Dirty Little Boys

By Marky Rickitt

Published on Feb 15, 2007


Here is part 5 of my Dirty Little Boys series. As the title suggests, it is about little boys being dirty (this part includes scat play between preteen boys and a toddler). If you don't like reading about young boys being sexual in a very hardcore nature, why are you on this website? If, however, you do like this subject- feel free to email me at markyrickitt@hotmail.com. Remember to include the title of this story as your subject line. If you would like a list with links to my other 40 or so stories to date, please just ask.

Themes in this story include: Incest, Preteen, Piss, Scat, Mud, Public.


That night Cohen insisted on sharing the bed with Willem and Zayden. The two older boys didn't mind, they would just involve him in their play. Willem and Zayden had taken to sleeping in the nude, which of course Willem's little brother wanted to copy. So the boys were laid in bed, under only a sheet due to the hot summer temperatures.

They laid in a row, Zayden, Willem then Cohen. Zayden leaned over and started to kiss Willem as they had done earlier. Both boys had enjoyed the feel of each others tongues inside their mouths. Probing, rolling over each other, their lips pressed together. They kissed like that for a few minutes before Zayden said Willem should kiss his brother like that too. Willem wasn't sure about kissing his little brother, it just didn't seem right, but Cohen didn't object when he leaned over and pressed his mouth against his. Cohen didn't really respond like Zayden did though. There was no returned exploration of Willem's mouth by Cohen. However, there was something exciting to Willem as he continued to kiss his young brother in front of his best friend. Zayden got up and moved down the bed. As the two brothers continued to kiss, he started to suck on Willem's hard dick and began to rub at Cohen's tiny little prick. Cohen started to get the hang of kissing and began to push his tongue back into Willem's mouth, increasing Willem's enjoyment. He began to thrust his hips, pushing his hard cock into Zayden's mouth as he laid there kissing his brother.

Cohen's cock grew hard under Zayden's touch. Zayden slid back his foreskin, revealing the small pink head of the toddler's cock. He swapped from sucking Willem's cock to sucking the younger brothers cock, gently squeezing the tiny balls inside the tight scrotum. Cohen squirmed under this new sensation and Willem held him closer to him, stopping him from moving away from his embrace. Willem reached down to where his friend was sucking Cohen's cock and held the base between his finger and thumb, sliding up and down the short shaft as Zayden did so with his mouth. He continued to kiss Cohen, exploring his wet mouth. Cohen's saliva was dribbling down their chins and soaking into the pillow.

Zayden scooted up the bed and took over kissing Cohen. He plunged straight in, pressing his tongue as deep as he could into the toddler's wet mouth. He then swapped to kiss the older brother, swapping between the two, exchanging spit between the three of them. Willem took both his brother's and Zayden's cocks in each hand and started to fiddle with them, sliding the foreskin back and fro as Zayden continued to kiss Cohen. He stepped up the pressure on Zayden, working towards yet another dry orgasm for that day. As he began to moan as quietly as he could he pressed his mouth hard against Cohen's to stifle the noise. His body shook, his hips thrusting forward, then he collapsed back on the bed, his hard cock tight against his belly.

The boys awoke to the smell of shit. Zayden reached down and felt shit plastered between him and Cohen, who was curled up asleep between him and Willem. Willem was wet from where Cohen had also pissed himself. The boys looked at each other in the dim light of the early morning. Zayden grinned and pressed his cock against Cohen's shitty ass. As he ground his crotch into Cohen's shit-caked behind, he felt his erection growing. Willem was rubbing both his and his younger brother's piss-wet crotch's, wanking them both off. Cohen awoke groggily and realised that he had messed the bed. He started to cry, thinking he would be told off by his older brother. Willem shushed him, telling him it was okay and then started to kiss him, pressing his tongue into his mouth like they had before falling asleep. Cohen continued to cry, his sobs heaving his body as Willem kissed deeper. His sobs subsided, but before the boys could carry on playing with the shitty Cohen, the light in the hall came on and Willem and Cohen's mum poked her head around the door. As the smell of shit hit her nose, she guessed what had happened. Rather disappointingly, the boys fun was over for the night...

The next morning Zayden and Willem offered to take Cohen off with them to play in the woods; that way they could play with Cohen without getting interrupted. They reached the tree house and both Zayden and Willem climbed the ladder but before Cohen could follow, they closed over the hatch on the floor, leaving the younger boy stuck on the ground. Cohen called up, begging for them to let him in. Willem called back down "If you want to come up, then you have to do everything we say!"

Little did Cohen know what he was letting himself in for when he pleaded "Please let me in, I'll do anything."

"Take off your clothes then" called down Zayden. Cohen hesitated, not sure whether he wanted to continue down this line or not. "You said you would do anything!" So Cohen took off his T-shirt, pulled off his trainers and socks and then yanked down his shorts. He stood on the patch of mud under the tree in just his tight briefs. "And them!", called down the boys. Cohen slowly slid down his pants, and stood there naked in the dry dirt.

Willem looked at Zayden and grinned. Both boys pulled down the front of their shorts and stood at the edge of the tree house and started to piss over the edge, down onto Cohen. He looked up to see what was splattering him and then stood back out of their stream. "Stay still if you want to come up!" The boys re-aimed and their pee sprinkled down onto the younger boy again. As the piss splashed onto the ground, it sprayed back up onto Cohen, splattering mud onto his legs. Zayden pulled his cock a little higher and his stream started to cover Cohen's hair, plastering it to his head, and then pee started to run down his face.

