Distinctly Her

By Seraphim Pyro

Published on May 28, 2009


DISCLAIMER This story is a work of fiction and my own work, it does not resemble to the events that happened in real life. This story is the property of the author please don't copy and call it your own.

This story involves sexual and romantic acts between females; if this offends you then do not read it. If you're under the age of 18 you shouldn't read this.

There wasn't supposed to be a second chapter but I couldn't leave it as a standalone piece in the end. Curse my weakness. So again please e-mail me your comments if you have any, good or bad. I would really love some feedback. Thank you.

Distinctly Her - Chapter 2 By Seraphim Pyro (Copyright 2009)

I sat at the computer-covered desk and fiddled with the wires protruding from the open case. I carefully connected the wires and arranged them so they wouldn't tangle. The thing I hate the most is tangled wires.

"Hey Kris," Jake called from the front of the store.

"Yeah what's up," I called back.

"Someone here needs your help."

I sighed and made my way out front. I looked at the customer in need of help and I was greeted with a smile, a smile that was distinctly hers.

"Hi Angie," I said rather coldly as I felt a rush of heat run through body. Luckily I didn't blush easily.

"Hi Kris," she said as her olive green eyes met my grey ones. "My laptop kind of crashed and I can't get it to start properly." I tore my eyes from her beautiful face to the bag she carried.

"Ok let me look at it," I said as I pasted my hand through my platinum blonde hair. Bloody bangs always got in the way, curse Jules and her `bangs look so hot on you'.

"Better take her to the back we're kind of crowded up front today," Jake said giving me a knowing look; actually thinking he was doing me a favour.

It's not his fault; he didn't know how I felt about Angie. In fact no one knew.

"This way," I said with a shrug and then turned to go back to what I call `the Cave'. I named it so because it was a basement without any windows and if it wasn't for the electronic lights it would have been pitch black.

I looked for a clear surface and another free chair, after relocating some hardware and some paper coffee cups I managed.

"You can put it here," I gestured and let her start up her laptop. I wanted to avoid sitting next to her as much as possible. I patiently waited as the laptop took a little longer to start up than normal. I felt myself frown.

"It never use to take this long to start up," Angie said with a sigh and flicked her hair behind her shoulder.

I reach for my frameless glasses when it finally finished and leaned over and started checking the systems. I caught a whiff of vanilla and knew it was her. That smell was distinctly hers.

"Oh you wear glasses," she asked with that heavenly voice of hers.

"Yeah," I answered not looking at her. Images of her naked here flashed into my mind as I tried to fine what was the problem.

"Kris," she said.

I didn't answer.



"Have you spoken to Ana today," she asked shyly.

"No," I answered simply. Anna was a mutual friend...well not really.

Anna was Robyn's current girlfriend and Robyn was a close friend of mine.

"Oh well she wanted to talk to you," Angie said simply.

I could feel her dark eyes watching me, so I stopped and looked at her. That was a mistake because as I met her dark green eyes and then I looked at her delicious lips. How did she not know what she did to me!? We stared at each other for just a few seconds but it felt so much longer.

Eventually I went back to checking her setting and decided to do a systems check.

"Does it have to do with Robyn?"

"I don't think so," Angie said with a worried look on her face. "Why did something happen between the two of them?"

"No," I said. "We're not friends so the only reason she'd want to talk to me would be to talk about Robyn."

"Don't be ridiculous," she said with a hint of anger in her voice.

"Of course you two are friends."

"No we're not," I said calming. "Just because you're fucking a friend of mine doesn't make you my friend."

"So I guess we're not friends then," she said with a challenging tone.

I stopped typing and thought about what I was going say. I should just tell her the truth and then maybe...then I remember who she was actually fucking.

"No we're not," I said hoping that the she didn't hear the pain it caused to say that. It's better to push her away now, that way it won't hurt some much, right?

"You're so cold you know that," she said with a strange tone.

"I never pretended to be any other way," I said over my shoulder and finally realized what was wrong with her laptop.

"You weren't this cold the first time we met," she whispered.

