Discovering Love

By Marcos Rojas

Published on Aug 6, 2005


Hi everyone! I'm back from vacation and working hard again! Here is the first part of what I have been working on! Usual disclaimer and feedback, please! Very important!


Discovering Love Facing destiny

by Marcos Rojas

"The greatest love of all is happening to me, I found the greatest love of all inside of me, "The greatest love of all is easy to achieve Learning to love yourself It is the greatest love of all." Whitney Houston

From chapter 6:

"You can't take him away from me!" Jed sounded desperate now.

"Oh, Your Highness! We have a little weakness? And precisely MY boy? Oh God, this is better than in imagined! You so are going to go down now! No one can rescue you now!" With an evil laughter she turned and wanted to leave but something made her stop. She took out the key from the door and looked back to Jed.

"Just to make sure you won't escape!" She sent him a kiss and with another evil laughter she locked the door from outside.

Chapter 7:

The first twenty minutes passed, of course with the inspection of each and every possible way of escape. There was just no way out and that was something new for Jed. He has never been in captivity; there was no single case he could remember where he had to stay in his room with a locked door. This situation was both new and frustrating. The next twenty minutes were the time of anger. Throwing things around, yelling and even cursing. It was no use, however. After an unsuccessful hour Jed gave up. Lying on his bed he got lost in his thoughts.

The hours passed and the light of the Moon found Jed on his bed. Still clothed, and with the strangest expression on his face. It seemed as if his soul decided to take a break and try out the bodiless freedom. Jed's thoughts were flying at speed of light but his beautiful body seemed to be lifeless. For his age there were too many feelings for only one day. After Anita had locked the door, Jed tried desperately to escape. Realizing that his body wasn't strong enough to win against an object, against one door made him feel sick. This was the first time ever he was in captivity. Without any kind of escape. And somewhere out there was Raul, maybe something was happening to him, and he wasn't able to do a thing about it. He didn't even know what it was he was supposed to fight against...

"What does that bitch want from me? Where is Raul now?" Questions over questions. Jed suddenly realized he wasn't thinking about the possible consequences the whole business could have on him. There was no I in the story, only Raul, Raul and Raul. That made him rise himself on his elbows. "So what if Dad founds out I'm gay? What can he possibly do? There is not even one thing he can do about it!" He turned and as a revelation it hit him. "Idiot! And a classy one!" With that he grabbed the phone and dialed the interior of the kitchen. Rosita answered.

"Rosita! Necesito que me abras la puerta. Ahora!" (Rosita! I need you to open my door. Now!)

"Lo siento senor pero no puedo. La senora Anita me lo ha prohibido." (I'm sorry sir, I can't.)

Now what to do? Bitch is quite clever, must say. But I can trick this hen.

"Mira Rosita, traeme un cappuccino." (Get me a cappuccino!)

Now this should do it. All I have to do is to hide and wait. The minutes passed and there was no sign of Rosita coming up. No footsteps, no loud singing, nothing. This got Jed worried. "What if bitch stopped her? How can I get out of this room?"

Jed got lost in his thoughts and didn't hear the footsteps on the floor. There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Rosita. Su cappuccino senor!"

"Bring it in!"

"No puedo." (I can't!)

"Well you have to! You MUST serve me! So come on in!"

The key turned in the lock and Jed remained behind the door. Rosita came in with the cup on a tray. Just as Jed expected it. "Just a few more steps and I'm free! Come on you can do it stupid girl!" And she did it. Jed turned and wanted to step out of the room.

"Going somewhere Your Highness?" Anita asked with an evil grin.

"Oh, bitch-Mum is here! You can't keep me in my room! Where is Raul?"

"Oh, suddenly so interested in the destiny of a Third World boy??? How come? That is so not you! Poor baby boy, precisely now when he decided to change... But sorry my boy, there are things in life you have to do at a given time. And only then, not earlier and not later. Unfortunately you did the changes too late."

"Listen bitch! I'm not going to listen to this shit! Where is Raul?"

"Oh, the wild animal in cage! Maybe I should do this more often to you! It is so much fun to see you on the edge of reason!" giving of course an accompanying sad look.

"Don't force me to do you any harm!" just a quiet sentence, said from between closed teeth and threatening fists.

"You won't my dear! And you know just as well as I do why! Because I have vital information for you." Another evil laughter.

"Besides you can't my dear! It is in your blood! Let me tell you a little story. You know I've been dating your father ever since, God it seems like it's been for ages. Anyway, I couldn't take it any longer to see the picture of your mother and yours in his valet, the little gifts and flowers, the thoughtful father stuff bla bla bla. If it weren't for me, he never would have brought a single flower home. By the way, how did you like the mini Eiffel Tower? Or that specific present for you, your day in Le Louvre? Well, my dear, let me tell you I had the most passionate sex with your father while you were looking at those boring exponents in that shitty museum!"

