Discovering Myself

By M B

Published on Mar 6, 2007


Hey guys. Here is part 5. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please forgive me, I know that the grammar is not perfect. Being French Canadian, English is my second language. I do welcome your feedback.


Disclaimer: This story is a work of total fiction. The characters and events are not real. This work depicts sexual acts between two men. If you are the age of minority or if you are offended to sex between two men please leave.

Discovering myself- Part 5

It's been about 45 minutes since all three of us dozed off when I'm being awakened by Gabe getting up. He gets a beer from the water cooler and proceeds to walk toward some large rocks. I watch his naked body make its way while his balls sway between his hairy legs. I'm replaying the earlier events in my head. I look at Jason who is still asleep next to me. How lucky am I to have him. Even though we shared the same men at the same time, my feelings for him are stronger then ever. What I share with Jason is pure love. But with Gabe, just sex. Friends who have a good time together and make each other feeling good. This was the first time that I have shared a partner. Even when I was with women I never did such a thing. At the age of 37, I'm just starting to discover that I'm a sexual being and I have Jason to thank.

I grab a beer for myself and start my way to the rocks where Gabe is sitting.

"Hey there," I announce.

"Hi". His tone was mellow and I see that he's lost in his thoughts. I sit next to him and look at him. I see his eyes are watered. I'm a bit concerned.

"Hey, you're o.k.?"

"Yeah. I don't know".

I recognize the look of guilt and confusion on his face.

"I'm confused. I don't know what is happening."

"Shit man, I'm so sorry. We should have never."

He cuts me off. "No! Don't be. It's I've never been with a man before. I thought I was straight. And I really like what we did earlier, but now I don't know who I am anymore. You guys make me feel good and discovered a part of me that I didn't know I had. I do like you guys. I'm not in love with either of you. Just as friends. But yet again, I feel that intruded on you two. Am I making any sense?"

I take a deep breath preparing to carefully my answer. I've been where he is and it can be a vulnerable moment. "Yes, you are making sense". He looks at me with a surprised looked. "Listen, 5 years ago I have been where you are right now. Something happened in my life that caused me to question who I was. Do I like women or to I like men. I was devastated. Later Jason made me understand that it's o.k. to like both. Jason likes only man. I happen to love both. You need to figure what is your preference. I still like women. Because I'm with Jason, I haven't been with one in 5 years. I'm content of with what I have, and he knows that".


"Really. And as for the intruding part. No you are not. Me and Jason don't have romantic feelings for you. We like you very much and enjoy your company as well; we consider you a friend. What we did was just guys having a good time and making each other feel good. This was something that both agreed to. We are secure enough to have a friend join us. And if you ever need to talk, Jason and I are phone call away. I hope this helps".

"It does. Thanks". We give each other a friendly hug. There's nothing romantic or sexual about it.

"Well, I'm going to grab a sandwich and open a bag of chips". I say when releasing Gabe from my arms. "Want anything?"

"No not right now, thanks".

I go back to the cooler by the blanket. I see that Jason is sitting up.

"Is everything o.k.?" He asked while I'm approaching.

"Yeah. He'll be fine, he's in that place where I was 5 years ago". I tell Jason about the conversation I had with Gabe. "I actually like that guy. I can see him being a good friend."

"Me too." Jason replies "we should keep in contact."

I nod in agreement.

"And how do you feel?" Jason whispers.

"Weird. I really like having three way sex. But, I feel guilty about enjoying it".

"Don't be. Listen you should take your own advice. I'm committed to you. You're the one that I love. It's something we did together and if we decide to explore other possibilities, it will be together".

With his words and his deep voice, he always has a way to make me feel relieved and make sense of things. I just can't help it to throw myself on his naked body and kiss him.

That was the only time we had sex with Gabe. He came by before we left to say his goodbyes. And we exchanged our numbers. Since then we have kept in contact. He came twice for a weekend and hang out with us in the city when he was off duty at the park. We did guy stuff, going to Hockey games and having barbecues, ect. He became a good friend. Despite that we had sex with him and it was the first time he was with a guy, he was still comfortable to hang out with us. He never spoke about that weekend and we never forced the subject upon him. Jason and I agreed we would like to have another threesome some day. We talked about exploring other possibilities such as clubs, saunas and placing an ad online, but we both agreed that these options are not for us. We don't want strangers in our house and the dangers that may come with clubs and saunas. We have a friend or two that might be willing if we ask. However, we both agreed to keep Gabe as a possibility but he is the one to make the first move.

