Dirty Little Boys

By Marky Rickitt

Published on Mar 5, 2007


Part 7 of my story Dirty Little Boys continues the story of 7yo Willem, 8yo Zayden, and Willem's 4yo brother, Cohen. This part continues with the boys piss and scat fun with 17yo Austen on the beach... If this kind of explicit storyline between underaged boys is not your thing, go visit the Disney website, don't bother flaming me, you will be ignored. Feel free to email me with you're thoughts on the story (good or bad) at markyrickitt@hotmail.com. Remember, I have about 40 other stories on nifty.org, so please include the title of this story in the subject line or text; I'm not psychic! If you would like a list of my stories with links and theme info, just ask.

Dirty Little Boys, Part 7: More Fun with Austen

Austen was still horny, despite having cum twice this afternoon with the boys and twice this morning before leaving the house. After washing off in the sea the boys had followed Austen along the beach towards the old war bunker that Austen had told them about earlier. He had come here many times and, as far as he knew, no one else visited this deserted area. I liked to come here and have fun alone. The place stank of his stale urine and he had also shit here several times, but between him and a dog he had brought here a few times, that was mostly gone. The floor of the bunker was covered in a thick layer of dry sand. The concrete walls had the remains of some graffiti and every now and then an iron ring protruded. In the bright afternoon sun, the area was well lit through the several openings in the walls, through which soldiers would have once aimed their rifles.

Once they were all inside, all four boys stripped their clothes off, enjoying the coolness of the space after the hot outdoors. The smell of piss turned them all on. All four boys laid down, propping themselves against a wall. Austen reached either side of him, where Zayden and Willem were sat, their legs apart, and took their hard cocks in his hands. They both reached for his cock, which was also pointed straight up. The three of them sat and wanked each other, while Cohen watch, his cock soft, but tempting to Austen. He called him over and got him to stand in front of him, and then took his tiny little cock into his mouth. As he sucked on Cohen, Austen could feel his cock growing him his mouth. Before long Cohen's cock was as stiff as could be under the stimulation being received by Austen's expert lips and tongue. Willem and Zayden continued to wank Austen's huge cock in their hands, his foreskin sliding back with each down stroke revealing the engorged head, and then sliding back to conceal it as the boys slid back up his shaft. Precum was oozing from the tip and was being to dribble down the side of his cock. Willem leaned over and lick it quickly and then returned to jacking him off. Austen stopped wanking the two young boys and gripped their small scrotums, fonding their balls.

Austen let go of Willem and Zayden for a second, griped Cohen by the hips and turned him around. Placing his hand on his back, Austen encouraged the toddler to lean over and then pulled him backwards a bit to his smooth ass was against Austen's face. He returned to fondling Willem and Zayden as he started to lick at Cohen's ass. Cohen giggled and pressed back, wiggling onto Austen's tongue. Austen felt Cohen's anus twitching with his tongue and he uncreased the pressure, working in a little deeper with each second passed.

He was eager now to get his cock inside one of the boys, but was unsure whether any of them could take it. So, he figures, as none of them were really ready, he may as well try with the boy he really wanted to fuck and he was licking his ass right now. He pushed Cohen away from his mouth, which was covered in saliva and tasted of the young boy's ass. He reached for his shorts and pulled out a small tube of lube, which he carried everywhere just in case. He poured loads of the oily lube over his cock, figuring he couldn't really use too much when it came to fucking this toddlers ass, and then smeared a hand full onto Cohen's ass. Both Willem and Cohen watched on in interest as this happened. Austen pulled Cohen back down towards his lap, so that the boy was in a crouching position over his hard cock. He positioned his cock head against Cohen's hole and slowly began to push him downwards. To start with nothing happened, just pressure against his cock, bending it downwards. He pushed harder and his cock slipped, and Cohen sat down. Austen's cock stood up between Coehen's legs, creating the illusion that this four year old had a huge nine inch cock. Austen tried again, this time getting a little further. He bounced Cohen up and down, feeling the pressure of Cohen's very tight anus on his cock head. Suddenly he felt a little of his cock head slip into the boys anus and a shout came from Cohen as he tried to jump up.

