Dirty Little Boys

By Marky Rickitt

Published on May 25, 2007


Finally it's here! Part 8 of my story Dirty Little Boys continues the story of 7yo Willem, 8yo Zayden, and Willem's 4yo brother, Cohen. This part continues with the boys piss and scat fun with 17yo Austen on the beach and introduces some spanking and domination... If this kind of explicit storyline between under-aged boys is not your thing, go visit the Disney website, don't bother flaming me, you will be ignored. Feel free to email me with you're thoughts on the story (good or bad) at markyrickitt@hotmail.com. Remember, I have about 40 other stories on nifty.org, so please include the title of this story in the subject line or text; I'm not psychic! If you would like a list of my stories with links and theme info, just ask.


Dirty Little Boys, Part 8: Austen Gets Mean

Austen returned to the beach everyday, lazing by the sea, maintaining his suntan in the hope that the three boys would return. After his afternoon of sex with the boys, he was hornier than ever! He was wanking upwards of seven times a day and was still feeling like he wanted more, despite his cock aching and his foreskin being sore from all that tugging. This morning he was laying on the beach, naked as usual, at the top of the beach, near to where he had met the three younger boys before. the warmth of the sun had brought out a slight sweat over his body, making his skin glint in the sunlight. He was slowly wanking his monster of a teen boy cock. His balls ached and his cock throbbed, he was so damn horny thinking about those three kids. he needed to feel little Cohen's tight little ass around his cock again. And damn, these boys were dirty, they didn't even mind tasting shit! That thought got him hornier than ever and he upped the pace of his jacking. As his thoughts continued in that direction and he imagined being covered in the three boy's shit and piss. He could feel his orgasm rising and he increased the pressure on his cock head and he shot. Cum spewed out over his body, splattering across his chest. His hand flopped down to his side, and sand stuck into the cum coating it. He slowly brought his hand up to his chest and rubbed the cum across his skin, mixing sand in with it. He started to doze and the sandy-cum mix began to bake in the sun...

Suddenly he was awoken by people jumping on him and a burst of giggles. His first reaction was to push whoever it was off of him, but he soon came to his senses and realised it was the three boys he had been waiting for and fantasising about for the last week. The three boys were already naked and were pinning him to the floor with their combined weight. If he had wanted to, Austen could have easily lifted all three, but instead, he put up only the slightest of resistance, making their game even more fun. The three had obviously planned what they were doing as both Willem and Zayden took hold of his arms as Cohen sat on his face and began squirming about, pushing his ass hole onto Austen's nose. He paused for a second, then strained and let out a small fart right into Austen's face, bringing a huge laugh from all three boys. Austen poked his tongue out, and licked at Cohen's smooth skin, only just being able to reach the skin between the toddler's balls and hole. Cohen slid forward, letting Austen taste his hole, which was still slightly open from having just farted; the smell made Austen ready to eat this little boys shit.

Willem and Zayden stood up, letting go of their grip on Austen. Austen's had reached up and gripped onto Cohen's hips, pulling him tighter to his face. Willem and Zayden positioned themselves either side of Austen and Cohen, aimed their cocks at Cohen's crotch and started to piss. Their hot yellow streams arched out and started to spray onto Cohen's smooth body and then run down into Austen's mouth. Zayden moved his cock, and the stream of piss began to soak the sandy-cum baked onto his chest. He moved down further until he was pissing over the teen's erection, which was throbbing, bouncing up and down from his belly with each pulse of blood. Willem aimed higher, and his piss moved up his young brother's chest and on up to his face, letting Cohen taste a little of his brother's pee before spitting it out over Austen's body.

Austen twisted to one side and Cohen toppled off into the sand and kicked it up other Austen's piss-soaked body, where it stuck. Austen jumped up and grabbed his clothes and rucksack and beckoned for the boys to follow. They headed towards the bunker where they had played last time. When they were half way there Austen turned to the boys and said, "Right, were gonna play a game..."

All three boys looked back in anticipation, Willem prompted Austen on "What we gonna do?"

"You're gonna be my prisoners of war and you have to do everything I say"

"Cool! Just make sure it's nice and dirty and you can do what ever you want!", said Zayden, not really realising what he was letting them all in for...

