Discovering Myself

By M B

Published on Feb 28, 2007


Hey guys. Here is the third instalment to my fantasy. I do welcome your feedback.


Disclaimer: This story is a work of total fiction. The characters and events are not real. This work depicts sexual acts between two men. If you are the age of minority or if you are offended to sex between two men please leave.

Discovering myself- Part 3

We both woke up at the same time. We have been sleeping naked under the sun for about half hour. We were in the same position. My head is on his chest. His muscular in securely wrapped around me and his hairy legs entangled with mine. The rest of that weekend was great. We went about our daily outdoor activities: Hiking the trails, swimming and of course having great sex.

We are still together after all these years. After our weekend, he took me on our first date. We had a bite at a pub and then went to the movies. Afterward, he dropped me off at my house, walked me to my door and gave me a good night kiss. "Why don't you come in?" I asked him putting my hand on his bulge. He smiled. "Never on the fist date" he replied. And then he left. He was being romantic. Of course we have resumed our steaming sessions. After two months of "dating", we decided to buy a house and move in together. With that, the time came to come out. We invited his and my parents to a nice restaurant. After our meal we announced to them that Jason and I are a couple and that we are buying a house. They were not entirely surprised. In fact, there were supportive from that moment and both sets of parents gave their blessings. I still work for the same company, but Jason opened his own business 3 years ago and it's doing very well. Unfortunately we haven't done much camping over the years. Once or twice a year. And we never went back to the spot where I fell in love with my best friend.

Our 5th anniversary is approaching. Our parents are having a party tonight at a pub to celebrate our anniversary. They've invited all of our friends and family.

"Mike" Jason called out. "Where is my black shirt?"

"Oh. I ironed it this morning for you. I must still be down in the basement."

I'm in the living room reading my book I'm trying to keep interested but I just can't. It is the most boring story. I'm only on page 50 and I already know who is the killer. Jason is coming down the stairs only wearing his boxers. God. he sill looks fabulous. We are both 37 now but he still looks like he is 32. I still can't get enough of blond hair that covers his muscled chest and legs.

"Mike, you need to start getting ready"

"Nah. it's only 5pm, the reservations are for 7". Jason is giving me a look indicating me to press on. I reply back by giving him the finger. We both start laughing. This is what is great about our relationship. There is a lot of laughter. There is not a day that goes by without teasing each other. It's always been so throughout our friendship before it grew into so much more. Jason was approaching the couch and I returned my attention to my book. He sat next to my right and put his strong left leg over my right one. He took my book and deposited it on the coffee table. He turned to me and gazed into my eyes. His warm hand was rubbing my chest. He gazed into my eyes.

"You know Mike, we could get ready together" he says in a soft voice.

I smile at him. "Mmmm.. That sounds like a good idea. Is this your way to make the make sure I get ready so we'll be on time?" I say in a flirtatious voice.

"You got me there." Jason slides his hands under the waistband off my shorts and his fingers were now petting my semi-hard cock.

"Well I guess I can't argue about that". I reply.

Jason takes my hand and pulls me to my feet. He is leading the way to the stairs and he is guiding me to follow him. He leads me to the bathroom. Once inside he turned on the shower. He took a few steps toward me. His hands take for the lowers part of my t-shirt and he pulls it over my head. He put his hands on my shoulders and gives them a slight rub. He leans forward and gives me kiss on the lips. His hands are now on my chest and he rubs his way down to my abs. It is giving shivers. When he finally reaches the top of my shorts, he slides them down past my waist. They drop straight on the floor. I wrap my arms around his waist and I grabbed his manly ass. I pulled down his boxers. We were now both naked admiring each other's bodies. We slip into the shower and close the glass door. The shower is large with streams of water coming from the ceiling and the tiled walls. It big enough to move around and the bottom is layered with anti-slip tiles.

Jason pulls me close to him. His chest hair are caressing my body. It feels like thousands of tiny fingers giving a personal message. He moves in and gives me a passionate kiss. I can only return the favour. I slip my tongue into his mouth. I take his face into my hands and Jason takes me into his arms. Our breathing is getting heavier. I want him. I want all of him. Jason takes the bar of soap and lathers my body.

