Discovering Myself

By M B

Published on Feb 21, 2007


Hey guys. Here is my second instalment to "Discovering myself". Again this is a work of total fiction. The characters and events do not exist. An of course the usual disclaimer: This story depicts to men enjoying men to men sex. If you are underage, you are offended by to men loving each other, please leave. And as of course I do welcome feedback. Thanks.


Discovering myself- Part 2

Jason and I have been in a loving relationship for years. If you were to ask me back then if I were to fall in love with my best friend I would have said impossible because we're both straight. But ever since that first night of our camping trip 5 years ago everything had changed. I was confused with a previous sexual encounter with another man, and then Jason came out to me to help me with my confusion. I was even more surprised to our first kiss. That first night was unbelievable. I didn't know that two men could be that close and share something special. And when he told me he loved me I felt it and I knew that I loved him. My barriers were torn down and I felt free. After we have made love for the first time, Jason and I fell asleep in each other's arms. It was a very warm night so we slept naked on top of our sleeping bags. My head rested on his hairy chest as if it was my pillow.

When I woke up next morning, the sunlight was seeping through the tent walls. I raised my head from Jason's chest and looked at him. I keep replaying in my head the events of the week leading to this. How unexpected this was yet how it felt right. I ran my fingers through his chest hair admiring this strong men lying next to me. I look at my watch and notice that it's almost 10 am. I attempt to quietly exit the tent, however this is nearly impossible. They are yet to invent "quiet zippers". I feel Jason move however he does not wake up. I want to let him sleep. Once out, I look at the surroundings. The lake was calm and we could a perfect reflection of the trees. The sound of the birds and leafs was like a symphony. God nature is perfect. There was a light breeze and I let it message my senses on my naked body. I put on a pair of shorts and it was finally time to get the day started. I put on a pot of coffee on the propane, build the fire and bring down the food from that is hanging from the tree branch. When the coffee was ready, I took my cup and went to find a rock to sit on by the lake. I was sitting there, watching the majestic scenery for about 15 minutes when I heard movement from inside the tent. Jason must be awake. I here him get out of the tent and pouring himself a cup of coffee. I'm still facing the lake while I hear his footsteps approaching me. I turn around I see him standing next to me wearing only a pair of cargo shorts. His torso is supported by those muscular legs. His hair was messy and he had face was scruffy. He was rugged looking and it fitted the surroundings.

He bent down and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips. "Good morning" he said in a soft low voice. "Sleep well?"

"Good morning Jason. I slept like a baby"

"Thanks for making the coffee Mike and also for making the fire" He put his strong hand on my shoulder. I turn my head back facing the lake.

"Mike, can I ask you a question?" in said in worried voice.

"Of course".

"Last night was very special for me and I hope that it was for you as well. Do you regret what we de that last night?"

I knew why he was asking. He was worried I thought that he took advantage because of the state that I was in. Nothing could have been further from the truth. I immediately stood up. Grabbed his hips with my hand and drew him closer. I wrapped my arms across his neck and offered a sloppy kiss on the lips.

"Jason, I do admit what we shared last night took me by surprise. But I couldn't be happier. You have been my best friend for so many years. What you did yesterday, opening up to help me showed me how much you really cared for me. I could not ask for anything more. You showed me what love is. I love you. Truly love you".

Jason smiled. He brushed my cheek with the back of his hand. Our heads approached and our lips met. His tongue met my lips and I opened them to accept them. Our breathing was getting heavier and we were loosing ourselves in the moment. My hands were rubbing his strong back. I slid them down his spine. I kissed his cheek, and then I moved down to his neck. He grabbed my ass pressing our cocks together. He gyrate our hips in unison making our dicks make love through the fabric of our shorts I could feel a wet spot that was forming from our pre-cum. I licked from his neck to his chest to find his right nipple giving it a small bite to tease him. He let out a sigh. I pulled some of his chest hairs with my teeth. I then moved down to his abdomen and kissed it until I found my way to the waistband of his shorts. I undid the button and pulled down the zipper. I could see the treasure trail leading from his belly button to his blond pubes peeking through the opening of his shorts. I slid them down and his cock sprung up to full attention, pointing directly at me. I gave it a mall kiss. I played with his low hanging balls. I looked up at Jason then with a grin while I gave a mall lick to the slit of his dick. I was teasing him and I knew I was making him crazy.

"Mike. Please don't tease me. Oh god I need you"

"Yes baby, I want to give you pleasure"

I open my lips and slid the shaft down my mouth. I swirled my tong around the mushroom tasting the pre-cum leaking. I slid my mouth back and forth. Little by little I took more of his cock in. I was getting use to it. His cock is the perfect size and it perfectly fits my mouth. Soon I was able to take his love pole down my throat.