It is now a cold Saturday December morning. I'm sitting at the kitchen table drinking my coffee. Jason, as usual, is sleeping in. I actually don't mind because I love taking my time reading the paper, doing the cross-word puzzle with a cup off coffee. I notice the time on the stove's timer. "Shit!!! It's 9h30!" I have to wake up Jason. Good luck to me, he has been known to sleep in until 11am. I put on a pot of fresh coffee for when he gets up. I run up the stairs to our bedroom and there he is, as expected, totally asleep on his side. I tap on his shoulders.

"Hey Jase, it's time to get up". He turns on his back with his hairy chest exposed and the duvet covering his lower half.

"Come on Jason, you don't want to be sleeping when Gabe gets here."

Gabe is coming today to spend the two days with us. He wanted to do his Christmas shopping in the city and decided to come and visit at the same time. He said he should arrive at 11am.

There is no way to get Jason up. He is too much in a deep sleep.

"Oh yeah baby. That's it.. Mmmm" he moans. I see his hips move under the sheet, where his groin is located is see a little mound. His cock is being rubbed by the weight of the duvet. I give a little laugh realizing he's having a very good dream. Instead of waking up I decide to have a little fun myself and play along with his dream. I take off my terry cloth bath robe and kneel next to him on the bed. I have my left hand on his chest running my fingers in his hair. I slide down the covers to his knees. His cock is fully hard and leaking pre-cum. A good dream he must be having in deed. I bend down and completely take the shaft into my mouth. As I proceed to the blow job, I here is moans.

"That's it baby. Oh that feels good" When I reach the head, I lick the pre-cum from the slit. I turn my head his way and see that he his still asleep. His head is moving from side to side. I put my mouth back to work and I make his man meet slick with my spit. What ever is going on in his dream, it's coinciding with what's going on in the real world. There is one more thing I have in mind. I remove my lips from his cock and straddle his body facing him. I lift myself a little and take his cock into a grip. Aligning it with my ass and finally make my way down. As I sit, the mushroom penetrates my ring.

"Oh. Ah." I sigh.

His cock is well lubricated with my spit and it goes in me with ease. As I go down I feel every inch of his cock. Now he is completely in me, still unaware of my presence. I lift my hips a few inches and drop back down. I repeat the motion with more vigour.

He groans. "Ah. oh it so sweat baby. oh. mmmph." I keep silent expect for the heavy breathing I let out from the message my love gland is getting. Jason is moving his head from side to side. His eyes opens and are looking up to me. It takes him a few seconds that he is waking up from a sex dream to a sex reality. I put my hands on his chest to brace myself. He takes my hips with his strong hands and I start to go faster. He meets me with every thrust and I feel the pressure of his cock on my prostate. I take my dick in my hand and I'm masturbating adding more pleasure to the ride. We are still both silent. Our eyes are locked into one another and our breathing is getting heavier. I feel his shaft enlarge and I squeeze the ass muscles. With one last hard thrust, he hits my prostate and I explode sending streams of cum on his chest and belly. I feel the warm feeling of goodness filling me up as he lets out a long rush of air from his lungs. With his wet cock still in me I collapse on him and give him a morning kiss with tongue.

"Good morning" I say.

"Good morning to you too" He smiles giving me kiss on the cheek. "That was one hell of way to wake up. I was dreaming that I was having fun with some guy on a beach, and I wake up and there you are".

"Well I'm glad that I the man of your dreams".

"You are my love, but who said that was you were in this dream?" He starts laughing.

"Fuck you!" I laugh. "Come on babe, we need to wash up, it's almost 10 am, Gabe said he'll be here around 11." I disengage from Jason. "There's fresh coffee made."

"Thanks for waking me up" He puts a hand my knee.

"Anytime babe."

Jason went down to the kitchen to get himself a cup of coffee while took a shower. When he came in the bathroom with cup in hand, I was facing the sink mirror shaving. He swings behind me and wrap his strong muscular arms around my chest. He whispers in my ear.

"Have I told you this morning how much I love you". I shake my head. "I love you". And he kissed the back of my neck. "I love you" I reply with smile. He undoes himself from me and jumps into the shower.

It's now quarter past 11 and I hear a car pull up in the drive-way. I open the front door and Gabe is stepping out from his black 2000 Jeep TJ.

"Hey there stranger" I yell out. "

"Hey Mike". I reach for his hand as he gives it to me.

"Come in before we heat up the whole neighbourhood".

I close the door as he steps in.

"Damned it's cold." He proclaims.

"Yeah I know. they're calling for -20 tonight".

Mike runs down the stairs. "Hey buddy, long time no see".

"Hey Jason, good to see you. It's good to be here".

"Here let me take your bag to the guestroom". Jason takes the black duffle bag and brings it up stairs.

