Discipline Encounter

By Heywood Jameetme

Published on Jul 6, 2006


Spending the weekend with Father Brian had been lovely so far, but before the end of the second day I would see a whole other side of the man. I awoke Saturday morning to find a note on the nightstand. It was from Father and it read, "Meet me for morning prayer in the basement chapel, 9 AM, wear nothing." This was intriguing and exciting. I showered and ate breakfast before descending to the finished basement's prayer room. It was exactly nine AM and Father Brian was already there knelt in prayer. I removed my bathrobe and knelt beside him on a second kneeler completely naked. In his black clerical suit he was a vision of handsomeness, a truly beautiful man. He began to read from the Liturgy Of The Hours and I answered when appropriate. The stark contrast between his black suit and my nakedness was something to behold. When prayers were complete, Father stood and approached me from behind, slipping a buttplug into my anus. "Leave this here all day and you will please me", he said. Buttplugs have never been my cup of tea but if it made him happy, it would suffer the temporary discomfort. The plan for my attending that afternoon's Vigil Mass was for me to enter the church's sacristy before Mass and pretend to re-introduce myself to him and whoever else was there. This would cover my presence for the rest of the weekend and avoid any suspicions caused by it. I was OK with this but never expected what occured. At the appropriate time, I entered the sacristy and he shook my hand and berated me about my weight! Acting like he hadn't seen me in years and WOW had I gotten fat! The other guys around laughed hysterically but I was really hurt. I sat there through Mass with his damn buttplug stuck up my ass but I was the brunt of his bad jokes? There would be a reckoning. When he finally returned to the rectory, he looked at me and knew I was angry. He began to approach me and I threw the buttplug at him! "How could you?", I screamed, "embarrassing me in that way?!". He drew close to me and hushed me sweetly with light kisses on my face and lips. Apologizing profusely, he explained that it was necessary to continue the illusion that even though we might be seen together, we could never be lovers with him being such a verbally insensitive jerk. He was right, it was totally believable, even I fell for it! He pecked at my neck with sweet wet kisses and stroked me with such romantic righteousness that it wasn't long before he stripped me nude and had me on my knees with his erection sliding in and out of my mouth once again. I was powerless before his seductive abilities. After cumming in my mouth, we showered together, stopping once for him to pee on my ass and legs. He hog-tied me with velvet ropes and took photos of my helplessness before fucking my ass and mouth both in turn. After washing me in the shower himself, he ordered me to retire and again avoid masturbation in preparation for Sunday's big event wherein I would finally be alowed to orgasm. Come Sunday afternoon, he certainly had a big surprise for me.............. Until then, love Heywood, "the Cathoic Priest's Pal".

Next: Chapter 24

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