"God Mike. That's it. Suck that cock. You feel so good. Ohh... OH yeah!..

"Mmmmmmm" I moaned, sending waves of vibration.

"Oh fuck!!!! I'm close. I'm cuming. Oh! God!

I felt his cock engorge even more and pulse while the first volley hit the back of my throat. He kept pumping his cum in my mouth. And with every burst I swallowed every drop. He was giving himself me. His dick went lip in my mouth and it finally slid out. Jason was gasping for air.

"Oh man. that was awesome"

He grabbed me from under my arms and pulled me to my feet. Gave me a quick kiss and guided me to sit on the rock. He kneeled between my legs. He took my cock in his fist and slid it into his mouth. He eagerly sucked. I felt his tongue sliding up the shaft. When the tip of my dick was almost out of his warm mouth, he would wrap his lips around the top and suck the cock head. He then slid the whole shaft down his throat. His nose was buried in my bush. I could feel his facial hair on my inner thighs. He was deepthroating me and he contracted his throat muscles.

"Oh Jason. keep going! I love what you're doing. Oh yeah! I love you Jason.. Oh. I'm almost there... I'm .. Oh! Here it comes". I could not hold out any longer and I spilled my man juice into his mouth. I could feel him swallow. When my orgasm as finished. He looked up at me"

"Mmmm. your cum taste good". He crawled up to me and kissed me. We share tongues and I could feel my own cum. "I love you mike". He sat in my lap his back against my chest and my arms around his. We sat there peacefully enjoying each other's closeness.

Time flew by while we were sitting with Jason in my arms. Time just seemed to stand still. Next thing we knew it was lunch time. We decided on making the breakfast that we missed. It was fairly simple. Jason cooked eggs and bacon cooked on the open fire. It was delicious and I loved every morsel. We looked at each other. Without words we were exchanging our feelings. I was curious on how this rugged man was gay and how he found out about his sexuality.

"Jason, how did you find out you were gay?"

"Well, that kind of a tricky question Mike. Since I was young I always had an attraction toward guys. But I didn't think much of it because I had an attraction to women as well".

"But you were very lucky with the girls since high school. You even had a serious relationship with Mary for two years back in University".

"Yeah I know. And I loved her very much and the sex was great. As far I was concerned I was straight. But I always felt that something was missing, I just didn't know what it was."

That made sense to me. "But something happens to help discover who you are."

"Remember my roommate? Brad".

"Yeah I do. He moved out about four years ago".

"Mike, I never told you why he moved out". I god curious, I lean forward and paid attention to what he was saying. "On night we were drinking and we were joking around. He gave me a friendly punch on my shoulder. For fun I grabbed him and we wrestled on the flour. I ended up on top of him I got exited. I could feel him getting hard. Without even think I kissed him and he kissed me back. Next thing I knew, I was fucking and came in him. He didn't say a word to me for a week. The following Sunday he said that he regretted our fuck session. That he was definitely not gay and that our friendship was ruined. He announced that he was moving out. Two days later the movers came. I was devastated. Not because I discovered that I was gay, because I had lost a friend because of it".

I could see that he had a tear running down. "Jason that explains everything. Is that why you didn't tell me you were gay 4 years ago. And is why you asked this morning if I had any regret?"

"Yes Mike. I lost a friend and a roommate because of this. He was just a friend. You however you were my best friend since childhood. I couldn't bear loosing you so out fear I decided not to tell you. Soon after my feelings for you were growing but I kept them to myself. I knew you were straight and I learned to live with it." I took his hand holding it for comfort. "But last night after you told me you're experience and how you felt, my bottled feelings came back and I took a chance".

I leaned forward and softly said: "I'm glad you did". I gave a peck on the lips. "I love you Jason". He smiled and gave me a bear hug. His hairy chest was against mine. I love the feels his muscles massaging my body.

We finished our lunch. By the time we finished cleaning up it was 13h30. The sun was blazing and we were both covered in sweat.

"Hey Mike, are you up for a swim? The heat is killing me; I could use a dip in the lake".

"Yeah babe that sounds like a good idea. And maybe after we could lie in the sun and relax by the water?"

He stood up and padded me on the back "sounds like a plan".

I got the towels from the tent and spread them on the sand by the lake. The area was secluded so we decided to make forgo our shorts. He slid his down and he was standing in front of me in all of his glory. I was looking at the hunk. How much at that moment I wanted to jump on him. Sweat was running down his body. His body hair was dripping with sweat. His cock was soft but still looked big and they are adorned with low hanging balls. He notices me looking at him.