"Because the first time we met I wanted to get into your pants," I mumbled as I set to work eliminating the virus that had slowed down her computer, it was a simple virus and easily fixed. I know I'm a heartless bitch but you have no idea how frustrating it is to have the girl you want this close to you and not have her.

"Fuck you Kris," she said her greens eyes would probably a shade lighter. They get that way when she's angry and it's so hot.

"Is that an offer," I answered with a cocky tone and regretted it instantly. I couldn't help it. I'm a hopeless flirt so that answer came out unconsciously. Images of Angie and I naked, hot and sweaty on this floor flashed before my eyes once again. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat.

"Forget I said that," I said weakly and shamefully met those beautiful eyes that were distinctly hers. I expected a shocked or hurt look, but instead her eyes were a different shade of green I had never seen before, a darker shade of green.

"I'm sorry Angie," I mumbled looking away from those eyes. I can be such an insensitive bitch sometimes. Well, most of the time.

"Yeah whatever," she said after a while. "Your flirtatious nature will get you in trouble one of these days."

"Yeah I know," I said with a wary smile, how many people have told me that? I've lost count. "But it's hard to resist when there are girls as hot as you."

"You're such a charmer," she whispered in my ear and then softly kissed my cheek. I felt a rush of flow through my body and despite myself I tensed at her touch. I don't know how I let someone have so much control over me.

"You're no better than I am," I said as I went back to fixing her laptop.

"That's why we get along, most of the time," she said as she leaned her head on my shoulder and watched me work in silence.

At first it was hard to focus with her so close. Feeling the warmth of her body against mine, constantly smelling her divine scent...vanilla...a scent that was distinctly hers. Then I realised how right it felt to have her leaning against me...how comfortable...how intimate...how pleasurable...how fulfilling. It no longer bother me that she was so close, in fact it filled a hole that had been empty for most of my life.

I suddenly stop typing and my body stiffen at this realisation. If it had been simple sexual attraction or infatuation I could deal with it...make it go away...but if it was something stronger...something I've never really felt before...then...then I'm fucked.

I take a deep breath to slow down my mind and calm my nerves. I'm just making things up...it's nothing more the infatuation...that's it.

"Hey is everything ok, Kris," she asks as gently cups my chin and turns my head so that our eyes can meet.

"Yeah I'm fine, just got a lot of things on my mind," I lie and realise that I'm truly fucked as I let myself get lost in her beautiful face.

"Oh I didn't know," she said with an apologetic smile. "I shouldn't have bothered you with this."

"It's alright," I assured her. "I'm almost done anyway."

"Thanks so much," she said and once again snuggles on my shoulder. I wonder if she feels the same way I feel when she leans on me. Does it feel right to her too? Does she feel like she belongs here with me, like this?

It confused the hell out of me. These mixed signals or was she naturally this close to other women she was friends with. I wanted to ask...I wanted to tell her what she did to me, but I couldn't. So I suffered in silence.

"It's done," I said after a while.

"Really what was wrong," she asked in the cutest way. Yeah she could be cute too and make it look sexy.

"There was a virus interfering with your laptop systems and eventually would have completely messed it up," I said with a shrug as I shut down her computer.

"Thanks so much you're a life saver," she says with that brilliant smile of hers. "How much do I owe you?"

"Nothing," I said simply as I watched her pack up her laptop.

"What do you mean nothing," she asked with arched eyebrow.

"It wasn't hard to do nor did it take me very long," I said. "So I'm not charging you."

"If someone else had asked you would you have charged them," she asked again arching her eyebrow and giving me a playful smile. I sighed and passed me hand through my hair.

"Look I have things to do right now," I said motioning around me work area. "Just take the freebee, ok? That's what I did when I was a student."

"Alright I'll let you get back to work," she said and then kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks for helping me out Kris."

"No problem Angie," I said with a nod and ignore the tingling I felt where her lips had touched.

I walked her out.

"See you Kris," she said with a smile.

"Yeah bye."

"So did you get her number," Jake asked with a knowing smile.

I just sighed and shook my head at him disapprovingly.

