Discovering Myself

By M B

Published on Mar 30, 2007


Hey guys. Here is part 6. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please forgive me, I know that the grammar is not perfect. Being French Canadian, English is my second language. I do welcome your feedback.


Disclaimer: This story is a work of total fiction. The characters and events are not real. This work depicts sexual acts between two men. If you are the age of minority or if you are offended to sex between two men please leave.

Discovering myself- Part 6

This morning is pure hell. The three of us are running around the house like chickens with there head cut off.

"Fuck!" I yell. "We need to get out of this house in 30 minutes if we are going to make it in time for check-in time at the airport".

"We're almost done". Jason declared. "Gabe just came out of the shower. He's getting dressed".

When the movie Home Alone came out, I remember saying to myself what idiots when the family were in hysterics when they woke up late only moments before they had to leave on trip. Well, here I am now, doing that exact same thing. It's a good thing that we already packed during the week. The backpacks were done 3 days ago. The passports and tickets were in our individual cabin bags set on the counter last night. Now the only thing to do is to get out of the door. We have to be at the airport at least 3 hours in advance for international travel. Well this is our fault for being in a rush. Our friend Gabe arrived yesterday afternoon for our Australian adventure. We decided to have a "Bon voyage" celebration. We ordered pizza and by the time the night rolled in, we had a bit too many beers. Around 11 pm Gabe went to the guest room to go to sleep; Jason and I went to our bedroom not long after. Now the problem is that, I forgot to set the alarm clock for a 6am. Our flight is at 13h00 but we need to be at the airport at 10am. We woke up at 845. Normally we wouldn't worry about getting there in time, but today deems to be one of the busiest travelling days at the airport. And with the security measures that are now in place, the line ups can be hell. Within five minutes of Gabe being dressed, we were out the door on our way to the airport.

I'm waking by a shake. Oh. it's only small turbulence. I look around in the dimmed light and most of the passengers are sleeping. We are over the Pacific Ocean. Wow, what a day; rushing to get the airport in the morning; a layover in Toronto and Vancouver. To be honest I'm tired of being stuck in metal tube breathing recycled air. But the I keep thinking of our coming camping trip and all complaints are going away. I have the window seat, Jason is between me and Gabe. Jason's head is on my shoulders and I have my head resting on his. Gabe is awake watching a movie on the small screen hanging on the seat in front of him. Another jolt of turbulence and Jason wake's up.

"Euh? What?" he mumbles.

"Just a little turbulence". I reassure him. "The captains said that it should be over in about minutes.

"Oh . O.k."

He puts his head back on my shoulder and rests his hand on my thigh. My thoughts are running wild. I want him. Due to the trip preparations, we have been so busy within the last week, by the time it was bedtime we were asleep. It's been at 4 days since we made love. After all these years we can't get enough of each other. To bad he can't take me now. Or can he? I look around, most everyone is sleeping. Just a few passengers, among Gabe are paying attention to movie.

I put my hands on Jason's leg and sliding it on his inner- thigh hoping of getting a reaction from him He widens his legs a little, giving more access. I'm affecting him. His and moves to my bulge and gives a gentle squeeze.

"Ooooh" I moan.

"We better stop before we reach the point of no return".

"Don't you like what I'm doing? I didn't have you in me in 4 days."

"Mike, we're on an airliner over the Pacific ocean" I slid my hand in the open zipper. "Oh God it feels good". I have him.

I move my lips to his ear and whisper "Meet me at the lavatory in 3 minutes".

"What?" he replies.

"Excuse me boys, I need to go to the washroom". I proceed to get out of my seat, Jason and Gabe move into the isle giving me an exit. As I pass Gabe I send him a wicked wink. He smiles back understanding what I have in mind. As I walk toward the washrooms located in the back of our section, I look around to make sure the coast is clear. There are no flight attendants in sight. They must be resting in the galley waiting for a passenger signalling for service. I slip in the second washroom and lock the door. After a few moments I hear a soft nock. I unlock the door and Jason slips in next to me. It is tight quarters. Our eyes meet. With instinct his lips approaches mine and kisses me, passionately.