"Let me take your coat" He hands me his coat, toque and gloves and I put them in the closet. "So how was the drive here?"

"It was pretty good. The roads were clear and there were almost no cars on the highway".

"Well that must have been a pleasant trip. Well it's good to see you bud. Want coffee?"

"Please, thanks."

I poor him a cup of java and Jason is joining us in the kitchen. "So, how's life down in Caledonia?" I ask.

"Keeping busy; between being a personal trainer at the gym and my girlfriend I don't have much time to myself".

Jason sits down. "That's right, when you called 3 weeks ago; you mentioned that you were seeing a women. What's her name?"

"Julie" He replies.

"How long have you been dating her?" I ask

"2 months now."

"That's good". Jason states.

"Well, she keeps Mr. Big happy." He says in a sarcastic way.

I put my elbows on the table. "Everything o.k.?"

"Right now we are just in the dating stage. She indicated me that she is ready for more. I just don't see myself being serious with her. Don't get me wrong, she is intelligent, beautiful and she owns her own business. I care for her very much, I don't lover her enough to make it serious commitment."

Jason puts a friendly hand on Gabe's shoulder. "Yeah, that sucks. But none of that this weekend. This weekend is about shopping and having fun!

"Here, Here" I tap my hand on the table.

"I'm all for that!" Gabe laughs out.

After lunch we've gone to the mall for some Christmas shopping with Gabe. The mall was like a mad house. The whole complex was designated a tax free zone. It added more savings to the sales that most individual stores had in place. We did good, but I think all 3 of us might have over did it. It's now 5pm and we just arrived at the house. Gabe and I are collapse on the sofa, while Jason is sprawled out on the leather chair.

"Fuck this shit, I'm not cooking tonight". I state out "I'm to tired".

"Don't look at me". Jason retorts

"And I'm not much of a cook" Jason proclaims. "You might end up the hospital with food poisoning".

We all laugh out loud, realizing how pathetic we are.

Jason has an idea. "How about if we order a couple of pizzas."

"Perfect! It's going to go well with the beers that are in the fridge". I say

The pizzas arrived 45 minutes later and we are now chowing down.

"Hey guys" Gabe grabs our attention "I've been meaning to ask you two things this weekend. What do you have plan for your next vacation?"

"We don't know yet" I reply. "We each have 4 weeks to book but we haven't decided when or where to go."

Gabe lights up. "I'm planning to go camping in Australia before I start work at the park. I was thinking that maybe you guys would be interested".

"Wow!" Jason sits up straight in his chair. "Camping in Australia, now that would one hell of a trip."

"Hell yes" I reply. "What do you think Jason? We've always talked of doing a trip like this".

"We're in". Jason announces. Gabe's face lights up and he is pleased that he is getting traveling companions for an Aussie adventure.

It's now 10 pm enjoying the warmth of the fireplace. All we talked about since supper was about the trip. Me and Jason are sitting on the couch and Gabe is on the floor. We're discussing things such as getting our passports, new hiking boots and maybe a new tent. We decided that going on a guided camping trip would be the way to go as they will suggest the gear needed.

"That is going to be a great camping trip" Gabe declares.

"I can't wait" I take Jason's hand and look at him.

"And I know that I'm going to like camping with you two".

"And we are glad you thought of us" Jason smiles at Gabe. "And by the way, you said you had two things to ask us. The first was Australia. What's the second?"

All of a second, Gabe's composer becomes more serious with a worried look on his face.

"You're ok". I ask in a soft voice.

"Yeah. I'm just nervous to ask you two. And to be honest, I'm not sure if I want"

"Come on buddy, you can ask us anything". Jason comforts him.

Gabe clears his voice. "Well, it's about the weekend I met you guys at the park".

"Oh". I say with a more serious tone.

"I don't know how to say this. I have always been with women. You helped me discovered a side of me that lay dormant for so many years. Being with the two of you that weekend was unexpected and I was confused. I didn't no who I was anymore. And Mike I want to thank you for the talk by the lake. It really helped me. And you were right I had to find out what my interests are. I once said that my marriage failed because I couldn't give my wife what she needed; which was a 100% of me. And I have the same problem with the women I'm seeing. What I'm trying to say is that is that I'm gay."

"Wow" Is all I could say at first. "I'm happy that you feel comfortable to talk to us Gabe".

"I really enjoyed my time on the island with you two. And I haven't been with a man since. And I would like to repeat the experience if you guys are willing. I know it's a lot to ask. And the last thing I want to do is put you in an awkward position. Also I want to make it clear that I'm not looking to have sex every time I see you guys. If you say no I will understand and never bring it up again and we continue to be friends".

