Dirty Little Boys

By Marky Rickitt

Published on Feb 20, 2007


Here is part 6 of my Dirty Little Boys series. As the title suggests, it is about little boys being dirty (this part includes scat play between an older teen boy, two preteen boys and a toddler). If you don't like reading about young boys being sexual in a very hardcore nature, why are you on this website? If, however, you do like this subject- feel free to email me at markyrickitt@hotmail.com. Remember to include the title of this story as your subject line. If you would like a list with links and theme info of my other 40 or so stories to date, please just ask.

Themes in this story include: Incest, Preteen, Piss, Scat, Mud, Public, Older-Younger.


The next day the three boys were laid out next to each other on the beach. All three of them were stark naked, allowing their young smooth skins to soak in the rays, warming them ans turning them a lovely tan colour. Every now and then one of the boys would reach other and grab another's cock and balls, rub it a little, giving them a hard on and then return to their sun bathing. They had built a huge sand castle earlier down near the sea, but now it was half submerged in the high tide. As they lay near the top of the beach, just below some sand dunes, they saw in the distance a single figure. As the person approached they realised it was an older teen boy. He had only shorts on, and his body was smooth all but a sprinkle of hair on his arms and down his legs. His head was a mop of blond, just like Zayden's. He reached the boys and said "Hi there," wiping sweat from his brow, revealing a short patch of wet underarm hair. "I see you boys are enjoying yourselves." He eyed Zayden's semi erect cock as he said this. "Mind if I join you?" Willem nodded they acceptance of him, but was a little cautious. He was hoping this guy would be like the two teens at the slide park.

The teenager flopped down on the sand next to Willem. "Do you boys always sunbathe nude?"

"Sure! You're the first person I've ever seen on this beach apart from us."

Well, it is a little far from anywhere. I've always come here since I was about your age. I live about a mile back that way." He nodded in the direction he had just come from. "Mind if I take these off?" he enquired, holding the waist band of his khaki shorts.

"Sure. Go ahead!" Zayden encouraged, wanting to see this older boys knob.

The boy slide his shorts down to his ankles and then kicked them off over his leather flip-flops. His cock was huge! Far bigger than any either of the older boys had seen; bigger than their dad's or any in the changing rooms at swimming pools. It was soft and flopped over onto his leg. "I'm Austen, by-the-way", grinning at the look on the two older boys faces at seeing his cock.

"I'm Zayden, that's Willem and his little brother Cohen".

"Cool. Is that your sand-castle? Sweet!" asked Austen.

"Yea. How old are you?", asked Willem.

"How old are you first?" replied Austen.


"And you?" Austen pointed to Zayden.

"Eight" Grinned Zayden, looking at Willem.

"And let me guess, you're six" said Austen to Cohen, knowing that he was younger than that.

"No, I'm four, it was my birthday the other week. We went to Gambado's!"

Austen smiled at Cohen, but looked quizzically at his older brother. "It's a place for kids, with slides and ball-pits, trampolines and stuff like that.

"Oh! Did you have fun?"

"YEAH!" cried Cohen, already won over by the teenager

"OK, so I'm seventeen, eighteen next month. Are you guys staying in the cottage back there?"

"Yea, my parents own it."

"Sweet! But you should come here more often. Do you play in the tree house back there and by the pond?"

"Yea, my dad made that tree house for me when I was five."

"Ever been to the old war bunker down the beach?"

"No! Where's that?"

"Oh, just down there a little." He nodded further down the coast.

Austen reached between his legs and moved his balls to a more comfortable position and then laid back onto the sand. His cock laid against his left leg, his balls just to the right. As he laid there, he was watching the boys sitting next to him, their naked bodies glistening in the sun. Zayden and Willem were fascinated by the older boys body, particularly his cock, which was topped off by a thatch of curly, dark blond hairs. Having the boys watch him made Austen's cock start to fill with blood. It started to thicken up, and then slowly arch up his leg. It twitched, lifting off of his leg and lowered back again. He winked at the boys, who grinned back at him. "You ever see a hard on?" Both boys nodded yes. "Wanna see mine?"

