Discovering Love

By Marcos Rojas

Published on Jun 19, 2005


Hi guys, here is chapter 6, as I promised. Well, just because I'm a bit later on with it you have here a longer chap as usual! You already know if you are allowed to read or not and that this story as entire and parts is just mine! :-)

Hope you'll enjoy reading it and as always, I'm waiting for your feedback. There should be an update of the other story too, pretty soon I hope... :-)


Discovering Love 6

Found and lost again

by Marcos Rojas

"The greatest love of all is happening to me, I found the greatest love of all inside of me, "The greatest love of all is easy to achieve Learning to love yourself It is the greatest love of all." Whitney Houston

From chapter 5:

Raul shook again still not believing what was happening. Those eyes actually spoke and that look started to push him out of the room. Raul started stepping back, one step after the other till he left the room. Jed broke the eye contact and turned away. He won and he was done now, he was through with Raul.

Chapter 6:

The wedding was a real fiesta. Loud singing, laughing and dancing... It echoed in Jed's head, he just couldn't find his peace. Turning on his laptop he checked the mails answering all of them just to get a distraction from his feelings. He was more than confused and Erika's words just kept on echoing in his mind. " He is just a shitty little fag!" "No, Raul can't be gay, that would be too good to be true! I don't have that kind of luck in this life! Never, he just can't be and won't be!" "You know he doesn't want to lose you!" "No, this is again one of her inventions, she is a notorious liar." "He told me he has slept with you! In the same bed!" "That couldn't have meant a thing to him! At least not as much as to me! I must stop thinking of him! I can't have him and I won't take anything less than a lover! I have to get away from this straight boy! Why did he have to break my heart! I am bloody in love with him! I have just fallen in love with him! Damn you Anita, damn you bitch, you are the only one to blame." The evening breeze moved the curtains and touched the picture of Jed's mother. The movement caught Jed's attention and he turned to the picture. It took him only a few seconds to realize where he should be now.

Leaving Jed's room and going down the stairs Raul felt like he was going down to Hell. He didn't want to live anymore. He had to get out of there, there was no way he could face Anita in this state. Some old ladies caught him and were hugging and kissing him saying what a brave kid he was, how loving and caring, he is even crying of happiness, just because his mother has her best day he is so glad, he is such a precious little kid, he is also so beautiful... It all faded away. It was just Raul's body that was being abused like that, his soul seemed to have left it. He was carried away by the happy people and no one cared a bit about his feelings. He wished he would have died or Jed would have hit him, just to feel his touch once more! But that was over and all that remained were the memories. Jed was never going to look at him again. He now hated him, him who had the greatest love in this world for him... He managed to get away eventually going to the panorama view. There were no people and Raul was very happy. It was the place where he could hide and cry. Finally. He couldn't hold back the tears and the breeze wasn't gently at all. It wasn't comforting. The place reminded Raul of Jed and their first encounter, their first real encounter, the first time when Jed revealed his real face to him... The first moment when he had him... That was now gone... Raul refused to think. He didn't want to know what was going to happen. There was one variable in the equation he didn't consider... But which one... This equation is too complicated for him... He must have stayed back there in the hell. Anita must have left him there. Life here has no meaning, life has lost every meaning now. It was Jed who was the center of this universe, of this new life of his. "I must leave! This isn't my home anymore..." he wanted to get up but the reality shocked him. The party was over, there were only low voices coming from the rooms. Some giggles, some orgasm screaming, some snoring and other sounds of the night.

Jed got home as the last guests who stayed in the hotel were leaving. Anita and jean were on the steps of the mansion looking very tired, really exhausted. Jed rolled his eyes. These were the last persons he wanted to see in his state. Surprisingly Anita turned and left after whispering something into Jean's ear. "What the hell..." Jed thought.