"There's more to life then getting laid, you know," I said calmly.

"Like what," he asked with a confused look. I had to remind myself that he was six years younger than I and that at 21 all I could think about was getting laid as much as possible.

"I'll let you find out by yourself Jake," I said as I went back to the Cave. "Oh and call the owner of the Packard laptop it ready to be picked up."

"Yes Mistress," he said with sarcastically before picking up the phone.

I went back down and began working once more, but my mind wasn't on what I was doing. It's funny how much stuff you can do on autopilot. All I could think about was her...every time I'd try and focus I would see her beautiful face. Maybe I should have charged her a kiss for the fixing up her laptop? No! That would have made things worse, I had tasted her once already and the memory still haunted me... especially late at night.

Eventually it's time to close up and luckily I had managed to do what I had to do for the day. I just hope nothing blows up. I'll probably have to check them quickly morning when my mind is clear.

I drove home feeling exhausted. Lately even been feeling exhausted, I haven't felt this way since I discovered I was gay. I notice Alex's car in the drive way. I sighed and parked car.

I entered the house and was instantly tackled by Razor. I grab a fit full of fur.

"Who's a good boy," I say as I wrestle with my half-wolf, half-husky.

"Did you miss me boy?"

"Gees sis you and that monster of yours are like in love or something," Alex said as he step out of kitchen into the hallway.

I looked up and my grey eyes met soft brown ones.

"Of course we are," I said as I continued to play with my dog and ignoring my younger brother. "Do you love me Razor?"

He barked twice and licked my face. We played a little more and then I stood up. Razor immediately knew that our rough play was over and dutifully stood at my side.

"Good boy," I said and gave him a pat on the head.

"How was your day," he asked with a smile.

"Alright just long," I said as I entered the kitchen and reach for the cookie jar that held our grandmother's homemade chocolate chip cookies. The best in the world, I thought as I bit into them. "How was college?"

"It was fine," he said with a shrug. "Although the bioinformatics course was boring."

"Because you have a mental block when it comes to computers," I said and ruffled his curly chestnut-brown hair.

"Hey you're messing up my hair due," he complained.

"Oh I didn't know I the `I never comb my hair' look was so in now a day, squirt," I said sarcastically.

"Whatever sis," he said annoyed I'm guessing because of his nickname.

"Did Angie find you? She was having computer problems."

"Yeah I took care of it," I said after awhile, as my mind instantly flowed with images of her and how it felt to have her so close.

I took a deep breath and pushed her out of my mind. It would be easier if people stopped reminding me of her. Razor lick my hand as if sensing my inner turmoil, I smiled down at him and pat his head.

"Well I'm going out with Robyn," I told Alex. "So sort yourself out for dinner."

"I'll sort myself, don't worry sis," Alex said with a shrug.

I nodded and went to my room I needed a shower. It will clear my mind; maybe I should find some company for later tonight. I strip and patiently wait for the water to heat up.

I step in a instantly feel the hot water run down my body, I moan in pleasure. I have to confess I love showers...it's my guilty pleasure...my fetish...my obsession. Beside her, that is. Taking her in the shower is one of fantasies...sigh.

Kris you need to stop thinking that way about her it's not fair to her, the voice in my head tells me.

I quickly get dressed and head out, Robyn hates it when people are late and Jules is always fashionably late... I might get away with being 5 minutes late.

"Hey Robyn," I said as she opened the door. Her whisky coloured eyes meeting mine and greeted me with a smile.

"I see you went with Jules' suggestion," Robyn said with an amused tone as I walked into her apartment.

"Yeah and it annoys the hell out of me," I answered as I wondered into the living room and was surprised to see my cute red head friend sitting on the couch comfortably.

"Jules you're already here," I asked in shock. "Did we agree on meeting up at half past seven?"

"Oh shut up," Jules said with an annoyed look on her face as she threw a pillow my way. I barely managed to dodge it.

"You're on time, Jules just came early that's all," Robyn said with a shrug as she hand me a Smirnoff Spin.

"Are you ok," I asked as I sat next to her.

