Discipline Encounter

By Heywood Jameetme

Published on Jul 22, 2003


The date for my spa appointment came and I reported as instructed. In a mere two hours time I had been completely shorn of all body hair. Some shaved off, some wiped off after creme applications, it was very strange to see myself totally hairless but I have to admit I liked it. This was something really new for me. My new master, the mysterious Ahmed was already executing his will over my body without actually physically possessing me yet. I dreamed regularly about our initial encounter, how he kissed and caressed me while making me stroke his erect cock. His smooth instruction for me to kneel was effortless to obey as he slid his drooling cockhead between my lips and shot his seed into my mouth. I fondled myself to orgasm wondering what was in store for me next, but in reality I did not have long to wait and wonder. Only two days after "the shearing", Ahkbar called. He informed me that all of my test results were perfect and that Master Ahmed was eager to continue my indoctrination. I was told to prepare for a weekend visit to Ahmed's estate in upstate New York. A car would be sent to bring me there. I was to pack two casual outfits, two suit and tie outfits, bathing trunks, and to wear gym shorts and a t-shirt only for the ride there. And under no circumstances was I to ejaculate until told to. Very curious combinations I thought, but hey.....he's the boss. The days until that weekend passed so slowly, my frustration growing with each day. I needed to cum so badly but forced myself to obey, hoping that my celibacy would be rewarded. The limo arrived at 5 am as scheduled. The tuxedoed driver put my bags in the trunk and we were off without a word spoken between us. After 2 hours of driving, we stopped at a hotel where Ahkbar joined us! He sat, well-dressed as usual, beside me in the rear seat and said nothing for nearly an hour when he said, "Strip off, boy." "Now? Here?", I asked. His hand smacked my face quickly and painfully. "If you wish to continue this arrangement, I suggest you do as you are told and never, EVER, question Master Ahmed like that or you will be dismissed instantly. Now strip yourself nude and be quick about it, we are approaching the estate." Off came my t-shirt and shorts and there I sat naked beside Ahkbar, my cock beginning to stiffen at the sight of his handsome apparel. The car pulled off the road, through private gates and up a long winding road to the estate. There was a receiving line of the house servants, butlers, maids, cooks, gardeners, about 20 in all, standing outside the front of the house awaiting our arrival. When the vehicle came to a halt, Ahkbar exited from the door on his side and then opened my door saying, "Come out." Naked and embarrassed, I stood out from the limo and Ahkbar barked, "Display!" and I assumed the hands-behind-head, at-attention pose preferred by Masters. Looking at the household staff he said, "This is Heywood, he is Ahmed's new slave. Remember his face and body characteristics as a security measure." Affixing a slave collar to my neck and clipping a chain leash to it, he said, "At ease" to me and I lowered my arms, clumsily attempting to cover my exposed genitalia. He pulled on the chain and I followed him into the foyer. Attaching my leash to a hook on the wall, he said, "You will remain here while I fetch your Master." He then pulled two gold plated nipple clips from his suit jacket pocket and said, "Display". With my arms up behind my head once more, he attached the clips, one to each of my nipples, and said. "Remain exactly like this until we return, boy", and off he strode into the vast mansion. As I stood there, acutely aware of the coldness of the air-conditioning as well as the hard pinching of my tits, I waited expectantly for whatever would happen next. And then, I heard the footfalls........

Ahmed processed down the stairs, clad in a golden robe and nothing else, with Ahkbar following behind him. Approaching me, he looked a bit sad, examining the red hand print on my face, and scolded Ahkbar about the tit clamps. "Remove those at once, Ahkbar. I told you before, THIS ONE is different." Ahkbar did as ordered and then Ahmed said, "Now kneel and receive your punishment for disobeying." Ahkbar knelt as ordered and when Ahmed opened his robe, kissed the head of his cock. Rising to stand once more, red-faced at this humiliation, he was dismissed and left quickly. "At ease, my boy," Ahmed said and I lowered my arms. Taking the leash from it's holder on the wall, he led me into a nearby parlour, speaking as we walked, "I am sorry for Ahkbar's rudeness. I believe he is afraid of your presence here. From his investigations, he knows that you are a clean and well-kept young man, and that I have an eye for you already. He fears that you may take his place as my batman one day. You see, Ahkbar was once as you are now. He serviced my sexual needs daily for years before his promotion. Having him lick my cock before you was a serious reminder of his beginnings and a warning not to take your training into his own hands again. Did he make any sexual contact with you?". "No Sir," I meekly answered, "but he did take some nude photos of me." "HA!" said Ahmed, "The dirty old wanker! For his personal masturbatory collection no doubt. Let him have them. You are never to have any sexual contact with anyone but me, boy. You are to obey him in all things but that. If he commands you to strip in his presence you will obey. You are to be naked before ME at all times unless allowed to be dressed. Now, I will begin your training." We entered another room that held a huge bed and a couch. Ahmed removed his robe and we sat together on the sofa naked. Putting his arm around me, he placed my hand on his cock and I began to gently stroke it. He kissed my neck and pinched my tits as his cock grew in my hand. "Kneel, boy", he hissed and I knelt before him ready to receive his throbbing member. He wiped the drooling pre-cum across my lips and then pushed his cockhead into my obedient mouth. I sucked and licked his beautiful penis, much to his delight, as his hands encircled the back of my head. "Very good, boy, very good.", he moaned. Soon I felt his balls tighten and his shaft become even harder. He held my head tightly onto his cock and began to shoot his load deep into my throat. It was a huge load of cum and I struggled to keep all of it contained in my mouth before swallowing. Thankfully, I did it. He was very pleased. When he finally grew flaccid, he removed his dick from my mouth and ordered me to sit beside him once more. He talked sweetly and tenderly as he kissed my neck, lips and nipples alternately. Then he began to feel my genitals, and started stroking my cock. I couldn't believe this! He was going to jerk me off! This service was becoming sweeter by the moment, but what happened next, I never expected.................to be continued!

Next: Chapter 19

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