Once the boy's had finished pissing over Willem's little brother, they allowed him up into the tree house. As he climbed the ladder up the trunk, he could feel the piss cooling his skin as it evaporated into the hot summers day. By the time Cohen had reached the platform, both the older boys had stripped off their clothes also and we sat cross-legged on the floor. Cohen ran over to them and hastily sat down with them, glad he had been accepted up into the tree with the older boys.

"Okay, so how big is your willy, Cohen?" asked Zayden, "Show us when it gets hard" Cohen looked a little concerned, not sure how to make his dick get hard. Then he remembered that it had got hard when the older boys had played with him the other night. He stood and began to rub his little cock, sliding the foreskin back and fro over the glans. "Yeah, that's it, make him hard and we will compare to see who has the biggest dick". Watching the younger boy play with his cock made the two older boys get hard themselves. They stood like Cohen and started to play with themselves, bringing their cocks to full mast.

Obviously, Cohen was much smaller than the older boys and so, he had to do a dare. For his dare, Cohen had to suck both the boys. He knelt on the planks of the platform in front of the two older boys and took first his brothers cock in his mouth, sucked for a few seconds and then Zayden's cock, again sucking for a few seconds.

The next trial the boys set was to see who could shout the loudest. They each shouted their own name separately, and then all at the same time. Again, being so much younger than either Zayden or his brother, Cohen lost this match. This time Willem set the forfeit and Cohen had to kiss both boys with tongues, like they had the other night whilst Zayden sucked them. Willem sat again on the floor, cross-legged and signalled for Cohen to sit on his lap, his legs either side of Willem. He cuddled him as Cohen pressed his mouth to his brother and then pressed his tongue into Willem's mouth. They kissed for a few moments and then Cohen sat on Zayden the same way. Zayden pressed his young mouth against Cohen's younger mouth and then pressed his tongue into the warm, wet darkness. His cock twitched, getting hard yet again.

The next dare was yet again rigged for Cohen to lose and this time the forfeit was for Cohen to sniff their ass holes as they farted. Cohen giggled at the idea and knelt on all fours ready to sniff the older boys' bums. Zayden leaned over in front of Cohen, pulled his buttocks apart, making his hole twitch in front of Cohen's face, then push with his ass muscles. His hole opened up as a fart ripped out of him. Cohen was blasted with the fart, which smelt awful, making him wrinkle his nose up. Next was Willem. Instead of standing away from his brother, he pushed his arse right back against Cohen's face and then squeezed out a slow, silent fart. Cohen sniffed in deep, getting used to the smell.

The next and final competition had Cohen loosing yet again. "As you covered me in poop last night, I think we should do the same to you today" said Zayden, winking at Willem. Cohen didn't put up a resistance. "Lay down on your back and we're gonna dump our shit onto you". Cohen hastily laid down, enjoying being dominated by the two older boys. At the thought of shitting on the younger boy, both Zayden and Willem got erections. They stood back to back, legs either side of Cohen's torso and then crouched down together, Willem facing his little brother's face, Zayden facing his feet. The boys pushed a little. Zayden farted and Willem pushed out a small piece of shit. They both pushed again, and then both boys curled out long turds onto Cohen's chest and stomach. "Man that stinks!" cried Willem, as the mixed smells of both their loads hit their noses. They both stood up, pressing their backs to each other. Zayden turned, pressing his body to his friend, their prepubuscent hard-ons rubbing against each other. He raised his foot and pressed it into Willem's pile of shit on Cohen's chest. The shit squashed under his foot, squeezing between his toes. leaning into Willem and kissing him, he slid his foot up Cohen's chest, smearing the shit up to his throat. He then slid his foot backwards, mixing Willem's shit with his, squashing then together under his foot. He pushed backward with his foot, smearing their mixed shit down toward Cohen's crotch, where he began massaging the tiny cocklet under his shit-covered foot. Zayden felt Cohen getting hard against the sole of his foot. He parted from the kiss with Willem and knelt, his knees either side of Cohen's legs. He took the toddlers shit-covered erection in his hand and started to wank him. Within a few seconds the younger boy was shuddering and moaning from a dry-orgasm. Zayden continued to rub him, keeping him hard. Before long Cohen started to moan again as another orgasm spread through his tiny, shitty body.

Zayden stood, and gestured to Willem, asking if his wanted to play. Willem laid down on top of his little bothers body, pressing the shit between them, the warm, smelly shit making his cock throb. He planted his lips on Cohen's, and started a deep embrace, pushing his tongue into his brother's mouth. They pressed their bodies together, the shit forming a seal between their smooth skin. Willem gave one last deep kiss to his brother, then pushed with his hands against the floor, separating them with a sticky, wet noise. The shit was plastered on both their bodies and as they came apart, pieces fell from Willem's body, revealing patches of white skin amongst the brown.

The three boys ran through the wood towards the pond, the shit on Willem's and Cohen's fronts and between Willem's and Zayden's ass cheeks and around their holes drying in the heat of the day. They plunged into the water, Cohen staying in the shallows. they splashed and rubbed at each others bodies, cleaning themselves off. The shit slowly washed off as they rubbed at their skin, smearing the shit more before it started to disappear into the water...

END OF PART 5. mail me with the title of this story as the subject line at markyrickitt@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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