"I won't ruin my wedding night with you. There is only one thing I want to tell you now! I am realy ashamed to have a son like you! You have made a fool out of yourself! And don't you think there won't be any consequences mon cher, you are going to suffer for this. Look at you! You are just a worthless fag! Oh I wish your mother could see you now! Her entire pride is just a queer! A cock-sucker! Hah! I bet your big royal Grandmother is going to be thrilled about this! Listen to me Edouard! You are no longer my son! I don't have a son anymore! And I will do my best to make sure that you won't bother the persons who really love me. There will be no obstacle big enough to stop me fro defeating you and making you pay for what you have done today!" Jean turned and left Jed. The boy was taken by surprise. This was a lot of to deal with for one day. But there was something different that was on his mind now. His father will sleep now and he will take care of this matter later.

Taking two steps at a time he rushed to his room and turned on the lights. Shock! "Where the fuck is he?" Jed thought. "Raul? Where are you?" No answer. After looking in the bathroom he rushed out the room. "He must be there..."

Raul was just ready to go... One last look at the beautiful view, one last touch, to feel the rock where his Jed sat, where he opened his heart to him... "It is going to be very hard! But I need these memories..." He looked at every detail as if trying to memorize every inch of the surface, every little details of this place, of the place where he used to be very happy. He almost could feel Jed there. There was this feeling again, these vibes, the excitement of the first night, the first insecurity of Jed. "This is just making it worse... Or do I have to remember all of this... This is a part of what I can't have..." Raul sighed and tried to relax, but there was this strong feeling again.

"Oh Jed! Why???" he sighed and turned to leave. In the next second he opened his eyes in horror and took a step back. A few feet behind him was Jed, just standing in silence.

Raul started shaking once again. After the first shock and wave of fear he calmed down but kept his eyes closed. Jed was there and something was going on. He at least got a last chance to see Jed. But what if he is going to just hurt him? He wanted to keep the pleasant moments in his mind. Only the pleasant ones! And now the story is going to end with a brutal scene. This wasn't what he was wishing. But still, even if he will hit him it will be HIS touch. Once again there was the feeling of closeness, he could feel Jed very close. He could have sworn he felt the body heat of Jed. Opening his eyes Raul instinctively covered his face. There was Jed just right in front of him.

"Angelito... Please don't be afraid... I'm not gonna hurt you..." Jed's vice was so soft that Raul got even more scared.

"Please, I never hurt you and I am not going to do it now..." With that Jed touched the shivering boy's arm.

It was once again electricity. Raul felt as if hit from a thunder. A sensation of warmth and comfort ran through his body. It was the well-known feeling, the one from their first and only night spent together. His feet couldn't hold him no longer.

Jed caught the little frame and took the little guy into his arms.

"I have you Raul... I just knew it... You DO love me!" Jed whispered.

Raul slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the ceiling. This was weird. And it felt like a bed not the grass. Turning his head to the right he met Jed's shining eyes. A strong hand grabbed his waist and pulled him closer to Jed.

"We wouldn't want you to run away now, would we?" Smiling devilishly he pulled the boy even closer to him.

"Y... you don't hate me... anymore?" Raul still couldn't believe his eyes.

"No I don't! I never really did..." Jed lied.

"And that is so not true!" Raul said with his casual honest innocence.

"Oh, it isn't? Hmm and what are you going to do about it Angelito?" Jed just raised his eyebrow.

"Oh, isn't he cute! He is blushing!" Jed giggled.

"Don't make fun of me! Or..." Raul tried to turn away.

"Or what little brother?" Jed asked pulling Raul even closer to him.

"Or I'm just gonna cry!" Now Raul was strongly fighting against his own body. Tears were filling his eyes.

"So cute! See this is why I love you!" Jed whispered in a very sexy voice. He could feel Raul shiver a bit. "Aha, so I got him all right!" Just an inner smile while realizing this...

"You love me? And you consider me your brother?" Raul couldn't believe what he was hearing. He quickly turned and hugged Jed.

Jed just smiled. Now this was a lot better. "Working on this guy isn't hard at all!" This time a smile on his face.

"Well to tell you the truth I'm having second thoughts..." Raul faced Jed with red eyes, at this moment puzzled and very confused. Their faces were too close but Jed wouldn't want to release Raul.

