Discovering Delia

Published on Jul 21, 2020


Discovering Delia Part 4  

Discovering Delia Part 4    

by Bill Beaumonte (  

This work of fiction contains explicit material intended for adults over 18. If you are under 18 or are offended by non-traditional sex, do not continue.  

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Author’s note: _This series presents a number of independent stories of about youthful first blowjobs. Some of these are inspired by my readers. I hope you enjoy this series.


T he next day I awoke with Delia on my mind. She was amazingly sexy, but it was just dawning on me that she really didn't know how to act as a girl, except for sexually – and that she did really well! I sure loved how sexy she was but wanted her to be my girlfriend out in public as well. I realized I might have to teach Delia how to act like a girl but didn't know where to start.

I decided to search the internet and was immediately surprised by how much information there was about cross-dressing. There was much more than I had time to read at the moment. I read with interest about feminine mannerisms. I got through the section on how women walked, and it seemed easy enough, but it was all I had time for. I previously looked up clothing size information and determined Delia's dress size.

At work I stopped in to see Dean and agreed to have dinner with Delia tonight. After work I went to a local Goodwill store, where I looked for a dress. There were a great many, and some were quite pretty, but most the wrong size. As I browsed the dress racks, I realized that they were organized by size, so I focused on the rack with Delia's size. I found a really pretty dress with a really nice floral pattern and bought it for the bargain price of $4.

I drove to Delia's and when she opened the door I was once again struck by her beauty, and pulled her close, kissing her.

She was wearing a shear pale blue robe that clearly showed her matching blue bra and panties. I parted the robe to get a better look, running my hands over her soft, delicate body.

"I see you brought something with you," Delia said, "Can I see?"

"A little later," I said, "After your lesson."

"Lesson?" she mused, "I'm I goin' back to school?"

"Not exactly, but I need to teach you how to walk like a girl," I explained.

"I'm not sexy enough for you this way?" Delia asked, with a pouting look on her pretty face.

"You're plenty sexy enough for me, but you can't go around walking like a guy in public!" I added.

"Then let's get started!" said Delia, kissing me.

I explained that women and men walked differently, with men generally moving each foot straight ahead, while women move their feet more toward the center, almost like they are walking a line, like a gymnast on a balance beam.

Delia shed her robe and walked toward me, a little awkwardly. "Not exactly in a line – just step a little toward the center," I corrected.

With a small adjustment she had it right. Then she turned and walked away from me. My eyes were glued to her hips, as they rocked back and forth as she walked so perfectly. "Keep going – just like that," I instructed, and equally enjoyed the view as she returned. I couldn't help but notice the small bulge in the front of her panties, which looked wonderfully sexy.

I reached out and pulled her close, kissing her once again. I reached down and gently massaged her bulge, adding to Delia's arousal.

"You seem to really like my clitty," Delia remarked.

"That, and a lot more," I confessed, "You sure know how to wiggle your ass!"

"Perhaps you should take a closer look," she said, turning and bending over.

That was all the invitation I needed, so dropped to my knees behind her and pulled the back of her panties down. Spreading her cheeks, I eagerly kissed her deeply, enjoying her passionate moaning. With my hands on her curvy hips I kissed her lovingly for a few more minutes before she abruptly stood up and turned around.

Delia's hard clitty was now just inches from my face and looked irresistible to me. I took her into my mouth and put my hands on her soft buns, pulling her to me. Delia ran her hands through my hair and told me how good I was to her. We were coupled in the most wonderful way, and soon Delia gave me her girl juice. It was strong, but now I welcomed it. Once she finished, I swallowed and stood up.

Taking her hand, I led her to the bedroom, where I lay next to her, my arm around her, holding a breast in one hand.

We lay there peacefully for a time, and Delia said, "It's okay now, the guilt has passed." She rolled toward me and we kissed, adding, "In fact, with you holding me, it almost wasn't there."

"I guess we'll have to just keep doing it until you're completely over it," I said.

"No need to stop then," she countered, and I kissed her again.

"Let me show you what I brought you," I said, getting up and retrieving the bag from the Goodwill store. Delia was thrilled as the sight of the dress and held it up to herself as she looked in a mirror.

"Try it on and see how it fits," I said. Delia slipped it on and we both admired how nice she looked.

"Oh thank you Bill," she said, "I don't know how I'll reward your kindness."

"I think you'll figure something out," I said.

"I got something in mind right now – you ready for it?" she asked.

"Right now I want to take you out for dinner," I replied, "We can have some time together afterward."

"Shoes!" Delia exclaimed, "All I have is boy shoes."

We looked at an assortment of Deans shoes and chose a pair that were the least masculine. In fact, they looked feminine to me, but Delia didn't think so. I told her we could stop at the Goodwill store after dinner and find her better shoes.

I took Delia to a popular seafood restaurant. She had been taking female hormones since before puberty, so her voice hadn't deepened, and she had no difficult ordering her food. While we waited she took my hand and said, "There's something we need to talk about."

"That sounds ominous," I said, "Is there some bad news?"

"Not bad news," she assured, "Just something I need to deal with."

"Okay, let's have it," I said.

"Well you know I've been having men over to my house for some time," she said, "But if I'm to be your girlfriend I think that has to stop."

"I've been thinking about that myself," I said, "And wonder if you are really willing to give that up – you really must like it if you've been doing it for years."

"Honestly," she confessed, "I do like it, but I'd give it all up for you, except for ..."

"Except for?" I questioned.

"There is one guy I have to keep doing," Delia revealed.

"Why?" I asked, "What does he have on you?"

"It's not that," Delia elaborated, "It's Brenda my sister."

"What's Brenda go to do with it?" I asked.

"She made me promise to blow her husband," Delia revealed, "Or else she'll reveal my secret."

"Why would she want you to blow her husband?" I asked.

"To keep him satisfied when she had her period," she replied.

"So you suck him about one week a month?" I asked.

"Actually, more often than that," Delia added, "He really likes it and comes over nearly every week but Brenda doesn't know that."

"I can see that's a problem," I said, "If he were the only guy, would that be okay with you?"

"Sure!" Delia agreed, "I'd rather that you be the only guy in my life."

"Give me Brenda's phone number and I'll see what I can work out with Brenda," I said.

Delia was reluctant, but gave me the number, begging me not to upset Brenda.

Our food came and we enjoyed our dinner. We departed and went to the Goodwill store, which was open for another hour.

Delia looked over the selection of women's shoes and found a pair of flats that fit, as well as some heels. Then she noticed the other clothes. We ended up looking through nearly everything before one of the store clerks reminded us that they were closing in fifteen minutes. Delia chose a number of items and we went to the checkout. She got out her credit card and then whispered to me, "I can't pay – this card has my boy name on it!"

I got out my wallet and paid the $57 tab. It was a full cart of clothing that would have cost over a thousand at retail.

We returned to Delia's house and she laid everything out on the bed.

To be continued . . .

Feel free to contact me with your comments or requests.

–Bill Beaumonte (

Next: Chapter 5

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