Discovering Love

By Marcos Rojas

Published on Feb 9, 2006


Usual disclaimer... NO person or family name in this story is real, they are just fiction. If you happen to feel like I'm just writing about you, that can be interesting, you can contact me, but for sure that was no intention of mine.

I wanted to thank all of you who have taken the time to reply. As I always was trying to show you, this story is for you and therefore it is very important for me to read your feedback.

There are certain persons I want to thank for their help and all.

JJ, first of all, thanks for the message, weird that I couldn't reply... ;-) Maybe one day you can show me that technique too... Your messages are still welcome! ;-)

A lot of thanks go out to Mike, who has shown me some of the aspects I should be avoiding in the story. Unfortunately there are a couple of chapter before I can play the action the way you would like to have it. But thanks for the input, it means a lot to me.

Thanks the Nifty-guy for his mails, was interesting to discover the guy behind the standard message. Well, at least talk to him... ;-)

And of course Erick, mi querido amigo, who was playing phoenix bird lately but arose from his deaths and came back to rescue me... Love you as always!

There is one more thing to say. The story might look a little bit weird and illogical right now, but things will be clear after a time. I promise you that. Reason why I spending more time writing than usually.

I guess that's more than enough for the moment...



Discovering Love 11 Past meets Future

By Marcos Rojas

"The greatest love of all is happening to me, I found the greatest love of all inside of me, "The greatest love of all is easy to achieve Learning to love yourself It is the greatest love of all." Whitney Houston

From Chapter 10:

"Never forget that I loved you! I still love you, and I will always love you! There will be no place for another in my heart! I swear that to you! Forgive me my angel, forgive me for all the bad I have done to you and all the things I should have done for you!"

Placing the rose on Raul's chest Jed stroke Raul's forehead. "You will live forever in my heart!"

The last rays of the Sun disappeared behind the endless waters of sea, and the silence came back. Raul's face looked so peaceful. A single teardrop was rolling down his left cheek... Or maybe... it was just the endless game of the light and shadow...

Chapter 11: Looking out of the window of the office Jed was watching the crowded streets. People running around, the crazy traffic, as always, how different it is to look at things from above... As the third party... Jed imagined for a second how much sense everything made when watched from above. The lady with the blue dress was visibly in a hurry, her movements made so much sense... The young couple again, with his arm around her neck, she with the head dropped back and laughing so hard they had to stop. The old lady, just like the two lovers ^ึ just an obstacle in the way of the lady in blue. She has a goal; she is trying to achieve something... Or maybe she is just running away from somewhere... Or someone... One can never know... The road of life... Jed mused a little bit longer. He remembered the times he didn't hurry; he remembered the last trip he made with Raul. The streets were just as crowded as now and he was screaming around cursing for not being able to get out of the city at once. Raul just smiled and put his finger on Jed's lips. Not knowing what was that for, Jed gave him a puzzled look.

"Don't be mad lover! We have the time of the eternity. Besides... Why cursing when you can use the time in a way more efficient and better way?" Raul asked raising his left eyebrow.

"Is that so? And what other activities could you suggest Einstein?" Jed answered jokingly while pressing his lips on Raul's index and talking from behind the finger.

"You could read my lips and guess... Or you could maybe..." Raul said biting his lower lip as Jed started playing with his index using his tongue.

"I could eat you in the middle of Buenos Aires, like a cannibal, just so that no one else could ever have lay eyes on you..." Said Jed suddenly biting Raul's index finger.

"You bad, bad man! Mama warned me about guys like you! You just take advantage of innocent boys!" Said Raul still trying to pull out his finger out of Jed's mouth.

"Stop it! Let go of it!" Raul started to get desperate as the old lady at his right started to look directly at his lover. At this moment Jed had something like the biggest grin on his face, between his perfect white teeth Raul's finger.

"Stop that! It's not funny! People are staring!" Raul said while turning towards the old lady and with an innocent look on his face tried to reason:

"Mi hermano a veces actua como un ni๑o." (My brother sometimes acts like a child.)

Jed let go of Raul's finger...

"You're so going down pretty boy!" He said and in a sec his lips were on Raul's, his tongue in Raul's mouth not allowing his lover to escape.

The lady's eyes almost dropped out, horror and disgust were in her eyes.

"กษl es mi amante!" (He is my lover!)

The lights turned green and the lady drove off. Jed let go of Raul and also drove off.

"You really ARE insane!" Raul said licking his lips while analyzing Jed's denture prints on his finger.

"Didn't you say to read your lips? You were saying nothing. At least not to me. And as my Spanish is so bad, I thought I could get some extra information by reading the biological information..." Jed tried to play innocent.

"I give up!" With a desperate look on his face Raul just rubbed his forehead.

"Good! This means we can get to the next step!"

"To the next what?" Raul asked suddenly stopping his movements not even daring to look at Jed.

"You know... THAT! I just love to show off, I just love to show you are mine... And there is a bit of exhibitionism in the thing..."

