Discovering Steve

By Painter Paul

Published on May 9, 2000



I had known Steve for a couple of years. We had become very close friends. Despite the fact that he was quite attractive, we hadn't been intimate. I was still in the mode where I thought if I found the "right" woman I'd be able to have one of those relationships like on a sitcom.

Sarah and I had been dating for a couple of months. She was a bit bossy, but we got along well. My family liked her, and her family liked me. I thought her parents were a bit psycho, but I wasn't dating them. We had tried setting up her younger sister and Steve, but that didn't work well. Steve had a girlfriend of his own now.

All these thoughts were wandering through my mind as I was wondering what had led up to this....not that I minded it, just kind of interesting.

Sarah and I worked together. I don't think that dating someone you work with is a real keen idea, but we worked in different parts of the building most of the time, so it wasn't a problem. She and I had first gotten together socially when we bumped into each other at a party thrown by a mutual friend. We were a bit surprised to see each other at the party - we didn't know that we shared the friend. Since the party was a bit of a bust, we ended up sitting in a corner and talking shop. Great way for a first date. It took a bit of effort on my part, but I finally managed to ask her out. Being quite shy, I almost couldn't imagine why she would say yes, but she did.

Our first date was a dinner and movie deal. I was late (of course) because I couldn't find her apartment in the complex. Such is life. Dinner was OK (I don't even remember what it was), and the movie was awful.

We went back to her place and she invited me in (guess there was a little to salvage from the mediocre dinner and bad movie). I sat on the couch while she got a couple of cokes. She sat down very close to me....I was almost surprised how close. After some chatting, she leaned over and kissed me. I was a bit surprised (I told you I was shy), but in a moment or two, we were deep in an embrace.

I explored her teeth with my tongue as she danced hers across the top of my tongue. She was massaging my shoulders as she was kissing me. I retracted my tongue and she followed with hers.

She reached down and started unbuttoning my shirt. She was playing with the hair on my chest (a first for me, and quite pleasant). I was rubbing the back of her neck. She reached down and drew one of my hands up to her breast. I gently massaged her breast through her shirt and bra. I could feel her nipples getting hard. I finally reached down and pulled her shirt up her back to unfasten her bra (she moved to help a little there).

As I reached up and started gently rubbing her breast, feeling her hard nipple, I could hear her start to moan. My other hand was working its way down the back of her pants. My cock was about to erupt out of my pants.

She must have noticed, as her hand moved down from my chest to my pants. She gently ran her fingers over the outline of my hard cock. It responded by becoming even harder, straining to explode from my pants. She gently reached up and started to unzip my pants. Using only her fingernails, she started gently scratching me through my underwear. I could see a small spot of pre-cum showing on the underwear. I started working down to her pants - she moved to give me easier access.

Just as I thought my dick would break, she unfastened my pants to relieve some of the pressure. She laid them open and bent down to start playing with me with her tongue. Just as she explored the inside of my mouth, she started exploring the outline of my dick. She stopped to lick the wet spot on the underwear.

She turned slightly to allow me better access to the front of her pants. My probing fingers could feel the top of her pubic hairs. I was gently rubbing the front of her lower belly as she quietly moaned.

She stopped for a moment and pulled my pants down. My cock jumped from the underwear, its head glistening with pre-cum and her saliva. I unfastened the front of her pants when she moved and could now reach down to her warm, wet pussy.

Taking my cock in her mouth, she started gently fondling my balls while working my stiff dick. I wasn't sure how long I could last. I was rubbing her pussy with my hands, feeling the fingers getting warm and wet. I reached down and worked one and then two fingers into the hole. She thrust her pelvis as I worked her.

At this point, she was using her mouth and hand to rub my wet, hard cock. It was an amazing feeling. I could feel her legs quiver as she started to reach climax. With a moan she shook and a gush of fluid covered my fingers. At the same time my cock exploded into her mouth two or three times.