"Mmmm... you have an awesome body Mike. You did an awesome job putting on the pounds".

"That is all because of you my love". When I was younger I had trouble putting on weight. I was pretty much active and I ate like a pig. But for some reason, I was a slim man. Jason has always accepted my body. But I always wanted a toned body so I asked Jason to help. So he put me on a high protein diet with 1 hour a day workout, 6 days a week. I now weight 190 lbs.

Jason lowers himself to his knees and is now paying more attention to my cock. He puts his fist around the shaft. I give a moan of approval. I close my eyes. I'm enjoying all the sensations from the moment: The water running down my body, the hot steam that I'm breathing in and now Jason's velvety lips surrounding my love tool. I rest my hands behind his head. My fingers are entangled in his wet hair. I guide him. He moans.

"I love your cock, Mike. Now let me make sure it's clean." He goes back to work on my penis. His lips are perfectly surrounding my shaft. His tongue is exploring every inch and he gives special attention the head sending shivers up my spine. Just when I'm ready to explode he pulls back and stands up. He gives me a kiss and takes my hips and with the weight of his muscular body, he pins me to the wall. I can feel his hard cock grinding into mine. We look deeply into each other's eyes and without words we know exactly what we both want. I want him inside me. I want him to fuck me. I can see the animal passion in his eyes.

"Fuck me Jason." I wrap my arms around his neck. He takes my ass in his hands and he lifts me up. My legs are around his wais. He then slowly lowers me to his hot rod. The head of his cock reaches the crack of my ass and touches my rosebud.

"I want you Mike. I want your ass. I want to be inside you" he whispers into my ears.

"Take me Jason" I beg him "It's all yours"

He lowers me and his hips gives a small thrust. I can feel his cock penetrate my outer rim.

"Aghhhhh" I sigh. I love the feel of a cock entering me. Little by little he slides into me with ease. "I love having you in me" I say to him. Jason pushes himself more on me, pressing me hard against the wall. With his strong muscular harms he raises me up and down his shaft. He is doing all the work and I'm enjoying the ride

"God you feel good" he moans. His cock is hitting my prostate and I'm screaming in pleasure.

"Oh yes. That's it Jason... Give it to me!" Every time he lowers me deep into him he gives a thrust. His thrusts are getting faster. His grunts are more and more animal. His abs are pressed onto my cock. After 20 minutes of being rammed, I could feel the juices building pressure waiting to erupt. "Oh Jason.. I'm almost there. cum with me Jason"

"Oh yeah baby.. I'm there" He cries out. With one last thrust he gave my prostate a good rub and I feel my cock explode covering his chest and abs with my cum.

"Oh God.... Oh God! Jaaaaasonnnnnnn!!!!!!!! After the first jolt, my ass tightens around his cock which gives him waives of pleasure. "Here it is Mike. Oh fuck. take it... It's all yours" he grunts. I feel his man meat expand and I feel the waives of his hot man seed it the walls of my insides. After what seemed to be a half hour orgasm, I dropped my legs to the floor and we shared a kiss.

I look down onto Jason's chest and and abs and see my spunk sticking to his body hair. "Oh. Look at the mess I made" I say to him with a smirk. I lower myself licking off my cum, finishing with soaping his front to clean off the rest. Jason lowers himself down and looks up to me. "There is one more thing to clean" he said. He turned me around and pushed his face into my ass. I can feel his tongue probing my whole. Sucking off his cum out of my ass. He cleans me taking all the cum that can make it out. He stands wraps his arms around my chest with his pressing against my back. He whispers in my ear "I love you mike". "I love you" I breathed.

After our shower session, we got ready and made it in time to the party. It was a great evening. There was lots of food, drink and dance. It's the end of the evening we are sitting at a table with my folks and his and 3 of our close friends. We are having a good conversation when Jason starts to make an announcement.

"What is he doing now" I say to myself.

"Mike It's been five years that have had the honour of having you as my love. There are not enough words that can express how I fee. You have given me so much over the years and I don't know what I did to deserve you." I was moved and in ah and the only thing I could do is kiss him, an expression of my love for him. "This is for you" he said and he handed me an envelope.