She pouted then snuggled up against me. Jules was the type of person that need physical contact with the people she cared about it took me awhile to get use to when we use to date.

"I'm early because my girlfriend is on the other side of the country and I'm trying not to pounce on the new intern," she said calmly but I could see the turmoil going on inside in her bright green eyes. That was Julia Richards for you; outward she was always cool and composed but inside was a storm of intense emotion. Only those close to her knew how to read her.

"Why don't you just tell Cat you're sick of the arrangement," I asked with a hint of frustration, it a issue we've been arguing about for awhile.

"I can't," Jules said with a frustrated sigh. "Her job is there, it's not fair for me to demand that of her."

"Then go there," Robyn said as she sat opposite us, with the same frustrated look on her face.

"I can't if I was to up root the boutique now it would completely ruin me," Jules answered as she snuggled closer to me. "Beside I couldn't fire the people working for me. I'm fine really; I just wish we could see each other more often."

I gave Jules a squeeze and just let her mellow in my arms. Even before we dated she use to just lay in my arms when she felt like it. Robyn, Jules, Cat and I all went to the same school, Red-Rose School for Girls. We were friend since forever I guess. Back then Jules and I dated and Robyn and Cat were an item, it was more of friends with benefits kind of thing. When we went to university our group of lone she-wolves was split in half, so we agreed it was best to just be friends. None of us wanted a long distant relationship. Jules and Cat went to Yale and Robyn and I to Harvard. At one point Jules and Cat stared dating and have been together since, but unfortunately Cat's job was is Washington D.C. and Jules' started her boutique in L.A. after her fashion design took off some time ago. Cat had assured Jules at the time that she'd soon be coming back to L.A. but that was three years ago. The distance was starting to take its toll on both of them and Robyn and I knew there was stress on their relationship. When they were together they were the happiest people in the world, but after a few months of not seeing each other they were as miserable as hell.

"Listen Jules you two need to talk about this again," Robyn said after awhile. "Kris and I hate see you guys so miserable and helpless."

"Can we please talk about something else," Jules said as she pushed away from me and curled up at the end of the couch.

Jules always reminds me of a cat, in fact so does Cat. The two of them curled up together was always a cute and alluring sight.

"I planning on upgrading my computer again," I say with a look to Robyn telling her we should drop it for now.

"Kris, you nerd," Jules says with a playful smile. "We have more interesting things to talk about."

"If I remember correctly you use to like my nerdiness," I say with a smug smile. "In fact I remember you liked it when I plugged my flash into your USB-port."

"That's too much information for me," Robyn said while shaking her head at us.

"Oh please Robyn, you and Cat were worse," Jules said with a naughty smile. "Isn't that right Dr Tai?"

Jules and I burst out laughing as Robyn went red, which is saying much because Robyn have Spanish heritage and has very naturally tanned skin.

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up," Robyn grumbled from across the coffee table and then threw a pillow at Jules.

"So do you and Anna role-play much," I asked as we calmed down.

"I'm thinking of breaking up with Anna."

Both Jules and I stop laughing, but neither of us was that surprised.

"Really you seemed to like her," I said and wondered if that's why Anna was looking for me.

"Yeah she great," Robyn said with a sigh. "But she's clinging, she wants to spend all our free time together and every time she's here she rearranging stuff. I mean she wanted to join us for dinner today. It's driving me insane. She has no sense of personal space and she gets annoyed when I'm out with either one of you."

Jules and I shared a look that said "we know". Anna was a perky blonde and so not right for Robyn, but she was sweet and cute. Neither of us particularly liked Anna, Cat had only met her twice and that was enough for her to dislike the girl.

"Honestly I'm surprised it took you this long to break up with her," Jules said, something we promised each other a long time ago was that we wouldn't bullshit each other. "You guys have been together for almost a year."

"I know," Robyn said with a sigh. "I don't understand it myself, but I guess I realised that I don't particularly like her when she told I should get rid of Oliver."

"What?!" Both Jules and I exclaimed. Jules instantly jumped off the couch and went to give Robyn a hug.

