Discovering Myself

By M B

Published on Mar 1, 2007


Hey guys. Voici part 4 to my fantasy. I do welcome your feedback.


Disclaimer: This story is a work of total fiction. The characters and events are not real. This work depicts sexual acts between two men. If you are the age of minority or if you are offended to sex between two men please leave.

Discovering myself- Part 4

Jason and I are lying down on the blanket by the fire. He is holding me in his arms and my head is on his hairy chest; my favourite position. We are both naked. The fire is dying. It's another warm evening. It must be at least 20 degrees Celsius. My mind keeps running the events of this evening. Gabe, the park warden, who dropped by; Jason fucking me by the fire; Jason and me deciding of having a threesome. This weekend is turning out to be more what I expected. This trip was a gift from Jason for our 5th anniversary. He did everything right. He fixed dinner. He even created a romantic ambiance at the picnic table. What more can a person ask for? We decided on a plan and all we need now is to set it in motion. That is if Gabe pays us a visit tomorrow. As I'm resting on Jason, a small breeze is being blown from the lake. I look at my watch and it's almost 10.

"Hey Jason." I softly tap on his shoulder. "Come, it's time to go in the tent before it gets damp".

"Eugh? Oh yeah. Let's go. I must of dozed off. I'm really tired".

"I wonder why" I take his hand and lead him to the tent. He goes in first, I follow. After I zipped up the door, we assumed are previous position on top of the sleeping bags. As I listen to Jason's breathing I feel myself dozing off.

The morning sunlight beams through the then. I wake up on my side. Jason has his arm over my waste cradling me. I hear the loons on the lake. Loons are incredible creatures. They mate for life and settle down on the lake where they nest. I can't help thinking how much alike they are to me and Jason. I feel Jason wiggle behind me. I know he is waking up. He kiss my neck.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well".

"Yes I did" I reply back.

"What time is it?"

"Just past 9h30" I reply.

He whispers in my ear "I'm so happy to be here with you"

"Me too Jason. Thank you for bringing me here. This weekend is perfect"

"Well, I'm glad you're having a good time."

"I'm going to put on a pot of coffee" I break free from Jason's arms. I put on shorts and I make my way out the tent. But before coffee I need to take a leak. Ah. I'm relieved. I walked towards the tree where our food is hanging. I undo the knot and bring down the bag that holds all of our food. I take out my butane burner. I fill the pot with filtered water and coffee grinds. I put the pot on the burner and light it up. Coffee should be ready in 10 to 15 minutes. While waiting for it I might as well make myself useful. I grab the hatchet, split some wood and make kindling. I build the fire and voila we are all set for the day.

"Coffee is ready" I announce to Jason who is still in the tent.

"Ah. It's about time. I was wondering what was taking you so long".

"You lazy ass!"

Jason's gets out of the tent and sits at the table. I stand right in from of him and I give him the cup of coffee.

"Mmm. The coffee is mighty good. But I need more cream."

He takes me by the hips and drags me to him. He buries his face in my crotch, and nibs my cock through the fabric.

"Jason not now" I slightly protest. "I need to make breakfast". But my cock is telling another story.

Jason doesn't say any words. He takes my shorts and pulls them down to my knees. Without hesitation he opens his mouth and engulfs my now erect member. He only gives one suck and then goes to work my licking the shaft.

"Jason. Ah!" I breath out. "You're so bad".

He cups and kneads my balls in his hand. He retakes my leaking cock in his velvety hot mouth. He applies more suction.

"Oh Jason. I love your mouth.. Oh that's it. You wanted more cream.. You're going to get it.. Suck that cock. Oh..!

His left hand is on my ass, squeezing it and pulls me deeper into him. His throat opens up and my cock slides in. He contract his throat muscles sending waves of pleasure.

"Oh. God. You never done that before. I'm there. I'm cumming. take it! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jason takes the head of dick, wrap his lips around it. I explode into his mouth. He swallows with every volley. I'm week in the knees and the only thing keeping me from falling over is Jason's hand on my ass giving me balance. He keeps sucking and licking until every drop of cum had been taken. He lets out the my soft cock out of his mouth.

"Mmmm, that what was good, I love how you taste. It goes perfect with coffee".

