
By Ryan P

Published on May 4, 2023


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This story involves gay sex and is intended for adults only. If it offends you or is illegal for you to read such a story, please exit this web page now. It includes unsafe sex practices 'coz it's just words on a screen; for those who live in the real world, practice safe sex.

This is part 4. The last installment in this series. Your comments and reactions are very much appreciated. Thank you to all those who send their comments throughout the series!

After two more weekends, Chris and I finished the basement ceiling. Of course, not without me paying Chris in kind - that is by letting him fuck me. Since then, we've been meeting regularly. Once a week, at least, usually in the afternoon before I get off work, Chris would call me up on my cell to meet him. And I would. At first I was simply excited to be exploring this newly awakened desires in me - I was curious and I merely satisfied my curiosity. It didn''t take long though, a couple of weeks, when I realized that my curiosity had been filled. The newness of these experiences had worn off. My ass and mouth can now easily accomodate Chris' cock without any discomfort at all. I can read better into Chris' silent expressions too. I know when he's smiling because he's in a good mood, when he's smiling because he plans on doing something terrible to me, or when he's smiling because of both. Yet, despite this been-there-done-that feeling in me, I find myself wanting to spend more time with Chris; whenever my cell phone rings, I always hope it's him. I find myself enslaved to his cock and the whole body and persona attached to it. He owned me.

One Friday night, Chris' called me up at home (he never called me at home before). He wanted us to spend the whole weekend together at their cabin upstate. I wish he had told me a few days earlier then I could have prepared an excuse for Jenny. I noticed lately, Chris is making it more difficult for me to meet him. It's like he's testing me to see how much I would do for him. The more he disturbs my daily life the more he seemed to enjoy it.

"I'll try." I said to Chris over the phone.

"I'm not asking you to try, bitch. I'm telling you to be here tomorrow." Chris said before hanged up. Lately too, he stopped referring to me as his baby, I'm now simply 'bitch'.

That night I told Jenny I had to drive out of state to one of our client's offices. I blamed it all on my boss, how unorganized and rotten he is for making me do this. I acted it up and said that I would find a new job the moment I get over this hurdle at work. Jenny was unhappy with the news but she bought it. She even helped me pack for my trip.

Early the next day, I drove to Chris' apartment. When Chris opened the door, he smiled at me, the one that hinted of terrible plans.

"Strip," Chris commanded as I stepped into his studio apartment, all too familiar to me by then.

Just the look and smell of the place was an aphrodisiac to me that by the time I had stripped off my last article of clothing, my pole was pointing straight up. As is usual for Chris, he would fondle my dick and balls for awhile.

"Thank you, sir" I said when as he had trained me to say.

"So, tell me, what lies did you tell your wife so you can spend the weekend with me?"

I told him. He chuckled.

"Tsk...tsk..tsk.. What would Jenny say when she finds out?" Chris said. His words disturbed me as Chris had said it with a certainty that Jenny would indeed find out. I guess Chris saw this in my face so he quickly added, "We'll just make sure the trip is worth it then."

Chris went to the bathroom and came back out holding a shiny black piece of plastic. It looked like one of those italian chocolate-covered marshmallow desserts.

"You know what this is?" he asked me.

"No, sir."

"It's called a butt plug."

The moment he said that, recognition settled in and a little panic swelled in me. No way is that thing gonna fit my ass; I sure hope he's not putting that thing in me. And as if to clarify my doubts, Chris asked me to bend over.

"Sir, it might not fit me, sir" I was out of line to speak without being spoken to but I was scared that thing would rip me apart.

He huffed at my audacity to voice my concern but then he placated himself and told me that it's all in the mind.

"You know what," he said as he opened a drawer and fished out two wooden clothespins. "Here, this will keep your mind of your ass and maybe keep your mouth shut as well."

He walked over to me and clipped one to both my nipples.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, The pain was sudden like a needle piercing your skin but where the pain stayed. I tried my best not to squirm but I couldn't help myself.

"Keep still or I'll make it even worse." Chris said.

I calmed myself down. It's just clothespin, I said to myself, it's not gonna kill me.

"That's better." he said when I manage to keep myself from fidgeting (not for the lack of pain though).

"Now bend over."