Willem jumped up, concerned about his young brother, but Austen reassured him it was okay and asked if Willem would kiss Cohen as he tried again. Slowly Willem lent over and started to kiss Cohen on the mouth, pressing his tongue into his brother's mouth. Austen returned to working on the toddlers hole, pushing Cohen down by the hips. As his cock opened the hole up again, Cohen squirmed away yet again. This time Zayden reasured the little boy, and again he stopped struggling and Austen started to push again. This time when the huge cock went into his hole, Cohen jumped, but didn't squirm away. Austen let him rest for a little while before pushing further. The feeling of such a tight little hole stretched around his think meat was intense. He wanted to ram his cock straight into tittle Cohen's ass until his balls were slapping against his smooth skin, but knew he wouldn't have a second chance at this if he did so. So, he took it slow and every time Cohen started to squirm away, Austen eased off a little and Willem and Zayden reassured him it was okay and continued to kiss him deep. By the time Austen had all of his cock head inside of little Cohen he thought he would cum in seconds! He eased off, letting Cohen rest again, then decided he couldn't take it anymore. He started to steadily push down on Cohen's hips, working his cock in deeper and deeper. Is he reached the second sphincter leading to Cohen's colon, Cohen started to pull away, the feeling of the large cock so deep was too much. But Austen wasn't about to let him get away now, he was ready to cum and wanted his cock buried in this little boy's ass when he did so. He continued to push his downwards, watching the hole open around his cock.

As Austen's cock entered his bowel, Cohen started to cry; not cos he wanted this to stop, he liked being with the bigger boys and this man Austen clearly liked him. But his willy was soooo big! And having it in him made him want to poo. And it did hurt. Austen pushed deeper, his cock working into his bowel. Then Austen started to slide back a little before starting to push deeper still. Tears were rolling down his cheeks, snot bubbled forming at his nostril, but his brother carried on kissing him and licking at the snot.

Austen started to thrust his hips slowly in and out of the boy. He could feel Cohen's bowels moving under the pressure of his cock. He knew that with one more thrust he was gonna start shooting his cum into the boy. He push and eased back and there it was, his cock started to pulse and his balls tightened and his spunk pumped deep into Cohen's bowel. He pushed in deeper and Cohen tried to pull away again, but Austen had a tight grip on his hips, holding the boy onto his cock. Cum was still spurting from his cock, filling Cohen up. As his orgasm subsided, he let go of Cohen, who pulled off of his cock. As he did, his ass muscles contracted and shit spewed from his ass all over Austen's crutch with a sloppy farting sound. "Hot" moaned Austen, still collapsed against he wall. The smell was intense, and he could see islands of thick white cum mixed into the shit covering his cock and balls.

Zayden was mesmerised by the show he had just seen. Straight away he started insisting that Austen put his cock in him too. But Austen was done for now and his cock was already going soft. Zayden rubbed along his shaft with his hand, smearing Cohen's shit along the shaft. "MMMmmm, that feels good, keep doing it." Austen laid back as Zayden started to rub the deflating cock in his hand. Austen pushed away the sleepy feeling he always got if after cumming and headed for the door. The boys followed, Cohen still with tears in his eyes and shit dripping from his distended hole. They ran down to the sea and washed up in the shallows. Austen washed his crotch clean of Cohen's shit and then got out of the sea. He sat on the wet sand, waves washing over his feet as the three young boys began to play in the water. Watching their naked boys splash in the water, their smooth skins sliding over each other soon had the seventeen year old rock solid again. Their bodies were so beautiful.

It didn't take long for Zayden to notice Austen sat on the beach slowly wanking his hard cock as he watch them play fighting. "Hey, you gonna put that in me? I wanna try it!". Without saying a word, Austen headed back up the beach and into the bunker, where he could still smell Cohen's shit in the air, even though hardly any was spilt on the floor. The three boys followed him in. He instructed both Willem and Zayden to kneel on all fours next to each other and to start kissing each other. They twisted their heads so that their mouth could touch. Austen knelt, and parted both their legs, so he could see their holes clearly. He rubbed his thumbs over both holes, making them twitch. He then lent over and started to gently kiss their asses, first Willem then Zayden and then back again. He built up like this, from kissing to licking, then working his tongue in, swapping from boy to boy. He then sat up right, and slowly slid the first finger of each hand into the boys holes. After the rimming he had just given them, they were relaxed enough for his fingers to slide straight in. He finger fucked them, sliding his finger in and out, getting a little faster and a little deeper with each thrust.