"Jason, we promised that we weren't going to give each other gifts" I declared.

He smiled. "Would you just open it!"

I open the envelope and took out a brochure. I read it and I'm certaine I have an instantaneous smile on my face.

"What is it" mom asks with anticipation

"It's a reservation brochure for the national park. It's a 3 day reservation for next weekend at the campsite where we fell in love"

"Our five year together seemed like a good time to go back" Jason said.

"Oh it is" I declared.

I can't wait to go camping with Jason to the exact location where we fell in love. It has been five years since we have been to the site. Making reservations to "our" site is not only fitting to celebrate our 5 year anniversary, it is his way to tell me how much I mean to him.

The week after the party was seemed to past to slow. I couldn't wait to go camping. It was a 4 day work week for me. I took the Friday off because we were leaving early that morning. I didn't have to do much. Jason had already taken out our gear from the basement and made the inventory. All I had to do was get a few supplies (butane canisters, batteries, waterproof matches, ext). On Thursday night we packed our gear in our packs.

It's now 7am on Friday and we are now on the 2 hour drive to the national park. We finally get there and we do the usual thing, check in, eat a snack at the trail parking lot. It is now 10am we are on the trail and we begin our 3 hour hike. The forecast called for another hot August weekend. We were lucky because the lake water levels and the woods moisture was high enough therefore there was not fire ban. It's halfway through the hike and we decide to take a 15 minute break. The heat is overbearing but most of it is because of the workout we were getting from hulling our backpacks. This trail is not easy not the most difficult. There are lots of rocks, fallen tree trunks mud, roots and the trail is narrow. Jason and I are drenched in sweat. His sleeveless t-shirt is clinging to his torso. His hair is dripping on his rugged face adorned by a five o'clock shadow. Damned he is sexy. He looks at me from head to toe and he licks his lips.

"Damned you look hot" he says. I stretch out my arm and I reach for his croch and grab his package and fondle him through his shorts. He grabs my hand and pushed it way.

"Now, now Mike. There will be plenty of time for that later. I promise". He growls with a smile.

I rub my buldge and give him a wicked smile. "Mmm I can't wait".

Our packs are back on our backs and off, we were back on the hike. I'm lost in my thoughts, appreciating the forest; the sounds of the wind in the trees, the birds chirping and of course this men walking right in front of me. He blends so well with nature. Next thing you knew, we arrive at our destination.

"Hello old friend". Jason calls out as if the campsite is a person.

I looked around and it feels like we never left. "It hasn't change a bit. They just replaced the pick-nick table".

"Everything is where is supposed to be.. I really miss this place. We really need to come here more often"

I walk toward Jason. "I agree Jason. Let's make it a point to come here every year. Let's not wait another five years". I give Jason a big bear hug. He puts his arms around me and we just held each other for a few moments enjoying this moment.

"Come on" Jason declared. "We need set up camp".

After an hour the tent was pitched, the water was pumped and filtered, the fire wood was axed and the rope that is going to hold the food up was hanging from a high branch. The sun was hot but we were sheltered by the leave covered trees. We decided to take a dip in the lake to wash up a bit a cool off. Since it is a secluded site, no shorts were necessary to enjoy the water. We helped each other rubbing water on the other to wash off the sweat from our bodies. We held on another in a hug and sway with the ripples of the water. Like a sensual dance. We enjoyed so much that we didn't even fuck. All wee needed in that moment was each other. After our dip we just laid on towels on the small beach relaxing.

I must have fallen asleep. I look at my watch and it was already 5pm. It was still hot. It must be at least 28 degrees Celsius. I hear the crackling of the campfire and I hear the sound of the pots. I turn around and I notice Jason making supper.

"Mmm. That's smells good" I yell out.

"Yep. I'll prepare everything, just stay there and relax". He orders "Well at least let me help you" I offered

"Thanks. but I got everything under control. Besides it doesn't take a Phd in rocket science to add water boiling water to dehydrated beef and noodle stew".

"Well in that case, you just need to figure out how to boil water and then you're all set".