"Sure", replied Zayden, not showing just how excited by this prospect he was. "You can see ours too if you want?"

"Really? That would be hot!" Austen's cock continued to grow, arching up off his leg and bobbing up and down until it reached full-mast and laid against his stomach, lifting off of the trail of hairs to his belly button with each throb. His uncut cock reached clear over his belly button. "You guys like that? It's nine inches, which is much bigger than most guys. Most guys are about six."

"Okay, so lets see all of your cocks hard" Willem and Zayden started to rub their cocks, working them up to full erection. "Come on, and you little Cohen" prompted Austen. Cohen obliged and imitated his bother and Zayden, rolling his foreskin back and forth and rubbing until, like the older boys, he was stood in front of Austen with his tiny cock poking out from his body. "Very nice! You boys are totally hot! Ever touched someone else's cock?"

"Yea, we have" grinned Willem

"Yeah? Each others?"

"Yep", replied Zayden.

"What about Cohen's?"

"Yea, we play with him too," said Willem, "and we played with two teens at the slide park the other day..." Then, after a pause, he added, "but they were younger than you and didn't have such a big dick".

"Really? what did you do with them?"

Zayden told him about sucking the teen and then the boys peeing on them. As Zayden was retelling the story, Austen started to rub at his cock, unable to resist playing with himself as he was told such a hot account. "And did you boys like that?"

"TOTALLY!" cried both Willem and Zayden in unison.

"You guys do anything else? Ever play with each others arse?"

"Yea, a bit..." Zayden paused for a second wandering whether to tell the whole truth, and decided against it.

"You were gonna say summin' else, little man. What else you done? Don't be shy, what ever it is, I have done it too".

"Well..." He stalled again.

Willem cut in and said "We play with our poo sometimes too"

"REALLY?" shouted Austen. "And you guys like that? Cos I do too!"

"Yea, we've done it a few times, Cohen too."

"Damn, you boys are DIRTY!" he grinned. "So, show me how you sucked those guys at the pool".

Zayden and Willem knelt on the sand either side of Austen. Zayden reached down and took the monster cock in his small hand. It was huge, his fingers not quite wrapping all the way around it. It also felt heavy in his hand, and it was so hard! He gently slid back the foreskin and nodded at Willem, who leaned over and took the piece in to his mouth. Austen moaned as Willem's lips wrapped around the huge cock being held by his friend. He licked around the exposed cock head as Zayden started to wank him off. Austen called Cohen to him and pulled him down onto the floor. He lent over him and planted his mouth onto the toddlers lips and started to kiss him as the two older boys continued to service his cock. He took Cohen's still hard cock between his fingers and started to slide his foreskin back, revealing the small cherry-like head. He groan in pleasure again as the older boys started taking in turns to suck him. He pushed his tongue deep into Cohen's mouth, tasting his saliva. He pulled back from Cohen and, opening his mouth, he curled his tongue and let his own saliva drip from his mouth into Cohen's, before pressing his mouth back against his. He started to thrust his hips, pushing his cock into alternate boys' mouths with each thrust. Zayden and Willem both had their hands wrapped around his shaft as they suck him. He tried to push deeper into their mouths, but neither were ready for deep-throating him yet, and they both gagged as the thick cock touched the back of their throats. He could feel his balls tightening as the boys continued to suck his big teen boy cock, his orgasm building deep in his balls. Austen kissed Cohen deeper and harder as he was brought closer and closer, then suddenly he erupted, coming long and hard. Ropes of cum shot up over him, landing in the sand over his head. By the third load he was splatting his load over Cohen's hair, who was still locked in a deep embrace with him. As his orgasm abated, he shot over the older boys faces, and then cum dribbled down his shaft, pooling where it met his pubic area. Willem and Zayden started to lick at the spunk as Austen held Cohen to him, smoothing the cum into his hair.

