Disney Vacation Follow Up

By ten.tsacmoc@74dtnarg

Published on Aug 1, 2007


All disclaimers go here. If you are under 18 or don't like gay man to man relationships, DON'T READ THIS!

Previously in part 1

Now here I am standing in the baggage claim area at SFO, San Francisco International Airport. The flight data board said the Reggie's flight was on-time and should be landing anytime. God! I have got to tell you that I was as nervous as a bank teller looking down the barrel of a robber's .44 magnum and my mind still is racing with thoughts. I was keeping an eye on all of the baggage claim carousels when I noticed that the flight data board was now showing `AT GATE' next to Reggie's flight. If I had opened my mouth the butterflies would have surely escaped! Then three bag carousels down I see Reggie's flight number being displayed. Hmm...Do I hang back and be Mr. Incognito? Nah, I'll just head over to that carousel and wait there. So I stroll nonchalantly over to carousel number 6 as I discretely scan the area.

I began to check out every guy that looked to be in his early 20's. "Nope, not cute enough. Hmmm wrong hair color. Damn he's hot but not who I'm waiting for" I was thinking as I checked numerous young men out. Suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and bear hug me. "Grant you're here!" Reggie says as he hugs me tighter. I just stand there and take in his hugs and feel his breath on the back of my neck. He actually turns me around and now I am looking at a very handsomely cute young man. My heart just about leaps out of my chest and my arms naturally return the embrace. "Damn Reggie, I have missed you!" I say "And it's so great to see you!" I hold him in embrace, I feel him almost mold me into him. "I have missed you much as well! Reggie whispers in my ear. "How much baggage do you have my young man?" I asked as I break our embrace. "Grant you look better than even before", me says with a gleam in his eye. "Ah I bet you say that to all good looking older guys!" I reply. He snaps back, "Nope...just you!" "Ah...my bags" he says as he walks to the bag carousel.

There he walks in all of his glory, still 5'10" and a matured 180 pounds of toned and lean young man. His strawberry blond hair now styled and combed back and he still had that constant blush. His khaki pleated Dockers defiantly accented his back side and the green colored checkered short sleeved sport shirt highlight his broad shoulders and toned arms, not to mention his hair and sexy green/blue eyes. As he returned with his bags, he had 2, I commented "Dang Reggie, you have grown into a very handsome and distinguished looking young man!" "I love the hair out of your face" I continued, "Now you can actually see your lovely eyes!" He kind of blushed and replied, "Yeah I had to change my style. Got tired of people saying I looked like Ron Weasley from the Potter movies." "What!" I exclaimed, "The guy that plays him wishes he could be so good looking!" With that I put my arm around his waist, give him another hug saying, "Come on my love, let's get outta here!" "My love?" he asks. I just wink and lead him to the shuttle bus.

Once on the shuttle bus we sit down and he begins to tell me about his trip. Seemed pretty uneventful, just your regular boring looonnnggg flight. Although I now sure I heard a word he said. I was still in awe that Reggie was here sitting right next to me. And I was taking in every bit of his beauty. Yes his beauty. I would say he was handsomely beautiful. I wanted to just grab him and hug him and hold him right then and there. But you know, just a little modest in public. I just sat there drinking him in with my eyes and then, "Grant...Grant...GRANT!" he says as he brings me back from my hypnotic trance. "Uh...yeah what?" I ask laughingly. He just smiles asking `Where are we staying tonight?" I tell I have a room at the Crowne Plaza just a few minutes away and that we should be there in no time at all. He gives me a sly look and says, "Great...I can hardly wait!" "For what?", I ask acting ignorant. His smile broadens and replies "As if!" I just wink at him as we get off the shuttle.

At least he just had two regular sized bags. Some of the bags I saw that travelers had checked were huge. A person would have had to have had a moving van to just get them home! Well at least Reggie's bags would fit easily in the trunk of my Diamante. We get to the car and Reggie says, "You must like Mitsubishi's." "Yeah", I respond "Why?" "Cause you had rented a Spyder in Orlando and you actually own a Mitsubishi", he says. "A very observant young man, and yes I really do like Mitsubishi's!" I reply. All the while I'm thinking "Damn come on hurry up!" Not a bit anxious at all! "Now, we're outta here!" I say tossing his bags in the trunk. We hop in the Diamante, fire up the V-6 and we were off.

"Man! I can't believe I'm here in San Francisco with you Grant!" he says looking past me out towards the bay. "Would you rather sit in the back?" I ask. "I could be your chauffer so you can site see!" "No!" he laughs "I was really looking at you!" "Oh yeah and that is some site to see" I joke back at him. He reaches over the console between the seats and gently lays his hand on my thigh and says, "No really...I was looking at you!" Now it's my turn to blush, which doesn't happen to often, I can actually feel my cheeks redden. Reggie leans over and gives me a kiss on my reddening cheek as we come to a stop. I turn to him putting my left hand behind his head and pull him into me as we passionately kiss as though we were long lost lovers. Hmmmm...if fact we were long lost lovers. I here someone yell out from a passing lifted 4 wheel drive "Get a room FAGS!" Reggie says to me as he looks into my eyes, "Just a few minutes away!"

As we pull away from the light. He sits back in his seat, but his hand stays put. I can see his mind is at thought, deep thought as he is now quiet. "I can't believe it', he says breaking the silence. "What's that Reggie?" I ask. "That you get comments like that here in San Francisco" he says. I then go on to explain that although the gay lifestyle is accepted here in San Francisco. Some people still just don't like to see it in public. But in certain areas, like the Castro District, public displays of affection are okay such as holding hands and walking with your arms around one another. But kissing is better left for privacy. "Well we WERE in the privacy of your car" he spouts "They were just being nosey!" "Next time we'll tell them to take notes!" I say as I laugh. He looks at me and then we both began to laugh. "Guess we'll have to put the Castro District on our list of places to go" he says. "Oh yeah" I say assuredly," There will definitely be some sites to see there!"

We pull into the Crowne Plaza parking lot. Grab Reggie's bags and head through the lobby to the elevators. I press the up button and we stand there patiently, at least appearing patient, waiting for the "DING" of the arriving elevator. And the "DING" finally sounds. I was just seconds but it seemed to be hours! The doors open and we step in. As the doors close Reggie pushes the button for the 8th floor. At the same time I push the 7th floor button. "Not the 8th floor?" he questions. "No. Any reason I should have chosen the 8th floor" I answer. "Well, since that was the floor you were on in Orlando" he replies "I thought you may be on the 8th floor here!" "Dang Reggie you remember what floor I was on?" I ask. "I remember every moment with you Grant" be begins "In the pool, in the car and even shopping, especially our romantic moments. Like I told you in the note, you showed me what romance and love was really about. And that I would never forget our time together. Do you want to know how many times I wanked myself thinking out you?" With that he drops his bags and put his lips on mine and we begin kissing and groping each other like school kids. His tongue masterfully worked its way in my mouth and touched every corner and every taste bud of my tongue. I responded by pulling him close and holding his groin into mine. I could feel both of our hardening manhood's rubbing against each other.

We hear the "DING" of the elevator stopping and barely have to time regain our composure as the doors open at the 4th floor. And who would be standing there, yep you guessed it, the breakfast lady. "Oh...uh" she looks at me and tries to smile "Looks like you're up...going up I mean?" She must have notice that one or both of us had tented pants and guilty looks on our faces. "Why yes" I saw trying in vain to act as normal as I could, "Are you on your way up as well." "Oh no I'm on my way down!" she says. Reggie whispers in my ear "And so will I very shortly." And then rubs his hand across my crotch with her watching as the doors close.

Next: Chapter 3

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