Oliver was this black cat that Robyn found on her balcony when he was a kitten. Robyn and Lucy, her girlfriend at the time, took him in. Oliver was the type of cat that complimented Robyn's personality. Oliver was to Robyn, what Razor is to me.

"Her reasoning being that black cats bring bad luck," Robyn said with disgust.

"I think it has more to do with the fact that Oliver doesn't like her at all," Jules said as she kissed the top of Robyn's head and gave the little devil pat. He had been curled up in Robyn's lap this whole time.

"I should have ended it when he scratched her the first time," Robyn said with a shrug.

"Actually doesn't he scratch every one that you sleep with," I asked as I thought about it.

"Ever since Lucy died yeah, but he scratched Anna when she came over for dinner the first time," Robyn said. "Usually he scratches the girls after we had sex and they're occupying his space on the bed. Also he scratches Anna anytime she tries to pet him."

"Yes that would be an indication that she wasn't right for you," I said sarcastically. "And the fact that your friends don't like her."

"Kris you don't like anyone," Robyn said arching her eye brow at me.

"That's true," Jules said as she nodded in agreement. "But neither Cat nor I like her either, which would be an indication that she wasn't right for you."

"I get it I should done this a long time ago," Robyn said with a shrug. "By the way where are we having dinner?"

"You're changing the subject," I said, but let it go. "Sushi bar near the beach?"

"Oh yes please I haven't had sushi in a while," Jules said as we all got up. "Who'd driving?"

"I will," I said as we headed out.

We went to dinner and chatted about mindless stuff, like we used to. The waitress was this hot Asian girl with a sweet smile and playful dark eyes. She was friendly and very flirty, especially with me. Being a natural flirt I responded appropriately, but half heartedly. She was my type but I just didn't want to seal the deal, for some reason.

"Ok Kris what's wrong," Jules asked once the waitress left after giving us our dessert.

"Nothing," I responded automatically with a shrug.

"Don't bullshit me," Jules said with a stern look on her face. I should have known that answer wouldn't work with Jules or Robyn.

"She right Kris that waitress is practically all over you and you haven't made a proper move yet," Robyn says and then eats a mouthful of vanilla ice-cream. It always surprised me how no one loves ice-cream like Robyn.

"If I was single and she was all over me like she is with you," Jules said as she sent the waitress a flirtatious smile. "I'd be eating her like Robyn's eating that ice-cream by now."

"You ruined my innocent pleasure," Robyn scowled from across the table.

"Oh please it stopped being innocent the day you put ice-cream all over Cat and licked it off," Jules answered in that calm upper class voice of hers.

"Gees do you two tell each other everything," Robyn grumbled, but kept eating her ice-cream despite Jules comment.

I was to wrap up in imagining the waitress naked covered ice-cream in strategic locations to take note of their bickering. I involuntary released a soft groan. It had been while.

"Oh looks like someone's horny," Robyn said with a knowing grin.

I saw the waitress getting drinks at the bar and I looked her up and down, not bothering to rebuke Robyn's comment. She had a petite built with subtle curves; her black hair was neatly braided back. She smiles a cute smile as the bar tender cracked a joke. She nods at something he says as she leaves. Everything seemed to slow down as she walks towards me. Her soft brown eyes meeting my grey ones as she walks, they let me know she interested. Her juicy lips form a sensual half smile indicated that she knows I'm interested. She passes by me and for a few seconds I'm completely enveloped by her scent.

Fuck it I want her, I think to myself as I look over my shoulder to get another glimpse at her.

"Maybe you should order some ice-cream, Kris," Jules says with extra emphasis on ice-cream, making the most simple childhood desert seem more like an aphrodisiac instead.

"Maybe I should," I say with a smug grin, I rather spend the night with someone else then have another hot dream about Angie only to wake up frustrated and alone.

We hang around slightly longer then we intended to. We slowly drank the green tea we order as we continued chatting and I continued flirting with Mayaa. I would talk to her casually as she would take our plates or bring us more green tea.

"You shouldn't drink so much green tea," she said with a soft smile as she brought a second pot. "You won't be able to sleep later."