He puts his hands on my hips. "You are so bad.."

"I know. I always wanted to do this" I whisper.

I spin around facing the mirror; I undo my belt and the zipper. I hear Jason quickly pulling down his pants. He grabs the brim of my trousers and pulls them down just pass my ass. And without warning I feel the moist head of his cock pushing against my ring.

"Aaagh". In a small yelp.

He starts pumping slow but after a few seconds he is going long and hard. I want to scream in pleasure. I want to moan so Jason could know how much I love his cock. But I can't, Jason's hand is over my mouth blocking most of the sounds. Jason is leaning directly on top of me, his other arm around my chest. His head is buried in my neck, muffling every of his moans. His cock feels so good. I feel the power if his desires with every thrust. I feel the head rubbing against my prostate leading up to my build-up. I can't take it any more. Without touching myself, I start cumming with every drop falling in the sink.

"Mmmph.. MMphm" I moan. I clench my ass muscles driving Jason over the edge. I feel him tense his body and his pulse sending waives of warmth in me. Once done we quickly clean up with tissue and flush it down the head. I left first. Reaching our seats Gabe looks at me.

"Wow, five minutes". He whispers, making sure that others didn't hear. "That must be a new record for a quickie".

"It's not the quantity that counts, it's the quality". I whisper back. He starts laughing.

Jason finally joins us.

"Had fun" Gabe asked him.

"What do you mean?" Jason replies sarcastically. "I just had to use the washroom."

Gabe licks his lips. "Sure you did. Welcome to the Mile High Club" he whispers.

After an almost 10 hour flight over the sea, are plane has finally landed in Sydney.

"God it feels good to be out of the plane!" I shout.

"Fuck. My ass is like jelly". Gabe complains.

"Mine too" I reply with a smirk.

"I wonder why". Gabe retorts.

At the airport we had our guide waiting for us. We chose a organized camping trip In the outback. They supplied to food, cook wear, water pumps and tents if needed and of course a guide to accompany us. We've been instructed to buy high ankle leather backpacking boots to protect us from snakes and dangerous bugs. Jason and I broth our two men tent, and Gabe decided to reserve a tent from the guide. Another service that we appreciated was that our guide was to meet us at baggage claim. He is going to pick us up drive us directly to the start point.

"OK. all we have to do now is wait for our packs". Jason said

"That and look out for our guide" I replied "Does any one see him?"

"No not yet. there to many people. We should have asked for a picture". Gabe exclaims. "At least he said he would have a sign".

We only waited about minutes at the conveyer belt when our packs arrived. We picked them up and moved out of the way to give access to other travelers.

"There he is" Jason points towards a guy with a sign with are three names on it.

We walk towards him.

"Hi" He introduces himself. "You must be the three Canadians".

"Yes we are". I tend my hand out, reaching for his "I'm Mike, this Jason and there is Gabe".

"Nice to meet you mates. Welcome to Australia". He has a deep voice with that famous Australian accent. "I'm Jack. I'm you guide."

"Nice meeting you Jack". Gabe says exchanging hand shakes with him.

Jack seems to be in his late 30s. He is about six two. He has an athletic build that you would expect from a volley ball or water polo player. He face is clean shaven. He has blue hazel eyes with a strong jaw with a clef on his chin. He has wavy light brown hair with a touch of gray on his temples. He is wearing khaki hiking shorts with a blue short sleeve shirt exposing a light coat of hair on his forearms. Two of the first buttons on his shirt are undone, exposing his chest hair. Hi hands are big and strong, probably from outdoor activities, and there is a band on his wedding finger.

"Do you have all your stuff?" He asks"

"Yes we do". I reply.

"Before we head off, are you guys hungry or need something to drink?"

"No were fine. just tired from the hours spent on planes and airports".

"Well mates, we have about (5 hour) drive ahead of us. I have a Hummer, so there is plenty of room to rest and sleep if needed. In the car I have water and snacks if you get hungry or thirsty".