"Stop that! You can't possibly mean that! Oh dear Lord, what kind of a human disaster did you bring into my life??? For what kind of sins do I have to pay this oh so high price??? At least he cannot have something worse on his mind like that..." Raul was saying somehow to himself. Jed was just watching him from the corner of his eye and brought slowly stopped behind at the next traffic light. Raul couldn't see the evil grin on his left cheek. Pushing the release button of his safety belt he suddenly jumped on the driver's seat of his convertible BMW.

"What the hell..." Raul widened his eyes in horror. He knew something bad was going to happen. The last thing he saw was Jed taking in a heroic position. The wind was playing with Jed's shirt revealing a bit of his sick pack. Even though Raul just loved to play with Jed's belly button and was even brought him to the limit with his little games that was not the thing to see at the moment.

"People! Listen! He is my lover! We are in love! I love how he kisses and he is the most passionate lover in the bed!!!"

Raul couldn't believe his ears. His jaw dropped, his face turned the most different colors of red in something what seemed to be an eternity. He thought this will be the historic moment when time stood still and all 6 billion people of the planet could come and look into his eyes. He slowly slid down the seat trying to be as invisible as possible.

People uttered their different points of view but Jed couldn't care less. He was being childish and happy.

"Don't hide love of my life! You know I will tell this wherever we are and whoever we are with!"

Raul just looked up at him shaking his head. He wasn't mad, maybe just a bit ashamed, but still, he was somehow proud. Proud of being loved like that. There was again that special look in Raul's Jed remembered the special sparks in Raul's eyes. Raul was trying to say something to him, but all he could see were his lips moving. There were no sparks in his eyes and his voice seemed to be different.

"SIR!!!!!!!!! The attorneys are here! SIRRRRRR!!!!!" The secretary shouted at him and shook the boy's shoulder.

"What? Who? The attorneys... Well, send them in! Of course!"

The secretary was still looking somehow puzzled at Jed.

"Can I get you anything sir? You look pale. Are you all right?"

"Yes! No! I mean no and yes!"

It was the secretary's turn to get lost in space.

"I mean no, you cannot, and yes, I'm just fine! Thank you kindly!"

`Whatever! He is even crazier as his father. I think I should start sending my CVs, this company won't live long when people like him start running it.' The secretary thought while leaving the office.

Jed took a deep breath and looked at Raul's picture on his desk. It was one of his favorite pictures. Again the same weekend they spent together. Raul in the sea, wearing a wet white shirt, giving Jed the well known look... The one that could light the strongest fire of his soul each time he looked at him.

`It is time my angelito... It is time.' He caressed with his finger Raul's face, somehow missing the warmth of Raul's skin.

"Isn't that sweet! Daddy's big, tough boy crying!" Anita said putting down her neon purse.

Jed looked up and shot her a disgusted look.

"Nice to see you MOM! As always... You look... marvelous! I think this neon green is just the perfect color you are supposed to wear on the day of your son's funeral!"

"Cut the crap Your Highness! I have no son! I never had one! It's better not to have a son as having a son who sucks..." Anita shot back with a disgusted look on her face.

"Go on bitch! Say what you want to say!" Jed yelled at Anita.

"That would be the next insult trial Mr. Perez!" Anita said casually to her lawyer.

"Jed, may I talk to you for a moment?" Jed's attorney asked. Pulling his client aside he spoke.

"Now listen to me young man! I know there are others who should be telling you this, but don't let this woman win. With every word you say you are helping her in taking everything from you! Remember, we still don't know how the..."

"Good afternoon ladies and gentleman!" a strong voice interrupted the discussion.

Jed turned to see an older man, maybe in his early sixties. The room went quiet, everyone greeted silently and people were trying to find a seat as fast as possible.

"I assume I may take this seat for this occasion." The man said rather matter-of-factly than asking sitting while overtaking Jed's desk and chair.

Jed just raised his eyebrow. He never liked people intruding his personal space. Leaning against the window Jed observed the participant. There was Mr. Perez, a rather fat and ugly man, with a huge briefcase and an extremely thick yellow notebook in his hands. His black suit, the black briefcase contrasted with the green paper, just the way his golden fountain pen was shining in his dark hands. With his absolutely hideous glasses he was ready to take his notes. Mike on the other hand was the regular family father, in his forties, practical, kind and friendly, in a dark green suit. Jed never had fantasies with him, he knew Mike had two kids and was very happy with her wife back in England. Turning on his digital recorder Mike relaxed and nodded towards the older man he was now ready. The old man was sweating, no wonder, by that weight and those temperatures, Jed thought. Next to him was a rather young lady trying to send signals to Jed. Jed just knew this kind, she was playing the "I am so innocent and brave" role, putting her long legs together, but still showing them, playing with her hair, turning her head a bit to the side and smiling in an understanding way each time she would make eye contact with Jed. And there was of course next to Mr. Perez Anita, looking lie a huge neon green candy. Finishing analyzing her fingernails she looked over at Jed. Their eyes locked and Anita narrowed hers sending hate and certainty, something what wasn't so normal given the circumstances. Jed's mind raced trying to find possible reasons, but the harsh voice again interrupted his thoughts.