As we both caught our breath, she gently played with my balls with her fingernails. The feeling was amazing! They felt as though they had been drained. My inner thighs almost ached, yet the feeling of the fondling was immensely pleasurable. We were both panting.

After either a few moments or a few hours - it was hard to tell which, I said, "that was incredible."

"I kind of liked it, too."

She gently kissed the head of my now-limp cock. It was far too sensitive for anything else. She stood and pulled her shirt down.

"We should have walked out of the movie."

"I guess so."

I stood and fastened my clothes. I wasn't ready to stay - I had to work in the morning and had a half-hour drive home.

I was trying to think of something witty and charming to say, but words escaped me. I said something to the effect of I would like to go out again, which she agreed with. As we kissed goodbye at the door, she reached down and rubbed me through my pants. "To remember me...."

My mind was still confused as I drove home. Fortunately, the car knew how to get home, because I wasn't paying attention. Until the cell phone rang.

"Hello?" Who the hell is calling me at 12:30?

"So, how was it?" Steve had the most amazing ability to ask the most intrusive questions.

"How was what? And why are you calling me at this hour?"

"Your date, asshole, and I figured that if you answered you'd be awake."

"It was OK."

"Do your fingers smell?" I could see that evil grin of his.

"Fuck you."

"I'll take that as a yes. Worn out?"

"I don't have to answer that!"

"You just did. Glad you had fun."

"Whatever. I'm home. Go to bed."

"I am in bed. I'm going to sleep."

An evil part of me was going to ask him what he was wearing, but that would be just too confusing....for both of us.


"See you tomorrow...."

I went into the house, cleaned up and went to bed. Two thoughts intersected as I lay there and my mind wandered. The first was about the date and the experience afterward. The other was the image of Steve in bed.

I remember the first time I saw all of him. We had decided to go to the pool. It had the usual big locker room with all the privacy of a fish tank. Fortunately, it was the middle of the day in the middle of the week and very quiet. We had the locker room to ourselves. Though I had not really thought about Steve much sexually (I was still trying to wish my urges away), I was curious to see what his body was like.

I was a little disappointed to see that he had worn his bathing suit in. He took his shirt off, through it into his bag and went to the showers. I quickly changed and joined him. We were in their briefly, and it was a pleasant experience to take in what I could.

He was about my height, but had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes the color of coffee. His chest was covered with the same dark brown hair, which trailed off in a line leading into his trunks. Seemed a bit like directions to me... His chest was well developed. His stomach was fairly flat, but not the six pack of a body builder. He had a wonderful, innocent honest look to him. Matched his personality.

We left the shower and swam for about 45 minutes. We both decided that we could be in much better shape, but that the transition wasn't going to take place today. In fact, we decided that the best thing to do was to go get something to eat.

I got a little excited as we went to the showers, but I couldn't show it. We went into the locker room and it was still empty. He took a towel and a bar of soap from his bag, and, turning so his back was to me, stripped. It happened so fast I was almost surprised. He was off to the showers before I knew what happened. I stood and watched as his tight ass walked off. I could see the muscles moving in his ass and the little indentations on the side. It was quite cute! I quickly undressed and followed.

He was in the shower rinsing his hair when I got in. He still had his back to me.

"Do you have any shampoo?"

"Just a minute." I ran out to get some.

When I returned, he had turned and I had a full frontal view of him. Again, I was taken a bit off guard. Fortunately, he had his eyes closed as he was lathering his chest and abdomen. I watched as he worked his way down to his cock. It was then I realized that he was uncut - I hadn't seen that before in a friend. He washed his cock and balls, gently pulling the foreskin back to wash and then rinse the head. As he started to rinse off, I spoke, "here's the shampoo."

"Thanks" He took it and started washing his hair, hardly looking at me.

That was fortunate - my own dick was starting to fill. At this point it just looked full, but not hard. I had to get that under a little better control.