"WOW! you boys sure know how to suck cock. Anyone would think you had been practicing" laughed Austen. "OK, I need to take a piss. You guys all lay down right here and I'm gonna give you a shower". he got to his feet as the three young boys laid out on the sand next to each other, Cohen in the middle of the two older boys. Austen's cock was still semi-hard as he pulled back the foreskin and aimed his dick at Cohen. A spurt of piss shot from his cock, splashing onto Cohen's chest, but then dribbled to a stop onto the sand. He relaxed and let his stream of piss spray out again over little Cohen's body. He turned to his right and his pee began to soak Zayden's crotch. Moving back over Cohen, he sprayed Willem with his hot piss too. He moved back to Cohen and trained his stream onto the toddler's face. "Open up, Cohen!" Cohen opened his mouth, but closed it again as the acrid taste filled his mouth. He spat out the piss, which landed on his brother's chest. "Yea, you guys should kiss as I piss on you." Willem lent over ans started kissing his younger brother on the mouth as Austen's piss soaked the pair. Zayden lent over and Willem started to kiss his friend as the reached over the younger boy. Austen's piss soaked the three boys, plastering their hair to their heads and running down their smooth, tanned skin, making it glint in the sunlight. As his stream slowed, he got down on all fours and joined in the kissing. The last of his piss leaked out over the three as he pressed his tongue deep into Cohen's mouth. Kissing such a young boy made his cock rock hard again in seconds.

The smell of his piss on the three young boys just added to his hornyness and he wanted to be treated to the same. "Any of you boys need to piss too?" To his delight, all three needed to. He had Cohen stand on his ripped stomach, enjoying the unsteady weight of the toddler on top of him. As he steadied himself, his feet would press onto his hard cock. The two other boys stood either side of his head. Willem was the first to let his stream go. It overshot Austen, splashing Zayden on the legs. He re-aimed and piss fell down onto Austen's face. He opened his mouth, drinking in the piss. Just then Zayden's piss stream shot out right on target, adding more piss than Austen could swallow in one go. Their pee overflowed his lips, down his cheeks and soaked into the sand. He rubbed his fave with his hand, pushing the boys piss into his hair. Zayden shifted the angle of his cock and his pee stream went over Austen's blond hair. Willem continued to aim at the teenagers mouth, enjoying the dominant feeling of using this older boy as a urinal. Cohen was still moving about on Austen's stomach, rubbing his cock with his feet and occasionally treading on his balls too. Austen moved slightly, toppling the toddler, who fell on his arse, sitting astride Austen's hips, his ass cheeks sandwiching the big cock between them. He stood, giggling. Both of the older preteen boys' piss stream dried up, trickling to a stop, their cocks dripping the remains from their foreskins/ Both boys flicked their cocks about, shaking piss over themselves and Austen. Cohen stepped closer to Austen's head, his legs apart like his was riding an invisible horse. Austen reached up and took hold of his tiny little cock. "Gonna wee on me then littl' 'un?" Cohen smiled and concentrated and then a stream of piss spurted out, catching Austen in the eye. He wiped away as much as he could, but his eye started to sting as Cohen laughed and continued to spray his hot pee over the teenager. Once Cohen had finished peeing, Austen had him lay on top of him, and the two older boys lay either side and the three lay on the sand, letting the warm summer sun drying the piss on their bodies.

The four boys awoke with the sun overhead and the smell of dried piss filling their noses. Austen had a raging hardon that was rubbing against Cohen's balls with each throb. He rubbed Willem's and Zayden's smooth ass cheeks and then slid a middle finger between each of their asses and rubbed the tight little holes he found there. Under the pressure of his finger, both boy's puckers tightened up even more. He brought his fingers to his nose and sniffed their ripe holes which clearly hadn't been wiped properly as he could clearly smell their shit. His sucked on both fingers, tasting them and making them both wet with his saliva. His hands returned to both their smooth bums and started to work inside. Willem's hole really tightened up at the intrusion, but Zayden's seemed to open more, allowing Austen to slide his finger in to the second knuckle. Inside he could feel the tip of a firm turd. He brought the finger that was working Willem's hole back to his mouth and added more spit. This time when he pressed against Willem's hole, his finger tip slid in. He wriggled a bit and pulled back out, let Willem's hole relax again and then pushed back in, deeper this time. To his delight, Willem was also packing shit and this one felt softer than Zayden's.

