other children. Clay would barely speak except when Joe was holding him. Even then, his voice would sometimes fail him. Belinda was a take no prisoners type of personality, as she helped Clay break through his shell. Robert treated him as a little brother who needed guidance and direction. The combination of approaches was instrumental in assisting Clay to crush the barriers he had built to protect himself. The director of the day school met with Joe and admitted her initial reticence at taking Clay into the school because of his deficits, but had witnessed tremendous improvements in a short period of time. Clay adored his older siblings, and every day would he ask Thomas if Belinda and Robert could eat with them at the Yellow House. Joe had been teaching Clay the alphabet, numbers, and colors. Joe pointed to the house and told Clay it was yellow. After that, Clay called it the Yellow House. It quickly caught on with everyone else, and the two households now had names for their homes: Mill House and Yellow House.

It was often a struggle to separate the kids at bedtime. Clay would whine and cry when he couldn't spend the night at the Mill House. Joe would see Belinda and Robert whispering into Clay's ear about how to ask their daddies if they could spend the night with each other. It didn't take long for them to become the Three Musketeers. While still shy around adults, Clay would follow Robert and Belinda wherever they went. His short little legs would fly across the field as he ran to greet them when they got home from school. The full arm cast slowed him only slightly. The first time he tripped and fell while running, Joe almost had a stroke. He ran across the field and picked Clay up from the ground. Joe asked Clay if he was okay, received a nod, then Clay twisted his body to get back to the ground. He took off running again. Joe and Thomas were ecstatic that their foster child was blooming. Mark was fairly oblivious to what was happening with the children. He only had one person on his mind.

On Saturdays, Mark, Dan, and the kids would get in the truck and take trips to different places in North Carolina. If the outings were close to Hillsborough, they would invite Clay to go with them. Clay adored Belinda and Robert but was still a little hobbled by wearing the cast and sling on his arm. Dan knew that he could take care of any medical needs that Clay had, but he had his own particular need to build a family with Mark, Robert, and Belinda.

On Friday of Columbus Day weekend, they caravanned and traveled to Nags Head. Dan had rented a large house on the oceanfront for the weekend. They invited Joe, Thomas, and Clay to join them. The kids loved playing by the ocean on Saturday. Clay still had on a cast and was to have it removed the following week. Dan went to a pharmacy where he bought scissors, which he then used to cut off the cast. He attached a plastic splint to the arms and attached straps for stabilization. The brace allowed Clay more mobility, and he could play in the ocean with Belinda and Robert. It worked perfectly but could be dangerous if it accidentally hit anyone.

That morning as they were getting dressed, Dan put on a pair of Speedos. Mark was putting on his board shorts when he turned around and saw Dan. His jaw dropped.

"Dan, men in America don't wear that type of swimsuit."

"More the shame."

"Dan, I will have a hard-on all day if you wear those. They are almost obscene. I can see your penis."

Dan smiled and fluffed himself.

"Don't do that to me. We have to fix breakfast for everyone. Joe and Thomas are too old to see you in those. They may have heart attacks."

Dan felt like the air had been sucked out of the room.

"Mark, why are you ashamed of me?"

Mark was struck dumb by the honesty of the question. He blushed at his own prejudices.

"I apologize. I am being a backwoods, North Carolina ignorant ass, again. I don't think I could wear them, though. You look delicious." Dan fluffed his penis and laughed.

The men went to the kitchen to start cooking. Slowly, the kids appeared, and then Joe and Thomas followed. Thomas was like Mark and had on board shorts and a t-shirt. Joe had on box style shorts with his hairy chest on display. He wasn't aware of the effect on Dan when he scratched his chest and tweaked his nipple. Dan couldn't get up from the table until everyone cleared out of the dining room. Joe was a fine specimen of a man, and aging had not diminished his attractiveness. After eating, the kids raced across the dune to the ocean. Thomas and Joe had brought a beach umbrella, towels, a cooler with drinks, snacks, and reading material. Dan was the first one to run across the sand and dive into the ocean. The kids were hesitant to join Dan until Joe took them by their hands and led them into the water. Mark moved back and forth between the ocean and the umbrella village that Thomas had constructed. He felt bad that Thomas was alone on the shore. Thomas said that with his English skin, he would burn if he was in the sun for too long. He seemed satisfied to sit under the umbrella and watch everyone having fun.