"That's right, I want to reconsider what I said before. As a matter of fact I am just going to do that now! Yup! And I also know what the right thing is! And that is definitely not being brothers." The expression on Raul's face was precious, a mixture of shock and confusion and fear and disappointment. Jed had to gather all his strength to keep a straight face.

"And certainly not friends. I don't want YOU as a friend!" With that he rolled covering Raul with his body. The boy was now in shock. His body was so rigid and Jed just loved to feel the power of this little guy, how he was trying to handle the situation. Jed looked down on Raul, opened his eyes wide for only a second and moved his lips closer to Raul's. The little guy once again tensed but there was no way he could have a chance. Not with Jed. Using the horror and surprise he quickly put his lips on Raul's and pressed. The boy tried to get away but eventually gave in.

"Come on, let me in! Don't be so mean! I've wanted to taste you for sooo long!" Jed thought.

"Oh my God! What should I do now? Oh God! Oh, I can't... I won't... I have to... I want to..." Raul gave up the reasoning inside his head and let Jed in.

"Good boy! That's it! You are delicious!" Jed thought as he explored Raul's mouth. He felt Raul relax and even pushing himself closer to him.

"Hmmm, you are a delicious little guy!" Jed said as he broke the kiss. Raul's face was angelic. With closed eyes his face showed peace and love. It was amazing how this guy's face could show his feeling. It was awesome.

"You can use me as your pussy boy! I don't care! Just use me!" Raul whispered and opened his eyes. There was a fire that Jed never has seen in anyone's eyes.

"Being slutty Angelito?" Jed smiled.

"If that is what you want from me that is what I'm gonna be!" Raul said with a sigh.

"You've just changed career baby boy?" Jed asked playfully.

"As long as I am close to you I don't care what you want from me! Just don't tell my mother about it!"

"You are amazing you know? What makes you think I want to abuse you?" Jed asked very surprised.

"Well what else do you want me for? Not a brother, not a friend, just a pussy boy to satisfy your needs whenever there is no girl around."

Jed started laughing very loud and released Raul rolling down from him.

"What is so funny?" Raul was now getting angry. This happened rarely but now he was really pissed off.

"What? I give you here my body and soul and you can only laugh?"

"W-wh-what makes hahah you think haha I'm hahaha straight?" Jed tried to say a sentence.

"You're not?" Two widely opened eyes and a dropped jaw.

"Now I'm not! As a matter of fact I'm gay and I am crazy bout you!" Jed smiled.

"No, no that can't be!" Still under shock...

"Well, I can just, you know, quit and look for another if I'm not the one for..."

"Shut up! Don't you dare even saying it! I love you! I want you! I need you!"

"Slow down now Angelito! There are too many needs, and not even Super-Jed can take care of so many at one time! I'm only human you know!" He looked seductively at Raul. It was just precious to see the boy in this confusion. Still not believing what he heard a moment ago he looked down suspiciously at Jed.

"Ahm, I don't want to disturb your contemplation but now comes that part where you are supposed to kiss me and hug me." Jed smiled opening his arms to welcome Raul.

"You bastard!" Raul fell over Jed as a hungry wolf and started kissing him as if it was a matter of life and death. This time it was an even wilder kiss. Raul played with Jed's hair and pressed himself on the boy's body as if he wanted to become one with him.

"Whoa! Let me breathe will ya! Don't kill me cause you are supposed to serve me later!" Again that evil look. Raul just looked down on Jed.

"Yeah right! I'm goanna just fuck you from morning till evening." Raul answered quickly.

"Hey, what is with this new you??? I can't recognize you anymore! Oh, he blushes again! This is my Angelito, the one I know!" Jed smiled.

"You don't know a thing about me Your Highness!" Raul shot back.

"I'm so gonna make you pay for that!" With a single move Raul flew from Jed's body and landed on the bed. Before even realizing what was going Raul felt Jed's strong body on his. There was this evil grin again.

"Last chance: say you're sorry!" Jed bit his lower lip.

