Discovering Myself

By M B

Published on Feb 19, 2007


Hey boys. This is strictly fiction. None of the characters exist nor did the events ever happen. This does contain man to man love therefore if you are under the age of majority or if you are offended by such acts then you should leave. Now this is my first story. And please bare with me. Being French Canadian, I know that my English grammar is not perfect. However to would appreciate any feedback. Thanks.


Discovering Myself

It started 6 days ago when I found myself by accident on a website that caters to men looking for other men to hook up for sex. Out of curiosity, I was reading some of the profiles and I noticed that a few of them were from my region. For some time now I have been wondering what it would be like to be with another man.

So I decided to create a prifle. Not five minutes after it was created I received a hit stating that someone was interested. I replied back and next thing I know I'm chatting this guy who like me never done anything with another men and was curious to try. So after almost a week of corresponding we decided to meet. We met at a local pub and he was just what he described himself. He was from Italian decent. 6 feet tall with an athletic build. So after a couple of beers he invited me to his place and now we are in a 69 giving each other mutual pleasure. Am I crazy? I keep asking myself. Here I am going down on a man. We have been at it for about about15 minutes. We are both moaning and grunting. We are going are sucking each others cock like there is no tomorrow. I can feel that his cock is getting bigger while he is pumping faster. I'm doing the same to him. Oh God this feels good. He now tells me that his about to cum. I'm close myself. I continue with a stronger suction and I now feel his dick pulse and I feel volleys hot juice cum hitting the back of my throat for the first time. That just threw me over the edge. And I begin to give my seed to his guy that I just met face to face a few hours ago.

It's been two days since that evening. I'm feeling guilty and confused. I'm supposed to be straight. I was mad at myself for allowing my curiosity controlling me. I haven't slept in two days and I can't concentrate on my work at the office. My coworkers noticed that my behavior has change. I can't say I blame them. Some of them approached me in concerned. I just explained to them that I'm a bit preoccupied but I'll be fine.

I was in my office looking out the window just contemplating on the events that happened when I hear Jason my best friend calling me from my door.

"Hey Mike, you're o.k. buddy?"

"Yeah Jason, I just have a few things on my mind. I can't concentrate on work".

"Well I might have just the remedy of that" he declared. "I noticed that you seem stressed the past couple of days so I just made reservations to our favorite campsite for the weekend at the National Park. What do say?"

"That sounds perfect"

"So we leave Saturday morning. Get your gear ready"

He always knew what to do to cheer me up. Jason and I have been best friends since we were 5. We have been inseperable ever since his family moved next door. . We did everything together. We had sleep overs on a regular basis. We went to the same schools. We even ended up the same University. And now we are both 32 and working for the same company. Ever since we were teenagers our favorite activity was camping and backpacking. Our favorite place was to go to the National Park in the province we live in. I took Friday afternoon off so I could get some camping supplies and get my gear ready for Saturday morning. I couldn't wait to be out in the woods. Leaving the city and dilemma behind was exactly what I needed.

Saturday morning arrived and Jason came at my house at 7 am. He brought in his gear so we can divide some of the stuff to put in our backpacks. All while doing this we were talking and saying how we can't wait to be there and having fun. But at times I was distracted and he noticed. But Jason didn't say anything.

"Ready Mike?"

"Yep let's go"

After the two hour drive we finally arrived that the trail parking lot. We put on our backpacks and started our 3 hour hike to our campsite. It was a sunny day and the forecast was calling for no rain with a high of 30 degrees Celsius. The trail is very narrow se we have to walk in single file. He was ahead of me. I was looking at his body and I was admiring his physique.

He has nice round muscles that carried his 30 lb backpack with ease. Physically we are opposites. I'm naturally thin. I'm one of those guys that eat like pig but doesn't gain any wait. I've gone to the gym but putting on the pounds is a challenge. I have brown hair and blue eyes. Girls find me attractive. However Jason is what the girls consider God's gift to women. He is the same height as me. 6.2. But Jason has blond hair, brown eyes and muscular. He has blond hair that covers his legs, forearms and chest. His body was glistening with sweat because of the heat and when he turned around to face me I could see his nipples through his tight fitted t-shirt that was soaked. I was noticing quads that were contracted because of the weight of the pack that he was carrying.

"God his is beautiful'" I said to myself. The thought of that really bothered me. I was really distraught because I was noticing men and even more disturbed that I was eyeing my best friend. Jason noticed that something was wrong by the look at my face. He gave a grin.

"Mike you're o.k.?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I replied. "I'm just a bit out of breath because of the heat".

"Just hold on bud. Only half hour to our destination"

And with that we continued our hike and we finally reached the site. We relaxed for a few minutes and we then begun to set up camp. I was in charge of putting up the tent and the tarp while he was chopping the wood and filter water. By the time we finally finished setting up our 3 night stay it was time for supper.