They spent the morning in the water with Dan and Joe teaching the kids how to swim. Joe stayed extra close to Clay and helped the boy maneuver with his arm splint. Mid-morning, the kids needed refueling and headed to the umbrella. Thomas was busy fixing them snacks while Dan stood at the shore. Dan didn't notice the man who was walking along the shoreline who had stopped and was staring at him. The man decidedly liked what he saw in Dan. Mark noticed and took off running until he reached Dan, pulled his lover in his arms, and kissed him. Dan grinned when he came up for air.

"What brought that on?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to kiss you."


Mark turned his head to look at the man down the shore, who was rubbing his crotch. Dan barked a laugh and said there was no need to be jealous. Mark looked sheepish until Dan pulled him down onto the sand and kissed him. It was hokey, but Dan wanted to recreate the scene with Deborah Kerr and Burt Lancaster. It worked for Mark. When they got up, they ran to the house, telling Joe to look after the kids for a few minutes. They were naked by the time they got to the bedroom.

Luckily, they had closed the bedroom door because they fell asleep after making love. The knock on the door woke them, and they heard a voice telling them that lunch was ready. They hopped in the shower, compared their tan lines, put on shorts and tee-shirts, and ran downstairs. No one paid attention to the fact that they had been ensconced in the bedroom for almost two hours. Robert wasn't enthused with their pairing, but he was growing more comfortable with them being a couple. He knew how hard Dan was working to make them a family, but he didn't know that he wanted that kind of family.

Late that afternoon, they took a walk down the beach. Belinda and Clay led the pack and were holding Dan's hands. Robert followed, walking alone. Mark, Thomas, and Joe brought up the rear. Dan was telling Belinda and Clay about his house on the beach in Algiers. Belinda couldn't grasp the fact that Dan could walk out of his house anytime he wanted and go right to the beach. That sounded like heaven to her. Robert was intently listening though he feigned indifference.

"Can you see France from your house, Dr. Dan?"

"No, Belinda, the Mediterranean Sea is huge, so we can't see France."

"So, you have a house in Algiers and one in Paris?"

"That is correct. The house in Paris belonged to my grandparents. I inherited it when they passed away. I live there when I am working in Paris."

"I would love to live in Paris, that is where they make all of the pretty dresses."

"Yes, there are many couture houses in Paris."

Belinda's quick mind was moving on.

"How many bedrooms does the house have?"

"I think fourteen bedrooms."

"No house has fourteen bedrooms."

"Yes, my lovely daughter it does."

"So, we will have lots of room to have guests when we live there."

Clay had not said anything until that point.

"Can I come to visit, Uncle Dr. Dan?"

"Of course, Clay. You can have your own bedroom, so you always have a place to stay when in Paris. Robert gets to pick a bedroom first since he is the oldest, then Belinda, and then you. There will be bedrooms left after you pick. Maybe Uncle Joe and Uncle Thomas will want to pick a bedroom."

Clay didn't know where Paris was, but it sounded cool that he would have his own bedroom at Uncle Dr. Dan's house.

"Uncle Dr. Dan, where is France?"

Dan stopped walking, turned, and pointed east across the Atlantic.

"How do we get there?"

"Well, most people fly across the ocean, but some people take a ship, but that takes a long time."

"I will tell Uncle Joe that we want to fly. I don't want to take a long time."

"That sounds like a good plan. I am always anxious to get home when I have been traveling."

Robert, not being able to hear everything clearly, had moved up and held onto Belinda's hand.

"Dr. Dan, we live here. Our home in here. If you and daddy stay together, where will we live?"

"Well, Robert, your daddy and I haven't talked about that. We have only been dating a few weeks. There are a lot of things to consider. Maybe next spring, we can all fly to Paris to see the house. Then we could fly to Algiers to see that house. If your daddy wants, we can move there anytime you want. Maybe, we will have three houses: the Mill House you live in now, the house in Paris, and the house in Algiers."