I did, bracing my hands on top of my knees. Already, that tiny angle change caused the clothespin to twist my nips, reminding me, just in case I had forgotten, that they were still hanging there. Soon enough, I felt Chris' lubed fingers work my shit slit. In and out, his fingers would spread more and more lube in me. I was pulled between two polar sensations: pain and pleasure. I couldn't focus on a singular sensation at a time.

I was in this state when I felt the first knob of the plug enter my hole. It wasn't painful - just damn intrusive and unyielding. I felt more lube squeezed unto my skin.

"Open up." Chris said.

Honestly, I don't think there was any more voluntary muscles I could recruit to help myself open up. With a couple more twists and push, Chris got the plug all the way inside me. It was no more painful than when it started but I certainly felt solidly constipated.

"See, it wasn't that bad." Chris said like he was talking to a five year old. "Oh, and Just one more thing."

He pulled out a tiny leather belt with metal studs Chris then clasped this contraption around my dick and balls, separating my stick and my two nuts apart. I like what it made me feel - like I was owned.

Then without warning, Chris pulled out both clothespin off my chest. The sudden release caused so much pain, I actually yelped. Chris ignored me and instead tossed me a pair of gym shorts.

"Here, put these on."

Though I wanted to nurse my sore nips, I knew better and decided to obey. I put the shorts on which, you could tell, were way too big for me. I had to pull on the waist cord for quite a bit that the material scrunched up a lot around the waist. Chris didn't seem to mind; he told me it's time to get my ass into his truck.

"What about my shoes, sir?"

"You don't need it. You're wearing all the clothes you would ever need for this trip."

"I need my cellphone and charger, sir" I said pushing my luck.

"Fine," Chris said, "get them and meet me in my truck."

Walking felt so strange with these contraptions in and around me. I had to walk with my legs spread wide. Even the act of sitting felt like a new experience altogether, especially, when the truck would hit bumps on the road.

I felt naked. Not that I don't go out in public shirtless, after all, it's a warm day. It's really not what I'm not wearing but more of what I am: an ill-fitting shorts unmistakably borrowed, a ball separator slash stretcher thing, and a gigantic butt plug. I can't help but feel that all drivers and passengers we've passed on the roads were looking our way knowingly: that I am this guy's bitch. I only hope nobody I know saw me. It was a relief when a couple of hours later, we were on a deserted road that led up to the cabin.

I had been to the cabin once before. It was with Mike. It was secluded by woods all around with just a narrow path that leads to a nearby lake. Mike and went here to fish but didn't catch any. And since there wasn't much else to do, we just got ourselves drunk. Now I'm back, but this time with Mike's younger brother and already the place looks more promising than when I first visited.

Entering the cabin, Chris dropped his backpack to the side then threw himself on one of the four bunk beds there. The air in the cabin was a little musty so I opened up all the windows. A nice breeze came rushing in.

"This is going to be great," Chris said.

I nodded in agreement. It was indeed excellent weather to be out here in the woods.

"Come here" he said to me.

I stood in front of him. He pulled my shorts off and checked my strapped package. My dick had gone soft but it was still secured in its straps.

"There are some additional rules you have to keep while we're here." Chris said, "First, you are not allowed to wear any clothes or shoes."

He looked up to me waiting for an acknowledgment.

"Yes, sir."

"Next, you have to tell me when you need to take a crap, and if I feel you deserve it, I'll let you take out the butt plug. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Lastly, you are to keep your dick hard at all times. Stroke it if you must but it must be hard all the time, 24x7 while you're awake. Remember though, you're still not allowed to cum unless I say you could. So, get it up and if I see that little nub of yours soft, you're going to get punished, Got that?"

"Yes, sir." I said like an attentive soldier and my dick by itself started standing in attention too.

It sounded like an easy thing to do to keep one's boner, especially since you are running around naked with a hunk watching you; but it isn't, not always anyway. Not when we went skinny dipping in the lake - not drowning and keeping my 'buoy' up at the same time is not an easy feat.

Nevertheless, We had fun in the water. There was a lot of horsing around and Chris would tease me about the butt plug still stuffed in me - he says it makes me water tight. He made me suck on his dick while in the water which was really more hilarious than erotic - I couldn't stay down under water for too long and he couldn't keep himself still either. It's a good thing there was nobody else by the lake - the last time I were there, there were a couple of families vacationing.

Chris expected me to keep my dick up during lunch as well and that is hard to do when you're actually hungry. But Chris loves it when I struggle. Once in a while he would give me a stern look and a slap on the balls so I would pump on my stick till it hardens.