"Thank you" Jason says. "We're ready when ever you are."

As soon as the Hummer was on the road rolling towards are destination, all three of us fell asleep. I was in the second row with Jason and Gabe was sitting in the front passenger seat.

"Hey mates, we're here" I hear from my slumber.

I can't believe I slept the whole way. I am so tired. I've experience jet lag before, but only with a 5 hours difference when I went to France. But hell, I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with a (12 hour) difference.

We stopped at a two story log house with mountains in the background. I've never seen such a beautiful sight. All three of us were out of words. We just looked in ah.

"You men had a good sleep". Jack smiles.

"Sorry dude" I yawn, "It must have been a dull drive for you".

"Hey no problem mates. It's to be expected. Welcome to my home".

"Wow!" Jason expresses "this is your house?"

"Yes. now don't be strangers, make yourself at home, we will be here for a few day so you guys can rest and adjust to the time zone. There is a pool in the back, a few trails. Help yourselves in the kitchen. And don't be shy, if you guys have any questions or need something just ask."

"Thanks." We gave smiles.

Jack led us in to his house. It's rustic with a modern twist. The main floor is open concept. Large living area with a fireplace and in the background is the kitchen separated with a counter lined with 4 bar stools. All stainless steel appliances. Jack made us feel very comfortable. He new that Jason and I are a couple and he accepted us with open arms.

"Let me show you to your rooms".

He led us up the wooden staircase where the 3 bedrooms are located. He opens the first room which has the queen size bed.

"This one is for you two". Jason and I go in and put our packs in a corner on the floor.

And as he opens the second door, "And Gabe this is your room". He led him in his room.

"Now you mates can chill out. The shower is down the hall if you need it. Towels are behind your room doors. You can relax on the couch or go for a swim. Like I said make yourselves at home, the whole house is yours. Is 6pm o.k. for dinner?"

"Yes that's perfect". We replied to him in unison. "Thanks for everything".

It's only 2pm now. Jason and I took a shower while Gabe went for a swim. The rest of the afternoon we explored our surroundings and just read on the couch. We are still jet lagged so we decided to take it easy.

Meal time was approaching and the living room was filled with wonderful aromas.

"Smells great Jake" Jason says. "Need any help in there?"

"Thanks mate. I got everything under control in here. You guys are on vacation so just relax."

"Dinner is ready mates" Jack announced from the kitchen. Us Canucks approached the teak dinner table and took are places. Jack served us.

"Wow, this looks amazing". I declare.

Our dinner was delicious. After of eating and having small talk getting to know our guide, we helped him clean up. It's now 19h30 and we are sitting in the living room having beers and talk.

"So Jack" I ask. "How long have you been doing this?"

"Two years".

"So one day you just decided to open up your home to stranger". Jason says.

"No not really. Actually I was living a totally different life. I was an investment banker for 15 years in Sydney. You see my wife died 3 years ago from cancer. Our dream was to move in the country and open up a guided tour service for campers. My wife and I were outdoor enthusiasts and we wanted to share our experiences with others". Jack's eyes have a sad look. "So after shed died I felt that I owed it to her to fulfill our dream. I quit my job and with the insurance money I moved here and build this place".

"I'm sorry about your loss" Jason says. "I didn't mean to ."

Jack cuts him off "No, don't be sorry. I'm happy to share to story and her memory." He got up and got a picture from the mantle. "This was Karen." He passes along a picture of a beautiful blond woman.

"So you guys think you'll be ready to start our hike the day after tomorrow?"

"I think so" I reply.

"Good. We'll get our packs ready tomorrow and we'll leave the next day early in the morning. So you guys just rest and I'll make your stay a good one."

"Thanks". Jason yawns. "Speaking of resting, I'm off to bed. I'm dead tired from the trip."

"I'm going with you" I reply.

