Discovering Me

By Aaron Moore

Published on Nov 11, 2007


The usual disclaimer applies, if sexual acts between males offend you, or if it is illegal to read this type of material in your area then leave now. You've been warned.

Feedback/suggestions/comments are welcome at and as always, flames will be ignored.

Just remember this is my first story so try and be kind.

"497, 498, 499, 500!" I counted in my head. I let out a huge sigh of relief. I did it, it was over. I got up from my bedroom floor and my abs burned. I loved and hated that feeling at the same time. Every morning I started my day by doing 500 crunches followed by a 5 mile run. Rain or shine, sickness or health, nothing stopped me. My body is my temple, and I refused to treat it otherwise.

The pain in my abs was just starting to subside when I heard my cell phone vibrating on my desk.

Shit, it was Jeff; I was late meeting him for our run. I picked up my phone and answered it.


"A.B man, where are you? It's fucking freezing out here man!"

"Sorry bro, I'll be there in a few, I woke up late."

"Fine, whatever. Just get here soon, and you owe me coffee."

I slide my phone into my track pants and hurried out the door.

I guess before I go any further I should introduce myself. My name is Adam Berkley but my friends call me A.B for short. I'm 17 years old and I live in with my mom. My dad use to live with use until he left my mom and me a little over a year again. That's okay with me because my mom and I are better off without him anyways. We live in a nice upper middle class suburb called Logger Heights. I don't go to the local high school; instead I go to Morris Prep which is located pretty close to my house. I have a bunch of friends and we always manage to find something fun to do.

I have been told that I'm a good looking guy, but don't see it. I guess my face looks okay, I have okay looking green eyes and my golden highlighted brown hair is fine. But my body, that's another story entirely. I just can't seem to get it to look as good as it could. I've been told that I'm crazy and that my body is perfect but I still see fat. Maybe others are just blind. Some of my friends say that I'm a bit of a health nut, but if they had my body they would understand.

I grabbed my hoodie and headed down the stairs. As soon as I got outside to the driveway I saw Jeff leaning against my car looking as annoyed as ever. I had to smile; Jeff can be a bit dramatic sometimes, especially in the morning since he's not much of a morning person to start with.

"I only agreed to this because I want to be in shape for spring break. I could be in bed right now, your lucky I waited for you." Jeff said as he started to walk towards me.

"I thought you agreed to this because you liked to be shown up by me." I said to Jeff jokingly.

"Lets just get this the fuck over with, don't forget you owe me coffee for making me wait an extra 10 minutes." Jeff whined.

"Come on, let's get going, you'll feel better afterwards. Trust me."

Jeff rolled his eyes at me and we started jogging. We took our normal route, down my block and we headed towards the park. We ran through the park and around the small lake. I loved running; I loved the high it gave me and the way I felt afterwards. I don't think Jeff had my same enthusiasm. He was lagging behind and looked like he wanted to pass out.

"Don't worry Jeff we're almost done. Just think about how great you'll feel when it's over."

"If I live that long." Jeff called up to me sarcastically.

We were almost done, soon enough Jeff would be enjoying his coffee and we would head back to our houses and get for school.

"Okay, let's turn here and get that coffee. But you can't have it unless you run the rest of the way to Starbucks."


We made it to the door and we stopped to start stretching out. My muscles ached that wonderful after a good workout ache. I was pleased with my performance this morning. So please that I might even let myself have a non-fat latte. We walked into Starbucks' and Jeff immediately placed his order.

"I'll have a venti white chocolate mocha with extra whip, and a chocolate chip scone."

I cringed, just the thought of ingesting that many calories and fat grams in one setting made my stomach churn. The barista look at me patiently and waited for my order.

"I think I'll just have a short non-fat latte, that's it."

She rang up our order and we walked to the end of the counter to wait for our coffee. After our order came up we grabbed our stuff and took a seat at a near by table. Jeff wasted no time digging into his scone. I was jealous; I wish I allowed myself to eat some of the things that Jeff consumed on a daily basis. And the worst part was, no matter what and how much he ate, his body still looked good.

"You want a bite?" Jeff asked with his mouth full.

Shit, he must have noticed me looking longingly at his scone. I hesitated; this could easily send me out of my calorie allotment for the day.

"Sure, why not." I heard myself say to my own horror.

I grabbed the scone out of his hand and took a big bite. It tasted just as good as it looked, maybe even better. I felt a sudden wave of guilt wash over me. I couldn't believe that I allowed myself to cave that easily. I would have to pay for it later.

I finished my latte while Jeff kept working on his.