"I wasn't planning on sleeping much anyway," I said with a sly smile, letting her know I wanted one thing only tonight.

"Well then the tea will definitely keep you going all night long," she said with another one of her smiles.

I smile back hoping that was an invitation. I kept following her with my eyes, letting her know I was interested. She didn't seem to mind and would occasionally lock her eyes with mine. At one point I stopped listening to Robyn and Jules's conversation and at one point they stopped including me in it. Soon it was eleven and we order the bill. Both Robyn and Jules moaned about getting to work on time tomorrow.

"So what time do you get off," I asked with a charming smile as she handed us the change.

"Usually at two a.m. but one of the waitresses owes me one," she said glancing over her shoulder at another waitress. "So midnight."

"Well then I'll be back then if you're keen," I said my eyes never leaving hers.

"See you at midnight then," she said as she turned to attend to another table.

I drove Robyn and Jules back to Robyn's place and then returned to restaurant to wait for Mayaa. A little past midnight she came out. She walked to me with that sweet smile of hers, but her eyes showed a whole other side to her. Once she reached me she checked the parking lot and then leaned in.

I put my arm around her waist and pulled closer as I cupped her cheek. We brushed our lips against one another and then we pressed harder. Her lips parted and I pushed my tongue in, instantly tasting her. She sucks on my tongue and teases it. I tease her back and she moans. After a while she pulls back with a content smile on her face, as she was telling herself she picked the right girl.

"So I'll follow you in my car," she said after a while of just staring at each other.

"Sure," I said.

As soon as my house door was closed we were on top of each other again. First our lips touched then the rest of our bodies. I nip her lower lip as we parted momentary so we could get up the stairs in one piece.

She pushes me against the wall as her lips captures mine once. Without warning she plunges her tongue into my mouth, I smile slightly at her attempt at dominance. I suck on her tongue and the circle its tip with the tip of my tongue. I hear her moan, I do it once more and she yields. They always do.

I flipped us around so that she was against the wall and ravished her mouth briefly. Then I slowly unbutton her waitress's shirt, revealing soft perfectly-shaped breasts...my second most favourite place on a woman's body. I pinned her hands back and softly peck her lips.

"You're mine tonight," I whispered in her ear before I gave it a teasing lick.

She moaned softly and murmured something I didn't quite catch. I slowly kissed my way down her neck, stopping mid way to lick, suck and bite a piece a skin so as to leave a mark. I made my way to the dip in neck, my most favourite place on a woman's body. I licked her there and circled its shape with my tongue.

She moaned again and murmured something again. I realise I didn't catch it because it was Japanese... so sexy. I gave the place a lingering kiss and reluctantly left it to move further down. Don't get me wrong I really want to taste her sweet nectar but I loved that sexy, delicate dip more right now. Suddenly the idea of licking ice cream out of it flashed in my mind and I chuckled.

"What so funny," Mayaa asked in a husky, lust-filled voice.

"Nothing sugar, you just taste like strawberry ice-cream," I murmured as I kissed between her breasts. She did taste like strawberry actually... maybe sake would be nice to lick and drink off of her skin.

I made my way to her left nipple making sure I left a wet trail. I circled the stiff button before taking it into my mouth and sucking it gently. I gently bite on her stiff nipple and hear her moan softly, I bite harder and she cries out in pleasure. I circle her nipple with my tongue and I hear her gasp at the new sensation. A trick I learned long ago was that causing a little pain before giving pleasure intensifies the pleasure, especially for people with sensitive nipples. This seems to be the case with beautiful Mayaa. I suckle on her left breast a little more, enjoying the taste of her skin and sounds from her mouth.

Then I kiss and lick my way across to her right breast and give the same treatment that its twin received. Mayaa arched and moaned as I ravished her breasts. I kiss the skin between them and went back up to claim her beautiful lips, letting her wrap her arms my neck.

"Oh god... you're ...incredible ...Kris-sama," she pants as I let her breathe a little.

"We're just getting started," I said in husky voice and with a cocky smile. "Remember I drank all that green tea."

"Mmmm... I remember..."

