Discipline Encounter

By Heywood Jameetme

Published on Sep 14, 2002


It had been only two days since my last discipline encounter with my new master, Master Billy from Connecticut, when he called me to set up our next meeting. On the following weekend I was to drive to Falmouth MA, one hour south of my hometown, and meet him at his motel room. Given the motel name, room number, and a list of things to bring and wear, I was fully prepared for the trip, or so I thought! Arriving on time, as usual (and per orders) fully dressed in a suit and tie, I knocked on the door and he opened it. "Great to see ya kid!" he happily said as he shook my hand. He stepped out into the hall, where others passing by could see us and buttoned up the buttons of my suit coat. Primping my tie knot and pocket hankie, he said, " And yer lookin' sharp as a tack too! Damn, ya look great boy! Come on in". He walked me to the small kitchenette where he gave me my instructions for the day. He was hosting a reunion of old Army buddies, several of whom were also discipline masters. I was to serve as waiter and bartender for the party and also be on call for whatever other duties might arise. I gulped with a tense nervousness about exactly what THAT might mean. As the guests arrived, they were mostly jovial and congenial older guys, casually dressed in Hawaiian shirts, shorts or Speedos, and sandals. Some of them commented on the necessity of my formal attire, but Master Billy said that it was all part of my training and that I wasn't quite ready yet to dress down. Master John from our Labor Day weekend suck-a-thon was there and gave my ass a good slap as he walked past me. I noticed him whisper to few of the other guys and they began to ogle me and chuckle among themselves. As the time went by and the beer and drinks continued to flow, some of them became quite randy, grabbing at me as I served hors d'ourves, pinching my ass, etc. Finally, one particularly inebriated old timer, name of Gus, razzed Master Billy saying, "Hey Bill, what the hell? You gonna strip this bitch for us or what? Let's see what you've got here!" Master Billy laughed and said, "Sure Gus! I was just waiting for one of you old queens to ASK!" Laughs were heard all around, then, looking over at me he said one word, "STRIP". They formed a makeshift circle around me as I slowly stripped out of my suit and tie outfit. This was extremely embarrassing for me, to be doing this before a good dozen men, mostly strangers I had just met, but obeying my master was my first priority. "Leave the undies on, boy" Master Billy said just before I was going to drop them and the small crowd booed. "That's enough for now guys, maybe more later." To me he said, "You get back to work". This was definitely not enough for Gus, after a few minutes he began following me around the suite, trying to corner me, pinch a nipple, or tugging at the waistband of my undies, trying to pull them down. Masters Billy & John were noticing this and getting quite a charge out of it. I, however, was obviously upset at this sort of treatment. Master Billy took me aside and explained, "This is your first session of Humiliation Therapy, boy. You're doing well so far but you're far from done yet, so suck it up and be ready for anything. OK?", I nodded my head and returned to work. After a bit, randy old Gus finally cornered me in the kitchenette, blocking me literally into a corner, grabbing at my tits, slapping my face, and sucking my nipples before he pulled my underwear down and completely off. "Oh yeah, yer gotta great arse, kid!", he exclaimed as he slapped my exposed buttocks. Then he pulled me by the earlobe to the main living room. "Now, will ya look at this guys!", he roared, "Check out the sweet arse on this bugger!" as he turned me around to show them all my naked ass cheeks and his red handprints thereupon. "GUS!" yelled Master Billy, "Did I TELL you you could do that??" "No, ya didn't Bill", he said, "But ya waited too long to get 'im naked, didn't he boys?" Resounding cheers and laughs of agreement went all around the room. Master Billy threw his hands up and laughed, "Oh shit, I guess I'm outnumbered here! OK boys, here's my gift to you, you've got one hour to play with him, don't hurt him, no visable marks, he's got a day job to go to on Monday the poor shit, and NOBODY and I mean NOBODY fucks him but ME! Ya got that?" Cheers of agreement and high-fives went all around the room as many of the old timers began stripping down and stroking their meat. The cameras came out and began flashing as Gus pulled me by the nips across the room to the chair he sat down in and ordered me to kneel before him. Flopping his huge cock and balls out, he began wiping his cockhead across my lips and said, "Here ya go honey, start working on this beauty first. C'mon cutie give it a lick, eh? You know you want to." I looked over at Master Billy for help, but there would be none found there. He sternly said, "Do it NOW, boy!" As I began to lick the tip of Gus' cockhead I wondered what else the remainder of the hour held for me..........TO BE CONTINUED! yours, Heywood

Next: Chapter 11

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