Jason and me look at each other with a smile. Jason is the one to respond.

"First let me tell you that we are both happy that you are finally at peace with yourself. Second, we did like are time with you during that weekend. It was the first and only time that Jason and I had a threesome. It is something that we wanted to do again and we didn't feel comfortable with strangers and other options. For us it's something to be shared with a friend that we trust. We trust you. You have become a close friend of ours and we would love to share us with you".

Gabe has a surprised look on his face "Really?!"

"Yes, really"" I reply back "Spend the night with us". I look directly into his eyes. I stand up and walk directly to him. I tend my hand out for him to take it. Without disengaging our eyes, Gabe takes my hand and lifts himself off the rug. He is now sanding in front of me, I lean forward and I kiss him on the lips. He puts his right hand behind my neck and holds me tight in place. My hand is till holding his and I lead him upstairs to our bedroom. Jason is not to far behind, turning off the lights as he makes his way up. After what felt like a long journey anticipating the destination, we finally reached my and Jason's bedroom. The only light emanating is from the lamp sitting on the night stand on Jason's side. Our king size bed is adorned with a goose feather duvet lined with a dark brown cord cover. There are four large pillows at the head. I'm standing at the foot of the bed holding Gabe in my arms. With a few steps Jason joins us in the embrace. We stand there in a group hug. My lips meet Jason's and we share a passionate kiss. Then Jason's turns toward Gabe offering his tongue. The latter eagerly accepts. I move and all three of us are sharing a kiss. I feel hot. I can feel Jason's and Gabe's body heat. Feeling both breaths on me only ads to my desires. Gabe's hand makes contact to my hard bulge. I need to get out of my pants soon. He gasps as I return the favour. My fingers find his belt and I start to unbuckle. Jason's hands are on Gabe's chest rubbing there way to the buttons on his shirt. One by one Jason undoes a button starting from the top. More and more of Gabe's hairy chest is being exposed. I take his belt off and I take the brim of his pants and open them. I slowly pull the zipper down. They finally fall to the floor. Jason slides the shirt down Gabe's arms and they drop next to the pants. I keel down facing the bulge pressing against his boxers. What marvellous site it is. I put my hands on his hips and move closer. I inhale the wonderful musk; it is invigorating. I look at his hidden package. It's there, covered like a treasure in a treasure chest waiting to be opened. Jason is in a lip lock with Gabe. I can here their heavy breathing. Jason is caressing our friend's hairy chest, exploring every inch. I look back at Gabe's boxers and slowly slide down blue plaid underwear. Once they've past his knees they drop into a pile around his ankles. I rub my hands on his furry legs; feeling the strength that is supports his string muscular body.

"I've been missing your cock. I've wanted this since this summer". I say.

I wrap my lips around the big mushroom head letting my tongue explore the slit leaking pre-cum. The man honey taste sweet with a hint of salt. I cup his hairy balls in my palm, giving them a slight squeeze. I move forward taking him more into my mouth. I slide back and forth, swirling my tongue around the shaft.

"Mmm" I moan.

"Oh God!" He yelps in disbelief.

The more I give his pole attention, more Gabe is loosing himself in the heat of the passion. His hands are quickly stripping off my partner's clothes. Starting by his shirt then his pants. Gabe takes Jason's love tool in his hands and gives him a little rub.

"Oh yeah." Jason sighs.

Gabe moves to Jason's ear and whispers: "I want this in me".

Jason returns a concerned looked "Gabe, are you sure you want to do this?"

"I want to find out what it feels to have a man inside me. I want to have every pleasure that a man can give another."

Jason takes him by the shoulders and turns him around. Gabe bends over and supports himself over the mattress on his hands. Jason kneels behind him and dives into his ass spreading his cheeks.

"Oh.!" Gabe gasps.

What a site it is; my boyfriend rimming our park warden. Gabe sighs and breathing is heavy. He wiggles his has trying to get more of Jason's face. I lay on my side on the floor, my head supported by Jason's thighs. His hard cock, leaking pre-cum is centimetres to my lips. I stick out my tongue and lick the head. He moans. I open my mouth and take the whole cock in one swift motion.

"Oh yeah." Jason moans. "Suck it good. Spread my pre-cum and your saliva. Make it real slick for our friend."

As ordered I produce plenty of saliva and spread it around his shaft with my lips and tongue. His cock is rock hard and ready to penetrate that sweet ass. I remove myself from Jason. He stands up and positions himself directly behind Gabe and starts moving towards his rosebud. Jason's cock reaches its destination and starts pushing through the ring slowly opening him up. Gabe's mouth is widely open and as he lets out a short cry of pain.