"Okay, so I'm gonna blindfold you all and then you have to obey me, agreed?"

All three younger boys nodded their agreement.

From his bag Austen pulled out three coloured hankies. Around Zayden he tied a brown one around Willem, a yellow one around Zayden and finally a black hanky around Cohen's eyes. "I suppose you're too young to realise what the colours of these mean, but you will soon find out..."

He pulled several short lengths of rope from the bag and began tying each boys wrists behind their backs. He then pulled out another rope and tied them to each other in a line, Willem in front and Cohen bringing up the rear. "Getting walking, ass-wipes!" he shouted, and gave each boys smooth arse a hard slap, bringing up a hand print on each. Zayden laughed and started walking, bumping into the back of Willem and tugging Cohen forward. The three boys righted themselves and allowed Austen to lead them forward by the rope. He took them a rather long way round to the bunker, making them traipse through a shallow muddy stream, through some trees and up and down sand dunes. By the time they reached their destination, the three boys, particularly Cohen, were knackered.

Austen ducked through the door and pulled the trio after him. They trooped in, turned the corner and stood next to each other, their naked bodies pressed against one another and the rope dangling behind them. Earlier, Austen had brought into the bunker half a dozen light weight aluminium bars, each about three feet in length, which were piled off to one side. The smell of stale piss filled the boys' nostrils. Austen was already hard in anticipation of what was to come. He intended to use and abuse these boys to his hearts desire.

He went over and took hold of Cohen, lifting him from the ground so their faces were level. He licked up one cheek and then the other, leaving a wet trail of saliva. He then pressed his mouth against Cohen's and started to kiss him deeply. He pulled his lips away from Cohen's, letting him slip back to the floor. He then brought his hand to the toddler's cheeks and pressed on them, opening his mouth. The teenager then spat into the the little boy's mouth. The saliva partially missed and dribbled down Cohen's chin; the rest Cohen promptly swallowed.

He then moved to Willem. He took hold of the boy and then licked across his lips. The younger boy responded by trying to lick Austen back but Austen grabbed the boy's cheeks, stopping his actions. Again, he spat into the boy's mouth. This time his aim was true and Willem had to swallow the full amount.

Lastly he moved to Zayden. Zayden had been listening closely to what had happened to the previous two boys, and as Austen got close, he himself spat at Austen, catching him squarely in the face. Austen grinned, and licked his lips, tasting the boys saliva. Leaving the remaining spittle running down his face, he grabbed the boys cheeks, opening his mouth. With his other hand he pressed a finger against his right nostril and snorted out a load of white snot into the boys mouth. Pressing the other nostril, he cleared his left nostril, this load landing on Zayden's cheek. He then lent down and started to kiss the boy, pressing his tongue into the warm, wet and now snotty mouth.

Austen reached over to one side of the concrete bunker and retrieved five planks of wood that he had previous stowed, just for this occasion. In turn, he untied and retied the boys up. He firmly tied each of the boys ankles to the planks, spreading their legs wide, leaving their genitals prone. He also tried another plank to Zayden's and Willem's wrists, and across their solders, holding their arms outright. Cohen's wrists were still bound tightly together and he tied them to the plank between his legs, forcing him to bend over, exposing his smooth butt cheeks. Austen parted his cheeks and the hole twitched in anticipation. He lent over and licked up the crack and dipped into the hole with his tongue. He could taste the remains of shit in the hole, which made his huge teen cock throb between his legs. He rubbed his finger up the saliva-slick crack and pressed into the hole. Just inside he felt what he was hoping for- a nice soft turd ready to come out.