"You boys need to take a dump, don't you," said Austen in more of a statement than a question. Both boys nodded, their heads still resting in angles created by Austen's arms and chest. "I want you to feed me it" both boys lifted their heads in disbelief at the request. They had never thought of eating shit before, perhaps too worried about it making them ill. "Sure!" exclaimed Zayden, kinda excited about the thought of pooing in this older boys mouth and watching him eat it. He jumped up and the other three boys followed, leaving Austen laid on his back. His hardon kept lifting from his belly and falling back. Zayden couldn't wait, he crouched stood over Austen's head and crouched down, his cheeks separating revealing the slightly brown-pink pucker to Austen. The teen watched, anticipating what was to come. Zayden's hole opened up a little as the boy pushed with his rectal muscles and then it closed again. The a fart come out, blowing hot, ripe air into Austen's face. He breath deeps, the stench of the fart turning him on even more. With the next push, Zayden's hole open up and the tip of the turd poked out. His anus stretched more and then shit started sliding out of the ass and fell down onto Austen's face. The end of the shit fell into Austen's open mouth and he started to chew on the acrid shit. Willem was lent over to watch the show, his face up close to Austen's face and Zayden's bottom. He got a full waft of the smell of Zayden's shit. Zayden pushed again and his ass opened up and another turd was squeezed out, falling in a slightly wet splat onto of the other turd all ready there laying on the teens face. He stood and turned, looking at the teen with his shit piled up on his face, sucking and chewing on the end of one.

Willem took Zayden's place, crouching over Austen. He pushed and shit came straight out, a small piece, followed by a long curling turd. The smell mingled with Zayden's and the shit laid on top. Austen was so boned by the smell, the taste, the warmth and the weight of the boys shit on his face, he reached up and took hold of Willem's long log and brought it to his hard cock. As he mashed the shit into his rock-hard nine inch cock his other hand started to rub the remaining shit into his face. He pressed more into his mouth and then flicked his shitty tongue at Zayden. Zayden knelt on the floor and slowly, but determinedly, brought his mouth to the teen's. He pressed down, the shit mashing into his lips and Austen's tongue pressing into his mouth. The shit didn't taste as bad as he thought it would and he was soon pressing his tongue back against Austen's.

Willem beckoned Cohen to join him and they started to massage the shit into Austen's big cock. They could fit all four of their hands along the length, as as the began to rub up and down his length, shit squeezed between their fingers. Tentatively Willem lent down and touched the tip of Austen's cock to his lips. Like Zayden, he found the shit didn't taste as bad as he though it would and took more of the cock into his mouth. Cohen continued to wank Austen's cock as Willem started to suck, taking more and more of Austen's shit-coated cock into his mouth. As his orgasm grew closer, Austen pulled Zayden closer to him, pressing his tongue deeper and deeper into his mouth. Zayden returned the action, pressing his smaller tongue against the teens, exploring his still shitty mouth. With Cohen and Willem working his cock under the shit coating it, Austen's orgasm reached him quickly. He groaned, sucking on Zayden's tongue as spunk shot deep into Willem's mouth. Willem let go of the cock, and the next load of come exploded up over Austen's head onto the sand. He continued to kiss Zayden and the remaining jism squirted over his chest and belly. He pulled apart from Zayden and looked down at the boys, Zayden and Willem's mouths were smeared with shit. To top it off, Willem had cum dribbling down his chit. His cock swelled a little again at the sight. Cohen was still holding his throbbing member, sliding the foreskin back and forth. As Cohen pushed forward, some cum oozed out from the hole and then trickled down over his shitty shaft, the white colour of the cum contrasting against the brown of the shit...

Email me at markyrickitt@hotmail.com Remember to include the title of this story!

Next: Chapter 7

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