Robert wasn't prepared to process them living in three places. He nodded his head, let loose of Belinda's hand, and stepped back until he was beside his dad. Robert took Mark's hand in his and looked east to the horizon. He was clearly unsettled but didn't want to spoil anyone's fun by speaking about his disquiet.

The next two days were repeats of the first. The weather was perfect for playing in the ocean, lying on the beach, and taking long walks. The kids interacted like siblings. Dan checked Clay's arm each day to make sure that it was okay. They also did a tan line check where they would turn down the edge of their swimsuits to see who had the darkest tan. Dan made sure that Belinda or Robert won each day. Joe was always the loser; his red hair and white skin did not lend itself to tanning. They ate seafood each night while trying the different restaurants. All of the waitresses complimented Mark and Dan on the behavior of their children. There was an assumption that the gay couple had three children. The kids would call to Uncle Joe and Uncle Thomas, and the staff assumed they were Mark's uncles. Belinda and Clay ate off each other's plates. Robert was rather more protective of his food and did not share it with anyone. After lunch on Monday, Mark packed the truck to head east. Clay asked if he could ride back with Uncle Mark and Uncle Dr. Dan. Joe agreed. Then Robert said he wanted to ride back with his Uncle Joe.

The drive back was long and tedious. Belinda and Clay cuddled in the second seat and were asleep by the time they crossed the Alligator River Bridge. Dan related to Mark the conversation with the kids about the houses in Paris and Algiers. Dan noticed that Mark tensed. He nodded his head but didn't say anything. Dan didn't want to spoil the mood after what had been a magical weekend at the beach, so he changed the subject. Mark relaxed, and they spoke of the wonderful fresh seafood they had eaten and how everyone thought the three children were theirs. Dan undid his seat-belt and laid on the front seat with his head in Mark's lap. Mark heard Dan lightly snoring as he ran his fingers through his lover's hair. He was at peace and realized that he loved Dan.

They returned to Hillsborough, and life continued apace. On Tuesday morning, Mark dropped Dan at the hospital as he headed to his office.

"See you at dinnertime. I think I am going to be overwhelmed at the hospital after being gone for three days."

Dan leaned over and kissed Mark on the mouth. They said the words at the same time: "I love you." They both burst into laughter. Dan stood on the sidewalk with an enigmatic look on his face as Mark pulled into the traffic.

On Friday night, Robert asked where they were going on Saturday.

How about New Bern? We can tour the historic Tryon Palace. They enjoyed their day in the "New Bear" city. There were bear sculptures all over the town. Again, everyone treated them as a family. They couldn't remember the name of the restaurant where they ate lunch; they knew the building was on a corner and that the dining room was upstairs. The waiter was over-attentive to Dan, which annoyed Mark. Dan treated it as his due; the waiter deferred to him since he ordered for each of them. Dan's role had become their routine: Dan would ask each person what they wanted to eat, then he would make suggestions, and then place an order for the table. Dan was sensitive to Robert being less agreeable to a table of shared food and generally ordered him a meal. Even when Mark paid the bill, he would pull out his credit card and hand it to Dan. Maybe, Mark was more sensitive that day because he had seen Dan kiss a man outside the entrance to the medical offices as they were leaving the day before. It was a kiss on the cheeks, but it was still a kiss. Dan had waved at the man as he climbed into Mark's truck. Dan then kissed Mark on the lips with the same lips he had used to kiss another man. Mark knew he was being ridiculous because people only had one set of lips. He fought the urge to reach up and wipe his mouth. Dan knew that something had upset Mark, but he had grown accustomed to Mark's peccadillos and chose not to escalate something that would clear up on its own.

After leaving the restaurant, Mark was still miffed at the waiter and Dan. Dan had been too gracious and agreeable to the man's attention. It Mark had been with a woman; he felt he would have had to protect her honor. Did he need to protect Dan's honor? Dan sensed what was bothering Mark and decided to wade into the fray by saying that the waiter had been worrisome given his level of attention. Dan didn't really believe that but thought the waiter's attention was the crux of the problem and wanted to diffuse the situation.