"You're such a horn dog". I say to him with a smile. "Then yet again so am I". I wink at him. I draw up my shorts and walk towards the food bag.

"So what do you want for breakfast my love?" I ask.

"I'm really hungry, how about if we open a package of dehydrated omelette mix?"

"Sounds good to me. I'll grab the pump and go filter water from the lake".

"I'll join you". Jason accompanies me to the lake and he sits on a rock. I take off my sandals and go about 2 meters in the water and I start filtering it into two 1 litre plastic bottles. As I'm walking out of the water Jason nod his head toward the lake indicating me to look.

"Look who's coming". He says.

I look and I see Gabe in the canoe paddling towards us. I totally forgot that he said that he might be coming. Jason and I look at each other with a grin. And now, the plan is about of being executed. A few seconds later Gabe arrives at the shore.

"Hi there. I hope I'm not to early?"

"Not at all." I reply. I take the canoe by the bow and drag halfway on the shore. Gabe takes his PFD off and gets out of the canoe and drags it all the way on the beach.

Jason stands up and shakes Gabe's hand. "We are about to have breakfast. We have plenty. You are more then welcome."

"Thanks I appreciate it."

Gabe is off duty so he is wearing civilian clothes. What he has on is even better. He is wearing khaki shorts. There not to long, about 10 inches above the nee. We see the perfect details of his quads with every step he takes. His waist size must be at least 36. He has a tight fitting blue t-shirt on. He has a massive chest and we can make out his nipples through the thin fabric of the t-shirt. His arms are strong. The biceps perfectly fit the sleeve. His skin is well tanned, probably because he spends so much time in the outdoors. His legs and forearms are lightly coated with dark hair. I still wonder about the chest. He has one of those Tilly hats on his head protecting his face from the sun. His facial hair indicates that he didn't shave for about two days. He is a true outdoorsman. He caught me staring and instead of turning away I give him a small grin.

"I was thinking" Gabe says to Jason and me. "After breakfast we can canoe around the lake. There is an island about 45 minutes from here. There is a nice little beach to sit and relax. I got food and drink. I brought some extra PFDs for you guys."

"That is a great idea. Mike and I enjoy canoeing"

"Perfect. Of course only two of us can paddle. One is going to have to sit in the middle and enjoy the ride. We can take turns. Sorry about that, bigger boats are forbidden and motors are restricted to park staff for emergency use only".

"No problem" I assure him.

We eat breakfast and we make small talk, getting to know our new friend.

"So this is the first time here for you two?" Gabe ask.

I answer without telling him to much details. "No, the last time we were here was 5 years ago. The following years we tried out different provincial and national parks. This place has is special for us so we decided to come back for old time sake.

Jason looks at Gabe. He is undressing him with his eyes. "What about you? How long have you been working here?"

If Gabe noticed Jason's stare, he is doing a pretty good job at hiding it. "Oh I've been here for 3 years now. I only work from April until October. The rest of the year I'm a personal trainer at a gym".

"Well that explains why you are in great shape". I lower my eyes to his chest.

He clears his throat. "Thanks".

Breakfast was good and filling. Gabe and I are about finishing cleaning up and Jason is putting out the fire for the time that we are away from the campsite.

"So you guys are ready to go?"

"We sure are" Jason eagerly answers.

We dawn our PFDs. Jason decides that he is going to paddle with Gabe. So I'm the one who's going to sit in the middle. Gabe says that he is the one who is going the steer so he sits at the stern. And off we go. As forecasted, the day is really hot. It's 30 degrees Celsius. There is no wind and the water is calm. The reflection of the tress on the water is a perfect mirror image. When Jason paddles, I see his biceps and triceps flexing. His strong hand is fisted around the paddle's handle. Oh do I ever wish his fist was around my cock righ now. I'm starting to get hard just thinking about it. As part of the plan I turn around so I can sit facing Gabe. I'm now moving backwards. I look at Gabe having a workout paddling in the heat. It makes blood rush through my cock. My bulge is obvious. I sit with one leg lying flat on the bottom of canoe and the other is cropped towards me and supporting my arm. I sit in a way that he can get a straight view of my groin. And it seems to be working. I saw him take a quick glance. I break the silence.

"So did you grow up around here?" I ask Gabe.

