
By Ryan P

Published on Mar 5, 2023


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This story involves gay sex and is intended for adults only. If it offends you or is illegal for you to read such a story, please exit this web page now. It includes unsafe sex practices 'coz it's just words on a screen; for those who live in the real world, practice safe sex.

This is part 2 (and maybe the last). Your suggestions and comments will shape the outcome.

Mike came back later that day not knowing that I had just sucked off his brother's cum. I wanted to leave but that might have aroused Mike's suspicion. We finished doing the wall and Chris and I went about like nothing has happened.

A weekend later, I was expecting Mike to come over to my house and help me put ceiling tiles in my basement. This was part of the deal of me helping him out with his bedroom wall. When the doorbell rang I was surprised to see Chris there instead of Mike.

"Mike had to back out. Sherry wouldn't let him leave till he finishes the bedroom. He asked if I could step in for him." Said Chris, who looked like I was just talking to him 10 minutes ago; he was wearing the same exact clothes as last week, though I could tell the shirt had been washed.

Sherry is Mike's wife. I didn't know what to say. I had made up my mind to avoid seeing Chris ever again but already his at my doorstep.

"You're fine with that, right?" Chris said in a tone I wasn't quite sure was a question at all.

"Yes, fine," I said lying as I let him in the house.

Jenny, my wife, had walked into the living room.

"Oh, hi, Chris, how are you?" Jenny said as she approached him to plant a kiss on his cheek. "How have you been doing? Where's Mike?"

"I'm doing great thank you. Um, Mike couldn't make it - he had to do something."

"Oh, okay," Jenny said, "I'm on my wait out actually -- Sorry Chris, nothing against you, but between shopping and hearing you boys make a ruckus down there, I would rather go shopping."

Jenny walked over to me and kissed me.

"I expect the house would still be here when I come back - not burned or flooded." She said, smiling at me.

"I don't know about that." I chided.

"I'll be back around dinner time" she said just as she pulled the door shut behind her.

When she had driven off, I confronted Chris right away.

"Chris, about what happened the other day. I really didn't mean to.. uh.. come-on to you. I don't know what I was thinking. I haven't done anything like that before and I just want to let you know that I'm not gay and the whole thing was just a stupid mistake on my part."

I waited for him to say something but he didn't. There was just silence.

"As a matter of fact," I continued, "I don't think this is a good idea. I think it's best if you leave."

Chris smirked then shook his head.

"What if I say 'I will not leave until I've fucked you several times today', what would you do?"

I wasn't going to stand down. Not again. I went to the front door and opened it.

Go." I said firmly.

He stood there for a while and then headed for the door but instead of going through it, he yanked the door from my hands and pushed it close.

I was ready this time. The moment the door closed, my fist landed square on his face. It didn't really do any damage but the suddenness of the attack stunned him and I took the opportunity to tackle him down. I punched him a couple more times in the head before he manage to block my blows with his arms. I started kicking his gut.

"I said get out, you faggot!"

I was livid. Whenever he would try to get up, I would kick him back down. I wished I was wearing boots instead of sneakers. I didn't let up and he tried, much as he could, to block my blows. I saw him start cringing with pain. Suddenly though, I found myself toppling backwards. Chris had managed to hook one of his legs around mine and tripped me. He wasted no time in standing himself up. I tried to get up too but as I did, Chris gave me a hefty kick in the nuts. I fell back down, doubled over in pain.

It was his turn and I realized this with terror. Sure enough, he started kicking me and, unfortunately for me, Chris was wearing his steel-toe work boots. And also unlike my frenzied kicks, his were severe and dreadfully calculated. At one point he was going to kick me in the face but he hesitated so he kicked my groin again instead.

Chris grabbed a hold of one of my legs and dragged me to the master bedroom.

He let go of me there. I tried to get up, but with every attempt, my knees and elbows would give way and I would find myself flat on the floor again. Meanwhile, Chris was opening all the drawers and closets in the room. He found my hanger of neckties and he grabbed a bunch of them. He looked at our bed. It was a king bed on a wooden four post frame.

"Perfect." Chris said with a huff of satisfaction.

He grabbed me by my thigh and armpit and effortlessly threw me on top of the bed. I knew what was coming but my arms felt numb, I could only twitch my fingers and not much else. He tied my arms first then my legs - a limb to each corner pole of the bed. By the time he was done there was a devilish smile on his face.

"Please Chris, don't do this." I said, hoping it was loud enough for him to hear.

Whether he heard me or not, I could not really tell. He pulled down my gym shorts but being that my legs were spread apart, it would not go down past my butt. Chris left the room. Meanwhile, I tried to free myself loose to no avail - Chris had tied my wrist tightly and the more I pulled the more it tightened around me -- anymore pulling and I would cut off circulation to my hands. When he came back inside the room holding a pair of scissors, I froze. The reality of my predicament sank in: if he chose to stab those shears right into my gut, I wouldn't be able to stop him. I was helpless.

His next action was less fatal than I imagined; Chris notched the nylon material of my shorts with the scissors, he then ripped the rest off with his hands. He did the same with my t-shirt and underwear. Though the presence of the scissors was explained I was still glad when he dropped them to the floor.

He stood back and admired his handiwork like an artist admiring his sculpture. I was a naked human X bound with colorful neckties.

"If you don't let me go I'll scream." I said, trying to regain my composure.

Chris looked at me for a while amused.

"Well, I could put a sock in your mouth and tape it shut. I could knock you out cold and that will shut you up too. Or I could just let you scream and have your neighbors come see you like this, if that's what you really want." Chris said.