He handed me the shampoo and the soap, and said he was getting out (not a moment too soon!). I finished my shower and joined him out in the locker room. He was putting his shoes on as I started dressing. He sat and chatted with me as I dressed.

The two thoughts in my head were almost more than I could take at once. My cock was rock-hard again. I slipped my boxers off, used some spit to lube it and started rubbing. The images of both people flashed back and forth in my mind as I rubbed my cock. It soon exploded and shot hot cum on my stomach and chest. I was surprised that I had more left. I picked up the boxers, cleaned off my cum, threw them on the floor, and went to sleep.

So how did I end up in bed with both of them? Well, let's fast forward a few months.

Sarah and Steve got to know each other, which led to the well-meaning yet unsuccessful attempt at a blind date...I should have known. Steve was dating a girl that had gone a couple of hundred miles away to school. Sarah and I had decided to go away for a weekend. Since the town where Steve's girlfriend was going to school was along the route that we were taking to our weekend escape, I asked Sarah if we could offer Steve a ride down there.

"That would be fine. Might be fun," she said. I thought nothing of it at the time.

Steve agreed that that would be a good plan, as his car wouldn't reliably make 200 yards to say nothing of 200 miles. We decided to get an early start, so agreed that Steve would crash on Sarah's couch. After dinner we went to Sarah's place.

Sarah gave Steve one of the many pillows from her bed and a blanket out of the closet. While Sarah showered, Steve and I fashioned a bed from the couch. He got undressed and climbed into his ersatz bed. I could hear Sarah was out of the shower in her bedroom and wished Steve a good-night.

"Want some company?" He grinned that evil grin and laughed. I roughed up his hair and said,

"Yeah, right. I'll see you in the morning. Coffee?"

"Do you want to see me awake?"


I went to Sarah's bedroom. I realized that I was very tired. She was dressed only in a white terrycloth robe. It looked nice against her tanned skin. I got my toothbrush out of my bag and went into her bathroom to brush my teeth.

"I'm glad this worked out. Steve's such a nice guy."

I mumbled agreement around my toothbrush. She wandered off into the kitchen.

I finished brushing my teeth, went into the bedroom, got undressed, and got into bed. She came in right after me, dropped the robe off and got in, too.

I was lying on my back. She climbed on top of me, and kissed me on the lips while straddling me. Her kiss was deep and passionate. She was intentionally lowering herself just enough so her nipples would lightly drag on my chest. They got very hard (as did I). She moved up so I could take a nipple in my mouth. I started teasing it with my tongue as I lightly scratched her back. I could see her smile down at me in the faint light. I turned and started on her other breast. She started moaning, and gently lowered her pelvis down towards me. She started rubbing her pelvis against the sheet that was against my very hard dick.

She then turned around so we were in the "69" position. I reached up to her back to gently coax her wet pussy down. She bent down and started licking my cock while she played with my balls. Quickly she lowered her wet pussy on to my willing and anxious tongue. As I worked in and out of her wet pussy with my tongue, she was working up and down my cock. It was warm, wet and wonderful.

Suddenly, she stopped for a moment.

"Well?" I thought she was talking to me.

I looked up and noticed that she was looking at the door. A silhouette could be seen in the door, rubbing his crotch. I was startled, and then a little surprised.

Steve was silent, and stopped rubbing.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I was going to the bathroom and, well...."

"Mind if he comes in?" Now this caught me off guard. Do I mind if this cute stud comes in?


He gulped and walked in.

"Come here."

He walked over by her. She reached up and started lightly rubbing his cock as she had done mine on our first date. She was using her nails through his boxers. I could see he was getting harder. So was I. His cock popped out of the opening of his boxers.

"A natural," she said. " I like that."

She reached over and took his boxers down and pulled him closer. She took his hard cock in his mouth as she was playing with my balls. She lowered her pelvis back on my and started working her pussy over my chin and mouth. We were very hot.