"No. I actually grew up in the City. I went to University there. Then I went to work for a bank for 2 years. But I felt that something was wrong. I felt that I led a life that didn't fit me. So I quit my job and decided to leave the city and create a life in a small town. However my wife at the time, who was supportive of me and my change of career was not keen about moving".

"How long have you've been married?"

"Divorced now. After two years of marriage we divorced. She didn't want to move to a mall town. Didn't matter anyway, our marriage was over long before that. I couldn't give her what she wanted".

I left it at that. I don't want to pry any further so I changed the subject. "So was there any problems with the bears last night?"

"No. From the last report they moved further down the park where there are no campsites. They are solitary animals and they don't like humans very much. Fearful creature they are. Ah. there is the island" Gabe points with his index finger.

I've been enjoying the canoe ride and the conversation with Gabe that I didn't realize that we've been paddling for almost an hour. It's a small island but probably big enough for one campsite. However the island seemed to be surrounded by rocks instead of sand.. I was wondering how are we going to get on the island.

"Hey Jason!" Gabe warns. "We need to go around the island where the sand is located. Just be careful when we go around and as we get closer. The water gets very shallow and we can get stuck on the rocks".

As we make our way to the other side of the island, where Gabe says the beach is, we can feel and hear the tips of rocks grazing underneath the canoe. We finally reach the area where it's all coarse sand. We get to the shore, Jason's steps out of the canoe and drags it on the beach. Once it's stable, make my way out and Gabe follows. We then completely pull the canoe out the lake.

"Here we are." Gabe announces.

"Wow this is a beautiful area of the park. Is there a campsite?" Jason ask.

"Fortunately no, the loons use the other side for nesting. The island is not big enough so a camping is not permitted on this island because it can disturb their nest".

"Make sense". I respond.

"If you wonder around the island you will see yellow warning signs stating not to go any further. So the only thing I'm asking is to respect the signs".

Jason replies with a pat on Gabe's shoulder. "Don't worry, we will". And then he gives a slight rub on his shoulder.

I grab the cooler from the canoe. Gabe takes the orange waterproof canoe bag and he takes out a blanket and spreads it on the sand. "I brought some towels if you decide to go for swim. And the cooler is filled with water, a few beers, ships and sandwiches. Fell free to help yourself."

"Thanks" I say "You didn't have to go through all this trouble".

"It's the least I can do. I can't take all your food."

It's 12h30 right now and the sun is blazing. "God it's hot" Jason shouts. He takes off his shirt and exposes his sweaty body. "I'm going for a swim to cool off".

"You go ahead, I'm going to stay and enjoy the sun for while and work on my tan" I tell Jason. He grins at me indicating me he is up to something and to follow his lead.

"Gabe, do you mind if I go in the nude" Jason ask. "I don't want to get my shorts wet and I didn't think of bringing spares".

"No problem man, we are all guys here. And besides there are no trails on the shore facing us. No one can see".

"Cool!" Jason pulls his shorts down and they trop to his ankles. His cock and low hanging balls sway when he takes off his sandals. He is facing us. I look at Gabe and he stares at my boyfriends muscular frame. Jason turns around and makes his way into the water. A few seconds later, he makes a shallow dive and comes out a few meters further.

I found a bottle of sun block. I take off my t-shirt and cover my body with it, giving myself a sensual message. Hopefully this is causing Gabe to have a reaction.

"Hey Gabe, can you do my back?"

"No prob." I here him pop the lid. When his hands made contact with my back he gently applied the lotion giving me a message. I feel stirring in my shorts.

"There all done" He moves a way from me and I lay back on the blanket. Gabe pulls his t-shirt over his head. He grabs the lotion and stands up and starts applying it on himself. I look at his massive chest. This is the first time I have chance to really look at it. It is covered in a light coat of dark hair. His pink nipples are manly and the size of quarters. There is no hair on his abs except for a small trail leading from his belly button down to his short. His body is almost greased up and he looks damned hot.

"Mind returning the favour?" He sits in front of me.

I sit up. "sure". I make my way around, and kneel behind him. I take the bottle of sun block and apply a generous amount in my hand.

"Mike can I ask you a personal question?"

"Of course". I put my creamy hands on his muscular back. I see goose bumps forming on his skin and he gives a small moan. "Sorry, I should have rubbed my hands to make it warmer.

"Are you and Jason more then friends?"