He waited for me to answer. I don't know where my head was but his logic made sense to me at that time.

"Go ahead, Bryan," Chris said, "scream your heart out."

I kept quiet.

"I thought so," Chris said.

Chris grabbed another one of my neckties then he used it to blindfold me. My heart started to race, though it was pretty obvious what he was going to do to me, I still did not know for certain what else he was going to do to me . The fact that the scissors were still in the room bothered me.

I jumped out of my skin when I felt something press against my belly. There it was again, this time on my chsst and then I understood what was happening. Chris was kissing me. His pecking lips were followed by his hands that started to caress and squeeze me in various parts of my body. I couldn't see anything so every touch was surprising me. I tried to listen to every rustle of the sheets and predict what he was going to do next. I couldn't. The only thing I did notice was that he avoided my groin and I was only happy for that.

This went on for a long time. Was it really just a few minutes, I really couldn't say anymore. It felt endless, so much so that after a while I started to relax. His random pecks turned to wet tonguing. He would slide his tongue across my torso and lick my toes, my neck, and my nipples. Chris didn't say anything. I didn't either -- I felt afraid or was it something else at that point that made me kept my silence. At one point, he started sucking on my nips like there was milk to be had from there. I remember doing that to my wife's tits and I understood now how good it felt. I let out a big breath when Chris let my nipple snap back after a tight suck.

"Well^Å" Chris said but didn't say more than that. I felt him leave the bed and there was silence, I couldn't tell where he went.

"Chris," I said, realizing the silence and uncertainty, was scarier than anything else at that moment. "Chris!"

"I'm here baby." He said.

I felt him get on the bed again then I felt him rub against my knees and that's when I felt it. Something probing my ass crack. I knew it was coming. It was not a secret and yet I still panicked when it started to happen. I pulled on the ropes again.

"No, Chris, don't"

"Shhh" was all he said.

It was a slippery finger, lubed with lotion, spit, or whatever, I wasn't sure. What I was sure of was that it slipped easily into my asshole. Chris kept his finger positioned there as I buckled and tried to slide off it.

"Don't try to fight it." Chris said. "I know you'll like it. After all, you're sporting a wet woody already."

I should give a decent fight -- that's what a real straight man would do, right? Resist to the end? I tried to wiggle my way off my bonds. Deep down though, I know what Chris was saying was true. I wanted it so bad I wouldn't let myself admit it. Finally, when there was no alternative for me to take but the truth, I surrendered.

"Yeah, that's better, just relax." Chris said as he started working his finger in and out my hole. "You know you're a cunt, Bryan and cunts need a real man's cock inside them to be happy."

I wallowed in his words. I bathe in it like a pig in mud.

"You like my finger in you, huh?" Chris asked.

"Yes." I whispered.

"You'll like this even more then." He said. I then felt another finger join the assault on my bung hole. I grunted. It was as good as I imagined it to be. It didn't hurt. Strange sensation -- yes, but painful, it was not. I didn't want Chris to stop. I was moaning openly now. It's amazing how quickly all my inhibitions disappeared the moment I made my decision.

"Yeah, baby." Chris said, "You're mine now. Whenever I want a blow job, you'll give me one, understand."

I nodded.

"Good. I'm going to get your cell phone number and wherever you are, whenever I call you -- you are to drop what you are doing and do what I tell you. You understand this, Bryan?"

Of course I understood but I knew I couldn't just do what he wanted - not when I'm with my wife or when I'm at work. I couldn't just get up and leave to pleasure him. But I kept this to myself -- I didn't want this to interfere with what he was doing to me right now.

"Yes, I understand." I said.

"Do you really?" Chris said, taking his finger out of me completely.

"Yes, yes, I understand. I'll be there when you call me. I'll do whatever you say."

"Tell me who owns you?"

What the hell was he talking about, I thought and then I realized that Chris was taking this even more seriously than I was (and I was the one tied and blindfolded). Well, o.k., I thought, I'll tell him what he wants to hear if this is how he gets his kicks.

"You own me Chris," I said, "body and soul."

"Good." Chris said, "Are you ready for my cock?"

Was I ever.

"Yes, please, yes!" I said.

Chris got out of bed again. I thought he was going to leave me there like that and then I felt him take out the bonds on my legs. He left my wrists still tied however.

I felt Chris lift my legs and fold them over me till my knees touched my ears. I felt his lips against mine and I kissed him back. This was my first gay kiss, blindfolded and ready to be fucked. I felt his cock rub up against mine. And he continued rubbing the whole length of his shaft against me, lowering it ever so slightly till its tip started nudging against my hole. I couldn't really move my body any further so I just kissed him harder -- a plea for him to fuck me. He drew back from our kiss for a while then he slid his cock inside me.

I don't know what words or groans had escaped me then but it wasn't the same as his fingers. His cock penetrated me with pain. Though painful as it was I didn't want him to stop, I wanted him to keep going, and he did. He fucked me, fucked me, and fucked me till I cared for nothing else.

"I'm fucking you on the very bed you fuck your wife." Chris said. I could hear in his voice how he was relishing the thought. He continued humping me - all I could hear then was his heavy breathing and our slapping flesh.

"I'm cumming baby." Chris later called out.

I felt him burst into double speed. My friend's younger brother was fucking the last fiber of manhood out of me and in it's place, I could imagine, was streams of white warm jism. Chris was sweating hard when he collapsed on top of me. I wrapped my legs around him and kissed him by his neck.

Next: Chapter 3

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