"Mayaa we better take this to my room," I murmur before kissing her once more. Normally I would have taken her right there on the spot, but I'm living with Alex now so I have to be considerate.

"Fuck yes," she moaned as I guided her to my room. My hands never leaving her body, showing her what was to come. Once in my room I capture her mouth once more... tasting her sweet mouth again.

She moaned as I massaged her tongue with my own and then I ran the tip of my tongue lightly along the roof of her mouth. I was blessed with a long tongue, so I've been told. I showed her how well I could use my tongue as I caressed her body. First I run my hand along her hips to grab her ass...then up her back...along her waist to cup those heavenly breasts. They were still slightly wet and sticky from my previous exploration. I circled her nipple with my middle finger and once again cupped them. She moans and squeezes my ass. She must have an ass fetish because she seemed to be trying to memorise every inch of it with her hands. Not that I'm complaining...it feels good...real good.

I gentle pushed her towards the bed as she latched on to my neck like a starved vampire, obviously she wanted to leave her mark on me too. I moaned as I felt her teeth, followed by her tongue. I have to say so far she was almost as good as me...looks like I chose the right girl too.

She looked at the king-sized bed behind her, when she felt the back of her knees touch it. She was so beautiful, her profile like something out of an old Japanese picture.

"Beautiful," I mumbled as I got lost in her graceful Asian features.

"What," she asked focusing on me once more.

"Your beautiful," I said and gently laid her on the bed. I briefly admired her body and face...instantly I saw her in a partially open kimono. "Hime."

"Hime," she said with a questioning look, wondering how I knew princess in Japanese.

"You're like a beautiful Japanese hime," I said with a charming smile as I lay on top of her. Once again I focus on her luscious breasts...a B-cup for sure. She moaned arching her body against mine.

"I promise you I'm no delicate cherry-blossom," she said giving me as sexy cat smile. "So don't be afraid to be rough, ookami."

I felt a rush of heat through my body and instantly felt my pussy get wetter. I attacked her mouth with growl. I no longer wanted to tease her, I just wanted to fuck her and make her scream my name. She reacted with equal ferocity, having slipped her hand under my shirt at one point I felt her rake her manicured nails down my back.

"Off," she demanded as she tugged my shirt. I straddled her hips not wanting her to move and pulled my shirt off, tossing to the side somewhere.

As soon as it was off, I feel her lips on my right nipple. I moaned in pleasure as I feel her wet tongue flick my nipple before sucking it. I pulled her closer and enjoyed the feeling of having her sucking on my breasts. I let her have her way and slowly grinded my pussy against her.

I pulled her face up towards mine and once again took possession of her sweet mouth as I pushed her back on to the bed. Once more I took control of her body by I encircled her left breast with my right hand.

"Perfect," I mumbled as I felt its weight, its shape ... then its sweet taste. I sucked on her nipple again... teasing the nipple until it's as hard as a rock. I hear her sigh as I once more lavish her breasts with kisses and licks. Once more I bite her nipple gently, making her gasp at the pain and moan at the pleasure to come. I kiss and lick the abused nipple and ...

"Oh god," she cries out and arches back.

I give the same treatment to the other nipple and the room fills with moans. Then I kiss the skin between her breasts and slowly kiss my way down her body. I briefly tease her belly button with my tongue and I hear her giggle.

"That tickles," she says as our eyes meet.

I quickly remove her pants and her red thong. Normally I would take my time, but right now I need to taste her. I spread her legs and admired her briefly. Beautiful. I slowly run the tip of my tongue from the bottom of her pussy to just below her hidden clit. I hear a soft moan from above. I spread her lips and give a slow deep lick...mmmm.

Every taste and smell is different. I give another lick, purposely ignoring her clit. She tastes so good. I love pussy...I love everything about it. I love the way it looks...the way it smells...the way it feels...the way it taste and the way it sounds as I fuck it. I love fucking pussy, but even more I love eating pussy. She moans something that I really don't catch since she's wrapped her legs around my head and covering my ears. It doesn't matter I'll hear her when she starts screaming with pleasure. Finally I stick my tongue into her delectable pussy as deep as I can. She lets out a cry as she arches her back. I begin tongue fucking her slowly. I pullout and decide to attack her clit. I flick my tongue over her now hard clit and...