I could see Steve working his pelvis back and forth as she worked him. I reached down and was rubbing my own cock, using a combination of my saliva, her juices, and who knows what else. She exploded in an orgasm about the same time I did.

I couldn't move. She had moved down so she was sort of leaning on my chest, but was still working Steve's cock. He was thrusting his pelvis, moaning, with his eyes closed. I was gently scratching her back, then let my hand drop near her face where that hot pelvis was thrusting in and out. I could feel his pubic hairs brushing the back of my hand. I could feel myself getting hard again. I let my hand drop more, and was now below her mouth feeling his balls work in and out. I started fondling his balls as she sucked his cock. He moaned louder. He arched his back and exploded into her. I could feel his balls retract just as he exploded. He stopped moving as I could feel a combination of her saliva and his cum on my leg. Not wholly unpleasant.

We were all a bit silent for a bit.

"Wow" Now wasn't that intellegent....

Steve was leaning against the bed at this point. Sarah was laying on top of me, exhausted. I felt a combination of her sweat, his sweat and his cum on my legs.

"This is not going to work as a long-term position."

Steve turned, but I pointed out that this was a king-sized bed, and, considering what had just passed, there was no reason for him to sleep on the couch. He climbed into bed with us. We all rearranged ourselves so that Sarah was in the middle and we were on the two sides. I threw an arm over Sarah....which just happened to end up partially resting on Steve.

Some time later, I woke up and Sarah was facing me. I was on my back. She had her head lying on my outstretched arm. The sheet was down at my waist. She was gently rubbing my belly. She looked up, saw I was awake, and smiled. She worked her hand down lower. I looked at her and over at Steve, who appeared to be asleep. She smiled, and looked down farther. Pushing the sheet down a little, she started to play with my balls. I immediately started getting hard again. She wet her hand and started rubbing me. I started breathing heavily. She rose a little and went down towards my crotch. She took all of my hard cock in her mouth and started working it.

I turned to look towards Steve. Not surprisingly, he was awake at this point, and was turned towards me. He was rubbing himself. I watched as he worked his foreskin back on forth over his head. My left hand was close to him, so I reached a little farther over and started rubbing his hairy belly. The feeling of touching him as he was jerking himself off only made me harder. I reached down a little farther to see if I could reach his balls. When he saw I couldn't reach them, he moved a little so I could (how polite). I was even more excited by the feeling of Steve's hand bumping up against mine as he was rubbing his cock and I was playing with his balls. He was still rubbing himself slowly. I reached my hand back up a little, and started playing with his cockhead. I was intrigued by the feeling of the foreskin slipping over the head. He moved up a little more and stopped rubbing himself so I could feel his cock. It was big, hard, and warm. I could feel the slight sliminess of the pre-cum that was covering the head. I was playing with the head, pulling the foreskin back and forth. Never having done this before, I found it to be both erotic and fascinating.

Sarah continued, but now had two fingers in my ass. I felt the second one go in - it was a little painful, but enjoyable. I was holding back on the load of cum that was building up. She had slowed a little and was slowly coming all the way off my cock and then taking it back down.

Steve moved up a little closer so I could work his whole cock. He was enjoying this, thrusting his pelvis a little as I rubbed him. I liked it too! He then got up on his knees and was kneeling near me. I didn't really think about it as I turned to take his cock in my mouth. He started slowly fucking my mouth. I could feel his hard cock, taste the slimy but almost taste-free pre-cum. It all seemed quite natural.

Sarah had slowed way down on working me, but was moaning a little. I could see that Steve had reached over and was working her pussy. She was enjoying this quite a bit. She didn't seem to mind in the least that I was sucking Steve's cock for all it was worth, either. He was pumping and thrusting towards me, his balls hitting my cheek. I was in ecstasy!

Sarah came up off my cock and sat up, then turned so that she was straddling me. She lowered herself onto my dick. Almost on cue, Steve turned so that he was straddling my chest, leaned down a little and went back to work on my mouth. I could now reach up and play with his balls with one hand and his nipples with the other. I just couldn't imagine when I would ever get more stimulation! I was about to explode.