Jason starts laughing and yells "You fuck".

20 minutes later he calls out saying that supper was almost ready. I've go to the tent and fetch my t-shirt and shorts. When I finished dressing up I turned around. I couldn't believe my eyes. Not only did Jason fix us supper, but he had the pick-nick table set-up. He covered the table with a cheap, red chequered table cloth from the dollar store. On it two plastic plates were set with the a stainless steel camping utensils on each side. A plastic Nalgene flask filled with red wine. And in the middle was the small pop- up candle lantern. Now this was a first. When we go camping in the backcountry, we normally don't do something so elaborate. Mind you that it's not fine china and mostly plastic us being used, the moment is still the same.

"My, my.. What's all this?" I asked with a smile.

"Just setting the mood to celebrate our anniversary".

"I love it Jason. Thanks you". After all these years he still manages to surprise me. I sit and gave him a smile. "Now don't think that this little ploy is going to get you lucky tonight".

"Ah man. You mean I went through all this trouble for nothing?"

"It's your fault for getting your hopes up me dear". Jason served me and sat across from me. I made a toast: "To our weekend". The stew was really good. Well as good as it gets from dehydrated food. But Jason added a few herbs and spices. It tasted almost like homemade. We slowly ate for about half hour talking about nothing and joking around for bout half hour. When we finished it was time to clean up. I gave Jason to relax. Since he made dinner and did all of this wonderful setting, I'll do the dishes. He went to sit on the rock by the water. The sun was setting and I could see Jason's silhouette just sitting there taking in the scenery. I doesn't take me long to clean up. I grab two logs and throw them in the fire pit. It's now 7pm, the air is still hot. And it's going to get even other later on.

I join Jason by the water.

"Hey babe." Announcing that I was behind him. I put my hand on his shoulders and give them a message.

"Mmm. that feels good. I needed this after the long hike." Jason shivered a bit.

"You're o.k. Jason? You seemed cold"

"Just a little bit, I must be tired"

"Come on, let sit by the fire to warm you up a bit"

"That's a good idea. I'm right behind you".

I got the lightweight blanket and spread it on the ground close to the fire. I sit and Jason does the same to my right. I put my head on his shoulder and he takes my hand. Jason sigh "This feels good. I'm warming up". We just sat there for a whole hour, resting my head on with Jason's hand holding mine.

"Hey Mike, I brought a deck of cards, feel like playing?"


Jason runs to the tent and fetches the cards. When he came back on the blanket he sits in front of me. "So what do you feel like playing?" he asks.

"I don't know"

"How about poker"

"Great! To bad we don't have poker chips", hoping that he got the message.

Jason had a mischievous grin. "Well, we do have our clothes. Of course it would be a short game. We are each only wearing a t-shirt, shorts and sandals".

"I have a solution for that" I stated. "If one no longer has any clothes on and he looses the hand, he would have to do whatever the other says for the evening".

"You're on!"

As we are about to start playing, we here what seems to be paddling on the lake. And it was coming closer. We look towards the lake and we see someone in a canoe approaching our site.

"Who's this?" Jason asked.

We walked to the shore. It was a full moon tonight and it was light enough to see that it was one of the rangers. After a few seconds he reached the shore. His canoe scraping the rocks of the shore.

"Hey there" The ranger says.

Jason and I reply in unison "Hi."

"I'm sorry if I startled you guys and for dropping in like this".

Jason grabs the canoe by the bow and dragues it on the beach.

"Thanks" The ranger says to Jason. He takes off his PFD and put in the canoe.

The ranger introduced himself to us shaking each of our hands "Hi, I'm Gabe. I'm a warden with the park. I'm just making my rounds this evening to make sure everything is o.k."

"Thanks" I replied " We have everything under control. We walked to the site.

"I just going around the sites to advised people that some black bears have been spotted by other campers" He states. "There is nothing to worry about, they have been seen around site number 17, it's 15 Km from here. We just want you to be advised.

"Thanks. we do appreciate it" I reply back with a smile.

"So you guys have you're food hanging from a branch at least 10 meters from the ground?"

"Yep" Jason replies with pride

"And you guys have bear spray?"