"So, you noticed that he was almost sitting in your lap and feeding you lunch."

"Yes, but I didn't want to embarrass him by saying something. I knew that you would understand because you are the man I love. I chose to redirect him, but he wasn't good at taking hints. I am so glad that you aren't the jealous type when highly testosteroned boys are out of control."

Dan didn't mention that the waiter had slipped him a note with a telephone number.

All of the steam was taken out of the argument, so Mark smiled and relaxed. They enjoyed the drive back to Hillsborough, stopping in Raleigh for a vegetarian dinner at the Irregardless Café. Dan loved the food and said he wanted to eat there more often. He noticed that Robert had stirred the couscous around his plate and not eaten it. Belinda asked Dan what he had ordered, and was told this was akin to the food they served in Algiers. Belinda smiled and said she loved it. Mark asked if they ever ate meat in Algiers. Dan said they ate camel at least once a week. He was smiling, and everyone knew he was joking, or they hoped he was joking. Dan and Mark were learning each other's likes and dislikes. They found plenty to like about each other and learned to skirt the things where there was disagreement. Both weighed whether the differences were deal breakers and none were.

The last Friday afternoon in October, they left Hillsborough and drove to Asheville. Dan had secured them a large room in the original section of the Grove Park Inn. All four would be sharing the room, so Mark was stealth in trying to figure out how to make love to this man he adored. When they heard the children's breathing slow and regulate as they slept, Mark slipped his head under the covers. Dan had to put the pillow over his head to prevent his moans from being heard. Mark's moans were louder as he enjoyed making love to his partner. The next morning, they ate breakfast in the beautiful dining room. Mark had visited the Inn years before and had forgotten what a magnificent structure it was. He enjoyed describing the construction of the Inn to any willing person who would indulge his passion for construction techniques used with historic buildings. Belinda and Robert stood in one of the fireboxes in the lobby while Dan took their picture.

They packed their luggage and then drove over to the Biltmore Estate, where they spent the day. Dan was agog that such a place existed in America. He had taken many trips to tour the chateaus of France, and this would easily compete with any of them. Dan felt like he was in France, which led to moments of total despair as he realized how much he wanted the four of them to be together forever. He thought of them traveling through France and North Africa, exploring all of the sights. He wanted this time to be more than eighteen months; he wanted to live like this for the rest of his life. Mark grabbed his hand when Dan would gasp at another European artifact that had been transported across the Atlantic to end up in this house. The interior had a very French feel. How could it not: Napoleon's chess set was on a table. Limoges china was in the cabinets. The style was of the grand chateaus of France. Belinda acted as if she were the chatelaine of the house. Robert loved the lower level and felt perfectly at home as they toured the vineyards.

They ate lunch at the Stable Café. Robert enjoyed the café, thinking that was where the horses and carriages were maintained and where the real men who worked the farm would hang out. He had grown bored looking through the chateau; this was more his style.

It was practically dark when they pulled out of the long drive of the chateau to head east. Mark said they had to get home because he and Dan had to sing in the morning. Both kids were buckled into the back seat as they went through the McDonald's drive-through. Dan was unhappy about the food choice, but he had asked the kids what they wanted to eat. He knew that when he asked the question, he had to honor the response. Dan had ordered a salad and picked at it while feeding Mark a double cheeseburger, fries, and large sweet tea. Mark told Dan he could take a bite, which elicited a look of horror on Dan's face. Mark laughed at him. Mark insisted that he needed to drive while they ate. It was a long drive from Asheville to Hillsborough. Quietness pervaded the truck. Dan turned and saw that both kids were asleep. He collected their food wrappings and put them in a trash bag. He then reached over and held Mark's hand. It was an enjoyable weekend, and Dan had even made a few more inroads with Robert. The changes were incremental, but Dan knew that was how he would win over the boy. Bit by bit.