"Do you want me to stop"?

"No let me get adjusted a few seconds".

I move on the bed and face Gabe. I give him a passionate kiss and rub is back attempting to relax him. "Just relax, it will hurt a little at first but in a few moments it will turn into the most wonderful pleasure that you'll ever experience. Push out as if you're taking dump. Trust us".

"I trust you." He looks deeply in my eyes.

Jason pushes himself deeper in him inch by inch. "There you have all of me".

"Oh man, I feel so full inside".

"I'll be gentle" Jason reassures Gabe in a soft voice. He starts slow motions. It is so hot to see my hairy blond hunk fucking a hairy bodybuilding ranger. I kneel in front of Gabe and offer him my cock. He accepts the offer and envelopes my tool. He is now being serviced from both ends. Jason is now going on a steady pace; he leans forward and supports himself on the bed with his arms. My eyes gaze deeply into Jason's. Simultaneously we approach and our lips lock together in a passionate kiss sucking each other's breath.

"Mmmph, Mmmph, Mmph" Gabe tries to moan. Only muffled sounds are made because his mouth is obstructed by cock. Each sound sends vibrations on my cock and up my body. Jason is grunting and he quickly slamming his hips on Gabe's ass. I can't take it any longer. Seeing Jason covered in sweat caused by his workout and the manipulation I'm getting on my groin is sending me over the edge.

"Oh, man. I'm cumming. Get ready Gabe. Get ready to have my load." And with one last thrust I release my man juice. "Ahhhhhh! Oh! It's a big one.. Aaaagghhhh!!" Wave after wave is unloaded into Gabes mouth. I feel his throat muscles contracting as he swallows. I take myself out of him and get off the bed to stand behind Jason. Pushing myself behind him, my limp cock being smothered in his crack. I wrap my arms round his chest and place my hands on his big hairy mounds, slightly caressing his nipples. My motions are in sink with his.

"Oh God. I'm being fucked. Oh yeah it feels good. It feels so good" Gabe screams in pleasure. "Oh!"

"Man your ass is tight." Gabe shouts. "You're so good." Jason huffs and puffs. I can tell he is close. And with one last push he climaxes deep in Gabe's bowels.

"Fuuuuuuuuck! I'm cumming!" His hips buckle as he ejects all of his baby juice. His chest is erected straight up and his head is lunged back as he feels every moment of pure ecstasy.

"Oh. I feel your cum. I feel it filling me. Oh. I want it all".

Finally Jason collapses directly on Gabe. Jason's weight causes Gabe to fall on his stomach on the bed. Jason is rubbing Gabe's shoulders; his cock still in him.

I'm still hot with desire. I bend down to Jason's ears. "Baby, poor Gabe didn't get off yet. It's my turn."

Jason nibbles on Gabe's neck. "I want to see you give Mike a nice ride". He dismounts him and I lay on my back, my head resting on a pillow. Gabe positions himself between my legs, taking them and places them on his shoulders. And with no stopping or warning he enters me.

"Oh God!" I sigh.

"Oh yeah" He moans as he slides in me. "I'm going to make you feel good"

"Fuck me!" I demand. "Give it to me hard!"

Jason is lying on the bed with his head resting next to mine.

"I love to see you get fuck" He whispers in my ear.

"Oh God! Oh! Oh! Agh!" I'm screaming loud. The neighbours must hear the pleasure that I'm receiving. I don't give a shit. I'm in that moment.

Gabe is being an animal. All passion, all pure sex.

"I'm there, I'm cuming! Fuck" He roars. I feel the warm feeling in my insides. My man cunt is being lube by his honey. And without touching myself, I cum all over my chest. Some has landed on my face. Jason moves down to my chest and licks his way up, licking every drop.

Gabe's limp cock slide out of me and he falls between Jason and me.

"Oh man" He exclaims. "That was so fuckin' fantastic".

"So". I ask. "How did you like having cock in you for the first time?"

"I have no words. All I know is that I definitely want to do this again."

"Glad you enjoyed it" Jason says. "I sure did". Sending a wicked smile.

We laid there for about 15 minutes enjoying our afterglow when Gabe breaks the silence.

"Well, I'm spent. I'm going to sleep". He gets up proceeding to leave our room to get to his.

"Stay with us tonight" Jason says.

"Please stay" I reply

Gabe looks at us for a few seconds and crawls back into bed between us. We slip under the covers. We are head to head on the same pillow. Our hands intertwined into each other's. We fall asleep sharing the body heat in this cold winter night.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 6

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