"Never!" Raul tried to escape.

"As you wish!" With that the heavy tickling started making Raul scream.

"Shut up! You're gonna make MOTHER come over and find me on top of his little son!"

"And what are we willing to offer in change for my silence???" Raul asked out of breath.

"Well, let's say you may take everything you see!" Jed said indicating elegantly his body.

"Careful Jed! I may take advantage of that! Now it's time to stop! You are a good actor, and I must confess the kisses were wonderful too!"

"It was not acting, it IS the truth! Raul I love you! I love you with all my heart! I'm not gonna leave you, and I'm definitely not going to let anything happen to you! I love you! Don't forget that!"

Raul looked at Jed with tears in his eyes. He still couldn't believe it.

"I am yours! That of course if you want me to be..." A shy smile on his lips.

Raul just looked into Jed's eyes and kissed the boy. After that he just hugged his love. The feeling was very good. Jed adjusted their bodies so that he held Raul's body as if sheltering him from any possible harm. The moments seemed like an eternity and Raul felt an interesting feeling, a feeling of complete. He took a deeper breath as he wanted to say something.

"Yes, Angelito, I feel it. And for me it is just that kind of special." Jed ended with a kiss on Raul's locks.

"We really are made for each other. I love you Jed!"

"I love you too my Angelito." Some moments of silence, and Jed could feel Raul's body tense a bit. There was again that deep breath, several times, but Raul just didn't speak. His body radiated hotter as just a couple of minutes before. Jed could tell something was wrong.

"What baby? What is wrong? You can tell me! Can I help you?" Jed was surprised by his own tenderness.

"Jed, do you want to make love to me?" Raul asked rather hesitatingly.

"If you want me to, I will." Jed answered silently. Silence again.

"But some other time. I wouldn't want our first time to be on a night like this! You are just too special to me!" Jed whispered.

"Thank you my love. I know just how much you would like to."

"Let's just take this one step at a time. Right now just having you this close is the best thing. I can feel you and you are just mine now. I'm not sure sex could unite us more..."

"I love you so much! I'm gonna tell you this even if I am boring you!"

"Angelito, you're never gonna bore me! It fills my heart to hear someone saying that to me. I really don't have that many fans you know..." Jed confessed.

"Me either. Thank you for loving me! You don't know what this means to me." Raul confessed.

"Yeah right! Mr. Sweet Guy isn't being loved by hundreds and thousands of fans? Let's suppose it's true! Tell me the reasons!"

"Not now please! It feels to perfect to remember her now! I don't want to. When the time is right you'll know!"

"Now I'm too curious, but I guess I'll have to respect that!" Raul had to giggle. It was so sweet to see big tough Jed surrender.

Jed's thoughts drifted back to England, he tried to remember again all the details of that last meeting with his mother, and to follow his life ever since that day. Raul fell asleep very quickly. "Poor boy! I must have scared him to death today." He just smiled and held Raul closer to him.

Lightning and thunder awoke Jed. The curtain was moving furiously, the wind and the lightning transformed it into a white ghost that became visible irregularly. The storm was heavy, but Jed had no problem with that. Just as he wanted to drift back to dreamland he remembered Raul. He couldn't feel his love's body. Jed turned just as the lightning lit the room. He saw Raul in the corner of his king size bed with a look of horror on his face.

"What is wrong baby? What happened?" Jed asked softly.

"I'm so scared! She always comes to me whenever it rains." Raul tried to speak.

"Who is coming? And why didn't you wake me?" Jed was now getting worried and pissed at the same time. Looking at his shaking little lover made him feel bad. How could he let this happen? What on earth was going on in this boy's life?

"Look Angelito, I'll close the balcony door and the door room." Jed offered heading towards the other end of the room.

"What if she is already inside? Look in the bathroom and in the corners too!" Raul was now really scared.

"She who?" Jed stopped for a minute. Another lightning revealed Raul's scared face and it made him regret he has ever asked.