After our meal we were sitting watching the fire relaxing. Jason said something to me about how good it felt to be out in the outdoors, but I was so lost in my thought that I barely made out what he said.

"Mike what is wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just tired"

Mike stood up and came and sat next to me. "The hell you're tired. You've been out of it for the past few days. People at work noticed that you're distracted they are asking about you. And today you barely said two words".

"I'm fine".

"No you're not. We have been best buds since we were 5. I know you. We have been telling each other's problems for years. I'm worried about you and I'm starting to get scared. Are you sick?"

"No I'm not. Just let it go!" I said sternly hoping it would mask how I felt inside. However my attempt did not work because tears started to run down my cheek.

"My God, Mike! Now I'm really worried. Please tell what is wrong. You know you can tell me anything and I want to help."

I then decided that I needed to talk. "Jason I need to talk. I'm so confused. I just don't want you to think less of me and ruin our friendship".

"Mike, nothing can do that. Please tell me".

So I just let it all out. How I went on the "men to men" website. How I met the guy for a drink. And how we ended up sucking cock and swallowing cum for he first time. After I told him he sat there is shock.

"Hey Mike its O.K." He told me in soft voice. He put his arm around me. "There is nothing wrong to be curious and to explore. I'm not judging you."

"Jason I don't understand. Am I straight, Am I gay? What am I? I still love women. However I really enjoyed being with that guy".

"You can love both" he said.


"Mike I know it's possible to love both. I have to tell you something. I like men".

I was so in shock. I didn't know what to say. The only thing I could come up with was "euh?"

"I'm gay" he blurted out.

"I don't understand. All the years we have been friends you have never told me. Is that why you have been single for the last 4 years"?


"Then why are you telling me this right now?"

"Because you are going through that is very difficult for you and I needed to tell you this because it's the only way to make you understand that I know what it's like to be in that position".

I was so stunned that here I am in the middle of the woods with Jason. Manly man Jason is telling me that he is gay.

"Mike there is different types of people out there. Some men like women, some like both and some men just love men. I love men. I suspect that you might love both men and women. However only you know. What ever questions you may have, if you need to talk or if there is anything I can do to help you, I'm here for you".

After talking for almost an hour, I was calmed and at ease. I felt that I was not lonely and a freak. "Thanks Jason that means a lot to me. And thanks for telling me about you". I was looking in his eyes. And all of a sudden I felt something. I was so touched by his openness and kindness. I couldn't help to be moved.

"Mike. Is that why you were staring at me back on the trail?"

I was surprised by his question that I was blushing. I was off guard and I was looking for the right words. "Euh, well... yes. I'm so sorry Jason, you're my best friend. I don't know what happen. I always thought that you are a very good looking man. But back on the trail I noticed something different. You're muscles, your body hair and the sweat. I was attracted to you". I couldn't believe what I just said.

At that moment, Jason just looked at me and smiled. He leaned closer and gently grabbed my face with both of his hands. He deeply gazed into my eyes and he kissed me on the lips. He pulled back and I was looking at this man who happens to be my best friend and now I wanted more. I approached his face and gave him back the kiss. I could feel his five o'clock shadow on my face and lips. After a few moments our kissing was getting more intense. He slipped his tongue into my mouth. I opened and eagerly accepted it. I wrapped my arms around manly torso and I was massaging his back. My hands were going down further his back. I grabbed the damp fabric of t-shirt and lifted it over his head and threw on the ground. I moved back a bit admiring his body. I put my hands on his chest. Caressing those mounds formed in many hours in the gym. His chest hair was going through my fingers and I enjoyed every moment of it. I looked at his nipples. They looked so delicious. I bent forward and flicked his left one with my tongue. He moaned signaling me that he liked it. I then started sucking on his quarter size nub and he was now in ecstasy. "God that feels good" he said.

I stood up. Looked at his face. I grabbed his hand and led him to the entrance of the tent. I grabbed his hips and pressed him against me and gave him a passionate kiss. He broke off the kiss and I noticed that he had a worried look in his eyes.

"Mike, are you sure you want to do this? I'm so sorry I should have not kissed you back at the fire. You're my best friend who is troubled. I don't want to loose you as a friend".