Austen pulled a studded, leather belt from his bag. He wrapped the buckle end around his hand, raised his arm in the air and whipped it back down. Cohen screamed, not expecting the sudden whipping from a studded belt across the soft milky skin of his ass. Austen grinned, watching as red welt marks appeared on the toddler's right buttock. Again he raised his arm and whipped the belt back down, this time onto the toddlers left ass cheek. Again, little Cohen let out a scream. More red marks appeared on the soft white skin. Austen brought the belt down across Cohen's ass a third time. This time Cohen's scream was accompanied by a stream of piss dribbling from his tiny shrunken cock. Austen reached under and cupped his hand into the stream. Withdrawing his hand quickly, he brought it up to Zayden's mouth and said, "Open up and drink your little friend's piss." Zayden obeyed and drank down the piss. Austen pushed each finger into Zayden's mouth, allowing him to suck the remains of it off. Cohen was still pissing himself, and the sand in the bottom of the bunker was absorbing it as quickly as it was coming. Austen bent down and scooped up a handful of the piss-wet sand. He smeared it down Zayden's chest and then rubbed his hand in Zayden's blond hair. Cohen was clearly crying as snot bubbles were erupting from his nose. Austen lent over to him and lifted Cohen's head up to look at his face. Wet patches were clear in the black handkerchief currently blinding him. Austen licked at the wet snot under the toddlers nose, then started to kiss the boy, sucking on his tongue and swallowing the salty mix of saliva and snot. As Austen continued to kiss the toddler, Cohen's sniffles and sobs subsided and he started to respond by pressing his small tongue back against Austen's larger teenaged mouth. Austen reached out to Cohen's red ass and rubbed it making Cohen flinch.

Leaving Cohen, Austen walked over to where Zayden was tied. The teen had been holding back the urge to urinate for some time now, helped of course by his raging hardon! He helped Zayden lay on the floor and stood over the young boy. Standing over Zayden, with his feet either side of the boys small hips, Austen forced his erection downward, pointing it at Zayden's blind-folded face. He concentrated on peeing for a few seconds, every now and then sliding his foreskin back and forth over his swollen cock head. A squirt of piss came from the end, and sprayed over Zayden's chest. A further dribble splattered down over Zayden's genitals. Austen relaxed his muscles, willing his erection to subside a little and allow him to piss. And there it was, a dribble of urine came out, adding to the wetness around Zayden's balls and then the stream arched upwards, over his chest and onto his face. Zayden gasped, enjoying the feeling of the hot piss over him. The stream continued to arch upwards, splattering onto the handkerchief and into the boys blond hair, washing out some of the sand, soaked with Cohen's piss, that Austen rubbed in a little earlier. Austen pushed a little more on his cock, re-aiming the stream back to Zayden's mouth. He wiggled his cock a little, moving the stream from his mouth up to his blind-folded eyes. The smell of the dark yellow piss started to fill the space. Zayden's face was soaked, he swallowed some, but most of the piss flowed over his smooth skin and soaked into the sand. Austen let go of his cock, allowing it to flick upwards. Piss sprayed out over Zayden's head, splattering onto Willem next to him and then arched upwards to splatter back down onto Zayden again. He started to twist his own nipples as his piss continued to arch up into the air and splash over the boys skin. Patches of Zayden's long blond hair was now plastered to his head. As the stream started to abate, Austen reached down again and took hold of his cock. He knelt down next to Zayden's face and pressed his cock to the boy's mouth. He rubbed his thumb up the length of his hard shaft, squeezing out the remains of the piss into the waiting mouth.

"And now it's your turn, Willem" Austen announced as he walked over to the third boy he had tied up. He licked the wet trickle of piss off the boy which had caught him when Austen let his pissing cock flick upwards, then helped Willem lay down in the sand. He then picked up Cohen and uncoupled his hands from his feet and then untied his feet, allowing him to walk. He was still sniffling a little from the whipping he had received earlier. Austen rubbed the boys ass cheeks again, and then slid his finger up the boys totally smooth crack. His finger dipped into the hole, "You got summin' in there for your brother?" he asked? Cohen nodded. "Okay then, let's let him have it". Austen picked the toddler up again and lifted him over Willem's face. "Open your legs" Cohen obliged and Austen lowered the boys, a leg either side of Willem's head and his small ass now over his his brother's mouth. Austen lent over and started kissing the small boy and whispered for him to start feeding his brother. As they kissed, Austen could feel Cohen's body straining to push out his shit. He farted and Willem groaned. The smell mixed with the smell of piss, fueling Austen's horniness. Cohen was still straining and then Willem was groaning as shit started to fill his mouth. Austen made Cohen wiggle about, moving his ass so that shit smeared around Willem's mouth. "That's it, eat your little brother's shit, you fucking toilet boy" Willem started to chew on his young brother's turd in his mouth, swallowing down some of it. Cohen continued to shit, but with Willem's mouth closed it squelched out around his chin. Austen lent in and started to lick up the toddlers shit that Willem was missing. Cohen stood up once he had finished, leaving Willem and Austen on the floor. Austen started shit-kiss Willem, pressing his teenaged tongue into the prepubescent boys mouth, which was still full of shit. "Want some more?" Willem shook his head, but Austen didn't care. Austen stood up and then crouched over the boy hovering his ass about three inches above Willem's mouth. He pushed a little and his ass opened up, a huge turd started to come out of his ass. Willem kept his mouth closed as Austen continued to push out the massive shit from his ass. As the last of the funky smelling shit came out, Austen groaned from the release. The turd was about a foot long and about two inches across and lay from Willem's mouth and up across his face. Austen turned and knelt over the boy who had stared to chew on his brother's shit again. The teen lent down and licked the length of his own shit and then sucked on the end. Keeping his shit in his mouth, he pressed downwards, bringing his lips to Willem's, pressing the turd into the boys mouth. Willem opened up, taking the teen's shit into his mouth to mix with Cohen's shit already liquefied on his mouth by chewing and mixing with saliva. Austen started to kiss deep into the boys mouth, tasting the mix of shit, sucking every now and then to be able to swallow down the younger boys shit as well as his own.