"Like what you see mike?"

"Oh just enjoying the majestic view of the lake". I replied with a grin.

"You are such a tease" Jason responded. "Last one in makes supper!" he declared.

We both ran in. I was last therefore I was the one making supper. We swam around enjoying the cooling of the water. Having water caressing your naked body feels great. After swimming around for about five minutes I couldn't see Jason. I looked around. I didn't see him in the water nor was he at the campsite. I started to get nervous then I feel strong arms grab my legs under the water. He lifted me up with his neck under my crotch and threw me backwards. I make a hard splash when I hit the water. Surprised, I finally found my footing at the bottom of the lake and splash him.

"You prick!" I yelled all in good fun. We both laugh.

He gets out of the water and proceeds to the towels. He lies down on his stomach. I follow and lay next to his left in the same position. Our heads are facing each other. We feel the heat of the sun drying our backs. There was more then the heat of the sun in the air. I put my right arm on his back. My fingers were feeling every detail of his muscles. He responded by brushing his left hand on my cheek. He put is index finger on my lips. He leans forward proceeds to kiss me. We break off from the kiss and we both sit up facing each other. I rub his shoulders and he does the same to me. We kiss, this time with more passion. My hand finds its way to his cock that is already hard. I wrap my wrist around the shaft. I'm rubbing him. He grabs my dick and reciprocates the favour. We are kissing giving each other's tongs. We stop a bit to catch our breaths. He pushes me onto my back. He leans forward and engulfs my cock in his mouth. He is slurping making my pole nice and wet. That was new to me. After a few minutes he stops. He noticed my disappointment.

"I don't want you to cum yet. Mike. Make love to me. I never had anyone inside me. I want you to make love to me like I did to you last night". He startles my waist. He aims his bubble to my cock. He lowers himself and the tip of my cock touches his whole. Takes my shaft in his hand and guides it. He lowers himself more and my cock penetrates his outer ring. He gulps and I can see that he is in pain. He lowers himself even more. I'm now halfway in. He yelps.

"Jason, you don't have to do this. I don't want to hurt you baby".

"I'll be fine. The pain is going away. Just let me get use it. I want this. I want you inside me." I can't believe that his is offering himself to me. He lowered him self all the way. He was now basically sitting on my lap. He stayed there for a few moments getting used to it. He bends down and gives me a kiss. "You feel good" he whispered. He sits up straight and lifts his but bit and goes back down. He repeats the motion he goes up a little more. I moan. I never felt anything like this before. This feels better then pussy.

"Man, you are so tight. I love it.. Ohhh!'

"Oh God Mike! I ever new this could fee so good.. Aghhhh!

He is now riding me. Every time he lowers himself I meet him with a thrust. He lowers himself. We are chest to chess. I grab his ass and I flip him over without me getting out of him. I'm now on top. We passionately kiss. Jason wraps his legs around my wais and pushes me in with his ankles. I slowly pump his love hole. I'm making love to my best friend, my lover. I feel the walls of his insides. They are warm and slick with my pre-cum and sweat.

"Yes.. Yes! Mike I love it. Give it to me. Oh!"

"I love you Jason.. Oh.. Yeah!

I grunt with every thrust that I give him. I feel my cock hitting his prostate. I'm can see that he is in ecstasy. I can feel the juices building up.

"Jason, I'm close where do you want it?"

"Cum in me. I want your love juice inside me. I want to share everything with you. Oh fuck! I'm cumming". My prostate message to him made him cum without touching himself. His came all over his chest and his face. He had a big load and it seemed not to have an ending. His pleasure caused his ass muscle to clench my shaft. With one last thrust I gave him my cum coating his insides. I scream in pleasure his name.

"Oh Jason!!!!!"

"Yeah baby. I can feel you filling me. It feels good. Ahh!"

I collapse onto him. I can feel his cum mixing with his chest hairs and sticking to mine. I kiss him and lick the come of his cheek and lips. "Mmmm. that tastes good" I say. After a few moments my limp dick slides out of him. His ass is leaking a bit of cum.

I was trying to catch my breath but I managed to say "That was unbelievable! I hope I didn't hurt you Jason".

"No you didn't you made me feel real good. I loved every second of it". He was also gasping for air.

We both hit the lake to wash up. Then we went back to the towels and applied sun block lotion onto each other's body like an erotic message. He lay down. My head resting on his chest and he holds me tight into his arms. Are his hairy legs are entangles into mine. And we fall asleep for an afternoon nap.

Next: Chapter 3

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