
By Ryan P

Published on Feb 22, 2023


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This story involves gay sex and is intended for adults only. If it offends you or is illegal for you to read such a story, please exit this web page now. It includes unsafe sex practices 'coz it's just words on a screen; for those who live in the real world, practice safe sex.

This is part 1 of probably just a two or three part series

I love to hear your comments, suggestions, critiques, etc.

Hi, my name is Bryan, I'm thirty years old and have been married for five years. I wish I knew before I got married what I know now. That I'm gay. I'm not your hapless closeted gay guy who ended up marrying straight anyway.

I really am, or was, straight. I've had my fair share of women, and for the most part, I've enjoyed them all. I haven't thought of touching a guy's dick much less suck on one, that was, until last year.

It was about the same time last year, it was summertime, when I was at the airport lounge drinking a beer while as I waited for my flight. There were these two guys sitted at the table across from me. They looked like brothers in their mid-thirties, the older one was wearing jeans and t-shirt while the other was in a business suit, and just like me, they were drinking beer. Nothing unusual or spectacular about them. I would have quickly forgotten them had I not seen what happened next: they kissed, a full lingering lips-to-lips kiss. What's more, from my vantage point, I could see the guy in jeans rub his hand over the other guy's crotch. He did this for a long time that when he finally let go, the guy's suit pants was already tenting.

I wasn't living a sheltered life, but truth be told, that was the first time I've ever seen two guys kissing in front of me. Sure, I've seen it in movies and magazines but this was the first time I saw it for real.

That was it - the two guys left the lounge and I was on my flight not long after that as well. But that was all it took - that scene planted the seed of curiosity in my mind.

From that day on, I've been more aware of other guys. And progressively since then, my mind had been replacing my hetero fantasies with downright gay ones. But I didn't act on these urges, I knew if I did I was crossing over the line. Even with my occasional internet porn surfing, I would limit myself to T&As. I am straight, I kept reminding myself.

My wife asked me if anything was bothering me, this after a lackluster exchange of boy fluids. I just shrugged it off as stress at work. I was disillusioned about myself like I was a teenager again trying to find myself.

Anyway, one Saturday morning not long after, I went over to my friend Mike's house to help him make a bedroom bigger. Mike and I were the same age and I knew him froma previous job. He has dark brown hair and a solid thick body that softened somewhat after Mike got married last year. Match that with a six foot two frame and it would appear he towered way above me when in reality he was just two inches taller than me. The moment I saw him, my thoughts of him suddenly went lewd. I don't know what's the matter with me - I never had these thoughts before. I shook the mental images away.

"Hey, how's it going?" I said to him.

He was moving a shelf out of the bedroom whose wall we were going to replace with one a few feet further out.

"Hey, Bry." Mike said as he put the bookshelf down and then, as was his trademark, gave me a big slap on the side of my arm. "We just started actually. Would you like something to drink first?"

I declined and it was then that I noticed that Chris, Mike's younger brother, was there too. He was wearing cargo shorts and a green t-shirt that hugged his firm body well.

"Hey, how's it going?" Chris said.

"Pretty good, how 'bout yourself?"

"Not bad." he said but he didn't give me much attention as he wanted to ask Mike whether the bed needs to be brought out as well.

"I'll just cover it with tarp" Mike said to him.

Chris had soaked up all the right DNA strands from the family gene pool. Not only was he as tall as Mike but he had a body builder's build. His body fat was defnitely on the single digits. He has short blond hair that only accentuated his rightly-proportioned angular face. Even as a straight guy, I knew the dude was good looking. Seeing him made me forget the hesitation I felt about coming over today.

We had made good progress that day though the summer heat had started to wear us down. Chris had pulled off his soaking shirt and I found myself constantly stealing glances at his glistening torso with all the tight mounds and valleys it held. At some point my own shirt was drenched and I chucked it too. Though I wasn't close to matching either Mike or Chris's solid chest girth, I had a well-muscled slim torso that wasn't to be ashamed of either. I tried, after all, to keep myself fit. We drank a lot of water to cool us down which also meant we had to take a leak often. At one time, I was washing my face in the bathroom sink and Chris came over and relieved his bladder by the toilet bowl next to me. I could see he got the good genes in that department too. He was hanging a soft half-a-foot long already.

If it wouldn't have been obvious I would have lingered in the bathroom longer.

At some point while we where putting up the sheetrock, I held a big sheetrock panel in place while Mike was up a ladder trying to screw the panel in. I couldn't keep the sheetrock from sliding around so I called over to Chris to help out. I expected him to go to my left and hold the sheetrock from there but instead, he stood directly behind me and reached out his arms past me to press the sheetrock in place. His sweaty chest pressed hard against my sweaty back.