We said our good nights to Jake and Gabe and made our way up to our bedroom. Gabe decided to stay behind saying that he is going to try and though it out a bit. Jason and I both stripped down to our underwear and slipped under the covers in each other's arms. As soon as our heads hit the pillows, we were in a deep sleep.

"Damned" I complain. The LCD display on the alarm clock glows a 12h45. This jet lag is really screwing me up. I'm now wide awake and I feel like it's 8am.

"Hey!" Jason whispers.

"You're awake too". I reply

"Yeah. I've been awake for the past hour". Jason turns on the lamp on the night stand. We both sit up wondering what to do next. He leans his head against me and holds me in his arms.

"I'm so happy to be here with you" He whispers my ear.

"I love you Jason". I'm about to kiss Jason then we're startled by a noise coming from down the hall. We hear what sounds like bed springs.

"What is going on in there?" I inquire

"I don't know but I hear moaning. I think Jack is jerking off."

"Poor guy, with his wife gone he must be alone". I mumble. "I mean there can't be too many women around this area".

The moaning gets louder. "Oh yeah! You have a tight hole, God you feel good".

Jason and I look at each other in surprise.

"Yeah Jack, Oh I love you cock in me!" Now that was Gabe's the unmistakable voice.

"Shhh.we don't want wake the other blokes". The other voice grunted.

"Oh my God!" Jason exclaims.

My eyes are wide open. I start laughing. "I'm can't believe this. I mean I thought Jack was 100% straight, and I didn't notice that Gabe had an intrest. Did you?"

Jason shakes his head. "No I didn't see anything".

And then we here a final grunt and moan from the two voices down the hall. You can tell that they've both climaxed. Jason and I just looked at each other still not believing what we just heard. We are holding each other. And we are dosing off for the final stretch of the night.

The next day we went about our activities. Swimming, eating, getting our gear organized and packing our packs. Jason and I didn't let up what we heard the night before. Gabe and Jack acted like nothing ever happened. They talked and acted like friends would normally do.

It's now 3pm and we finished getting prepared for tomorrow. I'm a bit tired from the time difference, but it's more manageable.

"Hey mates". Jack is getting our attention.

"I need to go to town and get a few things for supper. It's about 30 minutes drive from here so I'll be back in about an hour".

"Mind if I join you" Jason asked.

"Please do."

Both of them entered the Hummer and drove off to town leaving me and Gabe behind.

We were sitting on the back deck enjoying the sun with a beer in our hands when Gabe broke the silence.

"Mike, I need to talk to you".

"What's up?"

"Mike I did something incredibly stupid last night". I could see a look of regret on his face. I new what he wanted to talked about. "I slept with Jack".

"I know, we heard you last night". We didn't want to say anything just in case."

"Thank you Mike. I don't know how it happened. After you two went to bed, I stayed behind and had a few more beers with him. We talked for a few hours about everything; life, work his wife and how he hopes to find someone special. We were sitting next to each other. At one point he had a tear so I just and I just put my arm around him to comfort him. Next thing I knew he had his hand on my lap. It must have been the beers. I kissed him. He was surprised but he didn't resist. He kissed me back and one thing led to another".

"Man. it's ok." I say to Gabe to comfort him.

"No it's not. I feel so bad that this morning I slipped out his bed before he woke up. The worst part is that I think I'm falling for him and I know he can't return those feelings. Shit man, I'm suppose to share a tent with him."

"Don't worry man. Everything will be fine. If worst comes to worst, you can switch tents with one of us."

"Thanks man, I appreciate it". Gabe was comforted.

We talked some more and the hour passed quickly. We hear the Hummer nearing the house. Gabe went up stairs for a nap before supper to combat the time difference. When Jack and Jason entered the room they went directly to the kitchen to put away the groceries.

"We're having roasted lamb tonight" Jack declared.

"Mmm. That is mighty good. You didn't have to make us fancy meals." I said.

"It's the least I can do. We're about to spend a week in the outback eating dehydrated and canned food." He replies.

"You're right. Let me help you with dinner". I get up towards the kitchen.

