Dirty Little Boys

By Marky Rickitt

Published on Jan 31, 2007


Here's a third part to my story, Dirty Little Boys. As the title suggests, it is about little boys being dirty. If you don't like reading about young boys being sexual in a very hardcore nature, why are you on this website? If, however, you do like this subject- feel free to email me at markyrickitt@hotmail.com. Remember to include the title of this story as your subject line. If you would like a list with links to my other 40 or so stories to date, please just ask. Oh, and some good news for all the guys that keep asking when the scat will start- I have started part 4 and it will have some light scat before getting heavier in part 5, so please bear with me! X

Themes in this story include: Incest, Preteen, Piss, Scat, Mud, Public.


Willem's dad didn't go to the water park, so, when they arrived, Cohen went with their mum to the Women's and Willem and Zayden rushed off to the Men's changing rooms. Inside, the boys dumped their bags on the wooden bench. It was still early in the morning and, looking around the room, there was about about half a dozen other people there. A man with his son about Willem and Zayden's age, who the boys eyed up and decided could be fun later. Two teenagers who were naked, their hairy cocks on display. Both Willem and Zayden were transfixed by their balls and cocks hanging between their muscular legs. Both teenager's cocks looked huge to the boys. Then on the other side of the changing room were two older guys about Willem's dad's age. Again, their cocks looked huge to the young boys. Willem had always been intrigued about his dad's cock, who was never secretive about it. Willem and Zayden stripped off their clothes, and both the teenagers looked over at the boys. Zayden noticed this and decided to put on a little display and flicked his cock and balls with his hand, giving himself a semi hard on. The teens looked at each and laughed. One of them grabbed his own cock and gave it a little rub and grinned at the two younger boys. Not noticing Willem and Zayden's involvement in this little charade, the man with there with his son gave the teen a dirty look and told his son to hurry up and they left for the main area. As they went through the door, the young boy looked back over his shoulder at Willem and Zayden and smiled. Just after the two guys also left without even noticing this little sexual play between the two teens and two preteen boys.

Watching the teen play with himself had made Willem hard. The teens shouted over for the two boys to follow them and then shoved their stuff into the nearest locker, grabbed their towels and swimming shorts and disappeared into the shower area. Willem looked at Zayden and grinned. The boys followed suit, packing their stuff into the locker and heading for the shower. As they turned the corner, they found the two boys under the water slowly jacking each others erections as they kissed. They continued to do this as they beckoned the boys over. Both Zayden and Willem cautiously went over, where the teen who hard rubbed his cock at Zayden, gently pushed Willem to his knees and pressed his cock to his lips. The other boy did the same to Zayden as they continued to kiss each other. Both younger boys open their mouth as the teens pushed their pubescent cocks into the warmth. Willem and Zayden's' jaws were open as wide as they could go to fit around the teen boys thicken cocks. Both teens had a few years more growth on their cocks, but already they had girth enough to fill the preteen boys' mouths. As they sucked their first cocks, the older boys continued to kiss each other, leaning over the two boys knelt between them; the water rushing down over them all. Just as the teen that Zayden was sucking started to cum, shocking Zayden and making him gag and spit, there was a call from the other room. It was a woman's voice that Willem recognised instantly. "Willem, Zayden, are you in there?" Willem stood up quickly and the two teen boys dashed to grab their shorts. the two young boys grabbed their speedos and slipped into them and ran from the showers with their towels. "Oh, good, there you are. I see you boys have taken a shower. Do they teach you that in school? When I was little they always insisted you had to take a shower before going into a pool." The two boys just agreed with her and tried to ignore the face that Willem's mum had come into the men's changing room!

Outside in the sun, it was already hot. The boys dumped their towels on some sun loungers that Willem's mum had secured and headed for the slides. It was quiet now, but would soon get packed and they would have to wait in line for their turn, so would make the most of it now. By lunch time the boys were starving and tired from running up stairs all morning. Cohen and his mum had stayed around the toddlers pool all morning and, to be honest, Willem's mum was now bored. "Another hour boys, and then were gonna head off. You can play on the beach, or near the pond again this evening."