"Yes we are. We have been best friends since we were small children and we have been together for 5 years. Actually we came here to celebrate our anniversary which is this week. You see we fell in love here". I move my hands to his shoulders.

"I see"

"Does that bother you?" Ask, pretending concern.

"No. I'm cool with it. I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry".

"Don't be. We are not ashamed of who we are and telling people if the ask.

I hear water splashing near by. Jason is standing up to his tights in the lake, the tip of his soft cock is touching the water. He plashes water to his face. He looks at me and sees me rubbing Gabe's shoulders. He is now rubbing water all over his hard body like he was washing himself. He rubs his legs first. His hands move further up, quickly grazing his balls with his fingers. One hand is rubbing his abs and the other rubbing his left chest muscle. Gabe is looking directly at the show and he does not take his eyes off him. I give his shoulders a message and I apply more pressure. I lean forward and move my mouth close to his ear and whisper.

"You like what you see?"

"What!?" He reacts with genuine embarrassment. "No. I don't, I just."

I interrupt him. "Don't you think he is hot? I sure do. Just look at him. Look how muscular and hairy his chest is. You can't imagine how many times his big arms carried me up the stairs and into bed. And his cock taste so sweet with a hint of musk".

Now the plan is in full motion. Jason is still in the water. He sees that I'm in the process of seducing our friend. Jason cups his balls in his hands.

My mouth still at Gabe's ear. "It's o.k. We think you are hot too". My hands go over his shoulders and slide down to his hairy chest. I move down to his neck and start kissing him. He let's out a gasp of air.

I turn my head around to look at Jason. He smiles and glad to see what is happening. His fist is around his cock and he is gently rubbing enjoying the show he is getting. I return to Gabe's neck and my right hand makes it way down to his growing bulge in his shorts.

"I never done this with a guy before" he says.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No." He sighs

I'm rubbing his cock through the fabric of his shorts. I hear splashing as I see Jason walking towards us.

"Mind if I join the fun?"

"Hey baby, I thought you would never ask" I reply. "This is Gabe's first time".

"Well, we'll have to make it special". He replies. "Don't worry Gabe, this all about feeling good. We don't want to do anything you don't want to". He leans forward and kisses Jason on the lips. He then lifts his head and gives me his lips.

Gabe moans. "I trust the two of you."

I take Gabe by the shoulders an pull him on his back. I Lean forward and kiss his luscious lips. He opens his mouth. Our tongues meet. Jason is sucking Gabe's nipple. Our friend sighs in pleasure. He is loosing himself to the new feelings. Jason lick his way down to his abs and follow the hair trailing from Gabe's belly button to the top of his shorts.

"Just do what feels natural". I explain.

With one hand he grabs the back of my neck and holds me in place to his mouth while the other hand is caressing my thigh. His hand is moving closer to my buldge. I feel my erection pressing against my shorts. His hand slides under my shorts and he takes the shaft in a grip. I run my fingers through his chest hair.

"Now let's see what you have" I here Jason say. "He slides Gabe's shorts off.

"Sweet Jesus!" Jason exclaims. I look down and I'm just in aw. Man, is he ever hung. His fully hard cock is a least 9 inches long and it's thick and uncut. His balls are big and low hanging and it's surrounded by dark hair. I look at Gabe and lick my lips to show of my approval. I want that cock in me.

"Mmmmm.." Jason moans. I turn around and see that his lips are around the ranger's shaft. "He tastes good".

"You like that" I ask Gabe.

"Oh yes. It feels good! Don't stop!"

I stand up and take my shorts off. My cock is already leaking pre-cum. Gabe looks at me and at my cock. I move forward until my cock is only one inch from his lips. He sticks out his tongue and licks the pre-cum. He smiles telling me that enjoys the taste. He props his head forward and his lips surrounds the head. I just let him do the work and let him do what feels comfortable. I pinch his nipple and Gabe's left hand d is now messaging my butt.

"Oh man!" Jason looks at me. "You got to have to try this".