Gabe looks around the campground. He stands by the fire and I have a chance to have a good look at him. He is a very handsome man. He looks like he is from Italian descent. He is about 6 feet tall. He had long wavy hair toped by a ranger hat. He was wearing a dark beige ranger uniform. The short sleeved shirt fits snug on his on his body. I can see that he is well muscled. The sleeves of his shirt are tight around his biceps. And he has dark hair on his forearms which indicated me that he probably has a hairy chest. Yum. His pants were also snug. It perfectly surrounds his bubble butt and I see that his legs are equally strong. From the look of his package, he seems to be welled endowed. I look at his face and he has a five o'clock shadow and his eyes are blue. This guy is a hunk. He notices me looking at him. And I'm sure that his eyes were lingering around my package. He smiled and turns his head toward Jason..

"Well, you guys have everything under control. I can see that you guys are experienced campers. Well if you guys have a cell phone, we've installed 3 cell phone towers around the park. Here is the card with the emergency phone number. All you need to do is call and one of us will come in a motored canoe".

"Thanks" Jason replied taking the card from Gabe's hand.

"Well I'm sorry to bother you guys, I better be off now"

"No bother at all. We appreciate you guys watching over us. We were about the play cards and have a few drinks. You are more than welcome to stay and join us". Jason asked looking at me. I nod in approval.

"I'm afraid I have to decline your invite. I'm on duty tonight and I have to finish of my rounds. I have two other sites to visit and give them the heads up".

"We are here for 3 nights" I say to Gabe "Just drop by anytime you can for a meal if you ever get hungry, we have plenty of food."

"Thanks. I'm off duty tomorrow, I might drop by. Well good night and give us a call if you have any problems" he said walking towards the lake. He dawn his pfd, pushed the canoe in the water and paddled away.

"What a fine specimen of a man he is" Jason declared. "You know I saw you looking at him".

Jason and I were secure enough in our relationship to make such statements. It's all about looking and not touching. Yes, Gabe was a good looking man, but he could not compare to Jason.

"Yes he is" I replied back. "I think I saw him eyeing you".

" I noticed too" Jason replied. "But I think he was looking at both of us".

I sit back on the blanket and Jason joined me a few seconds later after he put a couple of logs into the fire. The fire was strong enough to light up the campsite. "So, you still feel like playing cards?" Jason asked.

I put my hands on this thigh and I'm starting to softly rub his hairy leg. "Not really". I put my other hand behind his neck and pull his head towards mine. Our lips meet and we start kissing. Jason takes the sides of my head in his warm palms and his kissing is getting vigorous. I open my mouth and he slides in his tongue. Our breathing his heavy. My hand is still on his leg and is rubbing its way up under his shorts. I reache for his balls can cup them in my hands. I kneed them.

"Oh mike". Jason moans. I push Jason onto his back and I take his shorts in my hand. He lifts his hips up and I slide them down and take them off this hairy warm body. His cock is semi-hard and it's resting on his belly. I can see that it's getting more engorge. I take his pole into my hand. I can see a drop of pre-cum from the slid. And it glistens in the ambient light of the fire. I lower myself with anticipation. I stick out my tongue and lick the pre- cum. It was waiting for me as an offering. I open my mouth and slide his tool into my mouth. My nose reaches his pubes and I inhale his manly sent. I wrap my lips around the shaft and I slide upwards.

"Oh yeah. I've been waiting for this all day". Jason whispers. His left arm is behind his head while his right hand is giving my back a message. Up and down I go for 10 minutes. I'm swirling my tongue around the shaft and its head. I swallow every drop of pre-cum that is given to me. Soft moans are coming out of his mouth. He approves of my special treatment. His and slides down my back and then on my ass cheeks.

"Baby" He calls out to me "I don't want to come yet.."

I released his cock from my mouth. He lifts himself up. I turn around and put myself on all fours offering my man cunt to him. He puts his hands on my ass and spread the cheeks. I can feel his breath near my but. Jason inserts his tongue in my crack and he is now tickling my rosebud.

"Oh that's it Jason. it's all yours" I moan. "Eat my ass, make it wet for your cock"

"Mmmm.. I going to make it good for you baby."