The boys rushed off to make a final round of their favourite slides. As they climbed the third one, they ended up behind their teenage friends from earlier. The teen pretended not to notice the two younger boys but inside their shorts they were both hiding their hardons with a hand in their pockets. They disappeared down the slide. When Willem reached the bottom, the two teens were waiting for him. "Meet us in the toilet, we wanna play again..." and then, before Zayden reached the bottom, they both disappeared.

"Those boys want to meet us, in the toilet" Willem blurted out as soon as Zayden reached the bottom.

"Really? Do they want to do the same thing again?" asked Zayden

"Dunno, but lets go, their dicks were huge and hairy man!"

Zayden wasn't so sure, the stuff the boy had shot in his mouth had shocked him, but then again, it was fun. And, maybe, that stuff actually tasted quite good. Was it pee? He didn't think so; the bit he had wiped from his mouth was white, thick and sticky. Yesterday when Willem had wee'd on him and got some in his mouth, it had tasted completely different. He shrugged and followed Willem off to the toilets.

Inside they found the two teens at the sinks. When the teens saw Willem and Zayden come in they headed straight for the large disabled cubicle and left the door open. The boys followed, wrinkling their noses up at the strong smell of stale piss. The teens locked the cubicle door as the boys entered and each took a boy to the opposite side of the area. Both teens squatted down and slowly pulled down the boys speedos, revealing their smooth, hairless crotches. Taking them in their mouths, the teens worked the younger boys' cocks until they both hard aching erections. They continued to suck, rubbing their hands over Willem and Zaydens' wet bodies, tweaking their nipples, cupping their balls, caressing their buttocks. Zayden's body started to stiffen and then his legs started to shake as his orgasm built inside him. The teen sucking him held his body as he carried on sucking him, but Zayden collapsed to the floor, exhausted by the intensity of his first blow job.

"Got any pee in there?" the teen sucking Willem asked. Willem nodded. "Let's have it then!" he encouraged. Willem concentrated, trying to pee through his ever-so-stiff cock. Suddenly he squirted piss into the teens mouth, who swallowed as much as he could. He took his mouth off of Willem's cock, and let the piss spray over him.

The other teen stood over Zayden and aimed his cock downward at him as he still lay on the concrete floor. As Willem pissed over the other teen, Zayden received a shower of piss over his body. The teen moved his cock, soaking Zayden all over, but concentrating mainly on his blond hair. Zayden laid they, enjoying the warmth of the teens piss. He opened his mouth to taste some and the teen took advantage and aimed straight for his mouth, filling it to over flowing.

Meanwhile the other teen was jacking his cock furiously as Willem continued to piss through his erect little cock. As the teen reached orgasm, he stood up and shot he cum over Willem's smooth chest. Spurt after spurt, which ran down Willem in a stream, splitting at his cock and seeping into the crevice between his legs and balls. Willem's piss stream trickled to an end and he stood in front of the older boy.

On the other side of the cubicle, the teen pissing over Zayden had stopped peeing and was not wanking his cock and about to shoot over the boy still laying in the pool of piss on the floor. He lent against the wall as he shot. The first load hitting the wall in front of him. he pushed his cock lower, aiming it more at Zayden and the second load hit him in the face, the third in his hair. The rest dripped from his cock onto Zayden's chest.

Leaving the boys on the floor, the teens pulled up their swim shorts and left the toilets. The two younger boys remained in the cubicle, stunned by what had just happened. What was all that sticky White stuff!? They wiped it from each other and then headed for the pool to wash it off before meeting Willem's mother for the ride home...

Email me at markyrickitt@hotmail.com. Remember to include the title of this story!

Next: Chapter 4

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