"Do you have any idea how many calories you're consuming?"

"No, but I'm sure your going to tell me. You can be such a girl sometimes."

That last comment made my face flush, I'm not sure why but it really affected me.

"I'll be right back." I say as I grab my cup to throw away and head to the restroom.

When I enter the rest I walk down to the handicap stall. On my way I make sure that I'm alone.

Once I'm sure that there's no one else around I go into the stall and latch the door behind me. I walk over to the toilet, kneel in front of it, stick two fingers down my throat and watch the contents of my stomach enter the bowl. Once I'm satisfied that I got it all out I wipe my mouth on the back of my hand and leave the stall. I go to the sink, rinse out my mouth and wash my hands. I look at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes are red and tearing up. I'm disgusted with myself.

As I head back to the table I see Jeff has finished eating and is waiting for me.

"Thought you fell in. I was about to come looking for you."

"Nope, my mom called. Wondered where I was." I lied.

Jeff looked at me sort of funny. I could tell that he wanted to say something but instead he decided to drop it, much to my relief. I hated lying to him, but I also couldn't risk him discovering the truth about me. We left without saying a word to each other.

"We don't have to run back to your house do we?" Jeff asked, more as a way of breaking the tension than as a question.

I had to smile at this. Jeff always knew what to say to make me fell better.

"No, we don't. But if you keep up all that complaining I'll make the route longer."

"You're sick you know that?"

Once we made it back to my block we parted ways. Jeff lived three blocks away from me.

"I'll be to your house in 30 okay?" I say looking at Jeff.

"See you then."

As soon as I enter the front door I can smell the food my mom is making. Its pancakes or waffles, either way it smells great. But I'm not going to eat any of it.

"Come eat Adam." My mom calls from the kitchen.

"Can't, I'm in a hurry. I'll pick up something at school."

"You better, breakfast is important."

I let out a sigh of relief that she didn't press the issue. The last thing that a fat person like me needed was more food. I ran upstairs to my room so I could take a shower. I took off my sweaty running clothes, grabbed a towel and made my way into my bathroom. It was times like these that I was happy that I had my own private bath right in my bedroom. It allowed me to walk to it naked. I got into the shower and turn on the water. It was nice and warm and felt great against my skin. I closed my eyes and let the water run over my body. I started to wash my body. It felt so good to wash away the morning sweat.

After I finished washing I began to wash and condition my hair. As I let the last of the conditioner rinsed out of my hair, my mind started to wonder. I started to think about the massage that I had last weekend when I went to the spa with my mom. I started to think about how great my muscles felt as the missus ran her hands along my body. I imagined her getting closer to my body and I could feel her breathe against the back of my neck. Then her grip started to feel firmer and harder. My cock jolted in excitement as the thoughts continued. I imagined her starting to kiss the back of my neck. It excited me and I wanted her to continue. She began to massage my butt and I jumped out of my skin. I didn't except this. My cock started to further swell. In my daydream I started to open my eyes to look at my missus. I couldn't see her because she was behind me. I tell her to come in front of me because I wanted to kiss her. I sit up, close my eyes and wait for her. She moves in closer to me. I can feel the electricity between our bodies. Her lips touch mine and we embrace into a passionate kiss. But suddenly something feels wrong. As I touch her arm it feels hairy. I'm so caught off guard that I open my eyes. To my horror it's no longer a women, it's a guy. My cock becomes harder yet.

I immediately snap back to reality. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm imagining men? Only gay people do that, and I am anything but gay. My cock was still throbbing. I look down at it. As badly as I need to touch it I could not bring myself to. I refuse to indulge in that fantasy. But it ached so bad I knew that I needed to touch it even if it was only so that I could get dressed. But I still couldn't allow it. I could feel my hand going towards it; it was almost like I had no control anymore. My fingers were beginning to wrap around it. I couldn't stop myself, it was like idle hands. I started to moan as my hand went up and down the shaft of my cock. It was nice and slippery from all of the pre cum that was oozing from its head. It felt so; the faster I went the better it felt. Another moan escaped from my lips. I couldn't help it, as much as I wanted to I just couldn't. I told myself that I was allowed to jack off but I was not allowed to enjoy it. I bite my lip to keep myself from moaning. I could not enjoy this; I was not supposed to enjoy this.

This was wrong. I felt myself nearing climax. I was going to explode and it was going to be huge. But I would not enjoy it. I just couldn't. When I finally came my whole body trembled, it was like nothing that I'd ever experienced before. I had to stop thinking about, it was wrong to think about. Besides I needed to get ready for school.

Next: Chapter 2

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