Jed felt the blood rise into his head. This woman surely knew how to use someone's weakness.

"But that's not all! Oh yes, since we were talking about your not having the ability to fight in your blood. See, the first time your mother discovered our little adventure... No, this isn't the right word! I didn't have an adventure with your father. I was living with him, and you two, his family, have been his adventure! Since he spent more time with me. This is an important information! Make sure it gets into that dumb head of yours!" Seeing the effect her words had on Jed Anita decided to dig some more, to make him suffer some more. The boy was such an easy pray now. She was enjoying it. It was an easy thing to do after all, all she had to do is to bring the boy over the limit and he would destroy himself, without her being forced to show her real face. This went even smoother than she thought.

"Anyway, remember that specific Monday afternoon? Your Mother had a day off. It was a beautiful spring, I must confess you it was one of the most beautiful March days I ever have seen in Paris." Jed remembered that day. His mother was very happy to have a day off and to take his son with her to Paris. He could recall they have talked a lot on the way down to Paris. "And what does the dumb chick of your Mother think of? 'Let's visit my husband!' What a surprise, huh? We were in the middle of some 'business' with your father; I think I shouldn't give you any details here. Or wait, maybe I should. So it was the chicken of Claire, the secretary, that had to go to eat exactly then. But it doesn't matter. I was experiencing what it was like my forth orgasm, or fifth/ I can't recall. Anyway, I was screaming like an animal, and she opened the door. I guess the sight must have been pretty shocking. Me on the desk, your father with his pants down at his ankles, and me of course screaming like a bitch. The expression on her face was precious. She was stupid enough to stay. Your father just came, and he started screaming things like 'Oh God, bitch, you are sooo good! Nothing like my frigid wife! Etc.' I was in HEAVEN! Just the expression on her face made me cum again! Anyway, afterwards she left. Without saying a word."

Jed saw Anita's mouth moving, and the evil grin on her face. She always gets a bit red when telling one of her success stories. This he knew from all those boring official dinners where he had to sit at the same table with her. Jed remembered that day perfectly. It was the day when things changed. He has been waiting for his mother in the hall. She came back pretty soon with tears in her eyes, saying that his dad had some things to dad and couldn't spend time with them. Why that day was so special? Jed couldn't tell what happened, but the entire attention of her mother turned towards him. Gone was the worried woman he used to see, walking up and down the big red carpet in her home office, the phone calls, she used to stay up all night just to wait for his dad's call. But all that suddenly changed and she was just a regular mother for him, spending her entire time with her son, with him. It was no problem if dad didn't call. It was just the two of them. Jed remembered finding this new situation kind of weird, but at that age he didn't worry too much. Now all of it made sense. Jed remembered the peaceful smile on his mother's face. The image fainted and was replaced by the red face of this snake, from whose mind the venom just kept on flowing. The strangest feeling took over Jed. It seemed as if he wouldn't be alive. It was his body and soul, but his soul once again exited his body. He was a participant, a third party on this discussion. He saw his hand rise and take a swing. Anita's face lost his aura of glory and her eyes widened in horror. Her jaw dropped and the upper lip curled up a bit. Jed's fist hit the face of the most hated woman. Anita cried out, blood flew through the air and the sound of bones breaking filled the room. It was the hand of justice. At least for this teenager. It was the revenge for his mother's sleepless nights and for all the suffering she had to go through because of her.

"What do you think you are doing?" Jed heard his father from behind.

"Are you hurt my love? Rosita, call an ambulance!"

"You idiot! How could you! You are such an..." Jean gave his son a disgusted look. But his mouth froze. He saw two sparkling blue eyes, the eyes he once has seen. It was the same judging look. The same superiority, the same coldness and rejection just like his former wife's eyes. But there was something more this time. There was hate too. Pure hate.

"You animal! How could you? How could you destroy my mother like that? How could you fuck this bitch while she was looking at you? I hate you! I hate you for destroying her life! I hate you for destroying my childhood! I hate you for everything! I hate you! I hate you! I'd rather not have a father! I wish you would be dead! You monster!"

Jean had a horrified look on his face. It was no use to deny everything. The boy has found it out, and he knew it well that his wife had caught him in the act. Now he could understand his son's anger. And he was horrified. He assisted the medical team and drove with Anita in the ambulance. But two blue eyes kept on looking at him. It was like a curse. Those blue eyes he tried to escape, two blue eyes he thought he would not see any more, the hoped absolution on the funeral, all the wounds of the past, all the sleepless nights, all the monsters of his past came back. Jean felt so small. Just a helpless child, far away from home, and left al alone. He knew there was no turning back. And he also knew there was no human power that could fight his son. He had all the pros on his side, and all the cons have been on his side. It was his punishment, the one he was running from ever since.

To be continued?

Good, now your comments please! Next chapter, as always, depends on your feedback!


Next: Chapter 8

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