After lunch, it was time to sit back and relax under the lazy shade of an oak tree, for Chris that is. My job, on the other hand, was to give him good lick down. I was, of course, waiting for such an opportunity.

I guess I did such a good job cause he cut his siesta time short and ordered me on all fours. The butt plug that I finally got used to was being pulled out from me and that produced a sudden sucking pain. Chris ordered me to keep still which I manged to do somewhat, and that's when he slid his cock inside me - easily and effortlessly. He started humping me but he couldn't maintain his rythm. The hard ground was scratching at his knees and mine too for that matter. After a while of this, he couldn't take it anymore, so he ordered me inside the cabin.

He got me to lie down on the bed. Chris climbed on top of me and slid his still hard cock inside me.

"Dang, you're too loose now. I could fit a cow in here." Chris said.

He pulled out again, this time, he had me turn around, lift my butt up in the air and plant my face against the pillow. He slapped my ass around, maybe in frustration of my loose cunt. He slid into me again and this time he kept at it. He would slide the whole of him, pull almost completely out then ram himself back in me. The soreness by butt has endured that morning and is enduring now did not escape me - I tried to take my mind away from the pain. Meanwhile, Chris pounding into me now and slapping me every once in a while.

"Hey Chris, where are you?" we heard a voice shout from outside. I lifted my head up from the pillow. We both recognized the voice. It was Mike!

"Fuck." Chris and I said in unison.

Chris pulled off me but before he can do anything else, the unlocked cabin door swung open. Mike stood there with a duffel bag in one hand and a fishing pole on the other.

"What the fucking hell is going on here!?"

I sank my face back in the pillow, suddenly guilty. My ass towards the door, I'm sure, glistening with lube and ruddy from all the attention Chris had given it. I wasn't sure what happened next - I was too mortified to look up. What I heard next was Chris running out of the cabin.

"Bro, wait. Let me explain."

I heard the cabin door swing shut. I finally moved from my position, sat on the bed and wrapped a blanket around me. I could hear the two talking outside but not understand what they were saying, that was, until they started shouting.

"What do you expect me to do, be happy about it?" Mike said.

"No, just don't freak out on me, man." Chris said.

"I'm not the one freaking out here. You're the one whose suddenly gone homo."

"I didn't just become gay you know. I always was one. As far as I remember. I-, I-" Chris said but didn't continue.

"Well thanks for not letting me know, you're only god-damn brother." Mike said, "I guess if I didn't walk into you while you were poking another guy's ass, you wouldn't even tell me, huh? And pretending like your all straight and shit. No wonder you couldn't keep a girlfriend. Is that guy your boyfriend, or, no wait, is he your wife or your husband?"

There was a moment's silence then Mike continued.

"You know what, I don't care. It's really not my god-damn business, really.

Fuck whoever you want. I don't give a shit. It's your dick that's gonna fall off, not mine. Just please, please, for fucking sake, let me know when you're going to use the cabin so that I don't walk into your shit. I mean, what if I had Sherry with me. You're going to give her a fucking heart-attack. Fucking hell, Chris!"

I heard the metal pail outside the door being kicked.

"'Kay." Chris said, "I'll tell you next time. I didn't know you were coming up here."

"Obviously." Mike said before letting out a big sigh, "I'm going. Just make sure you clean up before you leave."

"No don't go yet. You don't have to leave now." Chris said.

What in the world are you doing Chris, I thought to myself. Mike should leave now, especially since he doesn't know it's me so let's keep it that way. I got up from the bed and peeked out from the corner of the window.

"What? You expect me to join you. A menage-a-trois. I don't fucking think so."

"No, no, no. Not like that. I just, there's just something else I have to tell you."

No, please don't do this to me Chris, I pleaded silently.

"What something else?"

There was a long pause. A long excruciating pause.

"What? What is it? Are you're getting married? Are your pregnant? You got knocked up?"

"Fuck you Mike."

"No, fuck you."

At that, Mike rushed to Chris and punched him in the face. It was all flying fists after that. I dropped the blanket and ran outside to stop them. I tried to separate them - pushing them apart. I was still naked save for the tiny piece of strap around my dick and balls.

"Bryan?" Mike said to me with a look of surprise in his face.

Just then Chris landed a punch across Mike's right cheek dropping him to the ground. I crouched down next to Mike. He was out.