"No" Jack smiles. "I'll say it again, you're a guest in my house and you are on vacation. You two relax".

I start to open my mouth to protest but he cut me off before I could mutter a word.

"Ah.. Don't make me send you up to your room." He laughs. "Besides, did you ever go down in the hotel's kitchen where you stayed?"

"You got a point" I agreed.

With that argument lost, Jason and I went outside and have a swim in the pool.

"Mike" Jason grabs my attention. "Jack told me what happened last night".

"He did?" I'm surprised. "Gabe talked to me as well while you two went out".

"What did he say?"

"That they talked until late last night. They had a few beers, Gabe comforted Jack, they kissed and the rest is history. Gabe thinks that he might be falling for Jack".

"Jack told me the same thing. But I'm not sure if Jake can return the feelings".

"Shit!" He agreed when I told him that one of us might be switching tents if things get uncomfortable between them. But so far everything seems to be going good.

"Damned it's hot out here!" Jason explained as he wiped the sweat off his face.

We've been on the trail since 8am this morning. It's now 10am and we are taking a water break and a quick bite to eat to replenish our energy.

"We're almost there" Jack explained "We have about one more hour of hiking and we are there. And believe me mate, you'll feel that it was worth it once you have seen the campsite."

And off we go again for the final stretch. Gabe and Jack are walking in from of us. They are talking about sports, the differences and similarities between our cultures and camping. They are acting like buddies. Once in while we would stop and Jack would point out to different species of plants and wildlife with a narrative. He would also tell tidbits of local history. As the two walk in front of us, I walked beside Jason holding his hand. I'm thinking about how happy I'm here and lucky that I have a man like him. I look at his sweaty body. How much I would love to be close to him right now. I look at the two in front and I can't help but think that these two would seem to be a good match. As much as I hoped for Gabe to find someone special, there are some issues. Jack still mourning his wife's death and not to mention that both live on the opposite sides of the world. I normally like to play match maker but this is one instance that I can not interfere.

After our pleasant hike, we finally arrived at our campsite.

"Oh my God" I said in awe.

"You like" Jack asked when he heard me.

"I've never seen anything so amazing!" I replied

The campsite was near a river with calm flowing water. On the other there is this magnificent view of a mountain. Everything is surrounded with trees, mostly eucalyptus.

"This is where we're going to stay for the week. There are plenty of trails around us in the woods or you can just sit here and relax. The river's current is not strong and we can swim. There are not a crocodiles around these parts, but not unheard of. so if you go swimming, don't go alone. I brought a shot gun just for a precaution and I suggest you bring it with you by the river in case".

We nod in agreement. It didn't take us long to set up camp. We're all experienced campers so every thing was as usual.

"I'll go gather the firewood" Gabe announced.

"That would be great" Jack thanked him. "I'll get some water". They both went into opposite directions to complete their task. Gabe disappeared in the brush and jack went off to the left along the river bank.

I'm setting the tarp over the picnic table, Jason walks behind me and wraps his big arms around my chest. He is kissing the back of my neck.

"Hey Mike" Jason whispers. "Don't you think that this place is romantic" He nibbles my ear.

"Oh Jason. Stop, they're going to come back anytime".

Jason slides a hand in front of my shorts and squeezes the bulge.

"I don't care Mike, I need you to make love to me."

And with one swift motion, he turns me around and slides my shorts down to my ankles. He drops to his knees and takes me entirely in his mouth.

"Oh! God! Jason" I moan.

I'm already rock hard and he is doing a pretty good job of lubricated my cock with his mouth, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body.

"Mmmmm.. I love doing this to you". Jason stand up and lays down on his back on the table, spreading his legs to give me access. I move forward and my well lubricated dick is now touching his entrance.

"Make love to me Mike".

The head of my love pole is penetrating his ring.

"Oh! I love how that feels" He yelps.

I start pumping in and out in slow long motions; making love. I deeply look into his eyes; we connect. I can see the love he has for me. As I making love to him, I lean forward putting my whole weight on his hairy torso; his legs wrapped around my waist. We kiss in passion as we enjoy every moment of being connected.