Belinda was the first to awaken and told her daddy that she needed to use a restroom. Mark saw a rest area sign and said to her that in five miles, they would stop. Mark asked Belinda to awaken Robert so they could all go in at one time. Mark pulled in, Belinda undid her seat belt, jumped from the truck and ran to the restroom. Mark was right behind, chasing her on the sidewalk. Robert took off on a leisurely walk. Dan cleaned all of the trash out of the truck. He then went to the restroom. When he came out, Mark and the kids were standing at vending machines. They had done damage to Mark's wallet as they all had sweets and drinks. Dan inwardly groaned. He turned down the offer when Mark asked him if he wanted anything. Mark was holding a cup of some hot brown liquid that he called coffee. Dan knew that Mark didn't understand how great coffee could be. Coffee from a vending machine was pure slop and undrinkable.

After everyone buckled themselves in, Mark put the truck into gear, and they continued up the interstate. Soft music was playing on the radio, and Dan was getting amorous. He slid across the seat, smiled at Mark, and then slid his hands up Mark's thigh to his crotch. Mark caught his breath and then grinned. A zipper was lowered, and Dan's ministrations did not take long. Luckily there were napkins left from dinner. Mark was no longer anxious in his driving, and a smile took up a permanent position on his face as they passed through Greensboro. Another hour and they would be home.

Home. Dan now considered the Mill House his home though he maintained the lease on the studio apartment in Durham. He went by to pick up his mail and kept clothes there but spent most of his time at the Mill House.

After returning from Asheville, Mark professed his love to Dan after dinner that Sunday night. Sure, they had said, "I love you," to each other when greeting each other, but Mark knew that he was deeply in love. Mark had taken Dan to the Fearrington House in Pittsboro for dinner. They dressed for dinner; Mark even wore a tie. Mark was nervous as they drove to the restaurant. The menu was ever-changing, depending on what was seasonally available from their local sources, so as usual, Mark asked Dan to order their meal. Dan ordered items for them to share; there were a variety of small plates on the table. The waitress explained how the chef prepared each dish. She would lean over Mark when she would put a plate on the table. Her breasts would brush against Mark's back and shoulder. Dan chuckled and Mark blushed. Finally, the waitress understood that she didn't stand a chance with these handsome gentlemen. The atmosphere in the restaurant was gracious and unhurried. After they finished eating, Mark ordered coffee and a split of champagne. Dan gave him a questioning look.

Mark reached across the table to take Dan's hand. The champagne was uncorked, and the glasses were filled. Mark raised his in a salute to Dan.

"I love you. There, I said it. I love you." Mark then started laughing.

Dan's eyes glistened.

"I love you, too."

"Good. Now we can talk about the future. I am still an absolute mess, but it seems that life is leveling out. I still have that upcoming court hearing about the kids, but I don't see any stumbling blocks. There has been no indication that there will be any problem with the court case ending and me moving on with my life. I want to start thinking of us as a family."

Dan could only nod his head in agreement. His eyes were pools of reflected love.

"Aren't you going to say anything?"

"I don't want to spoil a marvelous evening by blubbering at the table. I love you, Mark Harden, and always will. I want us to raise the children together. We can create a marvelous life. We have some hurdles to cross, but I think we can make this happen."

They both stood, knowing if they continued to sit at the table, they would both be crying tears of joy. People around them had smiles on their faces.

They drove to the Mill House, and for the first time, Mark asked Dan to take him. Dan said he had never done that before, but Mark promised to coach him and that it would be fantastic for both of them. Dan's breath caught several times as he made love to Mark. He couldn't believe the responsiveness of Mark in this position. In every way, Mark was in control, and Dan gladly did what Mark asked. They were both moaning when Dan fell onto Mark's sweat-covered hairy chest. Never had Dan felt so close to another person.

"I never knew that lovemaking could be like that."

Mark kissed Dan sensuously on the mouth.

"You were perfect and gave everything. You are my love."

Both men wrapped their arms around each other and fell into a deep, contented sleep.

Little did they know that their world would be upended the next day.

Next: Chapter 21

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