When he thought hey were ready, he poured some lube down each of their ass cracks, its coldness making their holes twitch. He stood, bent his knees so that his cock was level with their asses and then pressed his cock head against Zayden's hole. He pushed steadily, and Zayden gasped as the cock suddenly opened up his hole and the cock slipped in. He lowered his head, seeing stars, and his reflexes made him pull away. Austen grabbed his hips and repositioned his cock on Zayden's hole. This time when he pushed he also pulled Zayden back onto him, making his cry out as the thick cock slid into his rectum, opening him up. Austen eased off a little, then pushed again, getting another scream from Zayden. As much as it must hurt, Zayden had asked to be fucked and Austen wasn't about to refuse the boy his wish. He pushed deeper and felt the boys inner sphincter muscle open as he entered his bowel. Willem continued to kiss Zayden, pushing his tongue into his mouth during each cry and groan from his friend. He was getting a little scared as well, knowing that Austen inteded to do the same to him. He pushed deeper still, and tears started to roll down Zayden's face. Willem licked at their saltiness and continued to kiss his friend.

As Austen pushed deeper, opening up Zayden as much as he could, Austen started to finger Willem again. He pressed the last inch of his cock into Zayden's ass, thrust a few times, making his balls swing and slap against Zayden's own tight, small balls. He pulled out slowly. All around the flare of his cock head was shit. The smell wafted up into his nose and made his cock twitch again. He removed his finger from Willem and pressed his cock against his hole. He pushed, watching as his cock covered in Zayden's shit started to open up Willem's hole. Now he could see why Zayden was crying. Hell, what must of his little brother felt like? Austen's cock was splitting him in two and he started to see stars. He dropped his head and tried to make the pain go away, but nothing was gonna do that. Austen pushed his cock in deeper and the pain intensified. He tried to pull away, but Austen was already gripping his hips, pulling him back onto his cock. Tears welled up in his eyes as the cock continued to push into him. Then he felt a new feeling. Austen's cock had reached his bowel and was begining to work its way in deeper. As the cock dilated his bowel, the feeling that he needed to shit washed through him. His body tried to push the cock out like a turd, but Austen continued to push deeper. He started to thrust, opening him more and more, working deeper and deeper. Suddenly he pulled out. Yet more shit had built up under his foreskin. he smeared it with a finger and then sucked it clean. He pressed against Zayden's hole again and this time shoved it straight in. Zayden cried out, but forced himself to remain still. Austen started to fuck Zayden's ass, its tightness bringing him closer to orgasm with each thrust. He pulled out again, his cock still covered in shit. He thrust his cock straight into Willem's hole, getting a cry from him as well. He thrust deep and his balls tightened up. he pulled out and shot load after load over Willem's hole. He moved his cock, letting cum shoot over Zayden's hole too and then pushed in, pushing the cum into him. He thrust a few times as his orgasm subsided.

He pulled out and lowered his mouth to Zayden's ass. He started to lick and Zayden pushed with his muscles, farting a brown cummy fart into Austen's mouth. Austen licked, working his tongue into the boys cummy hole. He moved over to Willem and started to lick his own come from the boys hole. Licking up the crack, dipping his tongue into the sphincter. He cleaned both boys shitty, cummy holes before offering his cock to the three of them to clean. Zayden took hold of the shaft and licks some of the shit from around the head before offering it to Willem. Willem took a lick, then told Cohen to lick it too. He took a lick and then stood back, letting the two older boys finish the job. Willem and Zayden simultaneously started licking around Austen's cock from either side. They closed their mouths around the head, licking together, and then started to kiss each other with the monster cock between their lips.

Pulling his cock free of the two boys' mouths Austen pulled first Willem's face to his and pressed his lips to the boys shitty lips , kissing deep, tasting the mix of saliva and shit. He then repeated this with Zayden and finally little Cohen, who he kissed for ages, sucking on his small tongue, then pressing his larger tongue deep into the toddler's mouth.

When the boys emerged from the bunker, the sun was starting to lower in the sky. Austen picked up Cohen to carry him as the four of them moved down the beach back towards the cottage. Before setting him down on the sand, Austen stole another kiss with Cohen, pushing deep into his mouth; already he had a crush on this little boy and the two older boys were just as hot! "Will you boys be about tomorrow?" they didn't know, but agreed to bring Cohen with them if they were and Austen decided he would be coming here every day now in the chance that they should be here. He wanted those tight little asses around his cock again!

E-mail me at markyrickitt@hotmail.com remembering to include the title of the story.

Next: Chapter 8

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