"What the fuck did you do that for?"

Chris turned his livid eyes at me. He was till huffing. Oh-uh, I thought - now is not the time. I tried to diffuse his anger immediately.

"C'mon, help me carry your brother inside."

Chris grabbed Mike by the shoulders and I took his feet. We carried him inside and placed him on the bed closest to the door. Mike was still out. There really was nothing else we could do. I got a wet towel and dab it around Mike's face just because that's what I've seen them do in the movies.

Don't know if it actually helps. Meanwhile, Chris had gotten dressed and was pacing back and forth around the room.

"Are you okay?" I asked Chris.

"I'm fine" Chris said. He continued pacing before storming out the cabin.

We expected Mike to come around in any minute but a whole hour passed and he was still out. I was starting to worry. He looked like he was peacefully sleeping but I was still afraid the blow may had affected his brain or something.

"Do you think we should bring him to the hospital?" Chris gave voice to the same concern I had.

"Maybe." I said.

"Start the truck, I'll carry him out." Chris told me, tossing me the keys to the truck.

I pulled on the same shorts I was wearing earlier then went outside to start he truck. I waited out there for a while but when Chris didn't come out I figured he probably needed my help and so I went back into the cabin.

That's when I saw my second up-close real-life passionate man-to-man kiss. Mike and Chris were at it hot and heavy, kissing and licking and sucking on each other's faces.

I was stunned. One minute we had an unconscious body that needed to be brought to the hospital. The next minute, I was seeing the beginnings of an incestuous relationship. I stood there and watched, my dick tenting inside my huge shorts. The two of them started reaching for each other's shirts. Chris saw me then which led to Mike noticing me too. Mike gave me the slightest of a nod and Chris, a smile (the good mood one), and in a flash, there were three of us on that bed.

I was trying to feel as much of their flesh as I could. Suck on this cock here while I fondled the other one. Lick here, rub there. It was the most hedonistic thing I have experienced so far in my life. Lost in my own lust, I did not readily notice that Chris was trying to have Mike suck on his meat. Mike meanwhile would divert the intention by having me kiss him or guide me to suck Chris' pole instead. When I realized the dynamics (there were two top and one bottom), I took charge of directing the "traffic". First, I got on my knees and guided Mike's cock into my rear entry way then I reached over to Chris' cock which I promptly put in my mouth. It's a good thing I had that butt plug treatment, Mike's cock slid right in. Mike's dick didn't feel any shorter or thinner than Chris'. It felt like Mike was pushing in and pulling out pretty much the same length of cock as Chris would. Pretty soon I've got the brothers working in rhythm and in unison. They even started kissing above me. Eventually though they stopped kissing and focusing on hammering me from both ends. It was an incredible stereo moment for me.

"shit, yeah!"

It was Mike who screamed first and sure enough I felt the added lubrication of his sperm around my hole. Chris took that as his cue and went berserk on my throat before cuming. Chris went so deep inside me - there was no licking for me, just a lot of swallowing.

I was their cum receptacle for the rest of that weekend, except for one go around when Mike blew his nuts inside Chris' mouth. It was the first time I saw Chris swallow cum. During that weekend too, Chris had demonstrated to his brother the control he had over me. Chris had me wear the butt plug again and beg for release when I needed to go to the bathroom. I had to wear the ball stretcher again and even the clothespin at some point. Chris made me rim their asses, lick their toes, and drink their piss too. While they had shot their jism countless times during the whole weekend, I was only allowed to cum twice. At both times, I had to catch my cum on my palm and eat it.

It was truly a weekend none of us would forget.

When we left the cabin, Mike was sporting a black eye, Chris was the happiest I've seen him since, well, since I've met him, and I, let's just say, I was walking with a wider gait.

Chris and I have met a couple more times after that but it wasn't the same anymore - not for me and not for him. He got tired of ordering me around and I didn't really care anymore. One time, he called my cell but I didn't pick up. He never called back and I never heard from him again.

Mike and I don't hang out anymore. The most interaction we have now is shaking hands during those chance meetings at the mall when we're both with our wives.

As for me, I'm pretty much still the same. I'm still with Jenny and I still work at the same job (despite Jenny's insistence I look for another one). I do still look at guys differently though, sometimes, it would lead to encounters that Jenny shouldn't know about. One thing I'm sure of: I'm no longer disoriented, just in disguise.


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