"Jason, you said that you would do anything to help me with what I'm going through. I need this. I need to do this. I want it and I want you. I want my best bud to help me". He smiled then kissed me on my neck. He took off my tshirt. His right hand was rubbing my chest and it found its way to my stomach. He was kissing my neck and then he licked his way down to my chest, my nipples, my belly button. He grabbed the edge of my shorts and pulled them down and exposed my 7-1/2 inch cock to the elements. His face was only centimeters from the tip of my dick. He looked up at me with a grin. He took his tong and licked the tip of my chock. I was leaking pre-cum. "mmm" he said "You taste good". He then opened his lips and engulfed my penis his mouth. He was bobbing up and down, swirling his tongue around the shaft. I was in heaven. All worries that I might have had in the past were gone. Everything was clear now. He sucked me for a good five minutes and I was getting close. I didn't want to cum yet. I gently pushed him off. I could see the disappointment in his face. I grabbed him under the arms and forced him to his feet. We kissed and I could taste myself on his tongue. I could feel his hardness and me. My left hand found its way from his belly to the waist band of his shorts. I slid my hand in them and found the treasure in that package. He felt huge. I couldn't wait. I dropped to my knees and slid off his shorts. My god! It is huge. It was at 9 inches. It is very thick and it has a nice mushroom head. It was engulfed in a thick patch of blond hair. It was beautiful. I gazed up to him and said; "I want this more then ever" he nodded with a smile indicating me that he was o.k. with it". I lean forward and licked the mushroom. I taste the pre-cum. I couldn't wait any longer. I then open my mouth and slid the shaft into mouth. He is big and hard. I could feel every vein with my tongue. I could smell the musk from his pubes. It was intoxicating. He grabbed my head and he was now face fucking me. I could feel that his cock was getting larger and I knew that he was close. "Mike" He warned. "I'm going to cum". I continued sucking and making sure that I didn't loose suction. His grunts are loud and he begins to scream. I felt to first volley hit the back of my throat. There must have been at least 7 big squirts. He filled my mouth and I enjoyed every drop of the salty reward. What surprised me was the orgasm I had without even touching myself. I stood up and faced him he gave me a kiss. And we hugged each other. I felt good in his arms. It felt right for some reason.

"Thanks Jason. That was awesome. I feel good with you"

"Mike I have to say that this is one, if not, the best blowjob I ever had. It's a good thing that we are in the middle of the wood so no one could here my screams of pleasure".

"I enjoyed it very much. I love giving pleasure".

"Well I'm beat. I'm going to hit the sack".

"Me too" I said.

We entered the tent. We didn't even bother to put on any cloths. Any way it was so hot that we just lay down on top of our sleeping bags. I lay next to him and he drew me closer. I friendship was stronger then ever. I laid my head on his chest and just listen breathe. Could I be falling for Jason? I raised my head and look at him. He was not even sleeping he was looking at me with his deep brown eyes. I was definitely falling for Jason. I could see in his eyes that he was falling for me. Our lips met and we kissed in passion. I rolled over on my back, he followed and he now was on top of me. We were chest to chest. His full body weight was on mind. His chest hairs were brushing against me and I could feel his hairy legs entangled with mine. It felt so good. I put my hands his bubble but. Jesus, even his ass is strong. I slid my hands on to his sweaty back. We were both hard again. Instinctively I spread my legs. I have never been fucked. Yet this felt natural. It was the right thing to do. I started to feel a tingle telling me that I need to have himninside me. He was surprised with my action. I said to him to make love to me. He smiled. He just lowered himself a bit to be able to position his cockhead to my man kind. He started to push gently against my hole and little by little he entered me. I was surprised that there was almost no pain. After a few moments he was fully inside me and he stayed there for about a minute for me to get used to it. He then began to slowly pump his cock in and out of me. I could feel every details of his cock.

I felt good. I never felt so close to anybody else before. Not even my past girlfriends. We stared into each others eyes.

"Mike you're O.k."? Am I hurting you?"

"Jason keep going. You feel good inside me"

He was very gentle and caring. This is not just a fuck, we are making love. I was feeling very good inside. He started to go faster and I was moaning in ecstasy.

"Oh god Jason, I love it. You feel good. Faster. Please!!!! Yes. yess.. OHHHHHH!!!". It was like this for 20 minutes. It was pure pleasure.

"I love your ass. It's so tight. I'm close."

"Cum in me Jason, I want your love juice in me. Give it to me"

"OHHHHH! Here it comes!!! Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

With one last deep thrust he sends his seed into me. Blast after blast filled my insides with the love juice. His last thrust hit my prostate in the right place and I had the best orgasm ever. My jizz hit the tent wall, my face, my chest and Jason's chest. After our orgasms have subsided, Jason collapsed on and gave me a loving kiss.

"Jason that was fucking amazing. I never knew."

"I know" he replied.

His limping dick slid out off my ass. He slipped next to me and held me in his arms. Now I know. I'm in love with him and always will.

"Jason, I love you, more then a friend. I finally love someone. Someone I want to be with".

"Mike I love you too. I loved you for the past 4 years. You don't know how many times I wanted to do what we just did. Not a quick rump, but make love with you"

We fell asleep. He held me in his arms with my head resting on his hairy chest. When I woke up next morning, I was content. I was no longer confused. All of my worries were gone. I felt safe with Jason. That was five years ago and we are now having a life together. A house, a dog and a loving relationship.

Next: Chapter 2

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