Without letting my cock out of Gabe's mouth, I shift myself to face his cock. Moving to a 69. I grab the base and point it directly to lips. I open my mouth and let slide all the way in. My nose hits his pubs. I move the way up with my tongue sliding along the side of the shaft. Once at the mushroom head I give it a suction. I can taste Jason's seliva.. Gabe's takes both cheeks of my and pulls me further into him. For a first time sucking cock he is doing a pretty good job. He is eager and I can tell that he is enjoying himself. His tongue is swirling around my cock with his suction. Jason is kneeling next to us. He pushes me off. Jason stands up and Gabe gets the message. He kneels in front of him and takes Jason's cock into his mouth. I manoeuvre my self around to kneel behind Jason. I take his ass into my hands and spread the cheeks. I burry my face in the crack and start working on his hole.

"Oh yeah" Jason moans. "That's it. Oh I love it. You are a good cocksucker. Baby. make open up my hole and make it slick for your cock Mike". His hips are moving back and forth. As he moves forward he face fucks Gabe and as he moves back, my tongue penetrates his ass.

"Hold on my warden.. I don't want to cum yet." Jason pushes Gabe off his cock. Jason drops to his knees on all fours and looks at me. "Fuck me". I oblige and move behind him. I look at Gabe who is now beeting his meet and looking at us with interest. There is nothing like a live fuck show. I take Jason by the shoulders and I pull him to my cock. The head is pressing against the bud and I feel his ass open up. I penetrate him and not before long I'm fully inside him.

"Oh yeah" he moans in pleasure.

All off sudden I'm surprised by a feeling. It's Gabe giving me his first rim job. As I start to slowly fuck Jason, I can feel his tongue entering my ass hole with a finger then two. Gabe definitely feels more comfortable and he is taking more control. As I'm pumping my lover's ass, Gabe kneels behind me and bends me over Jason's back. Gabe's cock makes contact to my man cunt. I stop pumping to give him a chance to enter me. I'm about the receive his thick 9 inch meet. He pushes and my hole opens up.

"Ah God. you're so big" I sigh.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Don't you dare!"

"Yeah. give it to him" Jason orders.

I feel him sliding in to me. It takes several seconds and he manages to insert his cock all the way in. His pubs on are on my ass. He moans, "Oh man this so hot and tight" He gives me a minute to get used to his size.

"Fuck me!" I tell him.

He starts with soft motions. I'm in heaven this is the first time that I'm sandwich between to men. Gabe's thrusts forces me to push my dong deep in to Jason. The air is full of grunts, moans and sighs. It gets louder by the second.

"That's it Gabe you're doing great. Oh yeah.! Ah!"

"I love your ass dude it feels so good. You want more?"

"Oh yes!" I reply. His pace is getting faster.

We have been fucking for about 5 minutes. Gabe is letting out animal grunts and he cock stocks are long and hard. He hits me in the right place inside.

"I'm going to cum!" Gabe shouts.

"Cum in me. I want you're man juice.. Give it to me good!" I yell.

"Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!" I feel his engorge cock get bigger and I feel its first pulse. I feel volleys of cum hitting the walls of my gut. And with one last thrurst I give my seed deep into Jason.

"Oh Yeah. I feel your cum filling me up. Oh I love it!" Jason rants in ecstasy.

Gabe slides out of me and I dismount from Jason. I turn around and give Gabe an afterglow kiss. Jason stands up in front of Gabe and me and starts beating his cock. His balls are retracting and I can tell he is about to cum in a matter of seconds. Gabe moves his face close to it and open his mouth waiting for the creamy reward.

"I'm cumming" Jason aims for Gabe's mouth. Waives of cum hits Gabe's face and lands on his tongue. A few volleys mange to fly into his mouth. Gabe swallows the cum and licks around his mouth getting as much as he can get. "Mmmmmm." he moans. I move closer to him and lick the rest of the seed of his face making sure I get every single drop. I just love the taste of my man.

All three of us collapse on the blanket with Gabe in the middle. Me and Jason spoon him. Gabe is the first to break the silence.

"Wow!.... that was fantastic. I never knew a man could give another man that much pleasure".

"Well believe us, we've enjoyed it very much". Jason gasps. "You are one hot guy".

"Let's stay here for a while and rest." I say. "We don't want to over do it in this heat". We are all laughing at my pun. We are still spooning Gabe. My head is on Gabe's hairy pillow of a chest, so is Jason. We look deeply into one another's eyes and took each other's hand. And we drift off resting in the sun.

More to cum.

Next: Chapter 5

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