Discipline Encounter

By Heywood Jameetme

Published on Jun 24, 2006


I dreamt of Father Brian night and day since our first discipline encounter. His handsome face and immaculate senior body haunted my thoughts every minute. Would I hear from him again? And when? I missed him so much. Well, it was one of the happiest days of my life when he did call. Hearing his soothing voice was a tonic and a stimulant at the same time. He invited me to visit his current church in a coastal Massachusetts town. He was substituting for a vacationing Pastor and had the whole Rectory home to himself. I could stay there with him for the weekend and get to spend quality time alone with him too! This was awesome, truly a dream come true. His directions were perfect and I wasted no time in arriving on that Friday afternoon. Parking in the Rectory's parking lot, I nervously approached the house and found a note for me taped to the door. "Meet me in the church" was all it said. I walked across the lot to the church and around to the front door which opened with a creak. As I entered, I saw him about halfway down the main aisle and we both waved at the same time. As we shook hands, he looked me up and down thoroughly, admiring my coat and tie outfit. "You look great as usual", he said. I said, "It's great to see you, this should be a great weekend." "Yes it should", he said, "now let's go get you settled in the house, shall we?" And off we went. After I was given a tour of the beuatiful home and allowed some time to unpack and settle into my room, I joined Father for evening prayers before dinner. The house keeper prepared a delicious meal and after doing the dishes, left for the evening. Adjourning to the formal sitting room, we had brandies and cigars while continuing the natural and comfortable conversation we enjoyed since our first meeting. We seemed perfect for each other but I knew that no priest could risk a permanent relationship like this. Knowing that our together would be have an expiration date made me savor every second even more. We held hands and watched some TV before he asked me to come upstairs with him. He led me to a spare bedroom that he unlocked before we entered. There were an assortment of ropes, lubes and sex toys on the dresser that stood beside a very sparsely adorned double bed. "Please undress yourself completely, son" he softly intoned. He watched intently as I disrobed from my suit and tie to totally naked. "Display", he ordered, and I raised my arms and hands behind my head in the submissive pose preferred my Masters over their "boys". He approached me and ran his hands up and down my torso, squeezing my tits and pinching my nipples, reaching behind me and slapping my ass cheeks sharply. "Very nice, my boy. Top shelf indeed", he said as he disrobed himself down to his beautiful birthday suit. Allowing me to lower my arms, he walked me over to the bed by tugging my earlobe. I sat as instructed and he stood before me, his crotch at my face level. "Open", he said and when I obeyed he slid his growing cock into my mouth. "Just keep still and let me do the work", he said and I remained motionless as he fucked my mouth strongly but tenderly. His erect cock stood five inches long but was at least 3 inches thick with a huge and pointed mushroom cap on top that was over 4 inches wide at its base. A real mouthful. There's no doubt that you're working when you suck this beautiful baton. Knowing the life of example and sacrifice that this man had led made me feel honored to be his cock-boy mouth-slave. The taste of his splendid member filled my nostrils as he pumped his cum into my mouth. Handing me a towel to wipe my lips and then clean his cock with. He told me to go to bed but not to masturbate. I was not going to be allowed to cum until Sunday before I left. Respecting his wishes I agreed and retired for the evening. As I laid in bed before dozing off, I wondered what else he had in mind for me as the weekend progressed. Soon enough I would know............. Next........Saturday, a day I'll never forget. love, Heywood.

Next: Chapter 23

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