"I love you Jason"

"I love you too"

Jason takes his strong hairy legs and pushes me in deeper in him.

"I'm close baby". I whisper in his ear.

"I want it" He replies.

I speed up my pace and our breathing is getting faster by the minute.

"Oh! Yes! That's it! Right there"! He grunts. I'm hitting his prostate.

"Ah, Mike! I'm cumming! Oh! Oh! Aghhhhhhhh!!!!!"

Spurt after spurt he cums on our chest. As he climaxes his ass muscles tightens around my shaft. I can't hold it any longer.

"Aghhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhh"! I'm sending my love potion into him. I see in his eyes that he loves every feeling of it.

Our climaxes have subsided and I collapse on him. He holds me in a bear hug and kisses me.

"I love the way you make love to me" He says while gasping for breath.

"I love making love with you". I reply back.

After a minute or two of holding each other, I dismount him. We go to the lake to wash up before the others come back.

"Hey Jason, where is Jack?" I inquire. "Wasn't he supposed to be getting water? I can't see him along the shores of the river".

"You're right. He probably gone to check the surroundings making sure everything is all right. But what about Gabe? It doesn't take that long to fetch wood for the fire".

"He's probably just taking his time taking in the scenery. Besides I wouldn't be surprise that both are taking there time if they happened to see us".

"You're probably right". Jason replies with a smile.

"I'm going to go for a walk and look around just to make sure".

"O.K. Mike, I'll stay here and finish up setting up camp".

I take the trail that Gabe earlier took. I walk and admire the unfamiliar nature that surrounds me. I've been walking on this trail for about 10 minutes when I notice that it's leading to the river. I hear breathing and talking. I can only assume that it's Gabe since there is no one else around. I make my way to the end of the trail. I can't believe what I'm seeing. I back away a bit to make certain that they can't see me. Jack and Gabe are in each other's arms, embracing. Jack is holding Gabe's face in his hands and kisses. They are kissing. I can tell that Gabe is lost in his passion.

"Wait" Gabe says. "What are we doing?"

"Gabe" Jack starts talking. "Please don't stop, it feels so right".

"But Jack, how can you? You were married."

"True I was married to my high school sweet heart and I loved her dearly. But the other night was special to me. I love the way I feel when I'm around you. The other night when we spend hours talking, it felt like only 5 minutes passed by. And spending the night with you was very special to me. I never thought that me falling for men was possible".

"But Jack, I'm not from here, I'll be leaving in a week and a half."

"Can you honestly say that you don't feel the same way? If a week and a half is what we have, let make the best out of it"

Gabe throws himself in Jacks arms and their lips meet. I can't feel happy for both of them. I starting to back away and leave to give them privacy. Damned it!! As I stand and take a step back, my boot covered foot landed on a branch and snapped it in two. The break was loud enough for the two of them hear. They jump in surprise and both their head turn in my direction.

"I'm sorry" I start to stutter "I didn't mean, I was just looking for Gabe to make sure he was o.k. as it took him a long time to fetch the wood. I leave you two alone."

I smiled at them and took the trail back to the camp site.

I reach the site and Jason noticed that I had a look on my face.

"What's the matter? Looks like the bird that caught the canary."

"Oh! I just saw a Koala bear". I lied. I felt that it was not my place to say something. "I just had a childhood dream being realized".

"I know what you mean". Jason hugs me. "You're my dream".

"I love you Jason". I meet his lips and we share a loving kiss when we hear the other two arriving.

"There you are!" I exclaim. "I went looking for you Gabe but couldn't find you" I said letting them know that I didn't tell Jason that I saw the two of them.

"It's o.k. Mike". You don't need to cover for us. I do appreciate you being discreet.

"What do you mean" Jason inquires.

"He stumbled into Jack and me".

"So, why the coy?"

"Well, euh. We were making out". Jack replied with a smile.

To be continued.

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