And that I did! My cock exploded into Sarah. I could feel four or five waves of spasm as I emptied into her. She and Steve didn't seem to be finished, though.

Sarah got up off of my cock, and told Steve to move. She gently pushed him down between my legs. He was sitting on the bed, my legs across his, my pelvis in his lap. Sarah used some of the cum and juices from her to start working on my ass again. When she got three finger in, I knew what was up. She lifted my legs and guided Steve into my now-willing hole. There was some pain, but Steve entered. My legs were on his shoulders as he started pumping me harder and harder. Though there were no words exchanged, he knew that we were both OK with the feeling.

Sarah had moved up to my head, and was now facing Steve. She lowered her pussy into the reach of my willing tongue. Steve was now enraptured fucking my ass, and I was a very willing participant. I was busy eating Sarah for all I was worth. Steve latched on to one of her nipples and was nibbling.

Soon, I could feel Steve pound harder, stiffen and explode into me. Sarah let out a moan and did the same. Remarkably, I shot a small load on my stomach with just the slightest of prompting from Sarah. We all collapsed in exhaustion. Steve pulled his now-flaccid cock from me, and just collapsed on top of me. I wrapped my arms around him. Sarah laid down next to both of us and gave us both a kiss.

The next morning, which was either 5 hours or 5 minutes later, we got up. There was the usual morning activities as we all got ready to leave (in particular, some harassment about my coffee habit). Soon, we were on the road. There was essentially no discussion about the previous night's activities, though there was a knowing smile from Steve as he got out of the car and we told him to enjoy himself.......

The weekend was all that was to be expected. Sarah and I had a good time. We made love in practically every location and position that could be imagined. I was frankly worn out.

We stopped by to pick up Steve again, and had dinner with him and his girlfriend. There was a little silly talk about how everyone spent the weekend, but the subject of sex was never directly addressed. Steve and his girlfriend said their goodbyes, and we started back home.

A couple of days later, Steve and I decided to meet to run some errands. Well, actually, I planned on meeting Steve at his place because his car was a little too unreliable to go anywhere.

I got to his house at 9. His mom answered the door, telling me that he was still in bed. Neither one of us was surprised. She went off to work, I went downstairs to get Steve up.

I opened his door and he was lying in bed. He rolled over on his stomach as I came in. Since his bedroom was right under the stairs, he had probably heard me coming down. Since it was the only place to sit, I sat on his bed.

"Good morning"

"Yeah," was all he could muster.


"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. What time is it?"

"9, when we were planning on meeting."

"At least you're on time. I've been waiting for you."

I reached up and playfully pushed his head into the pillow.

"Sleep well?"

"Yeah, until you woke me up...."

I started absentmindedly rubbing the back of his neck. His shoulders relaxed in response.

"So what are we doing today?"

"Well, once I get up and shower, let's go get something to eat."

"And when will you be getting up?"

"Sometime after you finish rubbing my back."

I laughed and pulled the covers down a little so I could rub his shoulders. He put his arms up under his pillow so that he was resting his head on his arms and pillow. I worked his shoulders and started down to work on his shoulder blades. I pushed the covers down as I worked my way down his back. I tried to firmly but gently cover all of his back. He had always enjoyed the backrubs. I had enjoyed giving them, feeling the silky smoothness of his skin and the power of his muscles. The sessions hadn't been so much erotic as they had been a close mutual sharing.

I continued down to his lower back, pushing the covers down more and more as I went. As I got to the lower back, it seemed as though he were wearing no underwear. I started getting hard, but continued. When I got all the way down to his lower back, he spread his legs just a little as though he was encouraging me. I lowered the covers more and started working on his butt. He moved again just a little. I spoke again for the first time.

"Is this OK?"

"Yeah, it feels great."