"Look, we'll talk it through tomorrow. Now I'll turn up the lights and we'll look together. This way you'll be sure and can sleep afterwards." Raul just stood up and ran to Jed taking his hand and holding him strongly. After checking every corner of the room, even closing the wardrobe with the key Raul started crying. Jed just took him on his arms back to bed and covered him. In a second he was there holding the crying boy.

"Don't leave me Jed! Please?" Raul said.

"I'm here! No one is gonna harm you! Just go to sleep!"

Jed forced himself to stay awake until he could hear Raul breath regularly. Afterwards he too fell asleep.

The morning sun forced Jed to wake up. He didn't want to. It was the usual thing. He wanted to sleep some more. He turned left and tried to go back to sleep. There was something else bothering him this time. He opened his right eye and found Raul lying on his stomach looking at him searchingly with such a loving face.

"Bloody stop staring at me! You're worse than the sun!" Jed whined. Raul just smiled.

"you have intentions to wait any longer or are you just gonna kiss me?" Jed asked still with closed eyes and with a sexy morning voice. He immediately found Raul's lips on his. Raul explored his love's mouth. Raul suddenly broke the kiss.

"Whaa..." Jed tried to protest.

"Your beard baby! I can't take it any longer!" Raul smiled shyly.

Jed tested his face as an expert for some seconds and agreed. Before being able to say something Raul was back with a razor and some shaving foam. Jed just smiled seductively.

"Full service today, Angelito?" He smiled.

"I was actually thinking you would do it, but if you want me to, sure! I'd loved to!"

"Do we have a shaving-fetish there?" Jed could instantly see Raul blush.

"Come here! We need to hurry! I can't survive without your kiss! Not any longer! Hurry up or I swear I'm gonna have to destroy your face!"

Raul moved slowly on purpose. There was something special in seeing Jed this kind of thrilled, and mostly in his sexy black outfit he was wearing the night before. They didn't have time to get undressed, they didn't bother... He was just about to wipe Jed's face with a wet towel as Jed stopped him.

"We need to get rid of these clothes. We wouldn't want you to destroy this sexy shirt of yours..." With that he started unbuttoning Raul's shirt. That made Raul look away and blush. Jed couldn't believe his eyes how beautiful this boy was! Just everything on him was perfect. His olive skin, the dark nipples and the smooth lines of his chest. He wasn't a jock all right, but he just had everything he needed, and he was just hot. Jed leaned forward and pushed Raul on his back kissing his neck, chest and making his way down to the pants. Once there he unbuttoned and unzipped the black tux pants and revealed very sexy black tight black undies. There was also a pretty big bulge. Jed glanced up and could tell Raul was fighting to defeat his erection. "Now let's bring lil' Raul to full size! You can't fight Jed! Especially not now!" he said to himself and placed his head just above Raul's member. There was no touch, just Jed's hot breath. Moving his head all above Raul's member Jed achieved what he wanted. He always wanted to experiment this. It was just too tempting, a hot mouth an inch away, you can feel it but you don't have it! It can drive one crazy! Jed slowly pushed his arm under Raul and lifted the boy's body just enough to get rid of the pants. "Not bad! Beautiful legs!" Jed thought. Raul was now almost crying. Jed started kissing his way up and Raul again moaned. Finally up again Jed removed the briefs almost aggressively. Raul opened his eyes widely almost shouting "Please no!" but in the next second he moaned and cried out. He was defeated. Jed took his cock in his hand, pulled back the foreskin and took his lovers toy in his mouth. He couldn't wait any longer. There was plenty of time to inspect the equipment. He couldn't take it any longer and Raul seemed to be on the edge too. Jed played with the head for a short while.