His face is now buried in my ass. His tongue is probing my hole. Oh it feels good. The licks are relaxing my asshole and it starts to open up when his tongue penetrates the ring. After five minutes of lubing me up with his spit I plea:

"Jason. Please take me. I need you in me now!. Make love to me Jason".

He kneels behind me. He leans down so his chest hair is grazing my back. He kisses my neck as he mounts me from behind. His cock finally reaches my ass I feel the pressure of the head pushing the walls of the outer ring. "agh." He penetrates me. He easily slides in because he did a wonderful rim job. He is all the way in and his pubes are now squished between his hips and my ass. He is still on top of me with his hands on mine. He kisses my neck.

"I'm now going to make love to you Mike" He whispered in my ear

"Yeah baby, I'm all yours. I want you to enjoy this.this is for you."

"It's for us." He replied.

He slowly pumps his cock in and out of my ass. He is making me feel good. I wiggle my ass trying to get him deeper in me.

"Oh yeah Jason. That's it. Oh. It feels good"

"Eugh.... I love your ass. I love your body on mine. You feel good. Mmm. you are so warm inside" His pace is getting faster..

"Oh god!" I yell out. His love pole is now rubbing against my prostate. "You found it..oh right there."

We are now swaying in tandem. Are bodies are now one. Are breathing and grunts are in sink. The crackling of the fire is mixed with the sounds of our love making. His right arm under me supporting my abs. He reaches for my cock and he pumps me simultaneously with every thrust into me. I'm in ecstasy. 15 minutes of pure bliss. Now his grunts are fierce. He his cock is slamming fast into me.

"Oh mike. I'm going to cummmm!!!' He yells. And with one last thrust his I feel a warm feeling building up inside me. His man juice is lubricating my insides. His fist is till pumping my cock. The feeling of his warm cum pumping in me triggers my orgasm.

"Oh yeah.. ! I'm cumming ! Aghhhhh!"

Jason formed a fist around the tip of my cock squeezing the head while we was collecting my cum in his and. He drew away his hand from my stick and brought it his lips. He licked every single drop of my juice.

"Mmm." He moans. "I just can't get enough of your cum".

We both collapse on the blanket. With Jason on top of me, pinning me to the ground. His softening cock slides out and I feel empty. Jason is nibbling my ear and whispers: "That was fantastic".

"Yes it was. Man, you must have had gallons of cum tonight".

"Only because you turn me on. You always did and you always will"

"Right back at ya" I replied.

Jason slides next onto his back next to me. And I assume my favourite position. My head is resting on his hairy chest. My arm resting across his belly and with my leg entwined into his. After a few moments of afterglow, Jason broke the silence with laughter.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Could you imagine what Gabe's face would be if he saw us in a compromising position? I mean we were minutes away between him arriving and us `having fun'."

"I think he would have been shocked" I said.

"Maybe, but I get the impression from the way he looked at us that he would have joined if we invited him."

The image was floating in my head. I was fantasizing about Gabe. His hairy bodybuilder body fucking me or Jason. Or have Jason take me from behind while I suck on Gabe's cock. All kind of images kept appearing in my mind.

"Yeah, I think you're right".

"You know that would have been hot." He says.

Jason and I always had a fantasy of having a threesome. We talked about during the first year of us being together. We were afraid on how it would affect us. We never talked about it since. But now, we are secure enough in our relationship to consider of having a threesome.

I lifted myself on my elbow and looked at him. "You know Jason, we did consider it once a long time ago".

"I know. It was always wanted to try it. And you know I do fantasize seeing you being fucked by Gabe". He looks deep in my eyes.

"And I fantasize you being with him".

"You know, he might stop over here tomorrow". He said with a wicked grin.

"Are you proposing what I think you are?"

"Well, we are in the middle of the woods. And you have to admit that he is hot. We could have lots of fun tomorrow".

"Well since you put it that way".

So it was decided. If Gabe came by tomorrow we are going to invite him to have fun with us. So for the next 45 minutes we talked and came up with a plan to seduce our friendly warden.

More to come.

Next: Chapter 4

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