I started working on his upper legs when he moved again. He rolled over facing up. He was very hard, with some clear pre-cum covering his uncut head.

"Looks like you do like it!"

"Shut up!"

Since my hands were at that level, I continued working on his upper legs. As I worked the inner thighs, I would brush up against his balls, which would retract a little. His hard cock would lift off his belly with a little trail of the pre-cum. I swallowed hard. I could hardly believe, even after all we had done, that he was content with this.

"Go ahead."

I jumped at his voice.

"Go ahead and do what you want. It feels good."

I silently reached up and started rubbing his cock. Actually, I was more playing with his foreskin. This was the first time I had seen and touched an uncut male, and I was, frankly, a little curious.

"It gets a little tender just behind the head, so try not to rub that part when the skin is all the way back."

He was really leaking at this point. I reached my hand to my mouth and tasted a little. He reached down at this point and started rubbing me through my pants. I was pretty hard, and the pants felt confining.

"Stop for a minute."

I did, and he sat up and undid my pants. He pulled my shirt over my head.

"Get up and take your pants off." I complied.

"Now where were we?"

I sat down again and started exploring his cock again. He wet his hand and started rubbing me again.

"What was it like?"


"Having me in you?"

"Well, it sort of hurt at first, but there was a kind of nice, full, feeling to it. The feeling stayed for quite awhile. What was it like for you?"

"Warm, moist, tight. Very nice."

"Rub me faster," he said as he got harder. He was only lightly rubbing me. He extended his legs and exploded with three or four waves of cum over his stomach and chest, some reaching his chin.

I leaned over and kissed him on the lips. He returned my kiss, and pulled me on top of him. I could feel his cum warm and slippery between us. He reached down and got some cum on his hand, put it on my cock, and directed my cock between his legs. I started moving my hips feeling my hard and now wet cock working between his legs.

"I want you in me."

"Are you sure?"


I leaned back a little and he lifted his legs up. I moved down and started to explore his hole with my tongue. He started to get hard again. He reached over to the table beside his bed and gave me some lubricant. I took it but continued to play with his hole with my tongue as he quietly moaned. When I decided we were both ready, I lubed the outside of his hole and gently slipped a finger in. I reached up and started slowly stroking him while I used my tongue to explore his balls.

As he relaxed, I put a second and third finger in. He was enjoying the combination of stimulation of his ass, balls and cock.

"You OK?"

"Yeah, put yourself into me."

I moved up so that my cock was near his hole. I put some lube on my cock and pushed it against him gently. He pushed back against me. I could see him wince a little as the head entered, then he relaxed again.

"Still OK?"

"Yeah. It hurts some, but I like the feeling of you in me. Push all the way in."

I gently pushed forward as he pushed back against me to let me in.

"God, that feels good. Full, intimate. Just stay there for a minute." He looked up and smiled. "I can feel your balls against me. See how hard I am?"

I slowly started pumping in and out of him. He closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them again. He smiled and grunted a deep, guttural sound.

"Yeah. What a feeling!"

I worked his hole harder and faster. He was lying with his hands under his head, watching as I was getting closer and closer to orgasm. Soon, I could hold it no longer and felt the cum start from my loins and explode into him. He covered his belly and chest with his cum at the same time. I collapsed on him exhausted.

He gave me a hug and we lay there for a while recovering.

"I think we could both do with a shower."

"Give me a minute or two...."

"Sure, and we'll both fall asleep!"

He could tell that I was quite happy where I was. I knew he was right. As I became flaccid, I moved and pulled out of him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and helped him get up. He kept my hand and led me to the bathroom in the hall. He turned on the water and led me into the shower.

We both stepped into the shower and he turned me so that I would get wet. The water ran over both of us as he reached for the shampoo. He put some in his hand, and started to wash my hair. I closed my eyes to savor the feeling of the massage my scalp was getting as he was washing my hair. I had never imagined that it could be so enjoyable! He gently pushed my head back into the shower and rinsed my hair, then repeated the shampoo.

