Dirty Little Boys

By Marky Rickitt

Published on Jan 24, 2007


Here's the second part of my latest story, Dirty Little Boys. As the title suggests, it is about little boys being dirty. If you don't like reading about young boys being sexual in a very hardcore nature, why are you on this website? If, however, you do like this subject- feel free to email me at markyrickitt@hotmail.com. Remember to include the title of this story as your subject line. If you would like a list with links to my other 40 or so stories to date, please just ask.

Themes in this story include: Incest, Preteen, Piss, Scat, Mud, Public.


When the boys got back from the dinner with Willem's dad's friend, they were all ready for bed. Cohen was already asleep and had to be carried in and put into bed by Willem's father. As there were only two beds, a double and single, in the bedroom, Zayden would have to share with Willem; Cohen was still prone to wetting the bed at night for his parents to even suggest Cohen share with Willem to give Zayden a bed to himself. Not that Willem minded this situation. Now he got to sleep with his best mate Zayden and, after this afternoons little games, who knew what they would get up to? As the boys got out of their clothes and slipped on their P.J.s, they were all ready eyeing each other up. By the time they jumped into bed, both boys were tenting out their pyjamas. They suppressed their giggles so as not to wake Cohen and they started to feel each other up under the covers.

They started to play a game where Willem had to imitate what Zayden did and then do something else, which Zayden then had to do. Zayden started off with sliding back Willem's foreskin and circling his finger around the base of Willem's glans. The feeling in Willem was so intense that Willem gasped and arched his back, making Zayden laugh. Willem's mum called in for them to be quiet and not to wake Cohen. Willem slid back Zayden's foreskin on his hard cock and circled his finger around Zayden's cock head. Now it was Zayden's turn to arch his back and try all he could to stifle his groan of pleasure. Willem followed this up by holding Zayden's small, smooth balls in his hand as he slid the foreskin back and fro. Zayden imitated Willem then ducked down under the sheet and took Willem's cock into his mouth and sucked for a few seconds on his friends cock. Willem pushed his head back into the pillow, his eyes rolled back in his head from the intense please coursing through his body. Again, Willem imitated Zayden's act and took another step. He pressed his finger against Zayden's asshole and wriggled his finger about trying unsuccessfully to get inside. When he pulled away, he sniffed his finger and could smell the faint whiff of Zayden's shit. On Zayden's attempt to get his finger inside Willem, he managed to get the tip of his finger inside where he felt turd inside. Zayden pulled out and sniffed his finger and then sucked it. Willem laughed out loud, kinda grossed out and excited by his friend's act.

Willem's laugh had woke Cohen, who groggily got out of his bed and came over to the older boy's bed. Their mum called in again to tell them to be quiet. Willem had no choice but to let Cohen in the bed with them. Four-year-old Cohen jumped up and climbed over Willem to squeeze in between his brother and Zayden. As he did so, he couldn't help but brush over Willem's hard cock, prompting the question:

"Why is your dinky hard, Willem?"

"Cos it is! Doesn't yours get hard?"


"Bet it does. Zayden's does too, feel it.

Remaining sat on Willem's stomach, Cohen turned to Zayden and reached to his crotch and took hold of his solid little cock. He tentatively felt the older boys hardness in his hand, then accepted the fact that cock gets hard. He turned around and slipped in between the two boys. Zayden then reached over and started to rub Cohen's crotch. "Bet I can make your little dinky get hard"

"Really!?" asked Cohen, sounding really excited at the prospect.

"Sure, let me rub him, and you'll see..."

Zayden carried on rubbing Cohen's little cock and, sure enough, within about thirty seconds Cohen was sporting a two inch boner between his legs.

"See, I told you I could make it stiff. Now you have to rub mine too."

Not to be left out, Willem added "and mine!"

The two older boys closed their eyes as Willem's little brother took both their cocks in his small hands and started to rub over them.

"Slide the skin back and fro" instructed Zayden. "Yea, that's it."

Both of the older boys simultaneously reached down to take hold of Cohen's still stiff cock. They compromised, Willem cupping his tiny little balls, which almost instantly disappeared under the pressure of his hand, leaving a taut bit of scrotum under his cock, and Zayden gently sliding Cohen's foreskin back, revealing the small glans at the tip. When Zayden started to circle his finger around the base of Cohen's glans, Cohen burst out laughing. "That tickles!" he giggled.

Willem and Cohen's mum poked her head round the door and told them to be quite and try to get to sleep. "Is Cohen OK in there with you boys? Make him sleep in his own bed if he's a problem"

"No, he's OK, mum. He woke up and asked if he could come in with us."

"OK. Well get some sleep boys, I thought we'd go to that big water park tomorrow and you'll all be too tired!"

"Cool!" said Zayden and Willem in stereo...

With that she turned and closed the door. The boys got straight back to where they were and started rubbing each other's hard little pricks. Willem reached over to take Zayden's in his hand, letting Cohen deal with him and Zayden to play with Cohen's. Under the pressure of Willem's hand, Zayden was soon arching his back, suppressing the moan that was deep inside him as a dry orgasm rushed through his groin and to the tip of his cock and then through his body. Willem loved making his friend feel like that. As the dry orgasm subsided, Willem continued to rub his friend, but took hold of Cohen's cock as well, who was still rubbing at his brother. "Let Zayden rub me Co'" Zaden reached over and started to massage his friends stiff cock. As the boys rubbed each other with Cohen between them, Willem could feel his own orgasm building in his loins. He grabbed the pillow to stifle his groan as his body started to shake. Just after that Zayden's second dry orgasm in 5 minutes spread out across his body. The two older boys collapsed back to the mattress, their stiff little cocks still throbbing. Their dry orgasms created a warm aftermath in their body's, having drained their energy. When Willem's and Cohen's mum looked in half an hour later, the boys were fast asleep under the sheets...

Mail me at markyrickitt@hotmail.com (remember to include the title of this story!)

Next: Chapter 3

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