"Oh God, stop, I can't! I can't hold it!" Raul tried to warn Jed but his lover just sped up. Jed opened his eyes and couldn't believe his eyes. Raul's body went rigid, and there were several contractions. Jed could tell his lover was experiencing a strong orgasm. With his eyes closed Raul was in another world. To swallow was no question for Jed, he wanted to taste, to feel, to discover his lover's flavor. He felt Raul's penis harden and a first jet of cum shot into his mouth. Feeling the sweet-salty flavor pushed Jed over the limit, creaming his tong without even touching himself. The boys yelled almost in the same time. It was Raul who could be loud. Feeling Raul's and his own orgasm fade away Jed felt Raul's hand on his head. He looked up to find Raul with his eyes still closed. Leaving Raul's member clean Jed covered his lover's body with his own. Raul responded immediately hugging Jed tightly. Jed loved the content look on his lover's face. Raul now had an even more beautiful face, if that was possible. He loved this boy!

Finally opening his eyes Raul radiated with all his love, and Jed just knew he has found the one for him. He kissed Raul sharing the rests of cum with Raul. Breaking the gently kiss which seemed to last forever Jed smiled and rubbed his nose on Raul's.

"Still willing to shave me?" Raul just nodded and let himself be pulled up by Jed.

Now standing in front of each other the little guy shyly put his hand on Jed's black shirt and looked into his eyes as if asking for approval. Jed just closed his eyes for a second and moved to help the boy remove the shirt. Jed searched for Raul's expression. The boy was in trance, touching Jed's muscles he sighed. Pushing his two index finger under the strip of the tong he bit his lower lip and pushed the unnecessary clothes down. Giving his trademark, his widely opened eyes in surprise Raul saw Jed's big semi-hard cock dripping from cum. He carefully took the desired object and wiped the cum with the towel making Jed moan a bit. Standing naked as he was born in front of his love Jed saw Raul checking him out, very obviously.

"You like?" Jed asked taking Raul out of his ecstasy.

"God you are so perfect! Too perfect for me..."

"Well I'm sorry for you but see, you'll have to learn to live with it, cause now this body is all yours!" Jed smiled down at Raul.

"I think I'll make it somehow..."Raul smiled and escaped Jed's attempt of kissing him.

"You mustn't! Not before you are shaved!" Jed couldn't help laughing. This boy was so sincere and cute, he was just a boy with a huge heart, and he was HIS boy!

Raul looked into Jed's eyes and pushed his love on the bed. This huge guy was so easy to handle! Jed now sitting on the bed received his lover who wrapped his legs around his waist placing the objects he needed on the bed just next to them. The contact of their naked bodies was electrifying. Both of them moaned. The sensation of the warm skin, in the same time the fire in the eyes of the loved one can be so comforting. They didn't need to say a thing, both of them knew. Raul started the ritual. After having given a tender massage with the foam he started to move the razor on his lover's face. Jed never took his eyes off of his lover. Never has he seen someone looking at him with so much love. Little Raul's face expressed the purest love possible. There was magic in every move. Jed knew what he had to do, their bodies functioned as one. It was a perfect ritual, something that only two men can experience, and in the same time something that bounds them forever. It was no hurry and every move disconnected and reconnected their bodies sending the shivers of sexual electricity through their bodies. Once finished with the process Raul gently touched Jed's face and smiled.

"That's my smooth lover!" The boys started a long passionate kiss causing visible changes in their physiology.

"I could get used to this!" Jed said kissing Raul's neck.

"What is this? Raul Angel! Que estas haciendo? Vete! Ahora! Vamos a hablar màs tarde!" Anita yelled at his son from the door.

Lost in their own world they didn't notice Anita enter the room. She was standing there with a rather cynical than surprised look. Jed got angry seeing how Raul was running out of the room.

"You can't take him away from me!" Jed sounded desperate now.

"Oh, Your Highness! We have a little weakness? And precisely MY boy? Oh God, this is better than in imagined! You are so going down now! No one can rescue you now!" With an evil laughter she turned and wanted to leave but something made her stop. She took out the key from the door and looked back to Jed.

"Just to make sure you won't escape!" She sent him a kiss and with another evil laughter she locked the door from outside.

To be continued???

Okay, I know, this is twisted, again, but there is more to come! Hope you liked it! Just send me a mail! Gracias! :-) And E. thanks for your help! :-)


Next: Chapter 7

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