After the shampoo, he took the soap, lathered, and started washing my body. Again, the feeling was as much of a massage as it was a cleaning. He washed my face with his fingertips, using small, gentle circular strokes. After cleaning my ears in the same manner, he moved to the back of my neck which he washed with firm strokes. He started working on my shoulders and upper back with firm, long strokes. It felt wonderful! He worked his way down to my butt, and started massaging each cheek. He then worked into the crack, washing, massaging and exploring. He reached between my legs and lathered my balls and cock, which started to fill. He gave my cock a couple of strokes, and then knelt down to wash my legs with the same firm, gentle strokes. I leaned against the wall as he picked up each foot and cleaned and massaged each foot and toe. After cleaning my back, he turned so I was being rinsed as he started the same process on my chest and abdomen. When he got to my crotch, he lathered and cleaned my cock and balls again with the same gentle. The whole feeling was very sensual without being sexual.

He rinsed me off and I turned to wash him. As I started on his hair, he leaned back against me, gently pushing me against the wall.

"That feels good," he said.

"Good," I said.

I finished washing his hair, and directed him to the water so he could rinse. I then started washing his back using firm, long strokes. I washed and massaged his shoulders, and worked my way down. As I got to his butt, he opened his legs a little to let me into his crack a little easier. He gently pushed back against me as I washed. He reached back and opened his cheeks to allow me access to his hole, and quietly moaned as I inserted a finger. I tantalized him a little before bending down to do his legs.

When it was time to do his chest, he baked into me again, gently pushing me against the wall. I reached around him and stated washing his chest, pausing at his nipples as he quietly moaned. I looked down and could see the pink head peeking from the foreskin with some precum glistening on it. After washing his chest, I started down his stomach. His belly was basically flat with a little paunch to it. It was quite cute! There was a trail of hair that led down. He had maneuvered things so that his crack had trapped my hard cock, which I was gently moving in the soapy crevice.

I started to wash his groin, but avoided his cock. Circling his manhood, I washed the luxuriant hair he had. I started washing and fondling his balls. We were both enjoying this.

He leaned forward and I removed my hands, not knowing what he was doing. He gently replaced them, and reached around and directed my hard cock into him. As he leaned back, I could feel him pause as my head entered. After spending a moment gathering himself, he leaned back so that I was all the way in him. He slowly started moving back and forth. At the same time, he redirected my right hand so that it was now holding his cock, and my left hand so it continued to fondle him. He turned and started to kiss me.

We spent what seemed like an eternity as he was pumping himself onto me, I was stroking him and we were exploring each other's mouths with our tongues. Involuntarily, I started pumping my pelvis harder and harder as I neared climax. This started us both moaning a little more, and me pumping him harder. I could feel his cock get even more swollen as he neared climax.

Our gentle movements became more and more intense as we reached the pinnacle. We were both thrusting and grunting. I could feel his muscles contract around me as he started to cum. That set me off, too. I watched as his cum hit the wall of the shower.

He sighed and leaned back against me in exhaustion. We kissed and embraced as I became soft in him. I continued to fondle him. Eventually, we separated, and I rinsed the soap and cum off him.

After another long embrace and kiss, he turned off the water.

"Um, do you think we're going to ever get anything done?"

"Not if you keep oversleeping like this!"

We dried each other and walked back into his room. I reached over to pick up my boxers, and he slapped my hands.

"I'll take those, thank you"

He reached over to the ones that were lying by his bed and handed them to me.

"These should fit you"

I smiled as we put each others' boxers on and continued to dress.

We spent the rest of the day running errands, getting a pizza and just hanging out. Late in the afternoon, I dropped him off at his house.

"Hey, do you want your boxers back?" I said.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I now own the ones I'm wearing," he said with a smile.

"See you tomorrow!"

Goodness. What have we started here?


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