Austen brought his hand up to Willem's face and took hold of the remainder of hes turd, still laying on the young boys face. He brought down to the boys chest, where he smeared it downward. The brown streak stretched down his chest to his groin, where Austen started to rub it into the boys smooth cock and balls. They continued to kiss as Austen began to masturbate Willem, the stench of shit filling the air making his hard cock throb. He pressed his huge member against Willem's relatively small erection. When he pulled away, a patch of shit was stuck to his exposed cock head. He took his shitty hand off of Willem's hard cock and rubbed the length of his own shaft, smearing shit along along its full length.

Without prompt from Austen, Willem started to push down on his bowels. He let out a long fart. On his second push, a soft turd pushed its way through his sphincter, stretching it out. The turd pushed down into the sand a little, before spreading out under Willem's ass cheeks. Austen moaned, turned on by the nastiness of this little boy who was already smeared in shit. He kissed hard, to which Willem responded by pushed his own tongue deeper into Austen's mouth.

Austen pulled away from Willem and stood, looking down at the shitty mess of a preteen boy. He stroked his shitty cock and moved over to little Cohen and took hold of him, lifting up so that his mouth met Austen's mouth. He lent in, pressing his shit-coated lips to the toddler's. As they kissed, Austen back towards the wall and slid down, bringing the young boy into his lap. As they kissed, Austen began to finger the outside of the little boy's ass hole. He then lifted Cohen up a little and took hold of his cock to position the tip against Cohen's hole. With shit as lube, he then began to slowly thrust upwards as he pressed Cohen down, impaling him on the teen's massive prick. Cohen started to resist as his ass was stretched wider and wider, but Austen wasn't about to stop now. He moaned out load "FUUUUUUUUCKK!" as the boys ass slowly took his throbbing cock. The tightness of the toddlers hole was too much for Austen after all the play and before he had Cohen even halfway down his cock, he felt his balls tighten up and then his cock was throbbing, pumping his teenaged cum deep into the the boy. Austen slid down a little as his body relaxed, but did not let Cohen off of his still erect dick. He continued to push Cohen down on his shaft, the shit mixing with the cum to create a slicker lube. He started to lift Cohen up and down on his cock, working himself deeper and deeper inside the boy. Cohen was clearly in pain from the size of Austen's cock inside him, but still Austen continued to fuck the boy. Austen watched as Cohen's hole stretched around his thick shaft, the shit forming a brown sludge where their bodies met. Suddenly Austen rolled over, moving Cohen underneath him. He held the boys hips and started to thrust deep and hard into him. With each thrust Cohen slid forward in the sand. Austen reached under the boy and grabbed his tiny cock and balls, giving them a squeeze as he continued to powerfuck him. With each thrust and each squeeze, Cohen let out a little squeal, but didn't once try to get away. Austen could feel his second orgasm building deep in his balls. His cock was throbbing in anticipation. He could feel Cohen's bowels stretching and retracting around his cock with each thrust. As his orgasm erupted he shoved hard into Cohen until his cock could go no deeper. Cum pumped deep inside Cohen's bowels, squirt after squirt as Austen's balls were drained. Austen collapsed ontop of the boy, his cock still inside throbbing. His deep breaths slowly subsided, along with his erection. As his cock went soft, he pulled out from Cohen's ass. A mix of shit and cum spewed out after it. Cohen groaned as he farted, which pushed out even more sloppy mess, spraying over Austen's croutch. "Mmmmmm" moaned Austen, as he felt the warmth splatter over him.