"Gentlemen, madam, we are here, as all of you well know to read the final will of Jean La Croix." He stressed the name and looked around to see the reactions. Anita was searching for some inexistent foreign objects under her huge nails. Jed looked lost in space, his eyes were staring at the papers the man was holding in his hands. It seemed as the attorneys were more interested in the case than their clients. Wiping his face he sighed, put on his glasses and went on.

"Allow me to present myself, my name is Timothy Simmons and I am here in quality of the attorney of Mr. Jean La Croix. My final duty in this quality is to read my client's final will. As all of you know, my client died last week in an airplane accident. According to the conditions I am supposed to read this document one week after the funeral, which was on last Friday. Following persons should be present on this meeting: Mrs. Anita Fernandez La Croix, Mr. Joshua Edouard de la Pole La Croix and Miss Erika Heidenreich. Are all named persons present?" Mr. Simmons kept again a longer break. Jed flashed over at Anita who wasn't showing any kind of surprise.

"Yes, we all are here!" said Erika. Nobody heard her entering the office. She was dressed as always, wearing jeans and a shirt, this time with a new haircut AND wearing make-up.

`What the hell is going on here?' Jed thought to himself looking at Mike who purposely turned away from him.

"Please excuse me for running late, I had some business to do!" Erika commented with her German accent. She glanced over to Jed, looked into the green eyes he always loved and shot what turned out to be the second arrow of incomprehensible confidence for Jed. Mr. Simmons didn't bother to comment this interruption and went on.

"I don't want to keep you here for two long. The legal background is going to be cleared with the attorneys of the three parties."

"Mr. Simmons, if you allow me, I don't happen to see the attorney of Miss Heidenreich." Mike asked the older men.

"That would be me!" Mr. Perez answered with a content look on his face.

`Anita ^ึ Mr. Perez, that is somehow an understandable combination, Jed thought. But what the hell is she got to do with Perez and Anita? Was she also fucking my father? Wouldn't be a big surprise...' Jed solved this issue by mentally ticking this matter.

"As said, the details will be cleared with the attorneys. There are only some aspects which need to be highlighted. Are we all ready?" Mr. Simmons asked probably only out of habit, or for the sake of the procedure, since he didn't seem to be expecting any kind of feedback from the audience.

"The final months have determined me to make some changes in my will. I have been forced to do this mostly by the behavior of my family. Here will be some final words for all of you. My dearest wife, I shall begin with you, as you are the light of my life. You are my all, all what a man could wish for. I regret it having been forced to live far from you for so long. Only you made my life complete, I never can thank you for giving me the opportunity to escape from that awful family, which still is present by certain persons. Don't worry about him my dearest, everything is going to be taken care of. Joshua Edouard, by law you are my son. As you once told me, you don't have a father any more. Well son, your wish became reality, it seems that you really don't have a father any more. That would make you an... ORPHAN... wouldn't it? My son, I cannot ever forgive you for all the bad things you have done to me and my wife, including your little affair with my stepson. Erika, you are here to take care of our little deal. In case this deal is still in this moment. Never forget about my instructions. This is the only way we all can get what we want. Or don't want... Now my dearest family, it is time for all of you to know what my final will is. Anita, my love, you shall remain in the mansion, and also keep 50% of the company stocks and 121 million dollars. That is a quarter of my fortune. The rest, as much as I dislike it, is the legal heritage of my son Joshua Edouard. The half of my fortune is the property of my former wife, whose parents agreed for me to keep the money as long as my son will inherit it. There is still however, one condition I am allowed to put for him to actually inherit the money, the stocks and the dwellings. According to an ancient rule of the de la Pole family the first born son will inherit the fortune of his parents one month after his marriage, and after the marriage has been consumed. The family law gives me right to put this condition. Now my son, as far as we have seen your sexuality won't allow you to ever get into the possession of this fortune. Anita and I had to sadly assist at your behavior and at the destruction of young Raul's life. You might marry some girl, you think, but you are very wrong. This marriage will be valid only if closed with Erika Heidenreich. The marriage should also be consumed, as said, under the very assistance of Mr. Timothy Simmons and the other inheritors. The mean of this act, is of course as you can realize, to make sure there will be an offspring, so there will be no protection allowed. In case you shouldn't complete your mission in one month after the wedding, the heir will be inherited by your wife, Erika Heidenreich. According to the pre-signed contract, she will hand over this to its deserving owner, Anita Fernandez La Croix. My dearest family! I wish you the fun of your life. Anita, my love, there will be no weapon more powerful than this ancient family law. My son, you might have got rid of me, but my curse will follow you all your life long. Should you choose the wedding, so you will be forced to deny your sexuality and identity, turn your back to Raul and forget him for ever. Should you choose the homosexual lifestyle, so you will have to learn how it feels to be broke and poor, how it feels for a spoiled noble to live as a peasant. There will be no happy hour in your life either way, and you should be followed by this curse as long as you lived. This is my final will and wish for the de la Pole family."

To be continued?

**************************************************************************** So how was it? If my playing around makes you tired, or if by any chance you like what you were just reading, send me a mail. Same address... Thanks for reading my story!

Marcos (

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