"Ahhh yes fucks yes," Mayaa cries out.

I circle her clit with my tongue before sucking on it. Once satisfied I plunge my tongue back into her hot centre and tongue fuck her hard. I want to have her come.

She groans and cries out as I ravish her divine pussy. Once she dripping I go back to licking her clit.

"Fuck Kris," she screams. "Fuck...make come please...I need you inside me."

I know she's referring to a strap-on, but I want to taste her cum first. I push a finger into her drenched pussy; she takes it all as she cries out. I love women that are vocal. She tight but I know she can take a second. I push a second finger and start fucking her.

"Yes fuck me... harder," she demands as she moves with me. I hold her still enough so I can suck and lick her clit.

I turn hand and curl my fingers. I begin stroking the roof of her pussy until...

"Oh god right there," she murmurs.

I stroke the same spot and she lets out the sweetest moan. I start fucking her again making sure I hit her G-spot again and again. I can sense that she's close to the edge. I take her clit between my teeth and bite gently as I rapidly fuck her making sure to stroke her G-spot.

She screams and starts shouting in Japanese. I don't let up until I feel her cum squirt out of her pussy. Fuck so hot... she squirts...so very hot. I keep fucking her until Mayaa starts to calm down. I pull out my fingers and suck them clean as I watch Mayaa shiver with each aftershock. I lie next to her and hold her as she comes down from her high.

"So good," she murmurs against me before blacking out. I hold her as she naps. I got what I wanted so I can wait for now, besides she feels so good in my arms.

After about and half hour or so I feel her kissing my neck. I look at her and our eyes meet. Her brown eyes were shining with lust and a predatory, seductive smile curves her lips.

"My turn ookami," she whispers before kissing her way down towards my pussy. Only stopping to give my breasts the same treatment I gave hers.

"So good," I murmur.

As impatient as I, she quickly moves to between my legs.

"You're beautiful down here too," she said as she spread my legs to better admire my pussy. I watch carefully study my pussy as if she wanted to burn it in her memory. Then she spreads my lips and I see her lick her lips. "You're wet ookami, very wet."

"What do you expect when I'm with a girl as hot as you, hime?"

She smiles as our eyes meet. The she slowly lowers her mouth to my pussy without breaking eye contact. She licks from the top my pussy to the bottom, and then she traces the outer lips. mmmm...then she spreads my pussy and traces the inner lips. Our eyes remain locked as she slowly pushes her tongue in.

"Fuck," I murmur as I feel her do things with her tongue I never thought of trying.

I arch my back and cry out her name as she eats me out...fuck she driving me insane. I correct myself ... she's as good as I am. Suddenly feel her teasing my ass with her finger.


She sucks on my clit as she pushes her finger in. She fingers my ass as she tongue fucks my pussy, using her other hand to keep me down. I'm not really into anal, but once in a while isn't bad and right now it feels really good.

She takes my clit in her mouth and sucks it hard, flicking it with the tip of her tongue hard. I shout out her name as I cum... I swear I saw a thousand colours before I black out.

After I don't know how long I start thinking again and I moan as I feel something wet lapping at my pussy. Fuck I'm too sensitive for that right now. I blindly reach for Mayaa and pull her up next to me.

"It's been I long time since someone's made me black out from coming," I say as she wrap her arms around me.

"Mmm same here," she says as she leans in kisses me.

Damn... I taste good.

We make out for awhile, rubbing out bodies together...no longer feeling the desperate need to fuck each other senseless. We take it slow savouring the taste of each other's mouth and skin.

"I think next time we should trade techniques," Mayaa mumbles as I feast on her lovely neck again.

"I agree completely," I whisper in her ear before teasing it with my tongue.

After giving each other another orgasm with our fingers, we fall asleep in each other's arms. Somehow I managed to get the sheets over us and not dream of Angie for the first time in awhile.

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