Austen stood up and looked at his filthy body. He was covered in shit, as was Cohen. Cohen remained face down on the floor, exhusted from taking the teenager's massive cock inside him. Austen reached down to his crotch and smeared the sloppy mess up over his chest and then sucked on all four of his fingers. The rank tatse filled his mouth and his cock throbbed again. "Man, we need to get cleaned up!" He untied all three boys, who groaned from the stifness of being restrained for so long.

Austen pulled away from Willem and stood, looking down at the shitty mess of a preteen boy. He stroked his shitty cock and moved over to little Cohen and took hold of him, lifting up so that his mouth met Austen's mouth. He lent in, pressing his shit-coated lips to the toddler's. As they kissed, Austen back towards the wall and slid down, bringing the young boy into his lap. As they kissed, Austen began to finger the outside of the little boy's ass hole. He then lifted Cohen up a little and took hold of his cock to position the tip against Cohen's hole. With shit as lube, he then began to slowly thrust upwards as he pressed Cohen down, impaling him on the teen's massive prick. Cohen started to resist as his ass was stretched wider and wider, but Austen wasn't about to stop now. He moaned out load "FUUUUUUUUCKK!" as the boys ass slowly took his throbbing cock. The tightness of the toddlers hole was too much for Austen after all the play and before he had Cohen even halfway down his cock, he felt his balls tighten up and then his cock was throbbing, pumping his teenaged cum deep into the the boy. Austen slid down a little as his body relaxed, but did not let Cohen off of his still erect dick. He continued to push Cohen down on his shaft, the shit mixing with the cum to create a slicker lube. He started to lift Cohen up and down on his cock, working himself deeper and deeper inside the boy. Cohen was clearly in pain from the size of Austen's cock inside him, but still Austen continued to fuck the boy. Austen watched as Cohen's hole stretched around his thick shaft, the shit forming a brown sludge where their bodies met. Suddenly Austen rolled over, moving Cohen underneath him. He held the boys hips and started to thrust deep and hard into him. With each thrust Cohen slid forward in the sand. Austen reached under the boy and grabbed his tiny cock and balls, giving them a squeeze as he continued to power-fuck him. With each thrust and each squeeze, Cohen let out a little squeal, but didn't once try to get away. Austen could feel his second orgasm building deep in his balls. His cock was throbbing in anticipation. He could feel Cohen's bowels stretching and retracting around his cock with each thrust. As his orgasm erupted he shoved hard into Cohen until his cock could go no deeper. Cum pumped deep inside Cohen's bowels, squirt after squirt as Austen's balls were drained. Austen collapsed on top of the boy, his cock still inside throbbing. His deep breaths slowly subsided, along with his erection. As his cock went soft, he pulled out from Cohen's ass. A mix of shit and cum spewed out after it. Cohen groaned as he farted, which pushed out even more sloppy mess, spraying over Austen's crotch. "Mmmmmm" moaned Austen, as he felt the warmth splatter over him.

Austen stood up and looked at his filthy body. He was covered in shit, as was Cohen. Cohen remained face down on the floor, exhausted from taking the teenager's massive cock inside him. Austen reached down to his crotch and smeared the sloppy mess up over his chest and then sucked on all four of his fingers. The rank taste filled his mouth and his cock throbbed again. "Man, we need to get cleaned up!" He untied all three boys, who groaned from the stiffness of being restrained for so long. Austen picked Cohen up from the floor to carry him down to the sea to wash. The two older boys followed. Before reaching the sea, Cohen struggled to get down and ran ahead of the group to splash into the water. The four boys were soon splashing about, washing off the shitty mess from their bodies revealing their smooth wet skin...

Email me at markyrickitt@hotmail.com remembering to include the title of the story...

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