"There that's good. Hold it there." Mike said to us as he started screwing the panel in place.

It was while the drill was whirring did I feel, Chris' pelvis thrust against me. At first I thought he was just adjusting his position but then I felt him do it three more times in close succession, and then another one but this time I could feel his hardened member indent against my butt crack.

I don't know what got into me but before I could even stop myself, I started pushing my butt against him.

"That's it." Mike said after a while and he climb down the ladder. Chris let go off the wall and proceeded as if nothing has happened.

It was the middle of the afternoon when we finally decided to break for lunch. Mike left to pick up our food. Chris was quiet which isn't unusual as he doesn't talk much to begin with. The moment Mike left though, Chris was the first one to speak.

"Get on the bed quick, we don't have much time." he said as he dropped his shorts to the floor leaving only his tented boxer shorts on.

"I'm sorry, I can't" I stammered.

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I - I haven't done this before. I'm not gay."

"You could have fooled me," Chris said, "you were eyeing me like a drag queen in a gay bar." He said as he came over to me and unbuttoned my jeans.

"No, sorry, Chris, I really can't. I didn't mean to -"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence because the next thing I knew was that my head was ringing - Chris had slapped me hard across the face.

"You fucking tease." he said quite upset. I've never heard him like this before.

"Well, there's always a first time." he said, "Get down on your knees, Bryan."

"No Chris, really I'm sorry. I just can't -"

Again he slapped my face - this time much more harder. I was still disoriented and already he was screaming at me.

"I said get down on your knees faggot!"

He raised his hand again.

"No please, don't!" I said but he hit me still.

"I could go on like this till my brother comes back and then I'll tell him what a fag his buddy is."

I was angry now. I wasn't just going to stand their having somebbody else call me faggot and hit me around. I drew my right hand back to punch him but as I moved to strike his face, he dodged to the side, and with his two hands he caught my extended arm which he twisted behind me. I yelped in pain.

"Do you want me to break your bone?"

I didn't answer. I couldn't - I was still feeling the pain a lot.

"I said do you want me to break your bone?"

"No, Chris, no."

"Then do exactly as I tell you, understand."

I nodded my head. He pulled my arm further back.

"I understand, I understand. I'll do whatever you say."

He finally let go. My arm felt numb like it wasn't there anymore.

"Get down on your knees." he said, his voice much more composed now.

I complied. When I had positioned myself, he released his cock from his briefs. It sprang out and pointing straight at me like it knew I was its target. His pole had grown maybe another two inches. I honestly don't know how that thing was going to fit in my mouth. It's head ballooned significantly like it was a cobra ready to strike.

"I'll crack your skull if you do anything I don't like." Chris said.

The way Chris said it and the fact that I really don't know the guy that well made me give him the benefit of the doubt that he might actually do just that. I wanted to kick myself for being too obvious with me checking him out earlier. I didn't realize I was obvious at all. Too late now, I thought - I've been found out.

"Open up." Chris said.

I opened my mouth and Chris slid in the tip of his cock. I could smell the heady scent of sweat permeating from his blond pubic bush. I started licking the head then I locked my lips behind the flange and started sucking on it.

"Yeah, that's it. I know you want it."

He was right. I really did want this and not till I was doing it did I realize that I needed to experience it.

Chris started to push more of him inside of me. I would back away some when I thought he was going to choke me.

"C'mon, Bryan. We don't have much time. Mike will be back soon."

I tried to relax no matter how hard that is under the circumstances. I let Chris guide himself into me. All I made sure of was that my teeth were out of the way and that I don't choke in the process. I don't know how I could have taken it all in but surely I must have because my nose was at the hilt of his cock, brushing against his hair. It wasn't in the slightest bit comfortable. I tried my best to not gag. When Chris grabbed fistfuls of my hair in his hands and started humping me I really did gag. Chris ignored it, in fact, he increased his tempo. He was moaning a lot already. For a split second I got scared when I realized that he was going to cum inside of me. But he wouldn't let up. He kept pounding my face like I was a rag doll. At some point, I didn't care whether he came inside me anymore - All I hoped for was that it would be over soon so I could breathe again.

And as if he heard my thoughts, Chris shot his first load inside me then he pulled out a little.

"Lick it quick." he ordered me.

I did and more creamy streams pumped out of his piss slit. That was when I tasted my first cum and I licked it all up.

When his cock became too sensitive, he put his boxers and shorts back on and sat down on the bed. I just sat down on the floor, wiping my mouth.

"Congratulations, Bryan. You are officailly a cocksucker."

I kept quiet. I was still realing from what I have just done and the fact that I had done it. I got up and went to the bathroom where I washed my face again. I gargled several times trying to get the taste out - trying to get the memory of what I had just done - out of my mouth.

Next: Chapter 2

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