Discovering Delia

Published on Jul 21, 2020


Discovering Delia Part 7  

Discovering Delia Part 7    

by Bill Beaumonte (  

This work of fiction contains explicit material intended for adults over 18. If you are under 18 or are offended by non-traditional sex, do not continue.  

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Author’s note: _This series presents a number of independent stories of about youthful first blowjobs. Some of these are inspired by my readers. I hope you enjoy this series.


I awoke with my arm around Delia. We started out spooning last night, which turned out to be so natural that even though we both rolled around a bit while sleeping, we often returned to that wonderfully intimate position. With Delia's soft round buns pressed against me, I knew right where I wanted to put my morning hard-on, but decided to let her sleep. Delia loved intimacy as much as I did, and I was sure we'd share it a couple of times today.

I got up, trying not to disturb her, and went to the bathroom, where I shaved and showered. I had some of my clothes at Delia's since I spent so much time there. Delia would make a great wife – if only she were a girl. She certainly looked and acted like a girl – the issue wasn't about what was between her legs – that was fine with me, but she still identified as a sissy, although my sissy. She went to work as Dean and changed to Delia when she got home. I usually went to my own home after work, and gave Delia a little time to change before dropping in.

I went to the kitchen and made some coffee. After a time I poured a glass of orange juice and took it into Delia. She was laying in bed awake, probably deciding whether or not to get up. "Good morning beautiful," I said, offering her the glass.

"You're too good for me," she said, smiling.

"I just love to take care of my lady," I responded with a smile.

"You would make some lucky lady a good husband," she said.

"I wish I could be YOUR husband," I replied.

Delia paused, as if stunned, and then asked, "Do you really mean that, or are you just making conversation?"

I leaned forward and kissed Delia on her pretty lips and said, "I mean it with all my heart – no other woman ever meant so much to me."

"So is that a proposal?" Delia asked.

"Not exactly," I said, "I think we need to get to know each other better first – but it's my sincere intent, and when I do propose I hope you will accept."

Delia put her arms around me and we kissed – more passionately this time. Then she got out of bed and said, "I have to shower, and then I'll see you – I have something very important to discuss with you."

I went to the kitchen and started breakfast while Delia showered. I enjoyed cooking and decided to make Eggs Benedict today. There was enough time so it should be ready just as Delia joined me.

I plated breakfast and put covers over the dishes to keep them warm. When Delia arrived I helped her to her seat, as I might in a restaurant and she smile once again, saying, "Such a gentleman – I would love for you to be my husband – if you ever get around to asking."

I set Delia's plate in front of her and she thanked me for putting a wonderful breakfast together. As we ate, Delia surprised me by stating, "I'd like to be a girl full-time, if that's okay with you."

That was something I hadn't expected, but I quickly replied, "That would be perfect," I said, "But what about work?"

"I have to check the personnel policy, but I'm pretty sure they support gender transition – they already have a non-discrimination policy," she replied.

"So, you could one day just show up as Delia and it would be okay with everyone?" I asked.

"I'm not entirely sure," she replied, "I'm sure there will be surprises, but I have to check the policy and probably work it through Human Resources."

"It seems like a really big step," I said, "But you are already most of the way there."

"Yes," agreed Delia, "But I'll want to change my name and legal gender marker."

Then it hit me – I wasn't sure about a legal gender change, but I thought it involved surgery – something that just gave me the creeps!" I knew that some transgender people felt they couldn't live without the surgery – I didn't know how Delia felt about it and had no idea how to even broach the subject.

"Do you know how to do the name and gender changes?" I asked.

"The name change is easy," she said, "I just petition the court and put a notice in the paper – then I show up in court and it's done."

"The gender change is more complicated," she continued as I began to squirm in my chair, afraid of what I was about to hear.

"I need to get a letter from a doctor and send it in to get my birth certificate changed," she explained, "And take it to the license bureau to get my driver's license changed. After that I can get my Social Security changed along with my credit cards."

She made no mention of any potential surgery, and I just needed to know.

"Is there any surgery needed?" I asked. Delia looked at me in surprise.

"Do you WANT me to have surgery?" she asked.

"NO!!!" I said, "I like you just the way you are!"

"I thought so," she agreed, "And I want to stay that way, as long as I can live as a girl completely."

"The only thing I would change would be for you to grow out your hair," I said, "The wig looks nice, but it would be nicer with your real hair."

"I'm already working on that," Delia reported, "But will continue to wear the wig until my hair is grown out enough."

"There's just one thing I need to ask you dear, and I'm not quite sure how to put it," I said.

"Don't be silly!" Delia replied, "You know you can ask me anything!"

"Well, if you are a girl full-time," I asked, "Does that mean you aren't a sissy any more?"

"That's all behind me," assured Delia, "I'm a girl and your girl only!"

"I got a call from Brenda last night," she added, "Brenda gave her husband a blowjob and they both loved it, so he won't be coming to me any more."

"Thank you darling," I said, and we kissed.

"Now that we've had a delightful breakfast, how about desert?" she asked.

"I hadn't planned anything," I said.

"No matter, I've got it all figured out – and it's a no-calorie desert!"

Puzzled I let her take my hand and she led me to the bedroom where she said, "For desert we're having 69!"

I needed no persuasion, as we each undressed the other and lay orally-coupled on the bed. We both sucked slowly this time – each wanting to savor the experience. I gazed lovingly at Delia's hot ass – realizing that one day I'd have the best wife in the world.

As soon as I tasted Delia's juice, it sent me over the edge and I climaxed. We lay there quietly for a time. This was a desert I'd be glad to have more often!

To be continued . . .

Feel free to contact me with your comments or requests.

–Bill Beaumonte (

Next: Chapter 8

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